cold war

  1. uk 75

    Could the US have built an SST?

    The Boeing SST in its various guises seemed to be the future of civil aviation and the 747 was designed to be converted easily to cargo lifting when the 2707s arrived in the late 70s. Even Air France and BOAC planned to operate them alongside the Concordes expected to be in service some years...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Development of the Fast Mine Warfare Ship 343 (West Germany, 1970s / 1980s)

    The rest of the article can be found reproduced in the JPRS / West Europe Report (15th June, 1983) linked below, pdf pages 7 - 14: A bit more of the history, in particular the post-Cold war part of it, can be found in the archived Forecast...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Type 61 Special Transport Vehicle (JGSDF, late 1950s / early 1960s)

    Has anyone by any chance come across photos of this project, intended for mountain warfare units? Initially known as the Type 56 Trial Special Transport Vehicle, the first two prototypes, the RZ-1 and the SZ-2, were wheeled and tracked respectively, with four more wheeled prototypes being...
  4. B

    The RAF Red Arrows, when low, meant low

    Morning all. A video interview with a founding member of the RAF Display team "the Red Arrows" discussing how back in the day low level really was low. Here's a picture to illustrate: View:
  5. Grey Havoc

  6. klem

    Tribute to Alain Delon

    On August 18, 2024, the legendary figure of French cinema (Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel Delon), known for a plethora of roles, notably those relating to the Second World War, such as the movie “Le Jour le plus long” and “Paris brule-t-il”, died at the age of 88.
  7. A

    Hawker-PAC Sea Fury FB.61 "Turbo Fury"

    Excerpt from i need to get pictures, real pictures of this beauty
  8. F

    BAe CABER air-launched anti-armour weapon

    While I was at the National Archives I stumbled across a 1986 presentation setting out BAe's proposal for their CABER air-launched anti-armour weapon. It seems to have been proposed by BAe as a cheaper alternative to an SR(A) 1238 compliant weapon. I've never heard of this weapon before, and...
  9. R

    EC-121 Proliferation?

    The USN acquired 142 Lockheed EC121s in the early 50s to mount long-range early warning barrier patrols in the Atlantic and Pacific. The main strength was 5 sqns for each ocean with various cats and dogs supporting units. The barrier patrol lasted until 1965 and afterwards the USN transferred 30...
  10. Grey Havoc

    History of Hughes Missile Systems Company
  11. E

    Scottish Aviation Pioneer (Both) Armaments

    Recently I've gone down the rabbit hole of the few Scottish built Military aircraft, and recently the Scottish Aviation Pioneer has caught my eye, despite initially being designed as a STOL transport aircraft they appear to have seen a fair amount of Field modifications in Malaya and Aden that...
  12. M

    Soviet amphibious assault ship

    Can the Soviets develop or modify an existing design into an amphibious assault vessel ? I think Moskva class aviation cruisers will be a great choice Can anyone suggest what changes will be needed to modify them ? And if a new vessel what do you think such a vessel will look like given...
  13. M

    Soviet amphibious assault

    Can the Soviets develop or modify an existing design into an amphibious assault vessel ? I think Moskva class aviation cruisers will be a great choice Can anyone suggest what changes will be needed to modify them ? And if a new vessel what do you think such a vessel will look like given...
  14. N

    Handley page H.P.R 6 four engine turboprop? Vickers viscount replacement?

    I'm also looking for pics of this proposal for the dart Harold?
  15. bercr

    US National Archives - Hi-Res period color photos - Juno II - Vanguard - Thor Able...

    Juno II Vanguard Thor Able [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] Others
  16. hesham

    Dutch Light Aircraft,Sailplanes & Helicopters Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, Van den Berg Staalvogel = Hans van den Berg uit Baambrugge heeft vijf(!) maal een vliegtuig gebouwd, vanaf 1962 bouwde hij drie toestellen die echter geen van alle gevlogen hebben. Zijn vierde project (Staalvogel 4) was in 1968 klaar en kwam op 5 juli van dat jaar inderdaad van de grond...
  17. hesham

    French New Interceptor Competition of 1953 & Its contenders

    I know we already discussed that in this topic, But I want to split this subject in another thread,the tenders of that contest are, - Nord N-1540,N.1541,N.2540,N.3540,N.3541 & N.5010 Harpon - SNCASE SE.5020 &...
  18. Grey Havoc

    PZ 87-140

    View: Note: The KWS (Kampfwertsteigerung) III program, also referred to as KWS Stage III, was formally cancelled in 1995. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if both the...
  19. H

    Who is the designer of the Northrop F-5?

    Was it Edgar Schmued or Welko Gasich/Lee Begin that designed the F-5 or not?
  20. D

    Republic Aviation Recoverable Booster Airplane proposal for SR-181 'Strategic Orbital System'

    from ARDC TR-59-64 Advanced Concepts Study, Final Report. from USAF FOIA reading room. (edit: PDF split & now attached) A JT11-7A powered Booster Airplane launches a rocket vehicle & satellite payload with two solid fuelled stages and a storable liquid propellant third and fourth stages...
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