What incense me is healthcare workers presently manifesting in the streets of Paris, defending their rights NOT to be vaccinated.
Just think about it.
Those people are in the frontline since 18 months. They have seen colleagues dying of the illness, beaten by the virus despite protecting themselves.
And now that a vaccine is available... they fight for their rights NOT be vaccinated.
Ok, so those healthcare workers are suicidal. They want to die. And their patients with them.
I can see no other explanation.
Special mention to those taking care of elders in retirement homes. Mind you, this time the Delta Variant all started in my remote corner of France - South-West.
Being backward an corner of no and where did not get them spared this time. And among the cases was a healthcare worker in a retirement home that got ill and contaminated a load of old vulnerable people.
This is that precise news that incensed Macron and pushed him to get all healthcare workers vaccinated in the first place.
This very one, a month ago.
Une trentaine de cas de Covid-19 ont été détectés dans un Ehpad de Pontonx-sur-l'Adour, dans les Landes, dont une vingtaine de cas de variant Delta. Trois résidents étaient alors hospitalisés, l'un d'entre eux est décédé. Dans le Gers, deux personnes sont aussi mortes.
Six soignants sont positifs à ce même variant, et cinq d'entre eux n'étaient pas vaccinés.
Six healthcare workers were delta variant positive, five of them were not vaccinated.
Well this was in June so may be they had excuse. But same people, refusing to be vaccinated when the delta variant is spreading at breakneck pace ? really ?
Ordinary citizens have a right to defend civil and individual liberties against a brutal enforcement of vaccine.
but healthcare workers ? really ? screw them. They are renegading their very own knowldege - their very own job, damn it. Where is the Hippocratic oath when you need it ?