north atlantic treaty organisation

  1. M

    Bayern Chemie Ducted-Rocket Missile-Defense Interceptor

  2. Mike Pryce

    Hawker Siddeley P1154 and HS681 - 50 years on

    Today is the 50th anniverary of the cancellation of the P1154 and HS681, and of the go-ahead for what became the Harrier and the Nimrod: Happily, my P1154 history article has been restored after the ISP...
  3. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View:
  4. eshelon

    Multipurpose Chaparral.

    Chaparral 2000/Roadrunner/Advanced Chaparral/Chaparral Chassis Service Life Extension Program (CCSLEP)/LAV MPLS (MultiPurpose Launcher System)/Chapfire /1/ 1999 report by "Forecast International" Chaparral III?. Loral, along with other companies, was trying to interest the US Army and other...
  5. Z

    P1154 scenario

    This is posted in the alternative history and future speculation section. So it is not history, but it is close to history. What if.....what if the P1154 is proceeded with? How does that happen? And what are its effects? ............. It could happen partly by not merging RN and RAF...
  6. uk 75

    Royal Air Force strike aircraft squadrons in the late 60s: plans versus reality

    I know that this is a well trodden subject but I thought that it would be interesting to compare the plans with what happened in reality. Ground Attack/Recce Squadrons It was planned to replace the Hunter with the 1154 Harrier in 8 squadrons: 2 in the UK, 2 in Germany, 2 in the Gulf and 2 in...
  7. M

    So what's going to be the results of this so called Peace dividend?

    Hello there, long time lurker, first time poster as they say, so my first post is a spot of a challenge. The Cold War instead of ending when it did thanks to Mr Gorbachev being a realist, has continued through to 18th October 2012, NATO forces are now in the process of being reduced, so think...
  8. Triton

    Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II

    Does this mean that the A-10 Thunderbolt II has been saved from the budget cutting block? "Northrop Grumman Awarded U.S. Air Force A-10 TLPS Task Orders" Published November 19, 2013 | By Marcel van Leeuwen Source...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Dutch 2023 Frigate project Photos added from the link above
  10. Grey Havoc

    AIRLAND BATTLE 2000 (1982)
  11. topspeed3

    Diemert's Defender

    What a guy !
  12. Grey Havoc

    AGARD CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS No. 274 (1st-2nd October 1979)

    'Advanced Control Systems for Aircraft Powerplants' I wasn't sure whether to put this here or over in Propulsion, but here goes:
  13. hesham

    Grumman OV-1 Projects

    Hi, here is from the airvectors site,an unknown projects to the Grumman OV-1; Does any one know them ?.
  14. Grey Havoc

    US ARMY ICEWORM / ICEMAN (Drawings and pictures at link)
  15. Stargazer

    ONERA missiles and projects

    ONERA missiles and rockets from an old 1960s magazine:
  16. Triton

    Harpoon missile

    "Harpoon missile meets 40-year milestone" video by Boeing Uploaded: Oct 5, 2011
  17. Triton

    NHIndustries NH90

    NH90 has been sized and conceived to be able to operate from any type of prepared or unprepared surfaces and to satisfy already in its basic design the entire specific feature requested by tactical transport requirements. Sharing common basis, only the on-board mission system differentiates the...
  18. Triton


    Published on Sep 25, 2012 by LockheedMartinVideos
  19. uk 75

    What is your favourite 70s 80s Harrier replacement/alternative?

    One of the joys of this site is the quantity of info available on unbuilt aircraft projects. Particularly tantalising are the various projects in the 70s and 80s for a supersonic VSTOL to replace the Harrier. The Bae 1216 has been the best covered thanks to Michael Pryce. Various US designs...
  20. S

    SPEAR - Selectable Precision Effects At Range

    MBDA mini cruise missile, 100km range, F-35B loadout 8x internally.
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