Introduce Yourself

Thanks for that, enjoyed your article....

I guess I better introduce myself since I've been registered for a while....

My name is Anthony, I'm from Australia although my family background is (mainly) East European (I'm quite the mongrel actually ;)). I'm 42 years old. In my younger days I use to be into sky diving and did a bit of glider flying. I've always been interested in military related subjects and spent the late 80's and early 90's in and out of uniform.
Hello all

I've been a lurker on here for a good while now and decided it was time to start posting the odd thing here or there. I learn so much from the posts on this site and am not sure I have enough knowledge to be as influential but we'll see where I can stick my penny in.

I'm a 42 yr old Scot living in Southern England and did serve (a good few years ago) as an officer in the RAF. I'm interested in all aspects of transport but aircraft of all shapes and sizes has been me first love since I went to the RAF Leuchars airshow when I was still in the pram... the smell of hot dogs and kerosene is imprinted into my memory!

I do a bit of drawing and whilst not up to the standard of some of the amazing artists I've come to appreciate on here, I do gain inspiration to further my work so who knows what I'll be posting. ;)

My favourite aircraft would be the TSR2, almost everything built by Fairey or anything with a contra-prop set up... which probably says an awful lot about me ;D

I apologise, that as a newbie, I should really have introduced myself before posting. I'm a recently retired silver surfer, who is now able to spend more time on his favourite interest, that of helicopter development in the early postwar period.

Which is how I ended up here...a very interesting site with a lot of information that I had not previously seen. Many thanks to those who run the site, and I hope I will be able to contribute something of interest in the future.

fenestronfred said:
I'm a recently retired silver surfer

And what is THAT supposed to be, when it's not space alien Norrin Radd from planet Zenn-la, exiled on Earth by world devourer Galactus?!? ???

Sorry, I'll explain it a bit better, I'm a recently retired engineer and people my age who use the net seem to be labelled as silver surfers (colour of hair). Though as I'm bald that does not work for me. Nothing alien I assure you.
I have been around for a while but I have only read the topics and watched the images. But hopefully I will be able to contribute with something sooner or later.
I live in Sweden and works within the health-department (which is not so fancy that it sounds). I am very interested in all kinds of aircraft (some would say that I suffer from the Asperger syndrome...) and especially futuristic aircraft. This is perhaps odd since I have a fear of perhaps my interest of aircraft is a subconscious way of cure myself?

Nevertheless: I will take the opportunity and thank all of you amazing guys for contributing to this great site and provide my eyes with candy and fuel to my dreams and imagination. As the kids say these days: you rules! (and I DO mean this and I am not ironical at all).
Reine_xxx said:
I have been around for a while but I have only read the topics and watched the images. But hopefully I will be able to contribute with something sooner or later.
I live in Sweden and works within the health-department (which is not so fancy that it sounds). I am very interested in all kinds of aircraft (some would say that I suffer from the Asperger syndrome...) and especially futuristic aircraft. This is perhaps odd since I have a fear of perhaps my interest of aircraft is a subconscious way of cure myself?

Nevertheless: I will take the opportunity and thank all of you amazing guys for contributing to this great site and provide my eyes with candy and fuel to my dreams and imagination. As the kids say these days: you rules! (and I DO mean this and I am not ironical at all).

Glad to have you around. Does the "Reine" (Queen) in your pseudonym mean that you are a girl? Or a fan of the band Queen? Or a sometime drag queen? Or do you want to keep it a mystery? LOL
Stargazer2006 said:
Reine_xxx said:
I have been around for a while but I have only read the topics and watched the images. But hopefully I will be able to contribute with something sooner or later.
I live in Sweden and works within the health-department (which is not so fancy that it sounds). I am very interested in all kinds of aircraft (some would say that I suffer from the Asperger syndrome...) and especially futuristic aircraft. This is perhaps odd since I have a fear of perhaps my interest of aircraft is a subconscious way of cure myself?

Nevertheless: I will take the opportunity and thank all of you amazing guys for contributing to this great site and provide my eyes with candy and fuel to my dreams and imagination. As the kids say these days: you rules! (and I DO mean this and I am not ironical at all).

Glad to have you around. Does the "Reine" (Queen) in your pseudonym mean that you are a girl? Or a fan of the band Queen? Or a sometime drag queen? Or do you want to keep it a mystery? LOL

Ha ha ha! ;D well, to be honest you are the first non-French person who have remarked on my name! ;D and no, in Scandinavia the word don`t mean anything and it is a very common name in the borderlines between Sweden and Norway. But I can assure you that I am a man (but perhaps looks like a woman as Grace Jones would have put it). :D
Reine_xxx said:
Ha ha ha! ;D well, to be honest you are the first non-French person who have remarked on my name!

Well, actually... I AM French! B) ;D
Ops, sorry I thought you were an American? Well, in that case I understand why you asked about my name ;)
Believe me, it happens all the time whenever I am in France :)
Hi, thank you for affording me a "security clearance". I'm not an aeronautics nor an aviation professional, but a listless and long suffering student of architecture who really should take up "real" engineering and/or science also to regain some sense of self worth in addition to weathering withering pseudoacademic arts and crafts exposure (OK, I don't want to beat up on or belittle my colleagues too much - each profession being privy to their own pet frustrations; there's genuine achievement as well in the building arts towards sharing in which I can't expect the World at large to start offering unilateral concessions ... but I digress).

I guess my understanding of aerodynamics is above the general mean of consciousness of such things (having expended some effort to understand it through motorsport's requirements, for instance) but almost certainly faulty in some chaotic, flow of thought stalling ways. I have interest in but no applicable proficiency (as of yet anyway) for open source CFD and FEA (I'm OK-ish in some fairly specific CAD applications, as one might expect).

My enthusiasm for flying is rooted in perusing through Flight International magazines as a kid, conveniently my dad used to be a subscriber back in the day. I grew to appreciate technical drawing marvelling at the intricate cutaways. I was quite enthralled by those, the capacity of such things to convey meaning beyond words. We also used to know some pilots and were sometimes able to hitch rides in such contraptions as King Airs and Hughes 500s; solid ground is optional for my comfort, I've found, guess I was born lightheaded and -footed to boot. For a long time we also lived near an airport, in an ideal location to observe jets in landing patterns. Let's just say the noise wasn't much of an inconvenience. Having grown up to be a lanky, bespectacled being rendered a (military) pilot's career an unlikely to impossible path to follow though.

I can't state anything very definite about my intentions here, other than that I'm generally a respectful, inclusive, compassionate, slightly timid and (somewhat contradictorily) a results oriented person - to me, achievement is team building, whereas what causalities lead from "team building" to achievement I'm less certain about. It will likely take some time for me to get my bearings, but I've been known to getting carried away at times and as a result having appeared very silly. I'm OK about being told of my failings in those instances, especially so if such remarks are obviously done in a constructive spirit. So, that's my "flight plan", I'll amend it as necessary. Pleased to meet everybody.

My name Is Mike, I live in Nikiski, Alaska.

Found this site when looking for information to design my models.

I design Paper Models that use cardstock paper for construction.

All of the models are designed to fly. The last year has found me sitting at my computer creating Stomp Rockets. The most recent set of Stomp Rockets is based on the X-15 Rocket Plane. Needed more information on the Douglas, Republic and Bell designs. Your site showed up on a google search.

It showed up agin when looking for Flying Submarines. After reading a few threads/posts I was hooked...

Lots of really cool stuff to read, will enjoy many hours researching the threads.

Thank you for allowing me to join!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Hi all. I am Uncle Jim from Los Angeles(Van Nuys). I was introduced to this site by Dan Raymer, and cannot get enough. Great Site. Keep it up, guys!
hi all. My name is Sergei I am 55 years old I'm from Rossii.Byl military pilot in helicopters Mi-1, Mi-4 Mi-8, Mi-24A, MI-24D now I am retired. I am interested in Sikorsky helicopters especially S-67, as well as projects helicopters, VTOL and other limited-edition helicopters.
mil said:
hi all. My name is Sergei I am 55 years old I'm from Rossii.Byl military pilot in helicopters Mi-1, Mi-4 Mi-8, Mi-24A, MI-24D now I am retired. I am interested in Sikorsky helicopters especially S-67, as well as projects helicopters, VTOL and other limited-edition helicopters.

Welcome aboard mil! You should also check Stingray's Rotorcraft Forum. Several of us are also there and you can discuss aircraft that were operational more easily there (here it's more about projects and prototypes).
it's a honor to have people like you here, Sergei. Now we have at least two army chopper pilots from both sides of Big Pond
Jay here, long time fan of the site, joined months ago, largely lurked around but just had to post that Have Blue footage when I saw it. As you can probably tell from my handle I've had a long interest in the history of the Site and the projects held there.
Hello everyone,

I have studied aeronautical engineering although I now work as a graphics designer. I also blog frequently on my website about technology and aerospace subjects.

Thank you for the approval, you have a great online community and very interesting topics here, nice to meet you all ;D

robotpig said:
Hello everyone,

I have studied aeronautical engineering although I now work as a graphics designer. I also blog frequently on my website about technology and aerospace subjects.

Thank you for the approval, you have a great online community and very interesting topics here, nice to meet you all ;D


Welcome and congratulations on your blog. I found out about you a few weeks ago when you were the first to provide profile views of the Northrop Grumman Firebird. Great work!
Stargazer2006 I just noticed that is yours, congratulations!

It is by far the best website about Burt Rutan and Scaled, you have done amazing work :eek:
Thanks a lot!! It badly needs an update though, there is NOTHING there on SpaceShipTwo or White Knight Two for instance!

I'm planning on an update soon to incorporate the Firebird. Glad you enjoyed the site... and if you ever feel like contributing in any manner (artwork, pics) please do! It's a tough act running such a large website on one's own...
Lo Peeps

Go by the same name on BM, L+C, Z5 and ARC.

Im a average Modeller and Black Aircraft nutter who enjoys this all greatly and hopefully can add something to the forum, but will probably be more a lurker.. And just post the odd Model of weird and wonderful aircraft that never made mainstream production.

All the best, Jamie.

I'm from Ukraine, I like aerospace engineering and would like to build something eventually, but I'm not really that good at it yet and I don't do anything much outside of computer simulations sadly. I also study radiophysics (applied physics/electric engineering). I do some programming too.

I've found the website cause someone linked to some picture to my website once.
I'm srivats 22 yrs old doing my BE aeronautical engineering in chenna india. Im from chennai, india.

I am a 43 year old Illustrator/Animator with a long long time interest in aviation (blame my dad).

I live in Oxfordshire England where I am outnumbered by women, the kids and the wife So I have to hide in my office to pursue this hobby.

I am a keen modeller in any medium and aircraft are always my first and last passion.

Thanks for producing this great site that provides hours of fascinating readng and insight.
Greetings everyone. I don't have any professional association with the study of aeronautics, but I have a profound interest in military aviation and aviation technology in general. Through private study I have accumulated some knowledge regarding the topic. I have viewed this site several times before, but only now chose to become a member. I commend the members for putting together such a fascinating forum.
Hi guys: my name is Neville F Giloi (hence 'foiling' - an anagram of my initials & sirname). I was born in 1955, and have lived in the same house in Cape Town, South Africa ever since, spending my always very modest income on travelling to Europe & the States, & on books, rather than personal security & my future. :-[ I have no wife or children, as the only woman I ever really loved (from way back in 1972 - & still do) had more sense than to reciprocate my affections. I was a high school teacher for a while, then worked for South Africa Airways (ground staff) for 18 years until retrenched in 2008 - so that our boss could spend $4 million on tickets for clients for the World Cup. I now devote my time to caring for my 85 year old mother, and two dogs, and trying to keep strong in body, mind & spirit: gym, yoga, swimming, Scrabble, painting, gardening, and lots of reading. My interests are wildlife (esp birds & mammals) and I have a huge & delightful collection of books on these, and a more modest but very satisfying collection of books on aircraft, art, theology & philosophy, and fiction. I am a deeply committed Christian, but try to find & share humour in all things. I am passionate about all that interests me, but, alas, I am not very knowledgable, especially about aircraft! I am deeply grateful to all the brilliant minds on this site who share their knowledge & their breath-taking artistic talents here. I love you guys.
Hi all,

My name is Michel Salim, 31, currently pursuing a doctorate in computer science in Germany. I've been an aviation buff --especially military and experimental -- since I was a small child, and having lived in various countries around the world (did my previous degrees in the UK and US) I'm obviously a fan of jet travel, despite the security theater that is the TSA and its various counterparts around the world!

Looking forward to browsing this site more -- got pointed here yesterday by an Aviation Week blogpost, then noticed that I already had a dormant account, so I guess I must have been looking for something here previously :p
Hello everyone. Aviation enthusiast from Greece ::) who i thought i knew alot about airplanes and etc until i found this site :). Not much to contribute im afraid but sure i ll visit this site alot
Hi everyone:
I'm a retired member of the CF (Canadian Forces) and a history buff. I'm interested in the projects that never were but could have been. (can anyone say "Avro Arrow"?) I found the site while doing research into odd and unique armoured vehicles and am looking forward to learning and sharing with everyone here.
BernDawg out.

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