Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter

Photo gallery is up at the KnAAPO website:

Lots of intriguing detail differences to the prototypes (no "hockey stick" IFF aerials, several probable MAWS apertures, different IRST fairing - although IIRC that was seen at least once on one of the demonstrators - and a redesigned tail sting cone). Composite use seems limited to access panels, fuselage spine and possibly tailerons.

EDIT: The canopy appears to be coated and the gun is either not installed yet or has gained a frangible LO fairing over the muzzle (like the Typhoon/Rafale).
Gorgeous! Some might be disappointed by the conservative Su-27 camouflage pattern, but I have always thought the normal Flanker three-tone blue scheme would match superbly with "modern" light grey dielectric fairings. It's like an Audi S4 - looks almost exactly like a normal A4 but goes like a ROCKET ;)

The taileron leading edges are still bare though, so they're probably not composite after all - most likely reinforced with titanium sheets, as already seen on the stabilator tips of previous Flanker variants.
I am disapointed about the camo scheme for sure. :( How about the RWR triangles (and not just triangles) in tail stinger, where did those go?
(C) Vadim



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Flanker fans, i'm sure you're gonna love this ... :eek:

So, does anyone knows more about this OEIS system? Is it something akin to F-35's EODAS? Thanks. :)
lancer21 said:
So, does anyone knows more about this OEIS system? Is it something akin to F-35's EODAS? Thanks. :)
That picture shows Su-35S-2. Just compare with "06" from Su-35S-2 gallery:

Exact same.
flateric said:
those guilty will be punished

Yeah, send those guilty to Siberia ! Oh wait they're already there ... ;D

Anyway maybe they will be kind to upload the right pics of S-3, aviation nutters like me love that site. Kudos to KnAAPO, keep'em rolling. :)
Some pics of ( hopefully !lol) Su-35S-3:

Strangley the first two pics get swapped when you click to enlarge them. Anyway thanks to mr. Ivanenko for his efforts , now please a few closer ones sah? ;D
I am just wondering why they are still flight testing the Serial machines. Are there issues to be ironed out still or just some preliminary checks before handing over to the BBC?
I really like the black and white camo of the prototypes though. The factory color doesn't look good. Not that it impacts the performance of the aircraft though. But I thought I read somewhere that the black and white camo can help in avoiding getting tracked visually from the ground at low altitudes.
CrimsonStars said:
I am just wondering why they are still flight testing the Serial machines. Are there issues to be ironed out still or just some preliminary checks before handing over to the BBC?

"BBC" made me lol. Yeah, it is serial in same way there are serial F-35A's. Well, it is a bit more progressed along i think/hope.

CrimsonStars said:
The factory color doesn't look good.

Although i loved splinter of 902 and 904, i don't agree here. The camo looks fantastic. Same on Su-27SM3's.
I wish you good day,
Chinese interest in the SU-35 , to insure against failure at J-20
kulus said:
Chinese interest in the SU-35 , to insure against failure at J-20

Honestly, I'm very sceptical on the reliability of these reports ... to admit from both sides !

1. Why should - other than to earn money ! - Sukhoi sell the Su-35 esp. given the still ongoing accusations on copy-right issues ?!

2. Why should China buy the Su-35S or better to ask what can the Su-35 offer at propably substantially higher cost, what a few more J-11B can't do cheaper even if they might be not as capable as this latest Russian version ? ... and even more with all these Flankers running off the line at SAC and the latest developments in line I think the PLAAF has surely enough Flankers operational.

Could it be that this "the Chinese have asked Russia to sell them the new Sukhoi Su-35" was more a requet for Information ??

As such, sorry, but IMO that just some election rumbling, nothing more ... but if anyone with a better inseight - "flateric" !!??? - could help I'm willing to learn.

talks since 2010 that China is interested in S-400 and Su-35. well, they will have to wait for S-400 at least as we just can't build them so fast even to supply our own air defense

recent article claimed that they interested to buy 48 S-35 and deal is kinda close (source is respected Kommersant Daily - the only problem is Russia wants guarantees that it will not be copied - and can't get them

other sources - even more trustworthy - say that it's WE who want to sell minimum 48 for $4bln, and China only agrees to buy 24

but today's press say that it's no more than talks so far and whishful thinking
of course, wows here about selling another airframe for them to copy it
I agree with Deino's sentiments and find it highly unlikely that the Russians will be selling the Chinese the Su-35 anytime in the near future.The large number of indigenous Chinese Flanker variants now either in production or development makes me question why they need another Russian produced aircraft.
On the Russian side of the equation, why sell some of your best technology to a nation that's all ready producing quasi legal clones of your best front line fighters?
flanker said:

I see one target, not multiple, unless the number at the bottom right of the target X is an indication of number of targets/aircraft in a tight knit flight of planes as opposed to the altitude (target diving from 4000m to 1000m as the distance closes?).
saintkatanalegacy said:
Perhaps because it's less confusing than say... flat bars all bunched up together

Yeah that's a fun thing to deal with in LoMAC
A first, Su-35S with ECM pods. L-265, same as on Su-34. Not sure if Su-34 use SAP-518 or modification of it, but on this picture it sure looks like SAP-518. 30/5/12.


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The new Su-35s "05 Red" (serial number 01-05), "Red 06"(serial number 01-06) and "Red 07"(serial number 01-07),
with a new color of the Russian Air Force with a dark gray top and blue bottom like as on the Su-34 and probably soon on the Su-30SM.

Source in Russian:


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And if you want more Su-35S pics in really high-rez, check here ;D
fightingirish said:
The new Su-35s "05 Red" (serial number 01-05), "Red 06"(serial number 01-06) and "Red 07"(serial number 01-07),
with a new color of the Russian Air Force with a dark gray top and blue bottom like as on the Su-34 and probably soon on the Su-30SM.
Source in Russian:

The colors on Su-35S/Su-30SM are not same as on Su-34/Su-25SM. Just to quote myself, i think this is how things are (were):

Well, seems there are generally three directions of gray:

1: Attack/strike aircrafts. Su-34 and Su-25SM's have same shades.
2: Fighters aircrafts, Su-30SM and Su-35S have same shades.
3: Transport aircrafts and helicopters. An-12, Mi-28N, Mi-8's, Ka-52's etc.

According to an Izvestia article the new MoD wants to reverse the whole aubergine deal. Izvestia isn't considered very trustworthy, but i sure as heck hope they will reverse it.
can anyone help with a better translation or summary !??

俄新网RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科3月23日报道,俄罗斯武装力量总参谋长格拉西莫夫将军周六在俄军事部门会见中国国家主席习近平和俄国防部长绍伊古时表示,俄罗斯武装力量现代武器系统订单已经超前10-15年。   他在俄罗斯武装力量行动管理中心发言时表示:“目前我们现代武器系统订单已经超前10-15年,例如S-400防空系统、‘北风之神'级潜水艇、最新一代苏-35战斗机。生产这种技术设备的工厂订单已满。”

Sorry, ... so that deal fell thru and the Russian side argued the reason was due to a already "full" production line (= order book) ???

Deino ???
I don't believe it. The known order book of Su-35 consisted of just 48 planes.
China has agreed to buy two dozen fighter jets and four submarines from Russia, state media reported Monday, the country's first large-scale weapons technology purchases from Moscow in a decade.

The agreement to buy the 24 Su-35 fighters and four Lada-class submarines was signed just before President Xi Jinping's weekend visit to Russia, said the People's Daily, the Communist Party organ, citing state television.

The report, which did not give a value for the purchases, said it was the first time in 10 years China had bought "large military technological equipment" from Russia.

The deal comes as Beijing expands its military reach -- it commissioned its first aircraft carrier last year -- and is embroiled in a bitter territorial row with Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea.

Two of the submarines will be built in Russia, with the other two to be built in China.

"The Su-35 fighters can effectively reduce pressure on China's air defence before Chinese-made stealth fighters come online," the report said.

China and Russia are expected to co-operate further in developing military technology, the report said, including that for S-400 long-range anti-aircraft missiles, 117S large thrust engines, IL-476 large transport aircraft and IL-78 aerial tankers.

China's defence ministry had no immediate comment on the report.

Xi visited Moscow from Friday to Sunday for talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, his first trip abroad since becoming head of state earlier this month.

The countries signed around 30 energy and other agreements during the visit.

Xi also met Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and became the first foreign leader to visit the Russian armed forces' control centre.

Moscow and Beijing, which were once bitter foes during the Cold War, have strengthened cooperation in recent years to counterbalance what they see as US global dominance.

Earlier this month China announced a further double-digit rise in its defence budget, raising it by 10.7 percent to 720.2 billion yuan ($116.3 billion) in 2013.

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