north atlantic treaty organisation

  1. S

    Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon Developments

    SINGAPORE, Feb. 15, 2012 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] unveiled a new version of the F-16 today at the Singapore Airshow. The F-16V will feature enhancements including an active electronically scanned array (AESA)radar, an upgraded mission computer and architecture, and improvements to the...
  2. uk 75

    British alternative to NATO INF (Cruise and Polaris)

    The more I read about the nuclear politics of the 60s defence decisions the more I am astonished at the annoying involvement of the Germans. It seems that from joining NATO onwards they either agitated to have their own fingers on the nuclear trigger, or later, as put by Helmut Schmidt, they...
  3. Michel Van

    The 1968 French civil war and it's aftermath

    May 29, 1968 hit the News that Charles DeGaulle die in a Helicopter crash near Baden-Baden, Germany The unstable Political scene and struggle for his successor and let to a civil war. Between the right wing, conservative and Army against Left wing socialist, Communist, labor unions and students...
  4. N

    Mechanical Mules and Infantry Servers for Italian armed forces

    Hi friends, trying to give some order in my archives I found e potential topic for this forum, related to lesser known light multi-purpose vehicles for Italian armed forces. The first I found was not secret nor only prototype as it served with several Stormi or Aerobrigate (corresponding to the...
  5. A

    Inertial Navigators in UK

    Who can flesh this lot out? 1954: Sperry/UK, licence from Sperry/US: intended for (to be) Blue Streak. Bracknell clean room. Abandoned for: 3/57: Elliott licence from Bosch Arma (ATLAS kit). Rochester clean room. B Streak died 13/4/60 but INS work continued for Blue Steel. 1957: Ferranti...
  6. A

    ASCC/ASIC/US DoD Reporting Name for Soviet/Russian/Chinese Aircraft and Missiles

    Hi all Some additions to widely known file ( with codenames of aircraft and missiles. The information is taken from and Wiki (sorry :) ) DOD NATO Missile AA-2D Advanced Atoll without changes AA-2-2 Advanced Atoll...
  7. P

    LOHR VPX 5000 light armoured vehicle?

    G'day once again gents I am looking for information on the French LOHR VPX 5000 light armoured vehicle. A neat little AFV, which looks as though it could have been as versatile as the West German Wiesel series of light armoured vehicles. From what I can make out, it was proposed in a 120mm...
  8. P

    NBMR.3 not V/STOL?

    If NBMR.3 had not called for the aircraft to be V/STOL, what, if any changes are you likely to see with the aircraft that actually entered service after the dust had settled?
  9. Z

    The other UK

    Abraham makes a valid point on another thread about what the UK OrBat would look like if things had been different from the end of WWII. SO I think rather than hijacking an existing thread perhaps it would be better to start afresh. Now Abe makes the case that the UK could have left the nuclear...
  10. M

    European CAS/Attack common aircraft?

    European contries has make interesting lost projets in bombers and fighter aircrafts, read Tornado, Jagar, EFA, Harrier, and others, but, has been some pass or future especialized CAS/Ground Attack aircraft project? The Jaguar, Harrier and Spanish HA-500 are the only planes I remember at this time
  11. uk 75

    Royal Navy Amphibious shipping in the 1960s

    As is well known the Royal Navy built up a decent force of new and converted amphibious ships in the 1960s based on the converted carriers Bulwark and Albion, the two Fearless class LPDs and the Sir Lancelot class LSTs. Mention, however, is made in some sources of proposals to build additional...
  12. Triton

    Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck

    Vintage Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck URL: Description:
  13. uk 75

    NATO Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle for 60s and 70s

    The Russians introduced their BMP family of MICVs in the 1960s. In NATO the only country to do likewise was Germany which replaced its basic HS 30 vehicle (an early MICV of a sort) from the 70s with the Marder. Modified Marders are still in service with the German forces. In contrast Britain...
  14. Triton

    NATO Multilateral Force (MLF) Polaris ships and submarines

    In the early 1960s, the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations offered the European NATO partners participation in a Multilateral Force (MLF) of Polaris-armed warships that would include surface ships, including disguised merchant vesels, and submarines. The proposal was inspired by the...
  15. Michel Van

    Polaris SSBM as land based SRBM

    i remember vague a Proposal transform the Polaris in a landbased SRBM and install over 4000 missile in Europe so in end of 1950's beginn 1960's
  16. Triton

    NATO vs Warsaw Pact naval war book recommendations

    I was wondering if board members had book or paper recommendations of what a sea campaign between NATO and the Warsaw Pact might look like? Information on the strategy and tactics of the US Navy for example. Preferably, the second Cold War during the Thatcher and Reagan years of the 1980s. I...
  17. Triton

    Steyr ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle)

    The Steyr ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle) was a prototype flechette-firing assault rifle built for the US Army's Advanced Combat Rifle program of 1989/90. Although the Steyr design proved effective, as did most of the weapons submitted, the entire ACR program ended with none of the entrants...
  18. Triton

    Heckler & Koch G11

    The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch...
  19. cluttonfred

    Land-based hovercraft

    The "hovertank" is a staple of science fiction novels and board games, yet in the real world fans and skirts never seem to have supplanted wheels or tracks. Does anyone have any projects or prototypes to share on proposed land-based hovercraft? Cheers, Matthew
  20. K

    McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

    From numerous sources, it would seem the F-4 Phantom had a somewhat heavily-loaded wing (medium, medium-heavy). I'm not saying I dispute this as the F-4's performance obviously reflects it, but I am wondering how an aircraft with such large wings, which appear to be substantially cambered...
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