Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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If they are not vaccinated, they should probably not be in contact with people at risk.
It's nearly the 2nd accademic year since Covid-19 started: where is the surge in personnel? How many more physicians, nurses and helper?

If one has/would have plenty of healthcare-workers to choose from, it is/would be a lot more easy to put those who might not (want to) be vaccinated not in contact with people at risk. A lot of countries have made savings in their healthcare capacities over the past years.
Extra beds can be created reasonably fast, but usually it takes many years to school the urgently needed medical personnel.
Where I live (in a country suffering from a dissociative identity disorder, and near some Channel but not in FR or the UK), in some hospitals staff are leaving as fast as they can over the past months, seeking non-nursing jobs in the healthcare sector, or jobs in entirely different sectors. (Maybe they finally got a break, and time to check what the hell is going on.)
LA man who mocked Covid-19 vaccines dies of virus

This is such a waste of human life, at every single level you consider it - cynically or humanly.

(in a country suffering from a dissociative identity disorder, and near some Channel but not in FR or the UK)
Belgium ?

Macron in a speech from Tahiti (he is visiting Polynesia AFAIK) nailed the issue quite well.

As we say in French "ma liberté s'arrête là ou commence celle des autres".
Which mean
"My own individual freedom stops where others individual freedom begins".

One example: I should be free to drive at 150 miles per hour on Bordeaux crowded and dangerous motorway, so why are there radars and policemen all over the place ? Because of course I may kill people on top of killing myself while driving like an egoistical A-hole.

(note: this is the place where America and France vision of "invidual freedom" diverges severely. Something the French media will never, ever understand - facepalm.)

Well, the healthcare workers should think about this basic principle.

Do they want, on top of their own illness and possible death from the Delta Variant, lead their own patients and friends and family to illness and death ? - since they are on the frontline and at immense risk of getting contaminated ?

And thus that's why Macron imposed them mandatory vaccination. Whatever Macron flaws (and we all know what they are, and too many) this sounds like an evidence to me.

Yet the same healthcare workers are claiming loud and clear in the streets "hell no, we don't want the vaccine".

This is beyond me. Even trying not to reason in black-and-white like a goddam fanatic / extremist - I can't see any shade of grey making this decision understandable.

Those people are suicidal or in denial.

I can understand that ordinary citizens are protesting mandatory vaccines if they are to be traded against things like "going anywhere outside home". But healthcare workers ? WTH ?
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Frack, I just realized that "classic" vaccines are already mandatory - and perfectly accepted for years or decades - by healthcare workers.

Which makes some sense: when dealing with drug addicts and their syringes, you'd better protect yourself from hepatitis, AIDS, whatever (vaccines or not, I know, but you get the point).

So please somebody explains me - why are healthcare workers bothered by just one more vaccine - the COVID one ?

Maybe it's because they fear "that one has been created in a hurry, secondary effects may be severe". Ok, that's a possible argument.

Except that... there had been returns from experience. The Astra Zeneca admittedly has been a little flawed. More generally, the "dead viruses" vaccines are not very good - as far as protection and secondary effect go.

But they are NOT the only game in town ! Not anymore. The RNA ones seems reliable enough.

So I'm still wondering - why is one more mandatory vaccine an issue for them, damn it ?
As you can see it's a problem of adapting your workforce not setting new rules. The absurdity of mandating a vaccine is only another marker of a certain bias in the decision process.
Let the ppl decide... Including the choice to lose their jobs.
But mandating is obviously the cheapest way of incitations... (and the laziest way of management)
Let the people decide? Really? So, a person is infected and spreads the infection. If this were a personal - it only affects me - decision, then yes. But that's not the case here.
My pastor today had a wonderful message for us today. She's teaching her daughter to live by the following:

"Every decision we make has consequences, and these consequences always affect both us and other people."

My experience is not many people try to actually compute the consequences their decisions have on others, much less try to carefully make decisions to influence the consequences toward a positive result for other people. Most people are fine allowing themselves to be lied into bad choices by paid Hostis Humani Generis mercenaries such as this 'Fazze' ad agency that just got caught trying to propagandize against vaccines.

Since lives are literally at stake, in the U.S., at least, such companies should be shut down after review. Other instances of spreading false information should be investigated and appropriate action taken.
'In the long run we are all dead' - John Maynard Keynes
Some people feel an irresistible urge to hasten the process.
Considering how hard the species jump seems to be the first place should we be that surprised that it is adaptable evolutionary wise.

Frack, I just realized that "classic" vaccines are already mandatory - and perfectly accepted for years or decades - by healthcare workers.


So I'm still wondering - why is one more mandatory vaccine an issue for them, damn it ?

Maybe they´re afraid they will all turn into an Obélix. Since he fell in the kettle, the French are renown for being a bit wary towards scientists and pharmaceutical products. Add 1789, political decisions from the past few years and 21st-century social media to the kettle, and you end up with 'a perfect soup'.
Btw, "When it rains in Paris, it drizzles in Brussels". ;)
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News from Canada.


Let them die, those idiots. I know it is cynical, but in an atempt at defense I would say: the virus don't care, he doesn't thinks of politics, the virus: his only goal in life is to find warm human bodies and infect them - be them pro-vax or anti-vax.

My left arm is aching a little today, didn't prevent me to sleep like a log, and bar that: Pfitzer is fine, thanks. Except for that sudden apetite for brains hmmm must make a sandwcih aaaaaRGHHH NEEEUARHH mùrmk!kgdf!mkgmksmkgmskekks
What a totally misleading headline and very cheap shot - politics in action. So, this very ** NOT well defined ** group of people who decided to not get a vaccine. They did it !!! Caused the virus to mutate !!! They did it !!!

NEWS to the world. All viruses mutate. That's why there's a new flu shot every year. But nooooo... the media, in its eternal efforts to prod the public and spark OUTRAGE (TM), throws out headlines like this.

And the United States was going to be fine with 70% vaccinated. What about the remaining 30%? Invisible? Don't count?

Frack. They found fake guillotines with names of pro-vax politicians attached to it... in the village next to my mom's door ! One I perfectly know.

Jack Sparrow would be proud. Then again, the more he age, the more Francis Lalanne looks and sounds like a clone of Jack Sparrow - beard, long hair, and incoherent ramblings included.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn he has a cuttlefish as a pet.


I'm starting to worry that the Jack Sparrows - incoherent babbling wrecks, mentally devastated - may take control of my country...

Guillotine ? sounds french. I love french. Do you know they invented mayonnaise ?
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Frack. They found fake guillotines with names of pro-vax politicians attached to it... in the village next to my mom's door ! One I perfectly know.
Are you sure you do remember what you've been doing after that Brain sandwich?

Utah had monoliths, France got guillotines...
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New study on breakthrough infections caused by the Gamma variant. There isn’t a great deal of difference in the attack rate between the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated, though no serious illness.

Breakthrough Infections of SARS-CoV-2 Gamma Variant in Fully Vaccinated Gold Miners, French Guiana, 2021

An outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 caused by the Gamma variant of concern infected 24/44 (55%) employees of a gold mine in French Guiana (87% symptomatic, no severe forms). The attack rate was 60% (15/25) among fully vaccinated miners and 75% (3/4) among unvaccinated miners without a history of infection.

From The Guardian
Pfizer jab just 84% effective after six months, data shows

The efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech fell from 96% to 84% over six months, according to a preprint not yet peer-reviewed.
Stat News reports that an ongoing Pfizer study of more than 44,000 people, the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing any Covid-19 infection that causes even minor symptoms appeared to decline by an average of 6% every two months after administration.
Moderna’s jab was 90% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 95% effective against severe disease after six months, the company said in April, but Johnson & Johnson has not disclosed six-month efficacy data, Stat News reports.
The Pfizer study, which enrolled volunteers in Europe and the Americas, does not address whether the vaccine is less effective against the Delta variant.
The pharmaceutical company’s chief of research and development said he expected a third dose to be “somewhat more long lasting” than second dose.
Here’s the relevant pre-print paper:

Astra Zeneca is considering its future in the vaccine business. In other words does it have a future in the sector.

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