Advancedboy's Designs Topic

About your "Mercury Promys"
Or maybe first, as not to be misunderstood. Your renderings look great, I wish, I would be able to handle those tools
as professionally as you, said with all proper respect !
I think, your car designs actually are much better, than your designs of aircraft. I really can imagine, that those cars,
you created, would make it into production ! I saw it and thought for me " Ah, could be the after next version of our
Opel Zafira " (If Opel is still there then at all !). But to my opinion, the faults of the Zafira here seem at least not to be
rectified, but maybe even enhanced. The A-pillar looks very strong, probably good for safety, but bad for drivers view.
In the Zafira, skewed forward-looking already is difficult, although window framing, which is strong in your design, still
is relatively slim there. Again, that design looks great, but I think (as already expressed in the Bell 525 thread), to my
opinion nowadays there are a lot of cases, where the functionality takes second place against design and the aggrieved
one is the customer. There often seem to be a lack of communication between designers and customers, or maybe just
too much public relations ? I know, that especially in the case of consumer electronics "design rules it all", but combining
both aspects should be possible, I think ? ;)
I agree with you. That Mercury kinda looks similar to Opel Zafira. Unintentionally. I also agree that A-pillar is too thick and could impede the front view. That is why I added the small window in the corner of A-pillar. Might be still too small though. I think my design also looks too conventional, bu I am still practicing and trying to improve. I might reconsider it later, but then again for concept vehicles desgners are given somewhat a `poetic pass`.
Hard to tell, but the B-pillar of your design seems to be quite slim, so maybe the A-pillar actually has to be
stronger, than usual. One problem with those minivans is, to my opinion, that due to the higher ceiling,you
are seated quite far away from the forward windscreen edge, so the panoramic effect of the curved windscreen
gets lost. And it's hard, to wipe the inner side ! Of course, blower and air-condition should make this unnecessary,
but it still takes quite a lot of time, so a rag still is the faster solution .. as long, as your seat-belt isn't fastened.
Don't worry about the similarity to the Zafira. Ours is silver coloured, so coming back into the garage, you generally
sea dozens of cars, that look like ours ... ;)
Thanks AdvancedBoy for treating us to your neat ideas!

I continue to enjoy looking at your work!

Now just some miscellaneous comments.

Back on your Corvette item. I immediately recognized it as a Vette.
How about trying your own shot at a split window coupe. Or a split window
coupe/convertible? Not sure anyone has ever taken a shot at something like that.
Understand what I mean? A Vette comvertible that can transform into a split
window coupe and back again.

As far as the McLaren P1. You toned it down! :)
It's a nice job you did, but personally I like the outrageousness of the original and how
the normal things ike vehicle lights, radiator inlets, etc work into the wild design.
But I am sure some P1 customers may agree with you and prefer your example. :)

I always like your helicopters!

Looking forward to your Boeing 797!!

Love your B-3 design! Ever done people? Maybe a cool flight line scene from above
(because of the cool shape) of a number of B-3's and a scramble near dusk where you
can play with lighting of taxi ways, the ramp, and runway and maybe other lights and the
air crew cars. There is a neat shot of Whiteman AFB from above showing a number of
B-2's on the ramp. Fo some reason it's hard to find online. But find that and use that for inspiration
maybe. Just an idea.

Also like your 6th gen jets.

Keep it up!

Thanks again!
Thank you , Shockonlip, but I am not really sure what you mean by split window . Do you mean something like targa roof with the roof split in 2 segments? Or you mean retractable hardtop like on some versions of Pontiac G6 Coupe? Or you mean windows seperated by B and C pillars that are visible and not covered by glass?
As to my designs, I will revisit them and start posting them back in the same places that they are now. You wil only see that the post has been edited and the old redfering has disappeared. I hope to revisit majority of them. Of course I will try to add some new stuff as well.
Boeing T-X next gen trainer jet. Some new features. The rear landing gear is moved backwards . I did it on purpose. As rookies might expose the jet to extreme manoeuvers while taking off or landing it is crucial that even at extreme angle of landing or take off the landing gear hits the tarmac first, not the exhaust nozzle tips of the engine. Also the front part of underbelly has a small winglet which not only stabilises air stream but is also used if front landing gear is damaged or can`t be retracted. The winglet has a graphene tip and can stop the jet without damaging the fuselage underbelly and air intake parts. If the winglet was not there not only the fuselage would be damaged but shrapnels of asphalt and fuselage parts would be sucked in the air intake damaging the engine as well. Hope you` re enjoying the sketch and ideations behind it:) (I re -edited it once more and moved the landing gear forward.)


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It seems to be intended not only as a trainer, isn't it ? There are weapons bays and for a pure trainer
stealth probably isn't necessary. But many trainers double as llight strike or fighter aircraft. and maybe
the time, this design enters service, the maintenace problems with stealthy aircraft will be overcome
completely. In the moment, I think, they simply would rule out a stealth trainer, just because of cost
The point that to my opinion will create severe problems is the main gear. Positioned as far aft, as it is,
you'll need a very strong aerodynamic force to get the front wheel from the ground and rotate the aircraft.
And the fin as "emergency skid" seems not to be such a good idea, too. It had to be eytremely strong with
an appropriate (and probably heavy) attachement to the fuselage. I just would call it a blade antenna. ;)
Thank you , Shockonlip, but I am not really sure what you mean by split window . Do you mean something like targa roof with the roof split in 2 segments? Or you mean retractable hardtop like on some versions of Pontiac G6 Coupe? Or you mean windows seperated by B and C pillars that are visible and not covered by glass?
As to my designs, I will revisit them and start posting them back in the same places that they are now. You wil only see that the post has been edited and the old redfering has disappeared. I hope to revisit majority of them. Of course I will try to add some new stuff as well.

It's like the B-pillar between the front and rear-side windows only it's in the middle of the rear window
(splits the rear window into two pieces).
But it is not just a splitter, it is done in a stylistic manner. It adds beauty.
On the Corvette it was only done in the 1963 Corvette Coupe.
As such it makes the 1963 Corvette coupes more valuable and attractive to enthusiasts.
And because of that, it was done on the C7 concept coupe as well (in a more modern fashion).
I enclosed small photos of both.
Now, retractible hardtops are popular these days.
I wonder if a retractible split window coupe could be done?


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I am not sure if I might add split windows, but this Friday Corvette C7 in my interpretation is coming. I decided to revisit the just released legend:) As to retractable hardtops, US companies are not eager to make them, as there are not many companies that would be willing to tackle the task, and believe me it is a complex one. If I remember correctly Metalcrafters and also Valmet from Finland are usually trusted these tasks. As to split windows plus retractable hardtop, why not, I guess it should be possible.
Corvette C7. I tried to be gentle with the legend. The first picture is the Chevrolet as designed by GM.


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Hi everyone! To admit , I like to invent stuff, but I like to be somewhat reasonable and invent things that would be feasible for the nearest future. I try to keep unicorns out of my designs as much as possible, but of course, my inexpierence, and lack of knowledge blurrs this borderline, and some of them simply ride in:) Anyhowz, this is my new idea for Lockheed`s future experimental aircraft. I decided to implement retractable or foldable rudders. Once the aircraft is airborne the rudders retract( fold) into wings creating a flat surface. The same flaps that are used for rudders now are a part of the wing working as flappers/ailerons. As you can see at the same time the wing also has flappers. Thus by moving rudder flappers and wing flappers/ailerons to opposite directions ( for example rudder based flapper moves upwards, while the wing based flapper moves downward) . This way we can control pitch , yaw and roll. I think this design would allow us make new experiments in aircraft controls and manipulate with maneouverability, because the wing area can be reduced by simply folding back the rudders. this design is not finalised, and will also provde belly view of the craft. I have also created a new chopper control , but I will sketch it later. Actually, I have been postponing it for some time already:)


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I decided to post my interpretations of Bell 525 Relentless here, so they don`t get lost along the forum. You have seen these already. Warning- this is only my version of the 525 , and is not a complete design of mine.


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About the fighter design with foldable rudder: The rudder itself would need to have an airfoil, I think,
so my question: How will you provide a flat surface, when the rudder is retracted ?

About the Bell : In times, when companies are engaged in patent disputes because of the radii
of edges and corners of electronic gadgets, I'm not sure, that Bell won't get problems with Kamov ! ;)


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The rudder doesn`t need airfoil, as it doesn`t need pressure difference and doesn`t need to provide lift. The lift will be provided by main wings and as the folded in rudders occupy only a small percentage of the total wing area, the airfoil should be minimal or negligible. What it does need is a slight camber once retracted, which could be provided by actuators. The mimicking of airfoil can be achieved by slightly moving downwards flaps on the rudders.
As to Ka -92 resembling my 525 derivative, it clearly shows that no line matches, so the patent issue is non applicable. Besides, Kamov is a serious engineering company and wouldn`t resort to such nitpicking issues.
Maturing of Lockheed`s future fin-vectoring aircraft . The initial sketch is on the previous page.


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Here is the frontal view. It will have the first variable DSI control. So we can go ubersonic:) while manipulating air inlet air pressure and speed. I will work on it later once I get more time for it and more gumption:) This is an initial sketch, and will be changed, fine-tuned and redone.
On a sidenote.
I want these machines to be built for the sake of beauty. Not for the sake of destruction. When a panther jumps in an attack we freeze the moment of leap. We enjoy the grace and the muscles playing underneath the silky skin. We `njoy the dramatic proportions and the shifting mass of strength that propells the beast of unimaginable strength. It is about Vivaldi, the music frozen in metal, it is the melody of heated air swooshing along the canards once a Su-37 alike bird performs a cobra or Nestorov`s circular ballet, it is about those tears from corners of eyes of chief engineers and their trembling hands and fingers they try to hide in their pockets, once their cherished birds go airborne in maiden flights. It is about ingenuity, tears and blisters, sighs and smiles.. it is about us, who we are as men, born to be be free, untamed, and tamed for a purpose.


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Is it me or my monitor, or is the picture somewhat clinched ? The wheels look oval, not circular.
They could be slightly. I have my computer jacked up to a Sony LED tv set, so the aspect ratio changes. I try to guesstimate and adjust the pics, but sometimes they are somewhat distorted.
When I draw wheels in a side view, I do them as circles. The program that I use (Inkscape) has a keyboard option to make ovals into circles, so I don't have to rely on my eyes.
... then I have to flatten the ground contact patch manually to make them a little more realistic...
Hi guys, haven`t been around for a while. I `ve been working for the past 2 weeks on Boeing 797 `Journeo` next generation passenger aircraft. I am building a scale model. So far only the fuselage is built for 70 %. The rollout should be in august I guess. Once the Journeo gets engine upgrades in 10 years, it will be called JourNEO` :) So far I can`t decide should I go with the design of 797 depicted a couple of pages back or use this design . leave your suggestions, thanks.


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Further development of a sketch I posted recently. Lockheed-Martin F-XX. With DSI control.


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Progress report. So far the fuselage is 80 % finished. And one wing is ready as well. Now applying white primer to sandpapeer it later. After that the second wing will be built. Then both wings will be attached to the fuselage and aligned. After that The wings will be cut off about the area of engine location then they will be reattached at angle with fiberglass putty to create curvature of wings as viewed from front. After that I will work on engine attavhment panels. All elements are designed and built from scratch without any references to any existing designs, that is why it wil take me some more time to fine-adjust design details. the only design element I will use an offshelf part is chrome-coated front part of engine cowling which wil be taken from a lamp. Thank you for following my design attempts.


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I had some free time while the paint was drying, so I decided to redesign Tacit Blue. I took an existing photo and redesigned majority of it except the landing gear. Anyhow, here it is. Tacit Blue 2.


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Again a little bit of nitpicking, but taking-off could be difficult, I think, as ground clearance
seems to be too low after the main gear. Would at least result in a nasty souond ...
You might be right, I could try to change the landing gear a bit, as I don`t want to change visual slope and mass of the aircraft. I also revisited fin vectoring jet posted here not so long time ago. Here it is.


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Progress report 2. The wing design has been finalised for 85 %(the wings were built seperately , then attached to the fuselage, after that they were cut in a segment and attached at angle), the fuselage is 85 % finalised. Engines are not attached, they are on the floor but they represent their approximate location once attached. Attachment pylons are not built yet but I am working on it. The large pylons where the rear engines will be attached haven`t been finalised yet, and various designs are under consideration.The rear twin vertical stabilisers haven`t been designed yet. Total project readiness 40%. Projected symmetry deviation- 1mm( approx. size-100cm x 115cm) Materials used- plastic, fiberglass, steel, ceramics. Projected rollout - end of August.


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A slight update of 797 `Journeo`. A view from rear .


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Boeing 797 `Journeo` coming soon( ish). Prelimenary sneak peek. Total assembly readiness- 94%.

* 797 will have nex gen General Electric engines with new blades that are attached not only to to inner axis but outer as well similar to rotors on some shrouded fans. This will help to preserve engine integrity in case an alien object penetrates the air intake. A single blade will be never broken out completely only in the segment it absorbs the direct hit. Additional weight to the engine is estimated no more than 30kg.
* The configuration of wings above fuselage was chosen in order to install high -bypass jet engines. The engines stand high enough not to compromise air intake quality by sucking in runway debris. Another reason was improved visibility for passengers, as the wings won`t obstruct the view now.
* Emergency doors and passenger doors will have very large windows as the door window size and shape doesn`t directly compromise fuselage integrity and strength, while the windows directly installed in a fuselage do.
More innovation to come .....


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Looks good and easy reconfigurable for military tasks such as tanker or even strategic transport.
I'm just not quite sure about the very large box tail. In combination with the small canards and the
big flaps on the inner wing section, I could imagine, that a much smallerr one would give sufficient
control authority and save a lot of weight.
Probably the rear section stabilizers could be a notch smaller, but I designed them instinctively, and the size of both vertical stabilizers seemed to fit, I might be wrong. Anyway, here is another view.


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Here is my next sketch. Next generation medium size cargo plane for Boeing. C-22X Cargox Thanks for all your replies. Afterwards I decides to compare it with existing cargo planes C-17 and Y-20. While I designed the Cargox from clean sheet without looking at any airplanes, it still has some similarities.

By the way,

I submitted a draft for a transport aircraft from my creation like this concept to the Boeing in 2008,but it differed
in many details and it was a STOL design.
Thank you for your replies. I still haven`t done the passenger windows and I will post them as soon as I have them finished.
I am planning to build another airplane, but I would like you to participate and vote which airplane from my designs you would like to be built. Or I could build an airplane whose design is still ` classified` and I haven`t posted it yet. One consideration is a future strategic bomber design which I have sketched in 2 seperate designs. The details are not all clear yet, but I like that it would be a challenge. It will be called BX-3`Stratosfear`.
Sideview. I might reconsider reworking rear vertical stabilizers, their size might be decresed and smaller winglets added to the lower section of v. stabilizers. Thanks for your support.


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