Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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I am not sure SAGE ever discloses that.

It’s from this website.

"... are going to get us all killed..." The spokesperson for the White House stated that the Administration is reviewing all scenarios. I am confident that the U.S. will take appropriate action. As President Biden said, 'People are dying that don't have to die.' So, where does he draw the line? Arrest those who refuse vaccination?

As predicted, based on facts, those states where vaccination rates are low are experiencing an increase in cases. Florida is having difficulties along with Louisiana. Unless there is a directive to stop people from low vaccination states from entering high vaccination states, then there will be further problems. Sadly - and just stating a fact - some of those people will die. Face coverings for crowded environments are back. I wear one and keep my distance regardless of where I am. What else can anyone do? I am fully vaccinated. Various private institutions and companies are mandating vaccines for students and workers.

I use the wartime analogy: We will get through this. Meanwhile, big money interests know they will be affected if they also refuse to act, so they will act to protect their interests and profits.
Both Pfizer and Moderna have raised the price of their vaccines in their latest EU supply contracts.

So the present situation in French overseas territories in the Caribbean, plus La Réunion faraway, is presently pretty bad and degrading.

Among the victims unfortunately has been that legendary band founding father, Jacob Desvarieux.

The man was fragile, he had diabetis and a kidney transplant in the past. And thus he took imunosupressant drugs.

As a vulnerable person he got three, not two, vaccine shots - yet when he caught COVID recently he couldn't be saved and died.

Guess what happened ? some antivax have shamelessly distorted the basic facts above to claim that
"see ? vaccines are a fluke. three shots yet he died." Conveniently ignoring immunospuressant drugs don't help fighting COVID.

Antivax, how we hate you... may you roast in a Hell pit for eternity...
Delta spreads 'like wildfire' as doctors study whether it makes patients sicker
In interviews with Reuters, disease experts said the three papers suggest a greater risk from the variant, but the study populations are limited and the findings have not yet been reviewed by outside experts. Doctors treating patients infected with Delta described a more rapid onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and in many regions an overall increase serious cases.

But the experts said more work is needed to compare outcomes among larger numbers of individuals in epidemiologic studies to sort out whether one variant causes more severe disease than another.
The majority of hospitalizations and deaths from coronavirus in the United States are occurring in people who have not been vaccinated. But there is evidence that the shots are less effective in people with compromised immune systems, including the elderly.

For vaccinated, otherwise healthy individuals, the odds are that if they contract COVID-19 they will only experience asymptomatic or mild disease, said Dr. Gregory Poland, infectious disease expert at the Mayo Clinic.

"But they can pass it on to family members and others who may not be so lucky," Poland said. "We have to be vaccinated and masked or we will, for the fourth time now, endure another surge and out of that will come worse variants."
Research from China suggesting that the Delta variant replicates much faster and generates 1,000 times more virus in the body compared to the original strain highlights the biggest danger of this new wave, Barron said.

"It is hard to tell if they are more sick because of the Delta variant or if they would have been more sick anyway," she said.

Other doctors said patients infected with Delta appear to become ill more quickly, and in some cases with more severe symptoms, than those they treated earlier in the pandemic.
David Montefiori, director of the Laboratory for AIDS Vaccine Research and Development at Duke University Medical Center, said the Delta variant is more infectious and leads to faster onset of illness - particularly for the unvaccinated.

"Frankly there's a severity that comes from this variant that is a little more severe," Montefiori said on a webcast last week. "It's not just easier to transmit, it makes you sicker."
Read I don't know where, but nowadays 97% of the patients in intensive healthcare with severe condition are non-vaccined people... and they are not vulnerable people with comorbidities.

Right here
Nearly all those dying in the U.K. are unvaccinated. Those who do die and are fully vaccinated I expect are coming from vulnerable groups which obviously isn’t good for those in these sections.
"... are going to get us all killed..." The spokesperson for the White House stated that the Administration is reviewing all scenarios. I am confident that the U.S. will take appropriate action. As President Biden said, 'People are dying that don't have to die.' So, where does he draw the line? Arrest those who refuse vaccination?
Yup! It's a war, after all. We did worse to people among our midst who turned traitor in previous wars. Antivaxxers are traitors, and so was that idiot who ordered that violent deadly coup attempt on January 6. Treat both sets of traitors EXACTLY THE SAME.

They are traitors, they are a grave danger, and they have already demonstrated their intent to kill us all.
There's a difference between traitors and the misled, the misinformed and the obstinate. According to an article, it stated that one-third are reluctant to take a vaccine because of a lack of Full FDA approval. That includes some healthcare workers. Then there are those who refuse to check what they read or ask a doctor. This is followed by the "it will never happen to me" group.

I have seen Florida license plates in my state as recently as yesterday. How do I know if the person driving is vaccinated or not?
Combining AstraZeneca and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is effective -Danish study
Combining AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine with a second dose from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna’s jab provides “good protection”, Denmark’s State Serum Institute said on Monday.

A growing number of countries are looking at switching to different COVID-19 vaccines for second doses, a measure particularly necessary in Denmark after health authorities discontinued inoculations with AstraZeneca’s vaccine in April over rare side-effect concerns.

More than 144,000 Danes, mostly frontline personnel in the health sector and the elderly, received their first jab with AstraZeneca’s vaccine but were subsequently vaccinated with either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna’s shots.

“The study shows that fourteen days after a combined vaccination program, the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 is reduced by 88% compared to unvaccinated individuals,” the State Serum Institute (SSI) said.
It could not conclude whether the same protection applied to the Delta-variant, which is now the most widespread in Denmark.

It also provided no efficacy data on COVID-19 related deaths or hospitalisations, since none took place following the combined vaccination programme.
The hairdo horror of that man was only matched by D J Trump. He looks as if he has a mop or rag on his (ugly) head.
Nearly all those dying in the U.K. are unvaccinated. Those who do die and are fully vaccinated I expect are coming from vulnerable groups which obviously isn’t good for those in these sections.

The singer I mentionned earlier - Jacob Desvarieux - is case in point, unfortunately. Diabetes plus kidney transplant, the latter with immunosupressant drugs... despite three jabs of vaccine, when he caught COVID he didn't made it through, a great loss. But NOT because vaccines are unefficient: because of his previous health issues.
But go tell that to an anti-vax !
The hairdo horror of that man was only matched by D J Trump. He looks as if he has a mop or rag on his (ugly) head.

He's regularly seen deliberately fluffing it up before going in front of the cameras, it's part of his brand recognition.
Oh please. Now we're talking about hairdos? Seriously. There is a health crisis out there. If everyone listened and acted 100% according to the correct guidelines, we would be exiting this right now. That's right. Take a quarantined patient in a hospital. They are infected. Do we just let them run about? No. Of course not. But thanks to the leniency of world governments, with the exception of a country that will not be named, this will end the hard way: More DEATH, followed by more DEATH.

But, by the end of the year, there's hope for an antiviral pill or capsule to appear. The package will have no political party markings on it.
Speaking of hairdos. I am seeing some idiotic, nonsensical things in the U.S. A woman with three different hair colors, with one possibly being her own. Or elaborate tattoos. Those will look just grand once they turn 70.
The sub-headline mentions "immeasurable grief" and for what? Those who could have been vaccinated and who chose not to be? I am sure those in care homes and others did not have much of a chance but vaccinations have and are turning the tide. I am tired of the media telling people how to feel. I know those who died and a few who have recovered. Our grief is our own. It should not be exploited.

Oh please. Now we're talking about hairdos? Seriously. There is a health crisis out there. If everyone listened and acted 100% according to the correct guidelines, we would be exiting this right now. That's right. Take a quarantined patient in a hospital. They are infected. Do we just let them run about? No. Of course not. But thanks to the leniency of world governments, with the exception of a country that will not be named, this will end the hard way: More DEATH, followed by more DEATH.

But, by the end of the year, there's hope for an antiviral pill or capsule to appear. The package will have no political party markings on it.
Exactly. Don't these people know there's a war on?
Of course they know but some don't believe it or fear the vaccines or have some other reason, even if it seems or is unreasonable. Now that more and more restrictions are being put into place in the U.S., people without proof of vaccination, or a negative test, will not be allowed in bars, restaurants, gyms and other places. It's as simple as that. A Vaccine Passport will exist and remain in force.
But if the Sars contingency plan, uncovered now after 16 years, had been adapted the UK’s response would have been far more proactive as Covid spread from China to Europe early last year. Many of the measures it highlights later became key flashpoints for the UK’s outbreak and debate over restrictions, from international travel to limiting mass gatherings and protecting healthcare settings.

This step-by-step framework, which works its way through six alert levels – from zero to five – depending on the severity of an outbreak, would have shaped many aspects of Britain’s response to Covid as far back as January 2020.
Indonesia recorded a grim milestone of more than 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 on Wednesday, data from the country’s health ministry showed, with the Southeast Asian nation recently accounting for one in five fatalities globally.

Indonesia has been battling a tide of coronavirus infections and deaths driven by the highly contagious Delta variant for the past month, as the country has quickly become Asia’s coronavirus epicentre.
Launching an ambitious campaign in January to inoculate 208 million people by next year, Southeast Asia’s biggest country has so far vaccinated less than 11% of that target, hampered by supply and logistical issues as well as vaccine hesitancy.

In a bid to speed up the rollout, the health ministry said this week that people without an identity card would also be able to get vaccinated, a move intended to reach the country’s most vulnerable.
I know this is meant to be a positive news story but I find it curious that in no place in the article wording does it mention that the official death toll has now reached the grim milestone of 130,000. Surely that warrants at least one line?

Covid: Jabs for 16 and 17-year-olds to start within weeks

And not just normal levels of 'fit and healthy', weightlifter, triathlete, mountain climber.

"But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, telling his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated."

Shows the flaws in the whole "I'll be okay even if I catch it, I don't need to be vaccinated" misconception.
Want to bet any rich nations take any notice of this.

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