Perhaps the announcement of the sale of 12 Rafale to Serbia tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, on the occasion of President Macron's visit to Serbia.
The two capitals - Paris and Belgrade - both want this transaction. “Our hope is to see this discussion come to fruition on the occasion of the visit” of Emmanuel Macron to Serbia at the invitation of the Serbian president, explained the Élysée. Aleksandar Vucic told AFP on Wednesday that he hoped to conclude the highly anticipated purchase of French fighter planes during the French president's visit.
Just now, the French news channel BFM TV is broadcasting a banner on which it is written that "Serbia has concluded the purchase of 12 French Rafale combat aircraft in the presence of Emmanuel Macron."

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There have been articles about electronic warfare tests between Rafale and Su-35 in Egypt, where the Rafale won, but, as far as I know, it was fake news. Apparently these tests never took place. The sources were a Breaking Defense article and a tweet, both from Mahmoud Gamal, but I never found either. They both disappeared.

Then, as at one time Russia bought Western equipment, notably French, to equip the Flanker series aircraft,
I imagine that French electronics was superior to Russians in terms of avionics, especially now that Russia has struggling to equip themselves with Western components. But perhaps that will change in the future, especially with China's possible aid to Russia.

They told us that,the radar of Rafale make a blind vision to Su-35,of course I don't mean any offence,because
I know the Sukhoi Su-35 is one of the best fighter have been ever made in my opinion,but I can't believe this ?.
They told us that,the radar of Rafale make a blind vision to Su-35,of course I don't mean any offence,because
I know the Sukhoi Su-35 is one of the best fighter have been ever made in my opinion,but I can't believe this ?.
It was never confirmed and the original source removed the original article and tweet. For me, this is fake news.
No, it's fake news too... Already debunked Yesterday...

Among others:


Rafale possibly in competition with the F-15EX in Morocco :
In recent days, a rumor about a possible Rafale order has been gaining momentum in Morocco. Until now, only the resumption of around thirty UAE Mirage 2000-9s had been brought forward. However, it has also been reported that the Royal Air Force is interested in Boeing's F-15EX [or Eagle II]. Which was not confirmed subsequently...

For its part, the Moroccan news site Hespress wonders. “Could Morocco be the next buyer of Rafale fighter jets,” he wonders. He therefore sought insight from Mohamed Badine El Yattioui, professor of strategic studies at the National Defense College of the United Arab Emirates.
“The various discussions around the purchase of the Rafale or the F-15 have been underway for some time, and Emmanuel Macron's decision, at the end of July, to recognize Morocco's sovereignty over the southern provinces will certainly play a role in the balance,” he said. And to recall that the Royal Air Forces have “always had French and American aircraft” and that “the Rafale therefore constitutes the good option to replace the Mirage F1”, which was also brought to the ASTRAC standard in 2011.

The manufacturer revealed that it has entered into new negotiations with other countries.
Dassault aviation's chief executive said: "I think we can expect another contract before the end of the year." He said it would be a "real challenge" that would ensure the company's sustainability.
The news comes at a time that coincides with French President Emmanuel Macron's upcoming visit to Morocco after Paris recognized the Moroccanness of the Sahara.
If the deal is in Morocco's favor, it will most likely be at the expense of the American F-15 EX fighter jet in order to diversify weapons sources.

As usual, to be confirmed.

but for UAE,I heard that,they had been cancelled from another sources (Arabic sources) ?.

At the end of September, the last batch of Rafale F3Rs fighter jets from the 332 “Hawk” Squadron will arrive in Greece. The squadron will receive one aircraft per month, with deliveries completed by January 2025. These six Rafales are new-build aircraft ordered in March 2022 (...). Once they enter service, the 332nd will have 24 combat-ready aircraft

Greece on Friday received first Rafale F3R aircraft from the second supplementary procurement – which comprises a total of six fighter jets.

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Mirage 4000 was the size and weight of a F-15 : and as a result, waaaaay too expensive. Lesson duly learned: Rafale shrunk to F-18 size, and wiped out any other fast jet in French service, Aéronavale included. And it worked.
Rafale for Iraq ? back to the future... 45 years ago.
War Iraq ever interested in the Rafale? I know the mirage 2000 and 4000 but was there ever anything on the Rafale. I know they sent the Rafale A to Saudi Arabia in the 80s to promote interest.
War Iraq ever interested in the Rafale? I know the mirage 2000 and 4000 but was there ever anything on the Rafale. I know they sent the Rafale A to Saudi Arabia in the 80s to promote interest.

The first time it was mentioned was by the Iraqi Minister of Defense in January 2021.
Iraqi Defense Minister: We are close to signing a contract to purchase Rafale aircraft with France, and we are now in the process of studying how to pay for them, whether through a loan or in exchange for oil.


During an interview given for Iraqi Army Day (January 6) on state TV (Al Iraqiya), the Iraqi Minister of Defense, Jumaah Enad Saadoon, reiterated his interest in the acquisition of Rafale (without specifying on the number). Ongoing discussions on payment terms.


I believe that what Archibald means is that it is the return of Iraqi customers for French combat aircraft, after several decades (if the contract is confirmed).
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Iraq has already made a $240 million down payment.

Concerning these 240 million dollars, it is possible that it is a translation and/or a typographical error or a unit cost (for 14 planes), to the extent that the La Tribune article does not cite this sum and where the very first time that it was mentioned, it was not for a deposit.

(...) Norman Ricklefs, who leads geopolitical consultancy NAMEA Group and was previously an adviser to Iraq’s interior minister and to the secretary general of the MoD (...) (and) who has recently spoken to Iraqi defense officials about the procurement plans, said (...) “The Iraqi Air Force is intending to purchase 14 French Rafale fighter jets at a cost of $240 million, which will be paid in oil rather than cash,”

To be confirmed.

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