Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter

Just found :eek:... and IMO the post of the month !!

Since it finally confirms them assigned to the 6. Brigade (aka former 6. AR, 2. Division) at Suixi with the correct numbers applied.
As I assumed, the so far seen numbers were only applied for the transfer from Russia.



  • PLAAF Su-35 61174 - 6. Brigade - 20170927.jpg
    PLAAF Su-35 61174 - 6. Brigade - 20170927.jpg
    88.1 KB · Views: 345
  • PLAAF Su-35 61177 - 6. Brigade - 20170927.jpg
    PLAAF Su-35 61177 - 6. Brigade - 20170927.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 385
Deino said:
Just found :eek:... and IMO the post of the month !!

Since it finally confirms them assigned to the 6. Brigade (aka former 6. AR, 2. Division) at Suixi with the correct numbers applied.
As I assumed, the so far seen numbers were only applied for the transfer from Russia.


I am curious to know what military district are 6 Brigade in Deino? :-\
FighterJock said:
Deino said:
Just found :eek:... and IMO the post of the month !!

Since it finally confirms them assigned to the 6. Brigade (aka former 6. AR, 2. Division) at Suixi with the correct numbers applied.
As I assumed, the so far seen numbers were only applied for the transfer from Russia.


I am curious to know what military district are 6 Brigade in Deino? :-\

Southern Theatre Command !
First pics of the Egyptian Su-35 via RussianPlane's Alexey Korshunov


I had no idea Egypt ordered them.
They have a very very diverse fleet of 4th gen jets. Mirage 2000, Rafale, F-16s, MiG-29s, and now Su-35s

what are the alliances in the Libyan civil war these days?

France, Russia, Egypt, UAE, eastern Libya (LNA)


Qatar, Turkey, Italy western Libya? (GNA)

cant keep track anymore and I know people are switching sides often too
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Are they really Egyptian flown? Sound like 1950's Korea :eek:

And to complicates things beyond what it is today, it seems that even Libyans in the Heftar controlled area dislike any idea of an Egyptian military incursion.

Just a reminder here: if a politically united Libya (keep in mind that all sides are well identified by now through the voices of only a few dozen) calls the UN for a foreign agression, it would be the world as a whole that would have to dig their toes in...
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a ton more pics of Egypt's new plane here as well as other Egyptian new toys
I guess the reason why they are spending so much on French and Russian gear is since they're allies on the same Libyan side (buying protection?)


LOL, well nothing big

According to the chart, 22 Su-35 are to be delivered this year to a foreign customer with another 8 aircraft next year. This order is likely for Egypt.

Starting from 2022 to 2024, between 32-34 Su-35s are to be delivered to another customer, this could be Algeria.

The order of 11 aircraft from Indonesia is not included in the chart.

That's unfortunate accident.

How can the cannon still active during training operations ?
The cannon is always loaded it seems but it there is an electrical distonnect that should have been disconnected on the ground by ground personnel. This wasnt done. As extra precaution first "firing" during dogfight training should be done not in the direction of the aircraft chased, and this wasn't done by the pilot either. Aircraft involved were b/n 60 Su-30M2 and b/n 22 Su-35S.
Original R-37 scored longest kill at 304km. 37M is speculated to be all around better, including range, but specific figures are not really know. There was 400km number, but dunno how valid it is.
Should be better considering there atleast a decade between one from MiG-31M and this one. I can think of true slotted planar antenna seeker instead of parabolic and true monopulse angle tracking method instead of Conopulse (combination between Conical Scan and Monopulse) Better and more secure datalink etc.
Su-35 launching the R-37M, nice find Deino. A big missile for the Su-35 to carry, any idea as to what the maximum take of weight of the Su-35 will be with a full load of R-37s?
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The most major upgrade for R-37M is its ability to go after targets that are turning at 8G's, R-37 was rated for 4G targets. But yes, range is improved too. I was told at MAKS that RVV-BD (aka export version of R-37M) will be exported to CHYNA before it will gets operational in VVS. We will see. I have been waiting and fanboying this thing for a decade now, especially looking forward to MiG-31BM's with this babe...
I knew the Mig-31 and R-37 were big... but seeing that missile on a Su-35... is shocking... I can't imagine what it would look like on a Mig-29!
The most major upgrade for R-37M is its ability to go after targets that are turning at 8G's, R-37 was rated for 4G targets. But yes, range is improved too. I was told at MAKS that RVV-BD (aka export version of R-37M) will be exported to CHYNA before it will gets operational in VVS. We will see. I have been waiting and fanboying this thing for a decade now, especially looking forward to MiG-31BM's with this babe...
IIRC 37 was 6G from the get go. 4G is for 33.
I knew the Mig-31 and R-37 were big... but seeing that missile on a Su-35... is shocking... I can't imagine what it would look like on a Mig-29!

I am surprised that the VKS are even considering putting the R-37M onto the MiG-29 considering how big the R-37M looks on the Su-35. After all the R-37M was only designed for the MiG-31BM.
I am surprised that the VKS are even considering putting the R-37M onto the MiG-29 considering how big the R-37M looks on the Su-35. After all the R-37M was only designed for the MiG-31BM.

When Kuz back into action. Having anti AEW capability with the MiG-29K's would be nice.
I do not know at present if the MiG-29K would be compatible with the R-37M. I thought only the MiG-35 would get the R-37M, unless Mikoyan upgrades the MiG-29K with the same radar that the Su-35 and MiG-35 both have.
I do not know at present if the MiG-29K would be compatible with the R-37M. I thought only the MiG-35 would get the R-37M, unless Mikoyan upgrades the MiG-29K with the same radar that the Su-35 and MiG-35 both have.

The question is of course whether the MiG-29K we see today would still be the 29K in the future. the current 29K and 35 and the M2 is basically sharing common airframe. If they dont do anything to make good use the R-37M (e.g maybe get the real Zhuk A working) Then it wont be compatible or have to rely to external means of targeting.
I wonder how many R-37 can Su-35 carry?
And how the kinematic compare to the ramjet Meteor.
Su-35 launching the R-37M, nice find Deino. A big missile for the Su-35 to carry, any idea as to what the maximum take of weight of the Su-35 will be with a full load of R-37s?
I find it interesting that they can mount R-37 on the Intakes pylons as well. Guess they can fit one on eact wing and two on senter pylons as well.
I wonder how many R-37 can Su-35 carry?

Well, it's supposed to weigh some 600kg and is dimensionally more compact than Russian AGMs of comparable weight like Kh-31 and Kh-29, so I'd expect at least 6 (possibly 7, if its span allows carriage on the centreline).

EDIT: the KNAAZ brochure says 5, four underwing and one on the centreline. Weird, the Kh-31 is the same weight but longer and the Kh-29 is heavier and has a larger span, yet both can be carried under the intakes. Then again, you might in the same vein wonder why the Kh-31 and Kh-29 can't go on the centreline if the Kh-59M fits (unless 6 was simply judged to be perfectly sufficient, which is reasonable). Or why the even smaller and lighter Kh-35 isn't available on the intakes either? Maybe the long-range AAM referred to is in fact the even larger KS-172 (mock-ups of which the Su-35 was often displayed with early on)?

I find it interesting that they can mount R-37 on the Intakes pylons as well. Guess they can fit one on eact wing and two on senter pylons as well.

The missile in that video came off the inner wing pylon, you can actually just about make out the extended ejector pushers in those stills. So it's not entirely clear whether it can be carried on the intake hard points - I suspect it can, and that the brochure is merely outdated in showing the KS-172, but that's just a hunch. I'm positive though that it's impossible to carry two of these monsters in tandem on the centreline, at more than 4m it's just too long for that.

Anyway, based on all this I think the absolute minimum is the brochure figure of 5, potentially one or two more.
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EDIT: the KNAAZ brochure says 5, four underwing and one on the centreline.
Anyway, based on all this I think the absolute minimum is the brochure figure of 5, potentially one or two more.
Can you give me the link please

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