Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Locking it down more difficult? No more landings at airports and no more 2000 attendee anything. That should blunt it. And check for out of state license plates. I'll bet some Russians are sneaking in.

I like the excuse that he's not charging for vaccination, he's charging for the 'consultation', that's sure to go down well in the Aussie press.
Astra Zeneca is considering its future in the vaccine business. In other words does it have a future in the sector.

Dobber added that the company would keep its pledge to deliver a broadly available and accessible vaccine. Soriot has said that the vaccine will always be kept affordable for low-income countries, even when the company moves away from a no-profit model.
At last !!
I hope they stay on the business. They have amply proved their worth.

Apparently they'll make the decision in September. Vaccination takes two doses 8 to 12 weeks apart, and then another two to three weeks to reach peak immunity. Students arrive at university in the first or second week of October.

Clearly the government is showing its usual mastery of advanced maths.
Ok, it's Gala, one of those tabloids horseshit magazines... still worth a rapid reading.

Bottom line: Doctors are heartbroken by people crippled by COVID regretting not having been vaccinated.

"If I had known beforehand..."
"If I had known beforehand..."
It's unfortunate the criminal scum who lied to these people about vaccines aren't getting the consequences they deserve.

And now the antivaxxers are pointing the gun squarely at all us responsible people who got vaxxed and wore masks.

At this point it's entirely intentional by antivaxxers that vaccinated people get sick and die of covid right alongside other sick antivaxxers. They should be prosecuted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

This is not a game. :mad:

SAGE on the future evolutionary possibilities of COVID-19. To sum up it is highly unlikely to be eradicated, it could get more dangerous possibly through the combination of two evolved variants, it could also become much less dangerous but that is highly unlikely in the short term. It’s also highly likely to become able to evade vaccinations, most likely through antigenic drift. Each option comes with a list of advised remedial actions. The supporting evidence section is interesting as it turns into a kind of life and times of coronaviruses, actually kind of educationally as it’s written in a relatively straightforward way.

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“We’ve given a lot of money to COVAX, we’re the great funders of COVAX,” he said. “But COVAX doesn’t appear as Europe, it’s an intermediate entity that has had enormous difficulties in supplying vaccines in the necessary amount.”
How USA posture to stay out of COVaX from day one proved right!

Yet more evidence the government is making things up as it goes along - yesterday the Foreign Sec says we may bring in vaccine requirements for students, today the Department for Education says there are no plans for it.
CDC under fire for decision to limit tracking of Covid-19 cases in vaccinated people
The Centers for Disease Control’s limited tracking of Covid-19 cases in vaccinated people is hindering public health officials’ attempts to stem the nationwide surge of the highly transmissible Delta variant.

The agency said in May that it would stop routinely tracking so-called breakthrough infections that didn't lead to hospitalization or death. Several states then stopped tracking mild breakthrough cases, and at least two states told POLITICO they are having trouble reliably tracking infections in vaccinated people.
Now some public health experts and lawmakers are pressuring the CDC to reverse its decision and collect comprehensive data on infections in vaccinated people — from mild to severe. Such cases are very rare, but monitoring them can help reveal how likely a vaccinated person is to infect others, and how well vaccines work over time and against emerging Covid-19 variants. State and local officials also need information on breakthrough cases to make better, more targeted, decisions about when masks are warranted or whether to limit the size of gatherings.
“Given what we know about Delta now — and more what we don’t know about Delta — having a fuller picture of breakthrough cases no matter what the level of symptoms is important to be able to decide what rules and mitigation strategies you need to put in place in your community,” said Adriane Casalotti, chief of public and government affairs at the National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Complicating the situation, many fully vaccinated people have in recent months refrained from seeking testing if they have been exposed to the virus, resulting in a sharp decline in tests being performed and sequenced to detect virus variants. And it is taking weeks for sequencing datafrom labs to be reflected in CDC’s estimates of the prevalence of variants.
But critics argue that CDC is too slow to update its variant data, and the information is not granular enough.

“I do not believe once every two weeks is frequent enough and improvements ought to be made to the timing and frequency of the reporting that CDC is doing,” said Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who pushed for genomic sequencing funding to be included in Biden’s coronavirus relief package.
Some state officials understand why CDC is focusing on severe breakthrough cases but say a more detailed national portrait could be beneficial.

“Understanding the nature of the new variant — for example, the Delta variant or any future variants that come through — that information helps inform the approach that we may take, as we continue our response to the pandemic,” said Jinlene Chan, Maryland’s deputy secretary of public health services.
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This Indigenous man survived a 10-year Amazonian odyssey—but not COVID-19

After a violent ambush, Karapiru wandered the forests of eastern Brazil for a decade. On July 16 he became another victim of the pandemic.

The Indigenous survivor of a deadly ambush that sent him wandering alone for 10 years across 900 miles of rugged highlands in eastern Brazil has died of COVID-19 symptoms, according to fellow tribespeople and rights activists.

Karapiru, whose name means Hawk in his native Awá, died in a hospital in the Amazonian state of Maranhão on July 16. Although fully vaccinated, he developed severe symptoms of the disease while in his adoptive village of Tiracambu, where he had lived for the past several years. He was evacuated to the city of Santa Inés where took his last breaths.

Karapiru’s death in an isolation ward, far from his loved ones and his people, carried echoes of the suffering and loneliness that marked his life and his extraordinary tale of survival.

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