Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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And not just normal levels of 'fit and healthy', weightlifter, triathlete, mountain climber.

"But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, telling his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated."

Shows the flaws in the whole "I'll be okay even if I catch it, I don't need to be vaccinated" misconception.
When the doctor said she had seen only one fully vaccinated person in intensive care and all the rest were unvaccinated says it all to me.
Worries that the Beta variant though less infectious than Delta is better at evading the immune response might get a foothold in the UK. This is why the UK seems to be getting bothered by holidaymakers going to France & Spain. One minute we are told this variant is dying out, now we are told it's a big threat again, make up you minds!!! Wouldn't Beta from an evolutionary standpoint in an increasingly vaccinated world be best placed to be dominant longer term even though less infectious?

Folks, a warning. If you hear about "Mucchielli" and
Mediapart vaccine rumours from France - dismiss them as fake news.

Laurent Muchielli is a respectable french sociologist. Not a virologist or a scientist by any mean. His area of expertise relates to individual freedoms being threatened in our post 9-11 chaotic world; France included.

Related to vaccines however he seemingly has lost touch with reality and gone a bridge too far.
He has first turned in a Doctor Pangloss saying lockdowns and COVID had been overblown by the french government; that kind of critics. No problem with that.

More recently he has crossed the line into a paranoid SOB claiming vaccines have killed thousands. He was publishing at Mediapart but the incensed website has kicked him out - and in turn he claims to be censored - the usual bullshit usually claimed by conspiracy nuts.

In a few words : another Didier Raoult : a brilliant man turned idiot.

How a remarquable newspaper 70 years ago has turned into an empty shell and then into a hoax and conspiracy ass wipe website.
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I believe this idiot used to claim she was a doctor which she isn’t so at least she’s been stopped from claiming that. But it doesn’t seem to stop her spreading dangerous misinformation.

I believe this idiot used to claim she was a doctor which she isn’t so at least she’s been stopped from claiming that. But it doesn’t seem to stop her spreading dangerous misinformation.

I was given one of her cook books once. I must say it was really good ...for lighting the fire ;)
I believe this idiot used to claim she was a doctor which she isn’t so at least she’s been stopped from claiming that. But it doesn’t seem to stop her spreading dangerous misinformation.

I was given one of her cook books once. I must say it was really good ...for lighting the fire ;)

Or to prop a wardrobe; or to use as toilet paper. Paper should not be wasted; trees were cut to make it.
Prop up a wardrobe with Gillian McKeith. I will not go into the other options of avoiding waste similar to those offered for avoiding waste of paper, because that would get me into trouble with the RSPCA.
I have considered other useful applications of Gillian, but my mind draws a blank. Sorry :confused:
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Browsed the meaning via Google. Laughed loud. Then again the french RSPCA called the SPA (society to protect animals) is led by Brigitte Bardot (shudders at what that women has become after the end of her actress career 50 years ago: browse for it AT YOUR OWN PERIL. One tip: rotten outside, rotten inside)
Funnily enough a bardot is a donkey-horse hybrid. Fits that old witch pretty well.
I always remember some idiot anti-vaxxers saying Covid is only as bad seasonal flu seemingly forgetting that seasonal flu can still be bad and would be a hell of a lot worse without the vaccination of vulnerable people in society. Or their other old favourite castigating science seemingly forgetting that a considerable number of them would have died in childhood without science like the pasteurising of milk with unpasteurised milk being one of the biggest killers in the US for many years.
I always remember some idiot anti-vaxxers saying Covid is only as bad seasonal flu
Do you mean Trumpsonaro ? both idiots said exactly that... reminds me of the Invincible Black Knight saying "tis but a scratch" while bleeding itself to death from its cut off arm.

"Tis but a flu" That idiot Trump also called it "the kung flu" - one of the very few times he made me smile (with Jeff Bozo, ok, that was idiotic).
Related to Astra Zeneca and "dead virus vaccines" such doubts could be (barely) understood; if we ONLY had those available. There had been some troubling issues with AZ and the immunity is not that good, as also shown with the early chinese vaccines.

BUT there are the ARN vaccines that mostly corrected both issues. I know every people is different, but frack it, I have no problem enduring half a day of mild-pain in my left arm - if the alternative is... death. Including of my wife and kid and old and vulnerable mother.
Bad news for The Media. Things may be about to get better. Excerpt from the financial/stock market news site Barron's, dated today:

"Fiverr stock slid sharply Thursday, after the marketplace for freelance professional services warned that results for the rest of the year would be reduced by a reopening of the economy as more vaccinated people leave home and return to more normal work and leisure activities."
I feels like every day now we get a story like this as heartbroken families try to stop others making the same terrible mistake.

The internet has value but checking with actual doctors or nurses has more. In real clinical trials, the actual number of people involved would be smaller. Now, after millions of doses, there is a lot of data. Both Pfizer and Moderna have applied for full FDA approval. A decision is expected sometime in the Fall. If governments don't act to identify and shut down sources of such information then this scenario will continue to play out.
As these results are so provisional and not peer reviewed all I will note from the article is the call by this research group for the WHO to upgrade the Lambda variant from a Variant of Interest to a Variant of Concern.

What is horrifying is Louisiana, at the heart of the mighty USA, doing no better than Manaus, Brazil - lack of oxygen included.
This is what a disinformation attack looks like when it hits its target.
There are early signs that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 may be able to transmit the Delta variant of the virus as easily as those who have not, scientists at Public Health England (PHE) said on Friday.

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Just a reminder not all viruses are harmful to us some are useful. This potentially helpful virus also comes from Norfolk.
A virus that could benefit human health has been named after the Norfolk village of Colney, where it was discovered.

The Colneyvirus is a bacteriophage, a type of virus that infects bacteria, also known as a bacteria eater.

It could help combat C. diff infections, which infects the bowel and causes diarrhoea, most commonly during a course of antibiotics, according to researchers at Norwich’s Quadram Institute.

The Colneyvirus, first discovered at the Institute of Food Research at Norwich Research Park on Colney Lane, could form part of future treatments to combat C. diff after further work is done.

Yes, yes. It's the weekend. In other news, U.S. unemployment has fallen to 5.4% which compares favorably to 4.6% unemployment in early March, 2020. So just .8% to go. The economy is "healing" according to one investor site and Broadway is reopening, with masks and proof of vaccination. A 1 Trillion Dollar infrastructure deal is being finalized, meaning more jobs.

Note to the Media: The rest of the country is not Florida or Louisiana. And oxygen is available from other states. Not trying to be insensitive but Louisiana is not some island in the Pacific.

Note to drivers from Florida and Louisiana: Stay out of my state... unless you're fully vaccinated.

Note to driver from North Carolina: I saw your license plate in my state. I hope you are vaccinated.
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In Belgian news on Friday:

The outbreak with the B.1.621 variant happened in a section for elderly people with severe dementia.
20 fully vaccinated residents got infected, 7 of them died of Covid-19 over a period of 2 weeks.
A responsible from the care home testified that during the first week symptoms were mild but then suddenly worsened fast in the 2nd week.

Vaccine-induced immune-responses in these old & fragile people may have been somewhat less to start with, and/or they may have faded away after several months (in Belgium elderly people in caring/nursing homes were the first to be vaccinated, starting in January 21), and/or the vaccines are (a lot) less effective against preventing severe disease caused by B.1.621 (Colombian variant).

Belgium is considering booster-doses for people at high risk.

Few notes:
B.1.621 (Variant of Interest) was first detected in January 2021 in Colombia.
Up to now, all (5)'Variants of Concern' (VOC) and (6) 'Variants of Interest' (VOI) came to be / were discovered BEFORE the start of the vaccination-campaigns (not counting a few 'symbolic first vaccinations'), with maybe as exception VOI B.1.620 which was first detected in February 2021 but with unknown country of origin.
Of the now 22 'Variants under Monitoring' (VUM) - which at present are regarded as posing much less concern or interest - more then half were discovered before the start of the vaccination-campaigns, less then half at or around the start of the vaccination-campaigns, and only 3 were detected later then February 2021: 1 in March in the UK, 1 in June in the UK, and 1 in June in South-Africa.
If your employer fires you because you won’t get the COVID vaccine, don’t expect to collect unemployment

"Each day more employers are telling employees they need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to work in person or risk being fired.

On Thursday CNN revealed it had fired three unvaccinated employees for violating the company’s vaccine requirement for in-person workers, according to an internal memo signed by Jeff Zucker, the cable network’s president, and obtained by the New York Times.

Unlike millions of Americans who were laid off during the pandemic, the three former CNN employees likely won’t qualify for unemployment benefits, employment law experts told MarketWatch.

CNN parent company WarnerMedia, a unit of AT&T T, +0.07%, declined to comment on the firings.

In most states, individuals have to prove they’re out of work through no fault of their own to collect unemployment benefits.

“This often means that they are let go due to a lack of work,” said Alana Ackels, a labor and employment lawyer at Bell Nunnally, a Dallas-based law firm.

“Typically, an employee who is terminated for failing to comply with company policies is not eligible for unemployment benefits, which would include refusing to comply with a company’s COVID-19 prevention policies, masking requirements or vaccine requirements,” Ackels told MarketWatch.

But an employee who has proof of a medical exemption or religious objection to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine may still be eligible to collect unemployment benefits if fired, said Rebecca Dixon, executive director at the National Employment Law Project, a nonprofit that advocates for worker’s rights.

Otherwise, refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine, if your employer requires one, “is akin to an employee’s refusal to submit to permissible drug tests or participate in safety trainings,” said Ronald Zambrano, employment law chair at West Coast Trial Lawyers, a Los Angeles–based law firm. That is, such an employee, when terminated, would not qualify for unemployment benefits, Zambrano said.

Ultimately, “this could lead to tens of thousands of people across the United States without work or access to unemployment benefits because they refuse to get vaccinated,” Zambrano said."
In Belgian news on Friday:

(Colombian variant).

Few notes:
B.1.621 (Variant of Interest) was first detected in January 2021 in Colombia.

Must resist making lame coffee / cocaine jokes...
Switzerland, vaccination campaign:

Thanks to a recent case law, teens over 12 can now get vaccinated if they choose to do so without parental consents (in Fr) :

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Covid surge in Vietnam hits global supply chains (, subscription or registration may be required)

Covid surge in Vietnam hits global supply chains | Financial Times
A record surge of Covid-19 infections has forced factories to shut in southern Vietnam, hitting one of the world’s busiest manufacturing centres for clothing and footwear and sending global brands looking for back-up suppliers.

The supply chain disruption is a blow to a country that had largely tamed local transmissions of the virus in 2020. Vietnam was one of few Asian economies that grew and attracted new foreign investment last year despite the pandemic.

Vietnam’s daily new cases have been trending between 7,000 and 8,000 and nearly all of the country’s more than 200,000 infections have been recorded since the beginning of July.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s largest city, has been hit hardest. It imposed strict social-distancing measures on July 9, including rules on worker transport and housing, and the deployment of staff on factory floors.

Two big footwear suppliers — Taiwan’s Pou Chen, which makes shoes for Adidas and Nike, and South Korea’s Changshin, which also supplies the US company — suspended operations last month.

Pou Chen stopped production at a Ho Chi Minh City factory, its largest in the country, on July 14, and said the plant would remain closed until at least August 9. The company’s other Vietnamese plants were forced to scale down operations.

“Local government requirements have affected workers’ ability to come to work, and that has led to a drop in capacity utilisation,” the company said.

Pou Chen shipped 244m pairs of shoes last year, 44 per cent of which came from Vietnam. Adidas warned last week that supply chain constraints could cost it as much as €500m in sales by the end of the year.

Feng Tay, another Taiwanese sports footwear manufacturer, closed several of its factories last month. The company makes shoes accounting for one-sixth of Nike’s annual sales, according to its website.

The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association said recently that more than 30 cent of the country’s garment and textile factories were closed. A report in state-run Vietnam News quoted the chair of the association as saying the vaccination rate among workers in the industry was “still very low”.

Vietnam has been hampered by a stuttering vaccine programme after the government was slow to procure jabs. Only about 1 per cent of the country’s roughly 98m population has been fully vaccinated.

Coronavirus cases have been reported across Vietnam and disrupted other sectors, including electronics.

“With all provinces in Vietnam being hit by Covid, the situation is so unprecedentedly uncertain that buyers have to adopt a Plan B or C, including offshoring production to another country,” said Vu Ngoc Khiem of Global Sources, an ecommerce platform that links Asian suppliers with overseas buyers.

Samsung, one of Vietnam’s biggest employers, has suffered disruptions to its smartphone manufacturing over recent months after a critical supplier of injection moulding equipment stopped operations.

The issue has been resolved but the tech group’s appliance factories near Ho Chi Minh City are running at about half capacity.
Operations are expected to “normalise” this month, the company said.

Eurasia Group, the consultancy, said in a research note last week that there were concerns the outbreak in Vietnam “could harm production ahead of peak end-year/holiday season demand”.

However, health officials have said in recent days that Covid cases in Ho Chi Minh City were “plateauing”, in a possible indication that the worst of the current wave of infections had passed.

Vietnam has lured new investments and supply contracts from global electronics, apparel and other companies seeking to diversify their operations away from China, Asia’s premier manufacturing centre, at a time of worsening Sino-US trade tensions.

Additional reporting by Edward White and Song Jung-a in Seoul
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