Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Joe Rogan Vs an actual scientist. In which the scientist who wrote a report on mutation in vaccinated chickens seems to better understand his report than Joe Rogan, shocking as that conclusion maybe to some.;) The conclusion being yes viruses can mutate in vaccinated populations but it’s the equivalent of wading through a lake of treacle for them compared to the unvaccinated as it slows everything right down. To me it looks like Rogan is wilfully misinterpreting the report.

One ocean away I had never heard of Joe Rogan except as "the guy with Elon Musk when he smoked weed". Dug a little further; learned that the guy was a Moon hoaxer although not a full blown extremist otherwise.
The idea that zero Covid is a non-sustainable approach for countries longer term especially in the face of highly transmissible variants like Delta which can seemingly exploit the slightest crack in your border controls.

The idea that zero Covid is a non-sustainable approach for countries longer term especially in the face of highly transmissible variants like Delta which can seemingly exploit the slightest crack in your border controls.

Well, one shall not forget the ultimate objective in the present war is NOT to eradicate the damn virus, smallpox or polyomelitis style. Or to near-eradicate it as done with the plague.

It is not possible to achieve that with the flu, corona or not corona. We have known this since a veeeeery long time: all flu viruses mutates so fast, the only way to live with them is essentially damage control by re-inventing new vaccines every single year, according to the yearly virus brand.

The ultimate objective is thus to treat COVID as just one more flu-virus; delt by deriving vaccines year after year.

When you think about it this way, that objective has been partially met. We have now vaccines that can keep the pandemic damage at so many levels - from vulnerable people health to hospital saturation to worlwide economy devastation - under control.
Another encouraging aspect is a third shot somewhat improving the odds, too.

Next step is for these vaccines to be derivated faster than variants, to screw those before they pull a Delta.

That's the crux of the matter.

So far present vaccines are able to protect people from every major COVID variants that have popped up, Delta included.
While a future variant could screw the vaccines, it won't be a return to January 2020 because we have now a "vaccine tech base" from which we can derive new vaccines to screw new variant: it is kind of race between the two.

I have re-red Kim Stanley Robinson "The years of rice and salt".

The three major killer plagues in history have been, Plague (duh !) Smallpox and the flu.
The first two are now history but keeping flu under control has proven much more of a headache: vaccines already had to be re-invented each year. and then from time to time a mutated flu went out of control.

People remember the infamous 1918 flu and the more recent very close calls of SARS (2003) and avian flu (2009-2010).

But between them were two major deadly onslaughts, in 1956-58 and 1968-70. And if you think COVID is bad, these two pandemic death tolls were in the 4 to 5 million ballpark at worldwide scale.

I chated with an old physician who happens to be one of France Fights On "founding fathers.". He told me that he clearly remember the 1968 then.

Guess what ? it was as bad and deadly as COVID, with a HUGE difference: nobody gave a frack.

In France alone, if you think De Gaulle and Pompidou went the Macron - Phillippe way: how wrong are you.

"Lockdown ? are you nut ?"

The result was also frightening: 30 000 people dead of the flu in January 1970 alone. 30% of France present death toll 18 months in the pandemic... in a single month. Ouch.

One minor trivial note: Soviet cosmonauts boss Nikolai Kamanin hold a diary of his years heading the corps; he noted in passing he had caught the Hong Kong flu, circa 1968... it was ordinary business for people back then.
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Joe Rogan Vs an actual scientist. In which the scientist who wrote a report on mutation in vaccinated chickens seems to better understand his report than Joe Rogan, shocking as that conclusion maybe to some.;) The conclusion being yes viruses can mutate in vaccinated populations but it’s the equivalent of wading through a lake of treacle for them compared to the unvaccinated as it slows everything right down. To me it looks like Rogan is wilfully misinterpreting the report.

And people wonder why I had that knock-down-drag-out fight with sferrin here upthread, after which he tried bombing my dms.

Thanks Joe Rogan, hope you lose your business and end up owing millions of dollars non-dischargeable.

I chated with an old physician who happens to be one of France Fights On "founding fathers.". He told me that he clearly remember the 1968 then.

Guess what ? it was as bad and deadly as COVID, with a HUGE difference: nobody gave a frack.

No having social media then as we have today probably has something to do with that.

Also, today we have had decades of not not having large numbers of deaths.
The idea that zero Covid is a non-sustainable approach for countries longer term especially in the face of highly transmissible variants like Delta which can seemingly exploit the slightest crack in your border controls.

A virus did what? Break down defenses? Viruses are not armored vehicles. They mutate. So far, some are not following all of the recommended precautions. It appears 100% compliance with getting vaccines is not happening. NEWS to the world: the virus will mutate again. In the meantime, scientists who follow this are preparing countermeasures like booster shots and antiviral pills. So I suggest keeping that in mind while the media runs amok.
A virus runs riot? Seriously? The Media should be held accountable. News not nonsense like 'Godzilla runs riot.'

And one of the anti - pass sanitaire fuckers (sorry for the cursing, but they deserves it) protested with an antisemit sign.
Meanwhile the far-right is descending into insanity (how surprising) and populism. In other words: bears defecate in the woods.
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I’ve heard him being interviewed before and he’s the kind of person I have got a lot of time for as he’s a boots on the ground kind of guy. Who has worked around the globe butting heads with the some of the most troubling viruses. Plus he helped eradicate along with many others Smallpox.

Delta outbreak piles pressure on China’s homegrown vaccines (, registration or subscription may be required)

Delta outbreak piles pressure on China’s homegrown vaccines | Financial Times
China’s worst coronavirus outbreak since the virus first emerged in Wuhan is adding to concerns about the quality of its domestically developed vaccines amid a dearth of data on the efficacy of the shots.
The National Health Commission on Monday reported 94 locally transmitted symptomatic infections, taking the total number of active Covid-19 cases confirmed on the Chinese mainland to 1,603.
Hundreds of those are suspected to be linked to an outbreak seeded last month at a busy airport in the eastern city of Nanjing. Rapid transmission across the country since then has ended China’s year-long streak of only small-scale, locally contained clusters.

The rising case numbers have focused attention on the absence of rigorous studies from state-run Sinopharm and privately owned Sinovac proving that their vaccines work against the Delta coronavirus variant.
Declining efficacy against emergent mutations of the virus is a problem for all vaccines. But unlike the shots developed by BioNTech/Pfizer, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna, no research into the Chinese jabs’ efficacy against the Delta variant has been published in an international journal with a robust process of peer review to confirm the results.
Anti-vaccine protesters wanted to invade BBC HQ, but showed up at the wrong place:
The BBC retained three studios on the site under its commercial for-profit Studioworks arm, which are largely rented to other broadcasters and provide the permanent base for many of ITV’s shows. However, the vast majority of London-based BBC staff and its news operation are based five miles away at the corporation’s Broadcasting House on Portland Place.

The Loose Women co-host Charlene White thanked the security team who kept protesters out of the studio while her ITV programme was on air on Monday afternoon.

“Not sure what protesters were hoping to achieve, but all they would’ve found was me, Jane, Nadia and Penny on Loose Women talking about the menopause,” she said.
Meanwhile, the obvious eludes the out of control media, bent on creating fear. The Thursday before the 4th of July holiday saw over 2 million Americans board planes. That number exceeded the number of persons flying on the same day in 2019. Out of that 2 million, say 10,000 people were infected. Each of those people infected 10 more, bringing the number of infected to 100,000, and those people infected 10 more each, bringing the number to ONE million.

But nooo... The Media promotes their fear-mongering with as much intensity as possible while IGNORING the facts -- the OBVIOUS, very predictable facts.

Now repeat that in France and Germany and elsewhere.
Just a reminder: The wealthy have to survive. The following is from the investment site Barron's, dated today:

Kestra’s New CIO: Don’t Worry Too Much About Delta Variant’s Market Impact​

Your choices are: live and make money or end up sick or dead.
Well - what to say or do after reading this ? beside scratching my head in disbelief...

How about a posthumous IG Nobel prize ? or Darwin award ?

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There’s this excellent news:

But then of course there is always some buffoons:

I’ll let the article do the talking but I don’t think this is much of a surprise with the evolution of the Delta variant.
Herd immunity is “not a possibility” due to the prevalence of the Delta variant, a scientist behind the Oxford vaccine has warned, amid signs that the UK’s recent fall in Covid cases and hospital admissions is stagnating.

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said there is likely to be some “bumpiness” in transmission and “uncertainty of what happens next over the next six months”, with scientists expecting a rise in cases ahead of winter as the weather worsens and people spend more time inside.

And because of mounting evidence that the highly transmissible Delta variant can infect those who have been vaccinated, it’s unlikely that herd immunity will ever be reached, said Sir Andrew, meaning infections will continue to bubble away throughout the population – as now appears to be the case.
I live in Texas where the governor has devoted 100% of his attention to enforcing his no masking mandate. His "leadership" has borne the fruit of him now appealing for help from other states for medical professionals to come to Texas to help the infected. School districts are defying him to protect their students and teachers.

Texas governor appeals for out-of-state help to fight latest Covid wave

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It's amazing to see the reason why military forces don't like using biological weapons being demonstrated to us all by death-cult politicians in real time.

It's called blowback. Reagan tried using HIV as a political weapon back in the 1980s, and now that crap's absolutely everywhere too. Know this: if you consider a deadly pathogen a political ally or consider it to be a valid political tool against your opponents, your ideology and your career have both forfeited their right to exist.
Politics again? What's the point? Really. Some people don't listen to politicians and make up their own minds. I never stopped wearing a mask in certain places, and now -- no surprise -- people are being encouraged to wear masks again. Why? Because millions of people boarded planes or got in their cars and caused well PREDICTED problems. Certain things are happening in the U.S. No surprise. None. People are sick or dying but they put themselves at risk. Again, no surprise. The behavioral scientists out there know how the population would react. That some people would refuse vaccines. At the end of the day, they made their decision. Were politics or politicians involved? Perhaps in some cases but not all.

For the record, I have no political affiliation.
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