Advancedboy's Designs Topic

Cadillac Celestiq production version. Reworked Chevrolet Blazer EV. Reworked Mercedes EQXX and BMW X10


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Huyndai Kona 2024, Huyndai Grandeur 2024 and Mercedes GLS 2024( my version is on the right.) , and HH Phi-X1 production version. Ford Transit Backpacker Concept. Chevrolet Suburban X 2024.


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Initial rough study for next gen FARA helicopter. Manned/unmanned. ( I will rework both versions, they are not that good.)


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Might recommend you consider putting the exhaust dust out the bottom of the aircraft.
Interesting. That was not the case with the RAH-66. If you are flying high enough for the for a radar signature off the bottom of the aircraft then you have bigger problems like the rotor flicker off the rotor rotating. VERY hard to hide rotor disks from radar.
Wouldn't a bottom hot gas turbine exhaust notably increase the IR target signature for ground based defense systems like soil to air missiles?
With the design you propose, you could pipe the gases through the middle of the tail boom and mixed it with ambient air drawn in through slots on the top of the tail boom. The same top slots also draw air in around the exterior of the exhaust housing, keeping the tail boom from becoming warm.
Another reason to go with bottom ejection is that an upward exhaust warms the rotor blades as well.
Most tactical combat helicopters are back to flying extremely low because of the hostile work environment. If you expect most of the operational usage of your concept to be in less hostile environments, were it can fly at higher altitudes, then you could stay with the upper facing exhaust.
Bell 599X, Bronco 2030, Buick Wildcat X, reworked Puma ( left side). Dodge Avenger 2028. Chrysler Limerick.


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