north atlantic treaty organisation

  1. uk 75

    NATO Tactical Nuclear Forces

    In the late 1950s the US deployed a bewildering range of tactical nuclear weapons in Western Europe. The US Army had its spectacular 280mm atomic cannon mounted between two trucks. It then had smaller 8" warheads for the M115 howitzer which were made available to the UK and other NATO allies...
  2. Forest Green

    Networking and Coordinating NATO Operations, Surveillance and Control, C4ISR type stuff Airbus Defence and Space together with Northrop Grumman and seven industrial players forming the...
  3. TomS

    Obscure USN Frigate concepts and studies

    Digging through some old files, I came across a NAVSEA briefing from 1994 comparing a variety of frigate designs (both US and foreign). The purpose appears to have been a review the "state of the possible" for frigates in this timeframe, possibly with the intention to inform USN decisionmakers...
  4. L

    European mini jet bombers and jet fighters of the cold war.

    i found cute looking aircrafts that were small military planes that some were built some were projects only and here they are: the first one is the fouga cm195: was a 1950s franco-spanish light bomber/attack (based off the fouga cm170 trainer) made in france designed by spanish...
  5. uk 75

    Alternate 80s Britain: How would the services cope?

    Margaret Thatcher's defeat to Michael Foot in Britain's 1983 general election came as no surprise to television pundits. Rising unemployment and failure to reduce inflation despite government cuts, including to the Armed Forces had made the public fed up and willing to try a new course. Prime...
  6. K

    Airbus Super Puma/ Cougar Alternative to NH90

    I am wondering if anyone has any information on a proposed Super Puma/ Cougar alternative to the NH90. I read somewhere that when the NH90 programme was in its early stages and experiencing the inevitable problems, Airbus briefly considered an updated version of its Super Puma as an alternative...
  7. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  8. uk 75

    Britain abandons nuclear weapons

    The UK nuclear deterrent has become after the NHS a political commitment for both Tory and Labour PMs to show their metal. But an earlier Tory PM, Harold Macmillan had his doubts as did Sir Winston Churchill. Macmillan got on well with the new young US President. Kennedy for his part saw the UK...
  9. P

    Proposed outgrowth variants of Spähpanzer Luchs 8x8 reconnaissance vehicle?

    I've been trying in vain to assertain if there was proposed outgrowth variants of the by Daimler-Benz Spähpanzer Luchs 8x8 armoured reconnaissance vehicle? I'm particularly interested as to the adoptability of the Spähpanzer Luchs turret ring size and if larger and heavier armaments were...
  10. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  11. helmutkohl

    What if Germany went through with VTOL aircraft?

    Germany was experimenting with various VTOL aircraft during the cold war in the end they didn't go for any of them. in this alternate scenario.. what if Germany did order some into production? 1. Which design would be the most likely to lead to operation? they had the VAK 191, DO 31 (this...
  12. helmutkohl

    What if, France never left the Eurofighter consortium

    So we know some time in the early 80s, France split with the UK, West Germany, Italy and Spain, and developed the ACX into the Rafale, and the others made the Typhoon. the disagreement stemmed from a carrier variant. What if in this scenario, France never left and somehow the five of them...
  13. T

    Alpha Jet

    While some weird dudes are celebrating the epitomized image of an autocrat*, the french AdlAE discretely commemorates one of its hero pilot (Poet and novelist), Mr Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Free French air Force pilot, Croix de Guerre with palms, MIA, with the birth of its most famous...
  14. AeroFranz

    Kongsberg NSM - which way is up?

    I apologize if the explanation turns out to be silly, but i'm looking at videos of the Kongsberg NSM. Test shots are seen launched and cruising with the engine intake on top, and then there's models at defense shows with the intake on the bottom. What is going on here?
  15. uk 75

    NATO Minuteman

    After the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 the US replaced its land based medium range ballistic missiles in Europe. While the Minuteman ICBM was the main national deterrent system, the role of countering Russian missiles aimed at Western Europe was taken on by Polaris (later Poseidon) submarines...
  16. A

    RCA Astra-1 - the (mostly unknown) CF-105 Arrow radar

    I checked, no thread for this one. It was developed by RCA between early 1956 and september 1958 when it was canned. Before and after these dates, ( sigh...) the prefered option was the MX-1179 / MA-1. While the Sparrow II missile is well known, Astra 1 remains kind of mystery. It has been...
  17. A

    Zumwalt "borrows" (and adapts) European carrier designs...

    ... instead of re-inventing the wheel in the 70's. The idea is to blend together, Zumwalt "cheaper decks" (SCS / VSS / CVV) and the too few carrier designs from Europe. To bolster NATO fleets on one side, and the USN on the other - more flattops on both sides of the Atlantic. That is...
  18. P

    Late 1960's USN Fletcher-class 'Harrier Carrier' concept

    Here's a really interesting account I found on Project Terminated, by Ronnie Serrano: '... a couple drawings were done by Pierre Mion for the U.S Navy in the late-1960s which shows using converted Fletcher-class destroyers into makeshift "Harrier Carriers". The plan at the time is to convert...
  19. uk 75

    Boardgamegeek or every game you remember

    Back in 1973 I purchased the boardgame "NATO operational combat in the 1970s" from Jim Dunnigan's SPI (Simulation Publications) gaming company. In a world before home computing this wargame of a future war as opposed to Waterloo or DDay was something new and daring. In this month of lockdown you...
  20. uk 75

    Royal Navy Cold War Minelayers

    More or less unnoticed in the mid 60s the Royal Navy was able to replace the wartime very fast Minelayer "Manxman" with a new build ship. Abdiel served nearly to the end of the Cold War in1988. Unlike the famous UK mine countermeasures vessels...
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