Introduce Yourself

Hello all! My name is Tony (From the NW of England) and have been interested in everythig that flies for as long as i can remember: bugs, birds and aeroplanes... especially (due to my youthful hobby of modelling) the aircraft of the Luftwaffe between 1930-1945.

I was recommended to this Forum by a good friend who reckoned i'd love it. He wasn't wrong ;D

I have now been disabused of the notion that i am a genuine "Aeroplane Geek"; the folk on this Forum are WAYYYY
beyond me in the Knowledge stakes. FUN
...But... i'll try to share all of the knowledge that i have [Scanner or No!]

(PS. I have Never subscribed to a Forum before; so, if i'm a stumblebum, please excuse me)
I'm Boogey, a dinosaur, although still flying with all my wings, tails and still fixed undercarriage.
I'm Polish so expressions of my thoughts in English language will always be hard for me
and funny for You especially when grammar ; orthography I can always check in my dictionery.
I've found Your site while searching informations of Golden Years of Military Aviation ( 1910 - 1950 ),
so little pre First War and little post Second War.
I don't know if I can help You in Your research, but I'm sure You help me in mine.
I met here some fine guys, some of them might be girls, who knows ...
Anyway I'm interested in all what happened in military aviation history between 1910 - 1950.
In my latest post here I asked of Short S.36 Super Stirling,
for the differece between military and factory designations of Caproni bombers I will ask
at the Aerodrome forum ( they also called theirselves the best in aviation history )
and here I'll willingly get to know why the Curtiss SC Seahawk isn't the Curtiss S5C Seahawk
after CS, S2C, S3C and S4C.
My next post will be about English articles, definite and indefinite ;
both worst than a squadron of Bf 109 G on Your tail.
overscan said:
It wasn't Geoff by any chance?


No, it was Zebedee ;)

PS. I'm blown away by this forum, Overscan B)

Having Waaay Too Much Time on my hands - you have probably heard Far Too Much from me already. Probably "new toy syndrome" :-[

I never even progressed from Lurking - i just dove right in, feet first
I guess after tossing out some random answers in the Aviation Forum, I ought to introduce myself. I'm Jason, in my 20's and currently an Aerospace student. My area of study has been as broad as possible, but my most specific knowledge probably lies in propulsion and hypersonics. I'm also headed to work for the Navy in the coming year.
Hello everyone! Been a member for a few months now, and figured it was about time to introduce myself - I'm fulcy (but you can call me Rob). Love aircraft, mainly WWII vintage. I've been browsing the forums, and am impressed by the number of helpful people here. Great stuff!
Howdy folks....
Call me Mike.... just a regular guy who loves everything that flies...

Been in the UAV Gig for 20 years.....
Been fly'in RC Planes for 35 years....
Here you can see a few of my recent exploits!!!

This is a few years old… electric 2 meter plane. Not real good Knife Edge
Performer… but a lot of fun otherwise….

This is a recent airshow I flew at the Cable Airport in Southern

This is the Team Flying Circus 3D Fly-In help in ’07 at Las Vegas…
I was flying the Orange and red and white and blue Super Extra in the
5 plane Torque Roll

This was a flyin I went to in SoCal near the Mexican border…
Altitude about 50 feet BELOW Sea Level…. Very thick air!

Old Super Extra Video I did with Ron and my planes
Howdy from an opinionated former Jarhead !
Wife calls me Paul, but I will answer to just about
Native Texan - Boomer - Texas Aggie - Armorer
Recently put on long term disability
from my CAD Manager/Tech job with Civil firm - Now
working on recovery in Southern Arkansas while fishing,
researching/documenting 8th AF personnel before they
are gone (384th BG), I love to research anything. Whatifs
are like the moonbase they promised us back during the
Space Race, all those forward thinkers pushing the envelop.
As a Jarhead, I got to wear the Blues and travel the world
on Uncle's Dime, altho some of his side trips were beau coup
exciting than the ones on Princess cruises! But heck the way
the world is going even Princess liners may have to install deck

Here's my whatif.....Piracy Eliminator - Take a midsized freighter
or tanker and rig her as a Q-Ship like they did in the World Wars.
Sail in to infested waters let em hit you - Surprise instead of a meek
little merchant marine crew - pirates find a picked crew of troopers
armed and willing to resist - When you are finished sail away change
disguise - and back in you go until either the pirates are finished or
they surrender.

Gotta go -
Greetings. Names Robert, one or two of you might know me from some other forums but I’m a very recent arrival to this place, fantastic expertise and archives here. I don’t think I can contribute much on the unbuilt projects subjects, but I got tired of lurking real quick.
Hello fellow aircraft aficionados. I'm a 24 year old Swede who have been interested in air- and spacecrafts since I was 5-6 years old. I have done a few aircraft models: Junkers Ju-87 Stuka, P-51D Mustang (Swedish marks), McDonnell-Douglas Skyhawk OA-4M Outlaws (two-seated version of the A-4), Mikojan Mig-29, Saab J-35F Draken, De Havilland Vampire FB.5 and last a two-seated Sukhoi Su-27 that I haven't yet finished building; poor model have waited 2 years to get all missiles and landing gear, a paint job and marks. I have also read a bit on the subject of aerospace.

I used to be interested mostly in very early aircrafts (19th and early 20th Century), and Swedish and Soviet/Russian airplanes, but I've gotten more and more diversified. Recently I've got a fascination of German aircrafts that were or was about to be made at the end of WWII and of advanced planes like TSR-2, Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow, NAA Rapier etc that didn't get into service. I have also got interested in tanks, boats (especially submarines) and missiles.

My other interests include Science/Speculative Fiction in its various sub-genres and in various medias, OTR (Old Time Radio), pulp novels, music (jazz, classic, pop and rock from the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's) and popular science.
Greetings. I am Mike Hiner and a member of the Commemorative Air Force, in the Houston area. I am working on a story concept on Japanese aircraft that were painted with US markings. There are many references to the submarine I-400 project, but nothing on land based bombers, or Japanese Navy torpedo planes. The article will be for the CAF newsletter. In addition to the CAF I volunteer in the Texas State Guard and Civil Air Patrol for disaster response work. It is a busy life and keeps me off the streets.
Hi, im a Graphic Designer and Illustrator from Brazil, and i have a true love for anything that flies.

I have some loose connections to to the aircraft world.

When he was young my father worked as accountant at a construction firm who constructed the CTA ( Brazilian aeronautical technological centre )

Currently I live next to a airport, and one of my main clients is located in front of another one.
Dear All,
i always surf on the web looking for the most modern military aviation information.
this forum is one of the "jewels" of the crown on this.
i've been crazy about fighters (specially) since i was a kid, my father used to be a naval aviator in the argentine navy, and he was a F4U Corsair instructor, i guess it is in my genes.
i love the YF-23, X-29 and everything between the F-4E and the Pak-Fa & F/A-XX.
i ve built more than 100 model kits and usually go to Air Shows in the US (California, Nevada and Texas).
currently live in Mexico, and always searches for next generation things.
never miss flateric or overscan's post

it is a previlege to have found you.

greetings to all,
I've been visiting for some time, but never had anything worth saying...

I read Aerospace America (IIRC) until our city library discontinued most of the 'technicals'. I got Scott Brinn's APR until the postal rates soared. I'm still in BIS...
Hi everyone, i am from Lithuania, my name is Andrey (in English that would be Andrew, that's why my account name such is), i am 19 years old, student. From childhood i am interesting in aviation, but ,truelly, the bigest interest lies on russian aircraft, that were flying in my homeland sky, when we was a part of the USSR. By the way i am living near that place where crashed russian Su-27 fighter in Lithuania. By the time i don't have anything else to say . ;)
Hi, I'm an Aussie tissue pathologist in his late 30s, happily married to a Canadian. I use this handle elsewhere so I'd like to keep my real life separate.

I've been a complete airplane nut ever since someone gave me an Airfix kit of an A-1J Skyraider for my sixth birthday. A former Spitfire fanatic, I now devote my aerospace historical interests to the dawn of the missile age and the technical history of AAM development (including the associated avionics and intended carrier aircraft), with a particular bias towards the UK (for which I blame Tony Buttler and Chris Gibson. It's all your fault, gentlemen, but thank you so very, very much).

I am on the eternal quest for the One Book which will explain Everything I Ever Wanted to Know in Excruciating Detail! To paraphrase Tolkien: One Book to Tell It All, One Dream to Find It. One Press to Print It Out, and In Hardback Bind It.
Howdie all, Phil Peterson from Kearns, Utah (USA). A little late to the party but finally made it.

I am 48 (soon to be 49) and am currently a Methods Analyst (means I put policies and procedures into our website). I am an Air Force brat as my Dad put in 28 years and retired as a CMSgt. I have been in every one of the lower 48 States, a couple of Provinces in Canada and England (but I was 4 when I left and don't remember much).

I have been interested in aviation all of my life and started building models when I was 6 (yep, an airplane). I will build most anything with aircraft, armor and sci-fi my main interests. I love aircraft from small countries and found the What If Modelers site a couple years ago. I mainly just put kits in alternate markings but have at least one kitbash planned.

Been here to see a couple of the ideas floating around. Not sure how much I can contribute but I have a bunch of aviation pics on the web and will post pics of my models.
I'm Paul Norwood, I'm 52. I hold dual citizenship in the United States and Canada.

I've been interested in aviation all of my life, I've been an avid model builder since I was in grade-school, and I since 1974 I've held a pilots license.
Hi, I'm Nick and a few of you have met me on What-if Modelers as Nick or on ARC as BigNick.

I dropped in to look at the Boeing-Lockheed Space Shuttle concept cos I'm building a resin model of one for SMW Telford 2009.

Gotta dash now, work fire alarm is going off!

Nick ;D
Hi, my username is 'Mascaret'. I am an aeronautical engineer, aviation historian (the author of the British Built Aircraft book series), past Head of Future Projects at Westland Helicopters, aircraft owner, pilot, photographer and curently involved in armoured vehicle projects.

Wide interests and a wide experience...

Hello my name is Shawn and I found this website while doing some research on various aircraft manufactured by the Republican Aviation Corporation. As a film collector I buy/sell various films from many sources and the main reason I signed up for this forum was to share and collect information for some films I recently purchased that once belonged to a former employee of Republic Aviation. These films were stored in a hangar on LI and many hadn't been watched or looked at in over 40 years. Some are like brand new and have never been projected! Apparently they were tossed out when Republic closed and the employee saved the films from being thrown out.

The film collection is astounding in a historical context. With help from your forum I have been able to identify/confirm the following aircraft from the 1940's - 1970's: T46-A "Eaglet", XF-103, XF-91, F105 in every category, AP-100 VTOL, P-47, F-84, A-10, plus many more. All in all I believe I have 250,000 ft of old film footage with just about everything Republic worked on since the early 1950's - 1970's up until they closed their doors. The most amazing footage being from the "Project Fire" Nasa Apollo Project which Republic was involved in.

If anyone has any questions pertaining to the collection or would like me to post a picture of any aircraft let me know and I will see what I can do:)

Hi Shawn, welcome to the site. Sounds like a fascinating collection.

Personally, I would be very interested in XF-103 footage, AP-100, basically stuff on unbuilt projects - wind tunnel models, mockups, etc. Oh, and anything related to the Republic TFX or FX (F-15) designs of course.
overscan said:
Hi Shawn, welcome to the site. Sounds like a fascinating collection.

Personally, I would be very interested in XF-103 footage, AP-100, basically stuff on unbuilt projects - wind tunnel models, mockups, etc. Oh, and anything related to the Republic TFX or FX (F-15) designs of course.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm still going through films and am amazed at the history in some of these films. I just found a 2,000 ft reel of the SD-3 "Snooper"and the SD-4 "Swallow". I would post pics if I knew how? Do you have an email I could send to you and maybe you could post them here?
Shawn, users normally have to make 3 posts to "unlock" the ability to post pictures. I have unlocked you manually, so you can now post images - where it says "Attach" below the text area, click "browse" and choose the picture you want. The picture has to be 1mb or smaller in size. Click "more attachments" to add extra images, up to 8.

This feature was introduced to stop hackers from exploiting a flaw in a previous version of the forum software that allowed hacking into the forum by uploading a special malicious JPG picture containing code. I have kept it like this as a security measure.
i am airman aka Francesco Guglielmino , 35 years old (that i don't feel ) from Pisa, the passion for aircraft is born during my childhood , i was expected to make pilot , but for my miopia is impossible ! But passion for aviation rocks ! ;D
Hello, my name is Eric and I'm from the USA. I stumbled upon this forum by accident while browsing other sites looking for information and pics about Project Habakkuk for a model project I'm currently building.
I've been interested in all sorts of military secret projects for a long time ever since a high school friend told me about the first F-117 that crashed near Bakersfield CA back in 1986 IIRC? But my favorite to read and research about is stealth aircraft and Area 51. I even have a whole bookshelf littered with books dedicated to stealth aircraft.
Anyway, I'm quite impressed by this site and will be browsing the forums quite a lot. :) Lots of good subject matter here. ;)
Hi --

I'm Daniel Brenton, and I stumbled across the forum while I was looking for images from the old Ivan Tors series Men Into Space. I'm the coauthor (with David S. Michaels, no relation to Clancy's Dave Michaels) of the Moon Race thriller Red Moon, and was fortunate to have the direct involvement of's Mark Wade when we were writing the novel.

I spent many, many hours as a child devouring every book on space travel I could find at my local library, and visiting the Space Projects sub-forum here is a little like revisiting my childhood. My nearsightedness (and my weak grasp on mathematics) eliminated any possibility of serious thought about personal participation in the American space program, but I can't help myself but fixate on our species' slow crawl out of the cradle, toward the "high frontier."

I'm very pleased to have found this forum.

-- Daniel
Hi, my name is Stéphane GUERRERO, I'm french and I'm living near from Chartres (famous gothic Cathedral). I build models at 1/72 scale, I love french planes (and some others), prototypes and what-if subjects.

I will post soon some pictures of my models, maybe this evening...

And excuse me because I speak english as a spanish cow! ;D
Spanish cows?

Never heard about that :D


Greetings Everyone, Names Angus. I have been following aircraft since I was a little boy, always found them interesting, which led me to flying ultralights at age 12 and then moving up to single and twin engine planes along with my license. Though thanks to some injuries when I worked as a Leo, Law Enforcement Officer, I had to stop and haven't really gone back to get my license back. But never less still very much in to aircraft, even as a kid I tried designing them with pencil and paper.

I have lurked a bit just reading the stuff you guys are posting, I totally forgot to introduce myself.
"Spanish cow" This is typically french to say that somebody doesn't speak well a language. For example, me, I'm a very bad english speaker and writer! I apologize for that...

Mr Miranda, your job is very interesting!
Hello I am new in the forum ... I like drawing military aircrafts and specially I like very mach F-16 body frame since I think it is a platform for applied technology for feature A/C releases and design.

I would like to try to draw a stealth version of F-16 body frame and a capability of VSTOL.

I will keep the frame lightweight high manuvarebility

Please stay tunes.

Also if anyone has info, pdf for F-16 design and VSTOL please post.
Thanks for the explanation CA 700. Guess I'm a Spanish Cow too ;D

I agree with you about Mr Miranda and enjoy very much his sense of humour too.

Ok here goes. I design airplanes - small jets primarily - at the stage that goes from clean sheet to prelim/advanced design. When possible I try to stay in the design loop as far as flight test.

My goal in my life is to have as little unbuilt projects as possible ;D

So far I have one unbuilt (the SafireJet) against three built (Diamond D-JET, Epic Victory and Epic Escape).

A few things now in the pipeline... this forum is a fantastic source of information for my work.

I'm Adrien, 30, from France. I've been exploring this forum lately, and I'm really impressed. I thought I would drop a word here before posting.
I'm mainly interested in French aircraft from the 1930s to 1950s, my favourite being the 1930s racers. But you can easily catch my attention with aircraft from other countries :)
I tried my hand at 3D modelling various years ago, and I've started again recently. I still have much to learn but hope to get at least decent results in the future.
Sois le bienvenu, Adrien ! J'ai l'impression qu'il y a de plus en plus de Français par ici... ;)
He oui les gars...

Hi I am renaud

I am located in france, aged 46.

my job is,

I am also interested in sci-fi
(and run

thank you all

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