Introduce Yourself

Hello Everyone,

I don't know how I have missed this topic so far...anyway better late than never! ;D

My name is Nikolay Andreev, and I was born in 1981 in Bulgaria. That makes me only 25 so far.
I am currently finishing my bachelor degree in engineering design in Varna, BG. I have also graduated from an electrical engineering college in Pretoria, South Africa ( I got to see the Rooivalk some testing while I was going to to college) :)

I got my interest in Aerospace back in 1994 from a book published in my country given to me by a friend, however my design hobby apparently dates back to 1st or 2nd grade. After 1995 I fascinated by aircraft like the F-15E and later the F-22 became my lifetime specialty. I had dedicated myself in buying or getting my hands on every book or article published for this aircraft and I think I pretty done by now. I the process I learned of the YF-23 and now I consider writing something about it as I feel its potential and capabilities were not appreciated enough. :(

I am working well with CorelDRAW, and getting better with Photosop, SolidWorks, 3DsMax. and CINEMA 4D soon trough my job. Then I hope to do some Josef Gacial type of work...;)

I dream to be an aerospace engineer in Skunk Works as I have my own top secret book full with bizarre ideas some in the aerospace sector. Most, worth a patent. :-X

Trough my post and opinions I hope to transform my interest in something that will be usefull and appreciated by others, especially in the long run. ::)


P.S. I just got in the US all well and I discovered I didn't copy everything in my laptop as I wanted :mad:. It may be a while before I can post any F/B-23 and B-23 images. :-\

I've just found the site, and I'm a retired radar engineer from the UK.

My interest started when I was at secondary school at around the age of 12. Leaving school I did National Service in the RAF and trained as a J/T Ground Radar Fitter at RAF Locking. Following this I was posted to 646SU, Germany for my 2nd year of NS, and in 1962, after getting qualified, I joined the Radar Research Laboratory of Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd at Borehamwood, Herts.

Here I worked on a wide variety of radars from a novel all solid state coherent doppler, through a precision magnetron powered aerial mapper, the addition of AMTI to an ageing APS20, and then got involved with our first attempt at an AEW system, with all the problems of very high dynamic range in the receivers and processing circuitry. Following cancellation of this latter project, I was heavily connected with the AI24 radar for the Tornado ADV, F2 & F3 and saw it from the early bid phase through to handing over to the A & B models phase, prior to production. I remained connected with the project team until my retirement.

Technically the Foxhunter radar project spanned a period of immense technical change in computing, and the radar and its test-gear incorporated items from 8" floppies, 5¼" floppies, HDDs, through to the then latest in LiIon batteries and ASICs. Also buried in the radar transmitter were very early uses of rare earth magnets which are now relatively common, and well known for their high strength.

It was interesting that at the various air shows which I attended, the only people bold enough and knowledgeable enough to ask technical questions about our displayed hardware, were from the other side of the Iron Curtain. I'm currently re-watching John Le Carre's tales of this period. They capture the atmosphere that I remember from my spell in Germany ('58-'59) very well.

My hobbies now are largely photography, and trying to write my personal history so that grandchildren will have some idea of what I was involved in.


As you probably know, I am very interested in Foxhunter. Obviously with a system still in service you have to be careful, but anything you can add regarding development (dates, etc?) and general technical stuff would be appreciated.

For instance, I'm never been able to understand what the difference is between FMICW and a high duty ratio pulse doppler radar. They seem to be the same thing?
My name is Chris Jones. I am 25 years old, live in Nashville, Tennessee, and I am currently working in building automation and going to school for electrical engineering. I spent 5 years in Huntsville, Alabama, going to school at the University of Alabama - Huntsville for Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering. I have loved things that fly since as far back as I can remember. I go by SwitchbladeNGC on AboveTopSecret and KnightTemplar on my site, Military Power. I am interested in all things military form all over the world.
Hello, I'm the SteveO who sometimes posts on the Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums. I have long been an admirer of this excellent site, so I thought it was time to show my appreciation properly by registering and posting some contributions.
Hello Everyone!

Hypie from Colombo, Sri Lanka here. Just turned 28. Currently working with a friend as a Web Designer/Developer & Windows App Developer (to a lesser extent). Tried aeronautical engineering for a short while but, decided to dump it.

Obsessed with military tech for about 20 years now. Been collecting stuff since the final years of the Cold-war. Long time member at CDF & and several years at AFM as well. Was a member at ACIG but forum visits were very rare. Account must have expired. Can't even remember my username ;D ;D Plus, a whole load of other forums.

Since this place has the name(s) Overscan/Aerospacetech/Paul Martel-Mead rubber-stamped, I thought its definitely worth registering.
Hi everyone,
I've been hanging out here for so long I thought I must have already posted here, but apparently not.

I'm Ken, I'm 43 years old, and I reside in north west Indiana, about thirty miles south east of Chicago. I have a Bachelors Degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, but I don't work in the industry. I perform mechanical engineering work, mostly machine design, currently for the printing industry. I do most of my work in AutoCAD but I am currently teaching myself SolidWorks, since that seems to be the standard solid modeler most companies are using.

I've been an aviation fanatic since I was five, when my Dad bought and built for me a 1/72 P-38 lightning. Years of building model planes and reading everything I could on them lead me to wanting to design them. As such, I've always enjoyed all of the design studies and the designs that "lost" the competition. Anything "cool" that would spark my imagination was always a great find.

My name here is actually my squadron call sign from online dogfighting. I started in Fighter Ace, then migrated to Aces High when it was in open beta. I'm a member of the former online squadron VMF-111 Devildogs. My old wingman is trying to get me back into IL-2, but I'm very rusty. I've mostly been flying MSFS 2004 and have been involved in a company that makes add-on aircraft for it.

I used to think I knew a lot about unbuilt designs, until one of my friends found this forum and told me I would love it. He was right! I've contributed what little I have and have been consistently blown away by what many of you have been able to dig up.

Most of all, I would just like to say, "thank you," to Overscan for putting this forum together.
One is Zen, and quite fascenated by this forum.
I will try to get to post a few images in time.
I may be known to a few from my postings on other forums, but I keep my online existence seperate from the rest of my life.
Aircraft have always fascenated me, as much by their asthetics as by the issues of their design.
Howdy all. It's unlikely I will have anything constructive to contribute very often, but an introduction never goes astray!

My name is David Clarke, and I've been fascinated in Soviet era aircraft ever since I saw a picture of an early Su-27 captioned "some doubt exists over whether the wingtips will be rounded or square" and wondered if that was all there was known. I normally don't bother to create or use an account with most sites, but this one is truly fascinating, and judging by some of the other introduction threads, chock full of fascinating people as well. I came here mostly by accident while looking up the Foxhunter radar, and found quite probably the most comprehensive rundown on that and a lot of other systems to be found anywhere, and I visit almost everyday.

I stack shelves for a living, so if you need to know about freezers, meat room procedures and the like, then I'm your man. Aircraft, well, not so much, but if you'd like to chat, then that would be fine :) I also have been known to get excited by anthropology, cameras and Japanese movies, possibly involving giant robots or tentacles. Or both.

This is a truly great site, a term often overused but certainly deserved in this case, both for the information presented here, but also for the gentle standard of conversation and discussion here.
My Name is Michel Van
I m Half Dutch / German or origin and life in Liege, Belgium.

Spaceflight Project
strange Aircraft Concept
Alternate history
Science fiction

I work as Illustrator for SF books and Magazine
here little example


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Hi there. I'm 33 from and in Australia. I'm a professional defence analyst and wannabe writer. I’ve always been fascinated by what if and in particular military and defence technical what ifs. I hope I can contribute to this great forum and web resource.
Hi Everyone,

I'm Bruce Williamson and I've been visiting this forum for a while, but only recently decided to actually join. My main area of interest is aerial reconnaissance gathering, both PHOTOINT or SIGINT since WW2. I run The Spyflight Website: and I'm always on the lookout for details on reconnaissance aircraft that never made it into service, particularly those planned in the 1950's and 1960's.

Bruce Williamson
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie from Hungary with a field of interest in russian aviation, armor and missiles mainly. I'm an aerospace engineer, and looking for a proper job at the moment.
This site is unique and superb with all the members, so I'm very happy to found it!
Hello. My name is Weston Horn, soon to be 49. I live in Michigan, in the United States. Although my username is of a World War 2 special project/what-if aircraft, I prefer the period from the beginning of flight to 1938. In fact my current study subject is the aircraft below, a fairly advanced bomber design from 1918 IIRC.


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Dear Boys and Girls, or anyone in between; I've been here a month or so and totally forgot to introduce myself My name is Terence Wong-Lane, more often known as Caravellarella.

I'm 43, soon to be 44 years old, of Anglo-Chinese extraction. I live in New Malden, Surrey; just on the border with Wimbledon, London. I suppose I'm originally from Liverpool, but I've lived in Sheffield and near Belfast too......

I am part owner of F-RSIN; a small Anglo-French resin kit manufacturer specialising in 1/144 subjects, mostly airliners. To date I have been restricted to actually running the business, but in 2008 I plan to start to contribute to our line of products alongside my colleagues I'm currently training in the 3D software "Rhino 4" to enable production of sterolithographic patterns for future kits.

In real life I was until recently manager of a large modelmaking factory based near Heathrow Airport; producing 1/200 scale up to full scale models of aircraft & weapons systems for the Aerospace & Airline industry. More normally I work in publishing, on the literary agency side of that business (having worked at 2 of the most prestigious literary agencies in London), as an Agent's Assistant specialising in literary permissions and rights management. I originally trained as an industrial/product designer and a textile designer (specialising in colour theory).

I found Secret Projects quite by accident whilst researching potential subjects for kits; and as such this forum is an invaluable one-stop source for the esoteric side of aviation history. I'm ever so pleased I found you all......

Interests - French aircraft since 1935 (especially the Caravelle). French Warships since 1890.

All best wishes, Terry, (Caravellarella).
Name is Jim Rohrich. I'm 44 years old, work in the I.T. field... and live in Montana. Have always been
interested in space and aviation projects. I'd like to thank Orionblamblam for pointing this site out to
me. And thank all the folks who have posted information on it.
Hello everyone;

I'm Bruce, and I've been reading this site for a few months. You guys have done some fascinating research!

I'm an engineer, inventor, machinist, woodworker, etc. with about 30 years of experience in various industries. I was a Project Engineer in the black world at Lockheed in the late 1980's, working mostly on specialized ground support equipment. I worked in the various plants around the Burbank airport, and got to see some of the great old buildings before they were torn down. I remember one of the senior engineers showing me around the inside of the building where the F104 line had been.

I spent most of the 1990's working as an engineer at Walt Disney Imagineering in Glendale, CA. Most of Imagineering is on the original property of the old Grand Central airport, which has quite a bit of aviation history. The original Grand Central Terminal building is still standing, now surrounded by modern industrial buildings. Disney owns the Grand Central Terminal building and is in the process of restoring it. The street called Airway is in the approximate position of the original airport runway. During the height of WWII, final assembly of P-38's took place right there, out in the open on the tarmac.

These days I have my own shop and business building musical instruments ( if you're interested) and I still work part time in Disney's electronics lab. My hobby is collecting and restoring antique machinery (mills, lathes, etc.) I still enjoy reading AvWeek and keeping up with what's going on in the aerospace world. At least half of the engineering staff at Disney are ex-Lockheed and Northrop people. A few of my friends have moved on to jobs at Scaled Composites and AeroVironment. Although Lockheed is gone from Burbank, there's still a lot of aerospace culture here.
Hello all,
My name is Chris Wilson. I'm 43 and have been an aviation fan and building models for 39 years. After 18 years as lead modelmaker and supervising the model shop at an industrial design firm, I recently started my own company, Zactomodels, doing cast resin correction and superdetail kits for 1/32 plastic model kits.
So far I have correction kits for the Trumpeter 1/32 Su-27 as well as their 1/32 A-7 Corsair II. I am currently working on tooling for my first 'full' kit, the YF-23 Black Widow II. I've been hanging out and posting pictures of my progress at discussion forums.
Besides building models I also like to play around with Photoshop. Lately I've been having lots of fun doing 'what-if' schemes.
I just discovered this site a few days ago. Looks like there's lots of very interesting stuff here!

Cheers, (we need a beer drinking smiley here!)


Hello everyone!

My name is Tomas. I'm 26 years old, and I live in the vicinty of Nuremberg in Germany. I'm currently studying Political Science and History at university.

Strong interest in all kinds of military affairs (history, technology, etc.), probably reinforced by my compulsory military service.

I discovered the site a few weeks ago, when I tried to find some information on the Tornado ADV's Foxhunter radar.

Great forum, with lots of information to be found! :)
Greetings everyone. I am Juha, 28 years and from Finland. I've been interested of history and aviation ever since I was able to read (before that I was just looking at pictures of pretty planes, I guess..) I found this forum via the forum of, where I've been lurking for some time.

At the moment I'm doing a 3D model of VL Pyörremyrsky (one of the obscure and abandoned projects of Finnish aircraft factory during (and after) WW2) as my sort of "graduation work". I hope to finish the model itself pretty soon so I can manufacture a real 1:24 model with the CNC equipment at my school. I've been researching the aircraft quite a bit, so if there's something anyone would like to know, feel free to ask! (I hope to be able to produce proper technical drawings of the plane finally, as there seem to be few drawings loitering around the 'net which are horribly incorrect at some points.)

Other than that, I've built quite a few scale models when I was younger, but nowadays the hobby has stalled mostly because I simply don't have any space in my apartment for it. (One-room apartment + a cat + scale modelling = cat which has parts of the models glued to its fur.) Kind of hoping I'd manage to secure some sort of "hobby room" at some point...

Ah, forgot to mention that I also have a blog documenting my progress with my "graduation work", but the text part is mostly in Finnish (as I have to produce a written document about the work later on, I thought I might as well keep a public blog and just copy-paste the stuff later..)
Hello everybody,

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is James. I'm 29 and a Navy Reservist in El Paso,TX. I also go to school. I've had a lifelong facination with all topics aerospace (especially in the area of space and combat aircraft) that continues to this day. I recently discovered this site and it's just what I've been looking for.

Well take it easy and I'll catch you all later.

PS- Orionblamblam, I loved the US Bomber Projects Preview. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the book to come out.
Hello everyone,
Just signed up and found site only recently.I've had a lifelong facination with all topics aerospace (especially in the area of weapons and combat aircraft) that continues to this day.
Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Philippe. I am 48, living in the south of France.
Main interests: Dauphin helicopters, flying wings, tailless aircraft, prop-drived speed-seeker aircraft, experimental aircraft in general.

My name is Simon. I live in Edmonton in Canada but come originally from Scotland. I have always found the fringes of aviation interesting, the experimental, the canceled prematurely, the abandoned dreams of the future, etc.

I'm Kendra J. (Lots of people know me as KJ) Lesnick. I'm currently living in San Francisco (I'm not employed as of this moment and am working at home as an investor.). Since I was a kid I was an aviation buff, and I have an interest in both civilian and military aircraft designs.

KJ Lesnick
Hi, I go by the site handle: Lee, which is my first name. Last name is Mosby, an English name that originated in Southeast Norway, north of Kristiansand, before about 1300 AD.

I'm an American currently living in Tucson, AZ, American Southwest. Because my Dad was a aerospace engineer in southern Calif. for 30 years, I've taken after his interests for the most part. Tucson is a college town and the Univ. of AZ is very convenient to do research at in the Science & Engineering Library.

My personal library of references has declined in quantity since I was forced by life circumstance to live on the streets of a large Midwestern city for almost 1 1/2 years. (I'm much better off now.) I've still managed to copy off several hundred Patents of supersonic aircraft, turbo-, ram-, turbo-ramjets, plus air intakes, exhaust nozzles and internal construction particulars of these aircraft and their engines . My second preoccupation is with rocket engines and fuel/oxidizer combinations pertaining to these, with Patents and Gov't reports, academic research papers as references. 45+ years of practical experience in aerospace engineering, starting at the age of 13. I'm 58 now.
I've been looking for a job for 4 years (as of Apr, 2008), especially in electronics. I have past professional experience in security electronics but not in the last 20 years. To improve my chances of landing a job, I need more education, but the expense puts that out of the question. Working for a company that pays tuition reimbursement would be ideal.

I'll be in Tucson for the long term future since I have elderly parents who live here and my sister, her family, and I are looking after them.
Hello to the SP forum! My real first name is David, I'm currently a college student in the US still deciding what exactly to pursue with my education. My interests lie in the field of history, so I also try to learn about the technology that plays a major role in human events. L'autre langue que je parle (un peu) est le Français.
Hello, my name is Jean Philippe, I live near Lyon, France. I am a aircraft project fana. I am the webmaster of these web site : :
X-15 :
Your web site is well known for many of us. It is a pleasure to see you here. Bienvenue!


JPC said:
Hello, my name is Jean Philippe, I live near Lyon, France. I am a aircraft project fana. I am the webmaster of these web site : :
X-15 :

I've been there many times. NICE website!!!
Hi there, great forum! Found you through Google whilst looking for P1154 info.

I'm a 40yr old male, British, aircraft and military nut. Speaking of nuts, I work at BAe Woodford managing the supply of nuts (and bolts, and rivets etc....) from our company to the Nimrod production line. Apart from endless aircraft/military books (Tony Buttler, my bank manager wants a word with you.... ;)), my other vice is motorbikes. I used to build model when I was a kid, but havn't touched one for years now.

I've always been interested in the conceptual stage of aircraft design (I havn't got the maths to get into the engineering), so rejected concepts, cancelled projects and what ifs have always fascinated me. I also like to indulge in flights of fancy with my own concepts (secure in the knowledge that no poor sod will ever have to test-fly them), but I have noted your ambivalence towards fantasy stuff so I'll stick to the factual for the moment (can't draw worth a damn anyway.....). Mind you, I expect I'll be doing more reading than posting for a while yet, because I've yet to find a thread I can make a meaningful contribution to: you folks are WAY better informed than me.
Welcome, Weaver.
Keep in mind we all have to start somewhere and your lack of a degree even though you're still interested in engineering shouldn't be a hindrance. I have 45+ yrs of practical experience in aerospace engineering and I'm still learning. Let's all ask questions and learn from each other.
I'm Damon Moran -31- dying a slow death in Los Angeles and though not a nerd I have geek-like tendencies. I'm a freelance Graphic Artist and wannabe futurist. When I'm not making cutaways of unreal stuff, predicting what Honda et al are doing, or working on some Hollywood garbage, I'm racing Motocross and consequently suffering through innumerable and excruciating injuries.


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