for the year 1933

- Transport aircraft for Air France; Dewoitine D.620,Bloch-300,Romano R.100,Wibault (Wib.330 maybe) and Breguet Br.440?,also maybe Amiot-160 & Amiot-170

Air France was created end of 1933 and launched its first technical program only in February 1934, not in 1933:
3 Feb. 1934: T30 (30-seat transport aircraft for Air-France): D.620, MB.300, Breguet 640, 650, Breguet-Wibault 380, RC.140, F.222, Romano R.100

Also for this competition,the Couzinet AC.120 was involved.
This not possible : AC means Arsenal-Couzinet. The Arsenal de l'Aéronautique was created in 1936, so it cannot have participated to a 1934 program.
*** For 1921

- C.1 single seat fighter : Bernard AB.10,Buscaylet De Monge 5/2,De Marcay 4,Dewoitine D.1 & D.8,
Gourdou-Leseurre GL-30,GL-31 & GL-40,Hanriot HD.12,HD.26 7 HD.27,Letord-Bechereau LB.2,Liore et
Olivier LeO.9,Nieuport-Delage NiD.37 & NiD.40,Potez-XVI,SPAD-41 & SPAD-81,Wibault Wib.3 and Wib.5.

- "BN.4" four seat night bomber; Latecoere Late.4 & Late.5,Farman,Schneider Sch.1 "Henry Paul" and
Breguet Br.21

- "M" marine recce aircraft; Nieuport NiD-33M (no other contenders are known)

- Recce bomber seaplane; Levassuer PL-3,Farman-Blanchard design and Dewoitine D.6

- "BP.2' two seat high altitude bomber ; Latecoere Late.7 (no other contenders are known)

- "HB.5" long range maritime flying boat; Latham HB.5

- "AT-1/2" single/two seat torpedo bomber; Levasseur PL-2,SPAD-39,Hanriot and Nieuport

- "HMT.3" three seat amphibian flying boat; FBA-13

- Transport and airliner aircraft; Breguet XX,Caudron C.74,Farman F.90,Mureaux Mo.10,Nieuport NiD-30T2 and Potez-X

- Torpedo recce bomber; Levassuer PL-2,Farman-Blanchard design,Farman F.50T and Dewoitine D.6
*** For 1922

- "HC.I" single seat marine fighter; CAMS-31,Bleriot-101 and Besson MB.21

- "To.2" two seat Colonial; Hanriot HD.24,Latecoere Late.11 and Caudron C.45

- "B.2" two seat day bomber; Farman design

- Racer flying boat; Latham L-1 & L-2,CAMS-36bis & CAMS-38 and Blanchard BB.1 & BB.2

- "HE.2" two seat trainer flying boat; CAMS-30E and FBA-14,FBA-16 & FBA-17HE.2

- ET.2 two-seat basic trainer : SPAD S-62
*** For 1923

- "C.1" single seat fighter; Buscalet-Bechereau BB-2,Dewoitine D.9,D.12,D.13,
D.15,D.19 & D.21,Hanriot HD.31,Loire-Gourdou et Leseurre LGL.32,Nieuport Ni.42,Ni.44 & Ni.46,Breguet Br.24,
Wibault Wib.7 & Wib.9,Bernard 12,14 & 15,SPAD S-511,S-512,S-514,S-611,S-612,S-613,S-614
& S-615,Potez 23 & 26,Morane Saulnier MS.46 & MS.49and Gourdou et Leseurre GL.33

- "A.2" two seat observation aircraft; Farman,Temper T.4,Descamps DB-16,Potez 24 & 26,Wibault Wib.10 and Bleriot-108

- "R.3" three seat recce seaplane; Levasseur PL-4,Nieuport Ni.35,Besson MB.24 & MB.26,Percheron
DP-18,CAMS-32R & CAMS-35 and LeO H-10

- "BN.2" two seat night bomber; Dewoitine D.16,LeO-12,Potes 19,Farman F.60,Latecoere Late.19 & Late.6,CPA-1,Liore et Olivier LeO-7,Bleriot 103,107 & 117,Schneider 10M and may be Wibault Wib.2

- "HB.3" three seat recce/multi-role flying boat; CAMS-33,CAMS-41,LeO H-13,Latham C-1,FBA-21
Denhaut-Bellanger BD-22,Blanchard Brd.1 and
Blanchard-Bleriot C.1

- "EP.2" two seat primary trainer; Bleriot-Spad S-64,Hanriot HD.14,Morane-Saulnier MS.35,Caudron C.27,
Amiot (SECM) Model-26,Potez-VIII and Farman-Sport

- "ET.1" single seat basic trainer; Nieuport NiD-29E,Caudron C.77,SPAD S-.72,Gourdou-Leseurre GL-22
and Hanriot HD.27

-"AM.3" three seat recce seaplane; Levasseur PL-3,Nieuport NiD-39

- Transport and airliner aircraft; Farman F.3X & F.4S,Buscaylet de Monge 7/2,Potez-XXII,Dewoitine D.14
Caudron C.83,Breguet XXII,Bleriot-105 & Bleriot-115

- "TO.2/3" two/three seat torpedo bomber seaplane; CAMS-44

- "ET.2" two-seat basic trainer, Spad S-62,Caudron C.59,Hanriot HD.19,Morane-Saulnier MS.42 & Amiot SECM-22
*** For the year 1924

- "AMBC.2" two seat carrier based fighter; Villiers Vil.2,Levasseur PL-5,Nieuport NiD-43 and
Bleriot Bl.118

- "AMC.1" single seat carrier based fighter; Levy-Biche LB.2 & Mureaux Express Marin

- "A.3/R.3b" three seat observation and gunnery spotter aircraft; Levasseur PL-4

- "B.3" three seat day bomber; Potez-20 (P.XX),Farman F.150 and Desmons two designs

- "ET.2" two seat basic trainer; Hanriot HD.32,Morane-Saulnier MS.43,Caudron C.95 and
Farman F.81
*** For the year 1925

- "R.3" three sear recce aircraft; Villiers Vil.4,Caudron C.101,C,103,C.104 & C.107,Potez-25,
Potez-33,Descamps DB-17 and Wibault Wib.123

- "AMBC.1" single seat carrier based fighter; Villiers Vil.8,Levy-Biche LB.2,Salmson-Bechereau
SB-7 and maybe Nieuport NiD.51

- "C.2" two seat fighter; Breguet Br.25,SPAD S-60 & S-70,De Monge M-101,Dewoitine D.25
Levasseur PL-6,Potez-31,Salmson-Bechereau SB-5 & SB-6,Nieuport Ni.47,
Avimeta Avi.88,ANF-3 & ANF-4,Wibault Wib.8,Wib.12 & Wib,121,
Hanriot HD.33,Villiers Vil.5 & Vil.24 and Descapms D17

- "B2/CN2" two seat night fighter and recce aircraft, Breguet Br.19 B2/CN2,De Monge 8-1

- "BN.4" four seat night bomber; Bleriot-113
Last edited:
*** For the year 1926

-"C.1" single seat fighter; Amiot-110,Bernard-20,Dewoitine D.27,Gourdou-Leseurre GL-341 &
GL-351,Morane-Saulnier MS.121,MS.221,Nieuport NiD-48,NiD-49,
NiD-72 & NiD-82,SPAD S.91,S.91-1 & S.91-2,Wibault Wib.13,Wib.15,
Wib.160,Wib.170 & Wib.71and De Monge 9-1

-"BN.3" three seat night bomber; Farman F.123,F.130 & F.160,Liore et Olivier LeO-20,Couzinet,Dewoitine D.16
Latecoere Late.19,Bleriot Bl.123,Dyle et Bacalan DB-10,Amiot-122,
Bleriot-113,and maybe Potez-35

-"HBA.2" observation and recce catapult aircraft; Latham-230,Besson MB.35,Levy-Biche LB-4,Gourdou-
Leseurre L2,Romano R.4,FBA-17HL-1,Villiers Vil.11,CAMS-37
and Percheron DP-?

- Heavy seaplane torpedo bomber; CAMS-44,Liore et Olivier LeO H-151,Dyle et Bacalan DB-11,Desmons
*** For the year 1927

-"B.3" three seat day bomber; Farman F.172

-"HB.3" three seat recce seaplane/flying boat; CAMS-55,Hanriot H.38,SPCA-10 and
Latham 45,47 & 49 and Denhaut Hy.479
*** For the year 1928

-"C.1" single seat lightweight fighter; Dewoitine D.27 & D.32,Morane-Saulnier MS.222 & MS.223,
SPAD S.911,S.210,S.310 & S.410,Bernard-70,Nieuport NiD-72,
Gourdou-Leseurre GL-410 & GL-450,Loire 40,41 & 42,Wibault
Wib.130,Wib.210 & Wib.270

-"M4" multi seat combat aircraft; Amiot-140,Bleriot Bl-137,Breguet Br.410,Br.411,Br.412 & Br.413,SPCA-30,Dyle et Bacalan DB-20,Nieuport
NiD-53m and Avimeta-120

- "R.2" two seat recce aircraft; Amiot-130,Breguet Br.330,Latecoere Late.490,Mureaux ANF-110 & ANF-111,Nieuport NiD-580,Potez-37,Weymann Wel-10 & Wel-80 and Wibault Wib.260

- "A.2" two seat observation aircraft; Breguet Br.270 & Br.271,Caudron C.140,
Dyle et Bacalab DB-30,Potez-390,Mureaux ANF-130 & ANF-131,Weymann
Wel-11 and Wib.124 & Wib.125

-"HB.4" four seat recce/bomber seaplane; Latecoere Late.290,Late.430 & Late.440,Nieuport NiD-50,Besson MB-30,SPCA-20,Liore et Olivier LeO H-16,Latecoere,CAMS-52,Dyle et Bacalan DB-40 and LeO H-257,FBA-? and
Villiers Vil.26 (maybe)

-"S.3" three seat recce seaplane; Liore et Olivier LeO H-23,CAMS-80,Latham-63,Romano R-5,CAMS-37/9,Loire-50 and Latecoere Late.410

-"RN.3" three seat night recce aircraft; ANF-Mureaux-120,De Monge M-120,Loire-20 & Loire-30,Wibault Wib.220,Weymann Wel-70 and Breguet Br.320 & Br.321

- Multi engines transport aircraft; Farman F.300,Latecoere Late.350,Wibault Wib.280 & Wib.281 and Bernard-60T

- Transatlantic South seaplane; Bleriot-5190,Latecoere Late.38,Late.300 & Late.500,LeO H-27,CAMS-58,SPCA Neptune and Breguet Br.510 and may Breguet Br.500 ?
*** For the year 1928
Here, there is a significant modification. Before, the programs were elaborated directly by the final users. In 1928, the Air Ministry was created, with a dedicated direction to manage these programs.
*** For the year 1929

-"C.1" ultra light single seat fighter; SPAD S-210 & S-310,Loire-40,Bernard 70,73,74 & 75,
Dewoitine D.37 & D.38

-"HB.4" four seat recce/bomber seaplane; Nieuport NiD-600,Liore et Olivier LeO H-258

-"Postal" postal aircraft; Nieuport NiD-740,Bleriot Bl-110,Couzinet-28,29 & 30,SPCA-40T,Bloch-60,
Bleriot 195/2,Dewoitine D.29,ANF-Mureaux-140T,Albert A.20,Bleriot BZ-4,
Breguet Br.380 ?,and Guerchais T.6

-"EP.2" two seat military trainer aircraft; Caudron C.251,Albert A.70,Dewoitine D.48,Lorraine-Hanriot
LH-30,SPAD-540 and Morane-Saulnier MS.330 & 331

-"BN.4/5" four seat night bomber; Liore et Olivier LeO-25 and Dyle et Bacalan DB-75 (not sure about it),
Farman F.211 and Breguet Br.360

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