Introduce Yourself

Behind MiG-29 Slovak Air Force avatar is Matej Furda from east Slovakia. In 2006 I finished the university (marketing/management) and now I am working as marketing manager for one market-leading company in Slovakia. I dont know how it is possible, but my age is every year different ;D, so I just say that I was born in 1982.

My biggest hobby is bizare, unconventional, secret and prototype aviation. Because there is not a lot of info about it (especially in my language), I created my own web Hitechweb ( After some years I have a really huge archive with no chance to process and publish it soon. The problems are time and my laziness. During free time I also ride a bike in extreme terrains, enjoy Djing (techno/trance), dismantling any kind of electronics (there is no one, who can add it up ;D ), create computer graphics and many other things.

PS: I newer flown (also as passanger) in the civil plane ;)
Salut everybody.
i"m Fernando, from Montreal Canada, age 44, i do work in the Aerospace, as an A&P techno.
its an honour to be here and looking forward to share more with you all.

Hey saludos PIT :)

Fernando (el loco)
Hi, I'm Aymeric from Paris, 19 years old future flight officer pupil in the Armée de l'air.(I hope).
I created the Ec 09.235 "Griffons" three years ago. It's a squadron flying Mirage 2000-5F and F16 AM-B on Falcon 4.0 simulator. We are now part of the Virtual European Air Force
I’m Robert, from Australia
Loved military weapons, aircraft and ships since a kid.
Been in the Australian Army for 18 years in Infantry, and an Assault Pioneer for most of that time – hence my title / name!
My biggest interest is prototype aircraft and aircraft that did not win Weapon System (WS) and Request for Proposal’s (RfP’s).
Have spent way to much money on these kinds of books and mags, and then found the net.
Am married with kids (one showing a keen interest in aircraft also – but then again it may have to do with all the books and models I always thinks he wants …..ha ha)
Great work this site.
Has taken me many years on the web to find those who have the same passion and interest. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Gents

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I'm Paul Zimmerli, a U.S. Air Force "plank-owner" (Born Sept 18, 1947 - the same day as the Air Force) and a retired Air Force technical sergeant journalist and historian. I became interested in the Air Force's 'odd-ball' aircraft at my first duty station - Hurlburt Field, FL - where I had free rein to examine corporate proposals to the 1st Combat Applications Group, who evaluated 'off-the-shelf' adaptations of civilian aircraft to the counter-insurgency effort (The Cessna O-2 Super Skymaster comes quickly to mind), to the Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center at nearby Eglin AFB, and had many opportunities to examine design drawings, etc., at the Armament Development & Test Center at Eglin. Since my offices always received free subscriptions to Air Force & Space Digest, Aviation Week and Jane's, I always took the time to peruse the latest editions. For many years, I kept quite a sizeable collection of these old magazines, until most were destroyed in a stored household goods fire while I was in Panama. So, although I'm unable to contribute much to the repertoire, I am fascinated by the revelations I've seen so far on this forum. I'm not usually much of a forum subscriber - being more often a 'lurker' - I'm totally in on this one! It's an honor to be here, and I hope somewhere down the line to be able to contribute something to a few of the discussions. I'm totally humbled to be in the presence of so much knowledge, and I'm grateful this forum is available. Regards to all!
Should probably introduce myself... longtime lurker, seldom poster... though some of y'all know me well.

I'm Anthony Pakizer, soon to be of Washington Township, Michigan, soon-to-be formerly of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA.

I've always loved all things military. Growing up, my grandpa and dad used to build me all sorts of incredible models that I'd slightly destroy in order to play with them.

I'm an active builder and poster over at, where I'm known as the "Productive Comrade." And going with the whole "What-if" thing is an intense interest in prototypes and concepts.

I come here to feed the interest sparked in me in the late 80's, early 90's by some of those Salamander Publishing books, like "Future Fighters" and "Space Weapons." Those were great books. I'm partially feeding my concept habit in my profession (I'm also in IT, but I work for a defense contractor, so I have all sorts of fun at work).

This place is a great reference site, and I'm glad Paul (Overscan) set this place up.
;D many many Asians visited and download pix from this forum but never registe in. I believe that Asians they visited this forum are much more than guys who intoduced here. If they want to keep secret, I do too. ::) :p
Congratulations Deino for your beautiful boy :D ( I also love the name you choose) ;)
(I'm waiting my daughter to be born by the end of this month, I'll send a pic too)

Wellcome Rousseau, it is nice to hear from Asia. I'm very interested in aerospace projects as well as opinions from asian people.
Hello everybody!

I've deicded to join this forum because it was just the site I've been searching for for years. There is a real hardcore group here that has access to some amazing material. Many of the photos and data shared here I've never seen before.

I'm planning a researching a book on aircraft design from the earliest pioneers to todays latest. I'm looking at all major types, eg swept wings, deltas, fighter, airliners, VTOL and helicopters. I'm aiming for a simplified read for the layman but also including alot of unknown paper projects for the enthuiast. I'm sure any questions I have someone here will have the answer or know where to find it.

Some may know me already from the Warships Discussion Forum 3.0 and Wesworld and the whatifmodelers forum (as Tornado). Warships is a good forum that mainly speciallises in WW1-WW2 ships but also modern types too. I've posted links one these sites to here to increase the readership and knowledge of this excellent site.

I am 23, a recent graduate in Modern History at the University of East Anglia, UK and I currently work in the NHS. I think you can guess my hobbies, aircraft (both flying or paper projects, never-were ships, alt-history and military history.
jemiba and pometabla are responsible! They lured me into the SPF – and this was the best they could do. Many thanks to overscan creating this forum. I agree with Dilbert. I took a sceptical view of forums and got never enthusiastic about them. But I changed my opinion with installation of the SPF – I believe it’s the ultimate website for us.

We need more research works in company archives which have survived, before further amalgamations/mergers destroy those of the ‘losers’. At this point I want to say THANK YOU again to Tony Buttler, Scott Lowther, Jay Miller and many others for their efforts filling so many gaps in the history of the less-known parts of aviation.

Sorry for my poor knowledge of the English language – I’ve done my best.

I'm Gavin, A Mechanical Engineering / Aerospace student at the University of Bath. I like all things Italian, well aircraft and ships, not really a car enthusiast, propellors and piston engines. If I had the money I'd set out to try and break the current airspeed record for piston-engine/propellors, and eventually the sound barrier...
I studied Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering at Bath in 1992/93. Great town, great time, shame about the course.

I left the course after 18 months. Found it too mathematical. I have a good understanding of the processes but find the grunt work of calculations boring as hell :) I did get a A in "History of Aviation" though :)
I am François Banken, i am 51 , I live in Tongeren, Belgium. I am an accountant at city hall.
I spend the last 25 years collecting everything of ptototype tanks first in books an now on the net.
I must say this site is great, just what i was looking for.
Thank you overscan for having me on the forum. I am no expert,i do have a lot of material on tanks but i am also interrested in aviation what-if's
Welcome Banken! :)

I have little info about tanks but I have a great interest on it. I would like to know more about near sci-fi projects of WWI era "land cruisers" for instance

Overscan, I know what you mean about the course being overly mathematical. I'm coping at the moment however. Many opertunities for aerospace-related projects.
My name is Wayne and I live and work in Rotherham, Yorkshire. I'm 41 years old and my obsession with planes has consumed at least 34 of those! I am an avid collector which means that I have a formidable collection of aviation books and magazines and I occasionally get stuck on a single theme, like getting every single edition of the Observers Book of Aircraft for example!!

I also watch Rotherham United, my local "football" team and I am tracing my family tree, having reached back to 1677 I am now mainly filling in gaps and details.

I have previously restricted my use of aviation forums to ATS but that one can become a little tiring at times and this one looks like a real tonic, well done Overscan!
My name is Marko, 25 years old, I come from Zagreb, Croatia. I work as a DJ and occasional dance instructor, my interests are mostly 60s and 70s SAC bomber projects, such as venerable Valkyrie and such.

Hello, my name is Alvaro. I live in Seville (Spain). I´m 34 and I work as Quality Manager.
I have been an enthusiastic on aviation, ships and military vehicles since I was 8 or 9.
I am interested in line drawings and cutaways (thanks, Flightglobal) an these days I´m writing, or better "copy and paste" my 3rd visual guide of military equipment. When I finish it, i will try to put it at your disposal (I don´t know how, due to sheering file size! ;D)
Hi, my name is Robert Austin, and I live in Calgary Alberta. I've just joined the forum and I'm having a good look around. There's quite a bit here that interests me and I'm sure I'll pop in quite often.

My main interest is 1/72 military aircraft models plus a healthy interest in 'What-If's'. When I'm not building models or chatting with modelling friends, I'm out riding my dirtbike in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Better late than never...

Al Huber (47), after 23 years as an Army Aviator for the US Army, I retired to the lovely climate of Southern Alabama, where I run a Laboratory for Army Aviation, investigating the "What If" machinations of the leadership. Great fun actually.

While not an engineer by training the job has made me somewhat savvy of the engineering aspects of rotorcraft, that and having access to most of the engineers of the US rotorcraft industry. I do know a little about simulation though. As you might guess my interest is in most things that are VTOL and STOL. I have enjoyed the information on the site immensely and look forward to being able to contribute.
Hello everyone. I'm Kevin from the US and my home is near Omaha. Nebraska. I have been a model builder since I was around 6 or 7 years old nd I'm going to be 48 in two weeks. I just happened to find your web site while looking around another one devoted to Sci Fi models. Lately I have been doing alot of kitbashing of Sci Fi kits and I have done a few aircraft. This site seems to be a good one for picking up new ideas and for looking as what almost was for aviation.
Hi, my name is Wouter.
Aged 25 and living in pretty little Belgium my main interrests are military " might have beens " ( wether they are planes, tanks, ships or something else doesn't really matter), comics and guitarplaying.
I'm trying to perfect my knowledge heren so be kind if I say somthing stoopid ( okay, turn that " if" into a "when").

Hi, I'm Woody,
Professionally I'm a Photoshop, illustrator and general electronic print publishing dude but privately am an aerospace technology nut (amongst other things). I've just signed up to the site and hope this is the right way to introduce myself. I now live in Japan but spent 11 years in New Zealand working for their biggest politics and current affairs mag, the NZ Listener. Some 5 years ago NZ was considering retiring its A-4 Skyhawks and buying some embargoed Pakistani F-16A/Bs. I was asked for technical information by the magazine and to do some illustration. At the time I thought the F-16s were a really bad idea, considering NZ is surrounded by 1000 miles of ocean and the current state of the F-16 art was the C/D block 52s. Australia has F-18s (that can fire Harpoons, NZs only stand-off weapon) and Portigal was able to get the same deal terms for them so why couldn't we? Anyway to cut a long story short we wrote a article saying how crap the F-16A/Bs where (our sky hawks already had the same radar) and the next government not only cancelled the deal but retired the A-4s without a replacement (or a buyer). So 'Overview', if you like hightech planes and your moving to NZ bear in mind that their airforce has a few Orions wth the anti-sub stuff removed, a couple of anchient hurculeses, a 757 and locally made piston engine trainers with fixed landing gear and maybe some bicycles. New Zealand is a nice place but its the most backward place I can think of aerospace-wise; you will never even hear a fast jet.
Cheers, Woody
Welcome aboard Woody. You're a brave man admitting to asying that the RNZAF F-16 purchase attempt was a bad idea (not that I have a problem with your call). Any chance of you posting the illustrations you referred to?


Cheers Greg,
If I'd known Helen Clark (NZ's prime ministed) would scrap all of NZ's fast jets I guess I'm might have acted differently but Helen being Helen, would probably have done it anyway. She an interesting type; comes across as a anti-nuclear socialist (nothing too wrong with that) but wants GE experiments in unspoilt NZ - go figure, I couldn't. Anyway F-18s would have made much more sense; you've (the Aussies) have got them, the Canadians have them and so do the other main Pacific players, the US Navy and Marines. My ideal buy would have been the old Sea Harriers with their Foxhunter(?) radars and AMRAAMS, since we could fly them off cargo ships and out of the bush and the Poms don't seam to appriciate them. Here's the illustration (it's a PDF I'm afraid) that dammed me and got a special letter of complaint from the chief of the RNZAF.


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Hello friends !

A new "Secrets Projects" member with you. I come from France, near Paris. I find this very interesting website, and try to bring the "French touch" ... Well, I could help with French projects, and hope to see many US/GB/Soviet projects ...

Best regards
Hello folks...!

Just thought id introduce myself... My names martin, aka Zeb, im a 37 yr old enthusiast from liverpool. Day job is teaching computer aided architectural design, image manipulation and VR simulation, rest of the time its taking pictures and building planes on my Mac...

Im currently using Cinema 4D r10 and Rhino and have a SARO Princess and Trident in build... Hopefully i'll have some interesting pictures to post soon...



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Let me introduce myself. My callsign is "rickshaw", which is for my old corps, in the Australian Army - RAAOC - Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps. I've had a life-long interest in aircraft and military technology. I discovered this great site by chance. Lots of interesting stuff here. Keep up the good work!
Hi guys

Having already posted info a few times, perhaps it is to introduce myself.
My name is Jos Heyman and I am an Australian from Perth, WA although in the first 25 years of my life I was a Dutchman.
Areas of interest: US military aircraft, spaceflight, aircraft of the Netherlands East Indies, the Brewster Buffalo as well as anything that 'smells' like a designation system.

Jos Heyman

I'm the loony mod from SDF, also quite regular visitor in other military forums. Tough i've been hard-core fan of all "what-ifs", "neverwheres" and rare prototypes its only now that I discover this nice appearing forum.
I've been on here several months, might as well introduce myself-

Kim Margosein- 55 years old
Modeling interests-Anything in 1/72, with some interest in wiff, jet trainers, and Western Airlines "Chief" color scheme a big Luftwaffe 46 comics fan. Also near and dear to me:

Chicago White Sox
Chicago Shamrox
Green Bay Packers
The 8fold path
Forest County Potawatomie.
Hi all,

Some of you might know me from other boards already (Key, ACIG -lurking now-, TankNet, or CMF/CDF back when), but others might not have had the misfortune yet, so...

I'm Arthur Hubers, born in '74, studied a whole lot of things which eventually made me a trained journalist. Never mind i'm working in the petrochemical trade nowadays, which actually is absolutely tedious if it weren't for me catching up on my language skills when talking to Russian clients.

From as long as i can remember i've had it in for aviation, and after seeing a Red Square parade (which was always conveniently organised on my birthday, November 7th), in particulair for Eastern Bloc stuff. When that lost a lot of it's obscurity I expanded my interest into Chinese aviation, and currently i'm beginning to discover the wonderful gems of What-Ifs, unbuilt projects and the likes. I've done quite a bit of expeditionary planespotting, and will gladly testify about the sounds of an F-104, the smells of a Canberra or the sight of a MiG-31 taking off at dusk...

I'm also utterly useless, btw ;)
G'Day everyone,
My name's Kevin and I'm another Aussie, seems to be a few here now :eek:
Like Jos, I'm also from Perth, Western Australia. I've been here for the grand total of about a week briefly looking over the threads and while I am interested in aircraft I'm more interested in army equipment (being the son of an Army officer and having around a decade in the Army Reserve/Territorials kind of leads to an interest in ground forces!).
My main interest is in Cold War era military vehicles (and aircraft to a lesser extent, the TSR.2 and the XB-70 being probably my all time favourite aircraft - along with the Shorts Belfast even though it isn't anywhere near as glamorous!)
While I don't think I'll have much to contribute to the aircraft threads, I'm hoping to have a bit more to say on the Army forum here (although I am trying to dig out some info on the Ahrens AR404 transport that I stashed away many years ago, hopefully it will be something new to add in regards to that plane ;D )


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