Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter

Must look close to these sub-launched 3M-54E


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Sorry all. I don’t speak English.

2 flateric


Это мы с тобой Су-35 фотографировали вечером в первый день?
Если я давал адрес этого форума - то да)
Привет! :)
Не могу разобраться, как сюда постить фотки с миниатюрами. В общем-то, ты их наверняка видел на В среду я опять его пофоткал немного. Прорваться наверх самому не удалось и я попросил знакомого сфотать кабину и спину. Фотки лежат там же, в доп. фотографиях третьего дня.
А, тут все знают уже этот сайт - я ссылки запостил на него в четверг или среду прошлую))),2344.0.html

Отличные фотки! Сразу видно разницу между DSLRкой и ширпотребным говном...ну и мастерством фотографа))
Там среди субботних фоток есть интересная вещь. На экспозиции НИИП (где Ирбис) АФАР L-диапазона. Эта РЛС создана для ПАК-ФА и предназначена для установки в отклоняемом носке крыла. Предполагаю, как дополнительное РЛС оборудование.
Считается, что Х-диапазон стелсов не видит, а L видит.

Ладно, спать пойду. :)
Su-35 said:
Там среди субботних фоток есть интересная вещь. На экспозиции НИИП (где Ирбис) АФАР L-диапазона. Эта РЛС создана для ПАК-ФА и предназначена для установки в отклоняемом носке крыла. Предполагаю, как дополнительное РЛС оборудование.
Считается, что Х-диапазон стелсов не видит, а L видит.

Ладно, спать пойду. :)
Hi Su-35,
the AFAR L-band is not against stealth aircrafts at all, will be used within the IFF and ECCM system integrated to PAK-FA AFAR radar.
To quote the chap in Battle of Britain, "And never, repeat never, for private Polish chit-chat!" ;D was not good, yes...should I delete posts?

Su-35 = Hokum (
Sorry flateric, i not Hokum. Hokum my friend. :)
My addon photos on a (мои только те, что в дополнительных).
LowObservable said:
To quote the chap in Battle of Britain, "And never, repeat never, for private Polish chit-chat!" ;D

Don't worry, I already leave. :)
Sorry to take so long with this. Brain must be old and tired.

Su-35 radar has mechanical AND electronic scanning. Which means enormous field of regard...

Mech scanning is probably not ultra-fast because there is lots of mass to move compared with a MSA. But that might also explain the use of passive ESA...
So, is that what Tikhomirov's NIIP made a show of at their stand?


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No way Flateric, that AESA module is just to big to fit in the leading edge, you need electrical power, cooling, and lots of space to fit that thing.

Most probably that could be RAM or just primer paint.
Scorpion82 said:
BTW is any first flight date known for the new Su-35?

Su-35 '901' was just completed in August prior MAKS and flew to airshow onboard An-124. First flight said to be 'nearest time'. Chief test pilot Yuri Vashyuk.Second and fourth test vehicles are under construction right now at KnAAPO. - (Vzlyot #8-9/2007 magazine)
Pit said:
No way Flateric, that AESA module is just to big to fit in the leading edge, you need electrical power, cooling, and lots of space to fit that thing.

Most probably that could be RAM or just primer paint.

In case with Su-35 you are 100% right. In case with PAK-FA, NIIP and Sukhoi will put it into the wing leading edge slots according to two sources.


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Just a thought. What if the antenna is actually in the wing, and the slat just has a radar transparent section in it?
LowObservable said:
To quote the chap in Battle of Britain, "And never, repeat never, for private Polish chit-chat!" ;D

Mmm...where was this in the movie? Was it at all?)))
Something of the sort - after the Poles defy orders and attack the German bombers... I think it's the scene where the Poles listen carefully to their interpreter and then break out in a spontaneous cheer (with no interpretation) when they are told that they are operational.
Sukhoi have prepared additional versions of the Su-35, one with modified intakes incorporating radar signal blockers and conformal weapons pod between intakes.

Perhaps this is a hedge against PAK-FA cancellation?

Attached are two images; first was taken from MAKS airshow poster I believe, seems to show Su-27 with odd bulge, second is fictional depiction of this modified Su-35, both from


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Please note that talks here about 'first' Su-35 follow-on studies from mid and late 90s, made, in common, in attempt to interest international customers, such as UAE. Initial info on that goes from Andrey Fomin's article in Take-Off magazine (Dec 2005). It's not quite clear when 'first' Su-35 T-10M-11 lost his canards.
The 711 lost its canards? When should that happened? The aircraft crashed almost 5 years ago, I don't think they removed the canards, as this would have required LERX changes as well.
Not concrete aircraft. Type. T-10M
overscan said:
Sukhoi have prepared additional versions of the Su-35, one with modified intakes incorporating radar signal blockers and conformal weapons pod between intakes.

All they had prepared were project sketches and one scaled down mock-up(kit) to impress the customer. They even wanted from the customer to finance the R&D of the Su-35 advanced modifications. With this in mind and with my usual scepticism, here is my view of the situation at that time.

Well, in 1993 the Sukhoi is expecting to take part in the tender for the supply of new aircrafts to UAE, a country using exclusively west (US, French, GB) military aircrafts from the beginning of its airforce history. Sukhoi is offering an exotic version of the Su-35 with a conformal weapon bay, considerably increased internal fuel volume and somehow (not specified) changed engine intakes(?).
The UAE even didnt take the Sukhoi offer seriously, they rejected it early on. The F-16 Block 60 has been picked out among the Eurofighter Typhoon, France's Rafale and Boeing F-15E evaluated in the fighter jet tender. For Sukhoi the tender was lost in advance, so it is even harder to believe that they began to develop any new Su-35 variant. When you consider the time period those desperate early 90`s with Russian economics falling down and aviation industry tearing apart where the company management tend to sell anything from A to Z.

Anyway, I wonder why any of those proclaimed improvements haven`t been realized with the Su-35BM "901", nowadays Sukhoi seems to have more money that ever before. Please do not be angry at me but I personally would hardly call it a "Bolshaya modernizatsia". :)
What if it's just a conformal fuel tank, perhaps with 4 semi-recessed hardpoints for R-77s (as has been hinted at in brochures etc.)?

Actually, I found this picture far more interesting and I'm surprised noone on this or any other forum I frequent has commented on it sofar:

OT, I know - but: MiG 1.42 style tailfins and a new wing that has a planform very similar to that designed for the original MiG-35.
Trident said:
What if it's just a conformal fuel tank, perhaps with 4 semi-recessed hardpoints for R-77s (as has been hinted at in brochures etc.)?

Actually, I found this picture far more interesting and I'm surprised noone on this or any other forum I frequent has commented on it sofar:

OT, I know - but: MiG 1.42 style tailfins and a new wing that has a planform very similar to that designed for the original MiG-35.

When equiped with IFR probe what is the purpose of putting more internal fuel to Flanker anyway?? I thought there is enough internal fuel volume in the airframe, isn`t it?

Those Mig-35 model tailfins have not been machined correctly ;D. Compare the old and new Mig-29 layout, is there any difference?


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It was the first thing Paralay told me at MAKS after looking at topping model - I didn't notice this, too ;D
Andrey Fomin's article on Su-35 from the August-September 2007 Take-Off magazine. Beautiful Mikheev's cutaway fold-out. In English.


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Su-35 maiden flight occured today at Gromov LII at Zhukovsky. Tomorrow will be declared officially during Putin/Medvedev vizit to LII. 50 minutes flight in spite of some preparation problems and not good weather.

News origin
Nice ... here are four small pictures !

Some screen caps and first maiden flight video on the net.
Interview with Sukhoi test pilot Sergey Bogdan.


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and three more in high-rez !

Photos origin + more hi-res there
That seems to confirm that the Su-35 has no rearward looking radar.

Here you can find some videos (first flight, presentation etc.):
Extended video with some extra inflight footage.
New maiden flight photos
Second 2-hour Su-35 flight - March 6:

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