first Picture ?

Source: Twitter

Could you please post the twitter link or exact Tweet? In fact see nothing that looks like a bomber?

It's a joke. (And note that the actual unveiling is at Palmdale/Plant 42, not Edwards South Base)

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The AP states the debut will be inside the hanger. We’ll see if that is true.
first Picture ?

Source: Twitter

Could you please post the twitter link or exact Tweet? In fact see nothing that looks like a bomber?

It's a joke. (And note that the actual unveiling is at Palmdale/Plant 42, not Edwards South Base)

Might be a big disappointment if the pilot cars they are using are from late late 80s
I got this picture last night at the secret unveiling for senior government officials.
LoL! That would explain a lot! :cool: Did they ask you to look into the Master of Ceremonies neuralyzer... I mean ball-point pen before you left?
I'm sorry, I just got called into my supervisors to meet a well dressed fellow from ... well some government agency, which one escapes me. What were we talking about?
I got this picture last night at the secret unveiling for senior government officials.
LoL! That would explain a lot! :cool: Did they ask you to look into the Master of Ceremonies neuralyzer... I mean ball-point pen before you left?
I'm sorry, I just got called into my supervisors to meet a well dressed fellow from ... well some government agency, which one escapes me. What were we talking about?
Funny, came across a similar person but here in CA he was wearing a finely tailored Hemp suit and trying to nail me with a Moronizer.
It would be *hilarious* if, after making it clear that the B-21 is just a shaved-down B-2, they unveil the thing and it's actually an entirely new, entirely different configuration.
We may have to de-fir this one until I get my clippers. Imagine a shaved-down B-2 and its stealthy, can't see hide nor hair of it.
for the moment goes YouTube Ballistic with B-21 click bait

"the Bomber that Shock China"
"the Super duper VTOL MACH 3 Bomber"
"BREAKING! US Announced Its Deadliest Next Generation Stealth Bomber"
"Nuclear Sub or B-21: what need Australia to face China?" et cetera,

allot of those video feature so fake CGI Aircraft like the awful Stealth Movie...
It would be *hilarious* if, after making it clear that the B-21 is just a shaved-down B-2, they unveil the thing and it's actually an entirely new, entirely different configuration.
Think about it. Everyone's waiting inside a hanger, anticipating this newest, next generation cutting edge bomber to be reveiled. They take the clothes on top of it away and... it's a B-2. Everyone's confused. What the heck, what should this even mean? Restarting B-2 production was all it was about after all these years? Then, suddenly, you hear a loud bang from the outside. It's a distinctive sound of a sonic boom, followed by a howl. Everyone turns around, goes out to see what in hell's going on. A black plane, flying wing, massive but much sharper looking than B-2's flying away across the hangaer over the runway of Palmdale Regional Airport. Star Spangeled Banner starts playing in the background and there's not a single person not crying. God bless America.

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