Advancedboy's Designs Topic

Nex gen RAH -68 attack helicopter . You just have been downsized to Hawking radiation....

I'd like to ask what thats actually made of.

Is that a composite image, or is the sand rendered as well?

And whats your workflow like? Cinema4d, max, blender.. rendering in raster or a ray tracer?

I like your work. Its not exactly to my aesthetic tastes in terms of design, but you definitely have a developed and identifiable trademark to your style.
I used industrial plastiline to create the shape, then fiberglass fabric with epoxy. Then fiberglass putty, after that , finishing putty. then all sandpapered, finalised with a gray primer. I only use SketchPro program for sketches, as I m not taught how to deal with better programmes. I used sketchpro just to add minor tweaks and corrections to the chopper. I know I am not good enough, but I hope to get into some university for further studies, so I could nail it:) All that i have learnt so far is on my own. And thanks to all of you folks for your kind comments and responses!

Here is my car. I built it also using fiberglass, . It is based on Dodge Stealth. Took me 2 years to do it.


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If you ask me what took me so long to build it. Well, interior and all the actuators and wiring and additional equipment took a lot of time. Here you can see redone luggage compartment a.k.a. trunk. the trunk lid is power, so is the rear spoiler, all parts are synthetic red leather wrapped, which took ungodly amount of time to do it with precision and nice fit and finish. Headrests, rear speaker panel, and many gazillion more parts were built and added.And all of them had to be integrated so that they look orignal , as if made by the manufacturer. I work only this way. Thanks, and comments and questions invited.


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Very nice car!! The only nitpick is the line right at the front edge of the hood scoop. Looks like a really good boundary-layer trip.
Here is Northrop-Grumman YF-XX revisited.


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Proriger. Furthering. Sneak peek. Negative canards for gravity ballet. :) I tried to take it to the next level in terms of air intake. I propose to create intake similar to shark gills so that we could bend surface of it according to the speed and air needed. We can use simple actuators to lift and bend the surface upwards if more air is necessary, I think we have such materials to do that.


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Next generation single engine trainer jet. Boeing T-X. Unfinalised yet. About 70 % finished. Stay tuned.:)


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An unfinalised small series helicopter for Bell. Stay tuned:)


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This is a commercial van for Chevrolet. For usage in airports. And Dodge Dakota next generation.


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I have no skills to create 3d images, but I must develop language that I can incorporate in my designs once I make my first baby steps in 3d. Here is a sketch of the future coming. We must go forward on the verge of existing physics. Here is the nex gen air supremacy jet . A view at belly. Some parts of it are still classified. Top view might join later.


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As they said in Monty Python` and now something completely different`. Here is a new emblem for New York. The top part has WTC incorprated into it. Leave your comments:)


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Aeterna revisionist. YF-XX revisited. Flirting with the 6th gen.


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Under construction. Classified. New principles of yaw/thrust control coming. A possible B-3 interpretation. Design unfinalised.


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Why are you using so many control-surfaces? they increase drag and with 3 dimension thrust vectoring you can eliminate the rudder, and you can mix the ailerons and elevators.
Another disadvantage of the control surfaces is that is makes it harder for the aircraft to be stealth.

I guess the best fighter shape would be some sort of raindrop, with one engine.
Great designs!!! Sadly in aviation engineering rules are dictating the design.
Thanks for the kind words. I will use them as sparks to ignite the torch to carry on. It is the dream in inception. Then it is a skillful sculptor to chisel off everything redundant. Albeit my hands are shaky, misguided by emotion over reason, ego over skills and yearning for the tangible result over articulated effort, I toddle forward. I will take that path less walked it has been done eons before me, and will be ..eons after.
I decided to heavily modify the recently released McLaren P1 . Hope you like it. Pictures courtesy of McLaren/Advancedboy.


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Future commercial medium helicopter for Bell. it is kinda not finished yet, but I will also add a sketch from ffont view and explain the new type of steering mechanism. Bell 20-12X Skywarp.


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Boeing 797. I decided to make it a twin deck to flirt with superjumbo category. Instead of having fully-fledged 2 decks as on A380 or a ` dromedary hump` as on venerable 747, I went for a second floor as a full deck, while the first is beneath and shares compartments with cargo deck. I went for this version in order no to increase the circumference of the fuselage too much, and my hunch tells me we could decrease the volume of cargo compartments. As you can see right next to the lower deck there are wing assemblies. And that is all about that:)


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This is a cargo utility helicopter. I have not finished it yet. I am so far trying to smooth out the shape and practice new designs, that would be within building feasibility. I like future within a grasp of technology :) This could propbably be a Chinook replacement:) I also promised that I will present a new tail section control, I just have to resketch it . I might revisit my older designs as well in ordet to finalise them.


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This is Acura NSX next generation production version. I took and revisited the concept. Rendering courtesy of Acura( Honda)/Advancedboy


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This is a camera I designed for Kodak. You can turn around the LED screen. I might show you the other side of the camera if you are interested. Not very airplane related, but then again you might keep it in your pocket, once on a plane:)


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A small multipurpose vehicle for the now defunct Mercury brand. Mercury Promys.


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More than a year ago I designed a jet trainer called Boeing T-X. Now it is time to redesign it. Here is the teaser of it. T-X is currently under construction. Thank you Stargazer 2006 for your comment and appreciation.


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