Introduce Yourself

Good aftairnoon... Zis iz Inspecter Clouseau... I wood love two find out how many Frenchmen hang around in zis great pleis...
This is David...aka Bomiwriter. Left a message or two in secret projects section on SORTIE and asking about trade of some items for old Russian winged spaceplane model photos, destriptions, etc.

I'm retired, held vey high security clearances to handle SPADATS Intel, Space Surveillance System Data and held them on-off for 18 years. Nam era Vet too.

Comm helio pilot, had several Brantly B-2, B-2B and actually salvaged wrecked aircraft in Alaska with them! Got pics to prove it. Also, A&P maintenance tech for many years and upon reflection, really don't know why or how I trod the path of space projects since I have written aviation history for AAHS Journal, some other Rags over the years, etc. There is 30 plus years of research into the realm of Paranormal (Fate magazine, PSI-spionage article), and ancient history such as Knights Templar history, Crusades, various methods of cooking edible beans (just kidding, but I make my own fiery Habanero refried beans), and other unique history worth reading.

Panned for gold outside Fairbanks...some creeks crossing the highway to Yukon River and either ran into black sand, found some red stones, like duh-tossed back into the creek, and some flake now and then. Not rich form it but was fun.

Motorcycles.............ah jeez, look out. Luuuvvv British iron...the old stuff. Wish I had back my 58 Aerial Square 4, my 850 Norton Commando...a smoker that after installing Boyer Ignition system, and had 72 Triumph Trident and that one, I'd like to own another pusrod rattler again hopefully before becoming stiff and unmovable.

My first bike like a first woman, is never forgotten. I bought a brand spanking new A65-2L 1964 BSA Lightning that was sort of orange and black trim on the two side panels. Looked the same as the cover boke on the Cycle World test of it, and by golly it got up to 118MPH indicated once during an imbibed race with a Pontiac GTO on a dark unlit road near the huge BMEWS project/radar tracker site. Also whipped on a new 64 Triumph T-120 Bonniville but the dude claimed it was strictly out of tune...didn't sound like it as we began the race.

Ah...those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never goes the ditty song.

I collect loads of Dyna Soar Project stuff, various projects not built, collect photos, used to do aviation photography and have a nice collection...say, anybody want to trade for those outstanding EE P-1 (with the oval egg-shaped intake) prototype shots I saw in Aviaiton Week eons ago? Love that bird anf the proto was powder blue I believe. If it has wings, I'd be interested.

Also, what does it take to obtain a top secret clearance in this outfit?? Don't tell Ortionblaster that I said this, but he sayz he is printing up my Bell orbital saucer project in his APR. Hope it is acceptable to those who understand the interest in Lenticular shaped space projects.
That's it. Hang tuff guys and have a good day.
Question? Is there such a dish as kidney-mushroom pie? Don't ask where that came from, I don't know, just wondering if such a British dish exists.
Happy new year and good fortunes.
"Top Secret" simply requires you to have a certain number of posts. It doesn't determine what access you get to the site. "Senior Member" status give access to a couple of extra forums, this is manually bestowed by me on particular users who make interesting posts or otherwise deserve recognition.

There is a British dish called Steak and Kidney Pie.
There is a British dish called Steak and Kidney Pie.

...and steak and kidney pudding too....

But.... for The. Best. Pies. go here,



  • steak and kidney pud.jpg
    steak and kidney pud.jpg
    96.7 KB · Views: 89
:) Xin chao,my full name's Nguyen Luong Le Bao,actually I'm just 14 years old(this year),I'm interesting in aviation technologies and I also like to drawing aircrafts on paper.I live in HCM city,Viet Nam
Welcome Vietcong! I've got a feeling you're now the youngest member of this forum, so I hope you don't get bullied around by the some of the big guys... ;)
Vietcong said:
Thanks, I see that I'm the special one because people under 15 was not allowed.

It is not good to blindly follow the rules, you should rather understand, why they were created. The age criteria was set because the subject of the forum requires at least basic knowledge how the aircrafts work and some knowledge about their development and history. We simply don't want the too young members that will start senseless debates about the flying triangles and pure fictive designs from the Ace Combat. I personally don't have any problem with even 8 years old member who registered only to see the images (without posting). But I have the problem with the 40 years old member that for example say that the aircraft from the Ace Combat is secretly flying from the hangar at Groom lake.
Hi All,

I registered already a while ago, mainly to see the images.

I'm 30 years, come from Belgium and live currently in the Netherlands. I'm fluent in German, French, English and understand some Dutch. My profession is IT OSA specialist for a big brand. I'm just interested in military aviation and the related high tech, and for most of my childhood i was dreaming to become a F16 jokey :) Nowadays my big passion is electro-acoustic stimulation and i like special beer tasting sessions.

Unfortunately i have no connection to any aviation related business, so i'll be unable to contribute much to this excellent forum.
I enjoy the high standard of the posts; the research and graphical works here.

Thanks to all the contributors.
Greetings from Indonesia

I'm 22 years old University student in University of Airlangga , Indonesia

I'm just an Aviation fans who got impressed by quality of post here ..i registered with a hope to gain more knowledge and "educations" related to aviation and especially the aircraft designs in General .
Hi gang. I'm from Derby England, home of the Rolls Royce engines of course although I don't work for them!!

I'm a general tech fan but I've always been interested in aircraft (was brought up by ex RAF couple) particularly high altitude experimental aircraft and spacecraft.

Found the site as I was googling reviews of the Secret Project book series and this forum turned up in the results! Just bought Military Space Technology and the one on the British Rocketry programme. Saw the rocket site at the Needles last year.

Hope to have some lively chat!!
I just realized i havent introduced myself here , despite being a member for quite a rude of me!

So ,hello everyone, i'm E. Soare , i'm 28( i think!) and i'm from Romania , but i live in Britain now, being self-employed. Its a great country to live in ,really. My aviation interest ( or should i say , enthusiasm) started like for many of us here , since i was a kid. I have no connection with the aviation industry tho , and my flying "experience" is limited to few rides aboard an Airbus! Currently my main interests are russian aviation aircraft /aircraft projects, always admired them for doing so much with so little, especially in recent times. The closest i ever got to Mig(-21) so far was when i was a conscript in a RO Paratrooper regiment , i'm sure some of you heard of Boboc AF training base...offcourse, i wasnt allowed to see it up close , nor allowed to hitch a ride aboard an An-2 ... :(

Also, regretably i'm not in position to contribute with any interesting info on this forum , as i get my own from various books available to the general public and to most of you aswell, and offcourse the internet, especially here !

What i enjoy most about this place , is not only the enourmous wealth of aviation information here , but also that is a calm and respectful medium for discussion, which is quite rare these days.

Thanks for having me here.
Thanks for the introduction, and congratulations on your English, which is quite good considering it's not your mother tongue!
Stargazer2006 said:
... congratulations on your English, which is quite good considering it's not your mother tongue!

Thanks Stargazer, funny thing is i keep hearing that about my speaking aswell from quite alot pf peoples...probably they dont hear very well tho! :D
Hi, Saladudo here. I'm a would-be planes designer but not real planes. In fact, I model them for X-Plane (the flight sim) and keep most of them for myself since I hardly get any of them finished.


Sneak peek. This one works and I have uploaded it at What is it? Well, what does it look like?
About time I said hello!

I'm based in the UK (but you knew that already from the picture ;)) and my (completely amateur) interests are primarily space/space tourism related - eg Virgin Galactic. Hence the login and the rather narrow focus of my forum posts! I'm also interested in aerospace technology more generally, as well as history (very few truely original ideas in my experience).

I love the very high signal to noise ratio on this site; it really is an education. Both the breadth and depth of forum members' knowledge never ceases to impress. (My wife would probably say that my so-called 'rocket obsession' won't be helped by hanging out with a bunch of other obsessives ...)

P.S. My login is aspirational, I don't have the funds to make it real at current prices :(
Hi all,
I'm a former member who's decided to resume aerospace research for possible employment in the fairly far future. My Dad was an aerospace engineer and I'm familiar with the field. Theoretical designs of supersonic-capable civilian and military aircraft are my main interest.

I live in San Francisco, California and will attend Fall, 2010 classes, starting in computers (I have past professional experience) and then graduating to aerospace engineering elsewhere at a university.
I`m Shadow81, from Argentina.
I`m here to learn, specially about "blackbirds" and NASA X-planes.
Sorry for my grammar if I do a mistake.
I Hope to find a lot of friends. :D
Located out of Utah, United States (yes there IS actually a "state" between Colorado and Nevada :p ) ex-wingnut still working for Uncle Sam and I have ALWAYS been interested in aviation and space. Both programs and vehicles. This is (I can tell already) a site I'm going to be spending WAY too much time on but I'm SO glad I found it. Way more information that I ever knew was out there...
(And yes, I WAS afraid to ask ;D )

Thanks Stargazer2006!
How can I see your site?
It´s a very interesting stuff!!! :eek:
shadow81 said:
Thanks Stargazer2006!
How can I see your site?
It´s a very interesting stuff!!! :eek:

My site on Scaled Composites and all things Rutan can be found at this address:

Enjoy! And write some feedback if you can... ;)
Well, guess it is time to stop ghosting this forum and say hello.

Hello, my name is Layne and I am a military/spaceflight/ tech/hardware addict.

*Everyone says "Hi Layne" at this point*

My lady and I reside in Little Rock Arkansas, USA. My day job is as a Health Physicist for the State of Arkansas (Yes Virgina there is an Arkansas ;D), even though I am a chemist by education. In the evenings and on weekends we run a small hobby business specializing in rocketry,, out of our 400 square foot shop. I have been interested in military, aviation and space hardware since I can remember, so mainlining all the information that you folks so graciously provide is been a joy. But there are ulterior motives for being on this forum as well, I am always on the hunt for new ideas to turn into rocket designs.
Hi Stargazer2006!
I was at your blog.
It´s a PARADAISE!!!! :) ;) :D ;D :eek:
Thanks a lot.
I try to post.
Shadow81 (Marcelo)
Hi all,

I'm Eric from the Philippines.

My hobby is designing and building card models of Luft'46 aircraft.
I stumbled upon this amazing site while digging up info for my current design project -- the Heinkel P.1078B. :)

Really great stuff you've got here.
Hello all! My name is Matt and am 38 years old and currently live in Virginia, USA. I have grown up around airplanes and worked with them and around them all my adult life. I look forward to reading the great inputs here and hopefully contributing also. :)
Hmm, it appears I've not seen this thread before today. My apologies in advance for not introducing myself properly before.

My name is Dale, and I live in Louisiana (the state the Shuttles' External Tanks got built). I'm a bookworm and nerd with long hair, an interest in science, technology, and things that go fast and go boom from as far back as I can remember. Right now watching all these nice rockets and hypersonic toys NASA and the military's been flying satisfies my speed/kaboom quotient, though it used to be Star Wars, Star Trek, and video games.

I used to design spaceships and airplanes with MSPaint (remember that thread I posted?), but haven't at all lately due to RL, work, reddit, and Borderlands...
I missed my chance to chime in on my stance in the UFO thread, so I'll work it into my introduction. I am a systems administrator (vmware) from Texas that loves Aerospace and especially classified projects. My stance, which has been highly controversial to many SPF members, is that I use social engineering in my quest for the "secret stuff" instead of patiently waiting for it to eventually see the light of day.
For example, I don't believe in alien visitations or government anti-gravity. But I do believe that if there are classified platforms out there, "ufo nuts" are likely to unwittingly spot them first. This is why I created People apparently want to spend a lot of time photographing "strange things in the sky". Might as well help them find what I am looking for. :)
I do not have metrics as to whether the site has been successful in reducing the amount of UFO claims out there, but I have seen a substantial rise in the use of the phrase "stupid lights" to criticize many a silly picture and video posted on the web. If the site helps even one person take a better picture of a classified platform, then I consider it a success.
Greetings everybody. I am Arjen, a 51-year old Dutchman. I used to be an aquatic ecologist, currently software-engineercomputer programmer. A fascination with anything that flies got a little out of control.

I am posting this mainly because I have some pictures to upload. I understand you need to post some text-messages before you get posting rights. Here's hoping it works.

<edit> It did. Thanks. </edit>
<edit2>Changed job description - too many real engineers here</edit2>
Evening all, I'm Clive, I'm retired & located near Salisbury, UK. I'm not sure that I'll be able to contribute much but I do have some areas of intense interest.

Early British inspired ATGWs. I used have a number of Malkaras, Vigilants, Swingfires & I even had the launch box for Clevite. I would dearly love to find out more about Clevite. For some 14 years I used to run a Hornet/Malkara (hence my user name) not widely known is that Hornet was conceived to be a launcher for Orange William (hence my avatar). I find it a tragedy that the only known surviving OW once on display at Bovington Tank Museum has disappeared. Over the years I have been unable to ever find drawings of the tracked OW launcher FV426. Although I have drawings of the tracked Malkara launcher based on Centurion.

I have some military vehicles (Humber Pig, Shorland & 2 Wolves) & some trailers that includes the Radar Target Simulator No.2 Mk 1 which was part of Yellow River. The Shorland at one stage was fitted with Vigilants & I run a site that is gradually being constructed for this type of armoured Land Rover This was to try to record accurate information as I find both my Shorland & Humber Pig appear in wikipedia with incorrect information.

I have an interest in WW2 IR. This includes a Tabby Type 'E' complete with its MoS label which is still working. I have a fair number of wartime IR documents that are not even at the Tank Museum. I am fascinated by MoS projects especially the ones that didn't make it.

I am an avid collector of original British Army technical documents more or less any subject (except guns & uniforms) but anything from guided weapons to administration to field sanitation covering any period, the oldest being from 1883. At the last estimate the pile would be about 110 ft high. My latest acquisition is a 1960s project report by Shorts on their contribution to Project Prodigal.

I have been a licensed radio amateur since 1964 starting as G8ADP then G4MBS. Although I don't have much time for it now my main interest was 10 GHz mainly tropo scatter, in the 1970s my main source for equipment was from dismantling radar equipment for waveguide & components.
Evening all, I'm Clive, I'm retired & located near Salisbury, UK. I'm not sure that I'll be able to contribute much but I do have some areas of intense interest.


Are you the bloke who wrote this?

If so, I for one, would be most interested in learning more about the FV4010 tracked Malkara launcher....

That reply was from my phone. PC back on now transferring to a new HD there should be a better image somewhere, anyway this one was already in photobucket to be going on with.


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