Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Masks not just useful for controlling the spread of COVID-19.

“CDC is working with the airline and state and local health officials to contact airline passengers and others who may have been in contact with the patient during two flights: Lagos, Nigeria, to Atlanta on July 8, with arrival on July 9; and Atlanta to Dallas on July 9,” CDC said in a statement.

The agency also mentioned that all passengers on these flights were required to wear masks due to Covid-19 restrictions, therefore, the “[risk of] spread of monkeypox via respiratory droplets to others on the planes and in the airports is low”.

Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

Given we're at 69.1% double-dosed, even the 60% of admission fully vaccinated cock-up would indicate a significant advantage from vaccination. 60% of admissions unvaccinated really shows the advantage.
You need to let the people steam out. And I guess nobody in the government want to be the one that give the bad news...
In an article published yesterday, it was pointed out that Pfizer and Moderna have applied for full FDA approval for their vaccines. An unknown number of those who chose not to get the vaccine cited this lack of full approval as the reason they would not get vaccinated. For me, this begs the question: Millions of doses have been administered, data has come in and what is the hold up? The number of people who actually got these vaccines which were approved under an Emergency Use Authorization is far greater than the number that would normally get a clinical trial only vaccine.

Regarding restrictions in the UK, Los Angeles County has reimposed mask wearing indoors. Other, clearly identified parts of the country are seeing increases in hospitalizations, and deaths. But the numbers, and how they are presented, are very important. After a period of declining cases and deaths, percentages are being thrown out. Example: A 111% spike. What does that mean? In that specific case, it means patients admitted went from 69 to 139.

In the U.S., over 2 million people boarded planes on the Thursday before the 4th of July, beating the total on the same day in 2019. Guess what? Numbers are up -- right on schedule. Just as predicted. That is the message for the rest of the world as well. No one can just sneak off hoping no one, including the virus, will notice. Follow sound medical advice.
There is the financial aspect: full approval means also fully accountable. The present status-quo is way more comfortable. It keep them away from sideline litigations unavoidable with a product that had been administered that massively.
After a period of declining cases and deaths, percentages are being thrown out. Example: A 111% spike. What does that mean? In that specific case, it means patients admitted went from 69 to 139.

I do like the way we've seen here of presenting growth rates as how long it takes the figures to double, which gives an easily understandable way into exponential growth for people who'd really have no clue what exponential meant under normal circumstances.
It’s to be re-iterated that this confirms that one dose of vaccine really isn’t going to cut it against Delta. As they always say complete your course of medicine. By the way there does appear to be some reduction in effectiveness so I am guessing the concern must remain for those with heavily compromised or superseded immune systems. Annoyingly we never get kind of fine detail in these articles.


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"dialed back health powers" What idiot wrote this? The poisonous thing about politics is that ugly word -- power. The 100% false narrative pushed by the media in the U.S. is along the lines of this or that powerful person woke up one day and decided to use their > power < to make others miserable. No real reason. Just power.

I hope no rational, sane person believes that. And no, I am not saying governments, and the people in it, never abuse their power, but where is the evidence for abuse of power here? Health departments - federal, state and local - issue the recommendations and provide the science. The entire world - I'm not exaggerating -- is at risk if they think street protests, for example, will keep this or any virus at bay. Of course, people are free to cross multi-lane highways without looking but I would never recommend it.
Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world’s second highest after the United Arab Emirates, a Reuters tracker shows, and half its population is fully vaccinated.

It reported 1,096 locally transmitted cases in the last 28 days, of which 484, or 44%, were fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and the remaining 25% were unvaccinated.

There were only seven severe cases requiring oxygen support and six of them were unvaccinated and one was partially vaccinated, the health ministry said.
The data also showed that infections in the last 14 days among vaccinated people aged over 61 were at about 88%, higher than the younger age group.

Linfa Wang, a professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, said elderly people have been shown to have weaker immune responses upon vaccination.

In Israel, which also has a high vaccination rate, about half of the 46 patients hospitalised as of early July in severe condition were vaccinated, and the majority were from risk groups, according to the health authorities.

It was not immediately clear whether the data reflects reduced protection offered by vaccines against the more contagious Delta variant, which has been the most common version of the virus in Singapore in recent months.
From The Guardian’s live coverage:
The British Medical Association, effectively the trade union for doctors, has called for “an urgent rethink” of the government’s Covid strategy, arguing that Boris Johnson has gone too far in lifting restrictions. Dr Chaand Nagpaul, the chair of the BMA council, has frequently questioned government policy in the past, but this morning he issued a particularly strong critique, arguing that the media focus on the so-called pingdemic is missing the point. He said:

The government’s current public infection control strategy is not working, it is leading to rocketing case numbers with more illness in the community, more people in hospital, and more people having to isolate. It is time for an urgent rethink rather than staying on the same course.
BMA members across the country are seeing patient care threatened as surges in Covid illness is resulting in hospitals having to cancel more non-urgent care and GPs are overstretched with demand. Local public health units are overwhelmed with calls from schools and businesses. These pressures are now being exacerbated by increasing numbers of health service staff themselves falling ill or self-isolating, and unable to work at a time when they are most needed. Other key services such as supermarkets are telling us that they are struggling to put food on their shelves due to staff absences.
The government needs to wake up. This is not a problem about excessive pinging of the NHS app, but is a direct result of lack of effective measures by government that is allowing the virus to let rip throughout the nation. The BMA has repeatedly warned that amidst the highest levels of infections in the world, now is not the right time to abandon legal restrictions such as social distancing and mask wearing - and we are likely to see this situation continue to worsen as a result.
On Monday the government announced that fully vaccinated frontline health and social care workers will be able to use daily testing as an alternative to isolation, if they have been in contact with someone testing positive, in some circumstances. (This is broadly the same policy extended to food depot workers, and to some critical workers, last night). But Nagpaul argued this policy was a mistake. He said:

Exempting healthcare staff from self-isolation to get them back to work is a desperate and potentially unsafe policy that does not address the root problem. The safety of patients and staff must be paramount. People go to see healthcare professionals in order to get better, not to risk getting infected, and staff should not fear transmission of the virus from their own colleagues.
Geez, the freakkin' virus has just atempted a "decapitation strike " on my girlfriend workplace - like a speznatz team or a nuclear strike.

Let me explain: two days ago the top executives all met in some kind of conclave (you know, like the Pope). But there was no white smoke: rather, one of them has just returned ill of COVID.

Habemus cluster !

I hope all of them will be fine.

She must have her second shot tomorrow morning, and me: on tuesday. We are preparing to turn into zombies, at least for the next day.

Drat. This horror will never end. France has just beaten again its highest contagion rates since May.
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ONS says more than 800,000 people in UK thought to have had Covid last week

ONS survey provides hint Covid cases may be starting to plateau in north-east and north-west

ONS estimates for rates of Covid in England, by region and age group

(Links are to different places in the liveblog, not accidental duplicates)
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Government policy? Don't people who have been living through this for a year and a half have their own strategy? My state is fully open but I'm not changing anything. I'm working, and though face coverings are not ** legally ** required, everyone is wearing one. Everyone. Surfaces are still being disinfected even though this is a private business.

By going to where they should not, people -- not governments -- are putting themselves at risk. No doubt people need a break - a holiday - something. I understand.
But when millions go to places and mingle... well, there's no APP there, is there? Nothing to ping anything. Right? I'm watching how different parts of the UK are faring. What they need is a command center with detailed maps. The same for the US. But this is the weekend, and again, like clockwork, it's all going to hell in a handbasket. Again.
Macron is the unlucky one, really. He had just opened up France again and wham, delta variant and potentially 150 000 daily cases within the next month. While he can certainly be an arse, he certainly has NOT planned such last two years of his mandate - Dear God (Dear Jupiter, shall I say ?)

The Murphy law is having ton of fun with him - ruining his legacy - cranked well past 11.

The only good news is that the right-wing nuts are presently imploding in conflicting factions - between Dupont Aignan, Le Pen, Zemmour, Ménard, Philippot... may they continue fighting and splitting the fascist vote, because a remake of May 2002 plus COVID plus gilets jaunes would be devastating. They are splitting over the vaccine (sigh), the "pass sanitaire", the social chaos brought by the crisis...

Zemmour is splitting the far-right all by himself - and he still hasn't declared his candidacy. Intellectually and culturally, he buries Marine Le Pen any day, any time - but SHE, not him, has the FN / RN party political machine behind her. There will be blood all over the walls in "populist land" (grabs popcorn).

The 2022 French Presidential election will be... interesting. And dangerous, and frightening.
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Politics latest news: Isolation rule to remain until Aug 16 despite pingdemic chaos, says vaccines minister
People must continue to isolate after being alerted by the NHS Covid app until Aug 16, despite concerns that the pingdemic could see a return of food shortages and undermine critical infrastructure, the vaccines minister has said.

Health and social care staff who have had both vaccinations will be exempt, if they receive a negative PCR test, from today. However, amid estimates that 1.73 million were isolating yesterday - including Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak - Nadhim Zahawi said those in other professions would have to wait until next month for a reprieve.

"We want to try to get to Aug 16, where if you’re double vaccinated you don't need to isolate," he said. "The Aug 16 date is for the rest of the economy to allow more people to be protected by two doses."

Asked about the prospect of supermarket shelves being left empty, he told Sky News: "I don't disagree with you, but businesses are rising to the challenge... Key workers and businesses, small, medium and large - it is difficult, this is not a normal year, but the NHS app has proven its worth, and it is saving lives."

He also suggested there would be no changes to the NHS Covid app's sensitivity, saying it was right to "clinically advise people, with that sensitivity, that they have come into contact with people who have tested positive."

On the isolation until the 16th August ruling, there is a comment in today's telegraph which says 'The UK 'does not have testing capacity to end self-isolation notifications'.
Official numbers of positive tests in the UK have fallen 4 days in a row, with a weekly total of 309,700 still 11% higher than last week, though as DWG linked above, the ONS estimates between 680-800,000 people caught Covid last week. Given 1.73 million are isolating that estimate feels probable.

If the ONS figure is closer to reality then the 'pingdemic' is a sham as up to nearly half of all isolating people would actually have Covid, so relaxing the rules wouldn't benefit industry that much. On the other hand if the official figure is closer to reality then it would seem quarantine is rather a blunt instrument, assuming the testing capacity exists to relax the regulations.

The fall in positive tests could be a side effect from two things; schools are on holiday now so that has removed a big source of positive tests and testing capacity seems to be declining slightly.
As ever "lies and statistics" though, if 300-500,000 people haven't bothered to get tested then we can only guess how many more aren't following isolation rules/deleted app/ignoring pings etc.

The big question nobody has asked is whatever happened to "Covid secure" workplaces that the government said would be enforced over 12 months ago? From these statistics and the moans of the food industry it would seem that either the notion of making any workplace is Covid secure is bollocks or that industry isn't following the regulations.
My girlfriend has got her second shot this morning, I will follow on tuesday. We have been smart to plan that last June: at the place where I will get vaccinated, the waiting list NOW stretches to... October 4 ! Going farther awayfrom our home place it's september - best case.

Note we had had our first shot together but three weeks ago she moved her second forward by some days. No problem BACK THEN.

Then Macron took the gloves off and the day after, 1 million calls were passed to DOCTOLIB, the website used to take medical appointments. Which incidentally went dead for some hours, down for the count, overloaded.

All this because the French people are stubborn idiots that needs their rear ends to be kicked with Teddy Roosevelt proverbial "big stick" (no sexual innuendo here, please !) to get vaccinated. "Sticks and carrots", the usual business.
MAcron and his government, for all their flaws, have taken the gloves off. By early August, for good or worse one will need to be vaccinated to live any kind of ordinary life.
The social consequences and protests are already boiling up like crazy, at many levels.
There will be blood, coming on top of the pre-COVID yellow jackets.

This. is. a. freakkin' . mess.
This could all have been over with had the average person displayed even a tenth of the enthusiasm I had when the vaccine became available to me. I threw myself onto that needle, both times!

But nope, people just had to believe whatever lethally personality-optimized propaganda Fakebook intentionally showed them. Now we have the decent-people end of the political class spouting absolutely ridiculous-sounding and unpopular truths about social media and its behavior toward the pandemic, all while the bodies pile up sky high yet again.

Zuckerberg, among others, is a cold blooded mass murderer. Biden shouldn't have ever walked that statement back.
I'm watching how different parts of the UK are faring. What they need is a command center with detailed maps.

In England and Wales, we've had daily-updated publically accessible maps down to Middle Layer Super Output Area level, (c7000 people) for about a year now. Scotland and NI report at a higher level. The PHE ones will undoubtedly go down to LSOA level (c1500), if not street level, and the local public health people will be working at the individual building level,and in some cases offices within the building.

The daily map,give it time to load, then just keep zooming down with the scroll wheel until you see streets

Additional data is available if you enter your post code, and national data is on the front page
The big question nobody has asked is whatever happened to "Covid secure" workplaces that the government said would be enforced over 12 months ago? From these statistics and the moans of the food industry it would seem that either the notion of making any workplace is Covid secure is bollocks or that industry isn't following the regulations.

The separate HSE guidelines on Covid secure workplaces, which started out significantly stronger than the DHSC ones, were continually watered down until they matched. And HSE admitted they were only 'advising' companies, not enforcing their rules. This of course has nothing whatsoever to do with the Tories having slashed the number of HSE inspectors.
What incense me is healthcare workers presently manifesting in the streets of Paris, defending their rights NOT to be vaccinated.
Just think about it.
Those people are in the frontline since 18 months. They have seen colleagues dying of the illness, beaten by the virus despite protecting themselves.
And now that a vaccine is available... they fight for their rights NOT be vaccinated.

Ok, so those healthcare workers are suicidal. They want to die. And their patients with them.

I can see no other explanation.

Special mention to those taking care of elders in retirement homes. Mind you, this time the Delta Variant all started in my remote corner of France - South-West.
Being backward an corner of no and where did not get them spared this time. And among the cases was a healthcare worker in a retirement home that got ill and contaminated a load of old vulnerable people.
This is that precise news that incensed Macron and pushed him to get all healthcare workers vaccinated in the first place.

This very one, a month ago.

Six soignants sont positifs à ce même variant, et cinq d'entre eux n'étaient pas vaccinés.

Six healthcare workers were delta variant positive, five of them were not vaccinated.

Well this was in June so may be they had excuse. But same people, refusing to be vaccinated when the delta variant is spreading at breakneck pace ? really ?

Ordinary citizens have a right to defend civil and individual liberties against a brutal enforcement of vaccine.

but healthcare workers ? really ? screw them. They are renegading their very own knowldege - their very own job, damn it. Where is the Hippocratic oath when you need it ?

TLDR - IQ test with 80,000 participants showed clear impact for those who had had Covid. Deficit tracked with severity of initial infection, but not the current level of long Covid symptoms. Average effect was worse than the average cognitive effect of a stroke.
Mind (no pun intended) that prolonged isolation would be by itself a factor in the cognitive impact.
I am not rejecting the possible impact of covid here, but it should be taken into consideration only above a certain value for the effect of isolation.
To assess the later, a sociological behavioral study should be paired. Stats only does not represent much beyond the assumption.
@Archibald : the problem of medical personnels and Covid-19 is sadly taken on the wrong side. It's not about setting rules that medical personnels should be abbiding to. Beyond the authoritarian vision of this epiphenomenon (how many are they?), there is the necessity to adapt people aptitudes to their task.
If they are not vaccinated, they should probably not be in contact with people at risk. Instead of blaming, flaming and, as it get often in France lately, battoning, the French authorities should work their way around and adapt their workforce to the circumstances: move them in compatible services as much as possible, reflect the hazards they face in their salary and when suited propose to end their contracts.

It's nearly the 2nd accademic year since Covid-19 started: where is the surge in personnel? How many more physicians, nurses and helper?

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I'm watching how different parts of the UK are faring. What they need is a command center with detailed maps.

In England and Wales, we've had daily-updated publically accessible maps down to Middle Layer Super Output Area level, (c7000 people) for about a year now. Scotland and NI report at a higher level. The PHE ones will undoubtedly go down to LSOA level (c1500), if not street level, and the local public health people will be working at the individual building level,and in some cases offices within the building.

The daily map,give it time to load, then just keep zooming down with the scroll wheel until you see streets

Additional data is available if you enter your post code, and national data is on the front page

Thank you. Glad to see this.
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