Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Public Health England (PHE) has been accused by a cancer charity of making “misleading” claims about the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines for some people with weakened immune systems.

Blood Cancer UK’s chief executive, Gemma Peters, said she was “deeply concerned” with a PHE statement published this week that made “generalised conclusions” about the levels of protection at-risk groups can expect after receiving jabs.


People have died doing other stupid things. In this particular case, whether anyone agrees with them or not, it's their decision. I worked in hospital for a number of years and anyone can say no to any treatment. However, in the case of a highly communicable virus, the Prime Minister will have to give proper guidance based on scientific facts. In the U.S., my state is fully open but there are settings where restrictions remain. Businesses have taken individual approaches. Some are open to full capacity, others are carry-out or drive thru only. One government agency can be visited by appointment only for specific reasons, otherwise, things are handled by phone or online.
It looks like the government are expecting train companies to enforce mask wearing after 19th July.
This is fascinating study that though only in its early stages appears to suggest that the vaccines ability to stop us getting infected is just 2.9%. Not because there is anything wrong with the vaccines it’s purely the impact of the change in people’s behaviour after they’ve been vaccinated. So yes they’ll keep you out of hospital or dying. But if you behave as you did before the pandemic you still run the risk of getting infected and developing long Covid.

Dr. Fauci, in a sign he has no idea what's actually going on, or didn't check, blamed vaccine hesitancy on "ideological rigidity." Two words that rarely go together in conversations among average Americans. Source: Bloomberg, behind paywall, today.
Dr. Fauci, in a sign he has no idea what's actually going on, or didn't check, blamed vaccine hesitancy on "ideological rigidity." Two words that rarely go together in conversations among average Americans. Source: Bloomberg, behind paywall, today.

I think he nailed it - there's a political skew in US vaccination figures Blue States vs Red States

Or at least nailed one factor, there's clearly several at play.
Government guidance in the U.K. for the vulnerable from the 19th July which seems to basically boil down to good luck with that. I worry for my two friends who are immunosuppressed due to medical conditions. One is a leukaemia survivor and also liver transplant patient.

Scientists do not know exactly how many people are still to receive a coronavirus vaccinebecause the latest population figures from this year’s census have not fed through to analysts, it has emerged.

While precise numbers of those who have had the jab are being tallied every day, exact calculations for overall vaccine uptake are difficult, Sage papers state.

This year’s census will record a larger population, meaning real vaccine uptake is not as high as is being published by the Government.

Yet, in reality these proportions are likely to be lower because those figures are based on older population estimates.

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) minutes state: “While the number of vaccinated people is precisely known, the number of unvaccinated people is not, so estimates of vaccine uptake are uncertain.”

The figures matter because apparently tiny differences between vaccine uptake make a huge difference in modelling how the unvaccinated might go on to infect others.

The minutes add: “Models are also very sensitive to this; for example, there would be twice as many unvaccinated people in an age group if its uptake is 92 per cent compared to if uptake is 96 per cent.”

The reason some are not getting the vaccine is because it has not been fully approved by the FDA. Other reasons range from the bizarre to the even more bizarre. One states that micro-trackers are injected. As if your cell phone was not enough to track you.
The reason some are not getting the vaccine is because it has not been fully approved by the FDA. Other reasons range from the bizarre to the even more bizarre. One states that micro-trackers are injected. As if your cell phone was not enough to track you.
I've been getting great reception on the chip since my vaccination. Ever better once the second jab did the software patch for the chip. Make sure you get the Apple one though as I hear the Microsoft one has issues.
Go for the OpenBSD tracker, that'll protect you from any and all computer viruses too. Well known fact.
Hmmm... Tracking me going to the grocery store, to the gas station, to taking out the trash, to sitting at home. Now I ??>>know<<?? why the government needs to track me.

Did someone say free French Fries?
And who wants to miss going to cafes? Meanwhile, in the U.S., over two million people boarded planes for somewhere on the Thursday before the 4th of July. Now, virus cases are up. Not unexpected but most cases are among the unvaccinated. So, it's not just about cafes...

*Boggle* Tennessee Department of Health won't send vaccination reminders to teens for their second dose because conservative politicians have their knickers in a twist about it. And their top vaccine official appears to have been fired to try and appease them. Worse still, it applies to all vaccinations, not just Covid, and the Department won't now issue vaccination advice under its own letterhead (which has political compromise written all over it).
The reason some are not getting the vaccine is because it has not been fully approved by the FDA. Other reasons range from the bizarre to the even more bizarre. One states that micro-trackers are injected. As if your cell phone was not enough to track you.
I've been getting great reception on the chip since my vaccination. Ever better once the second jab did the software patch for the chip. Make sure you get the Apple one though as I hear the Microsoft one has issues.
I got the AMD one, and it upgraded my CPU from an old AthlonII x4 640 to a freaking Ryzen 7 5800x! :p

*Boggle* Tennessee Department of Health won't send vaccination reminders to teens for their second dose because conservative politicians have their knickers in a twist about it. And their top vaccine official appears to have been fired to try and appease them. Worse still, it applies to all vaccinations, not just Covid, and the Department won't now issue vaccination advice under its own letterhead (which has political compromise written all over it).
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