cold war

  1. klem

    Karl Poggensee early rockets.

    The Hermann Oberth Raumfahrt Museum has acquired a file of documents containing photographs, newspaper clippings and comments from Karl Otto Engelbert Poggensee (born December 3, 1903 in Bremen) student of Hinderburg-Polytechnikum, Oldenburg, covering the essays that it carried out between 1930...
  2. M

    Winning wars without air superiority

    During the later half of cold war i.e 1965-1990 era was it possible to achieve victory in a naval or CONVENTIONAL land battle without absolute air superiority? Do we have any examples of that? What factors will make an inferior AirPower survive / thrive
  3. Y

    Hawker Hunter Avionics

    I have a question to the experts. What is the device mounted above the gun sight of the F.6A #XF382 seen on the image below? Is this an additional gun sight camera or an AIM-9 launching device added during the 1976 overhaul by Armstrong Whitworth at Baginton? What was the nomenclature of the...
  4. B

    Feasibility Study For A Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft - Hawker Siddeley Aviation Advanced Projects Group - 1962

    What it says on the tin...
  5. B

    Armstrong Whitworth AWP.15 NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft

    Anybody know anything about this?
  6. A

    Famous fighter aircraft: final retirement, by country and by date.

    I thought it might be fun to check the retirement dates of famous jet fighters, say post WWII. Could be extended to attack jets and propeller fighters too. Also foreign types. Last F-80C: Uruguay, 1970 Last F-84G: Portugal, 1975...
  7. PreMars

    Some questions about the modification of Argentine aircraft carrier ARA Veinticinco de Mayo

    Why Argentine aircraft carriers were unable to carry Super Etendard during the Falklands War? Some information claims that the ship only underwent relevant modifications after the war, including upgrading the catapult and inertial navigation system. The stern lift was welded. There is also...
  8. Stargazer

    Vladas Kensgaila (1933-2024) and his works

    Vladas Kensgaila was born on September 23, 1933 in the village Bikavėnai, in the Šilutė district of Lithuania. Vladas was very proud that this was also the year that his heroes Stephen Darius and Stasys Girėnas flew across the Atlantic (a landmark which would have a strong impact on his career...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Relay computers

  10. B

    MBB Lifting Body Capsule

    Anyone fancy translating.
  11. B

    Ambulance Capsule

    Anyone have time to translate?
  12. B

    Hawker Siddeley VTOL and V/STOL Studies Binder

    Thanks to my wallet - from a binder scans that I have tried to clean up and condense the image to get more detail into the 1200 pixel limit. Section 1 Subsonic VTOL aircraft with single B.S. Pegasus engine Fig 1.1 Original P.1127 layout. The straight through hot end is a feature which is...
  13. Stargazer

    Polish IS- and SZD- glider/sailplane series (1947-present)

    Here is a recap of all IS- and SWD- designations. For each I have provided a link to a Polish page whenever possible (many other pages exist, notably Wikipedia). The IS- series stopped with IS-7, which became the SWD-7. Apparently the SWD-6X was previously designated IS-6X, but that designation...
  14. Grey Havoc

    Offensive Handgun Weapons System (OHWS)
  15. Charlie 11

    USS Wichita (CA-45) Missile Conversion

    On Page 129 of Cruisers of the US Navy 1922-1962, Terzibaschitsch mentions that the USN briefly considered converting the USS Wichita into its first missile cruiser but instead chose Boston (CA-69) and Canberra (CA-70) because they were projected to have longer service lives. Friedman also...
  16. blockhaj

    QF 75 (75 × 350 mm R) APDS-T

    So it appears the Belgians had APDS for their M24 Chaffee but no one really knows were such ammo came from. From recent evidence (image 1) the round appears to bear British markings and resembling APDS munition for the British QF 17pdr and QF 77 mm (see image 4). Did the British ever developed...
  17. J

    Tales of past future. Some essays about the VSTOL carrier.

    Érase una vez sólo dos bandos (y sabías qué esperar) y había un país llamado Unión Soviética. Y el portaaviones era la especie dominante en los mares (Cuanto más grande era el portaaviones, más felices eran los almirantes), pero este tipo de barcos son muy caros, tan caros que parecía que iban a...
  18. newsdeskdan

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    HOTOL: Britain’s Spaceplane by Dan Sharp Now available for pre-order here: HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane Tempest Books ISBN: 9781911704294 Format: Hardback Pages: 424 The start of Space Shuttle operations in 1981 marked a new era in spaceflight – with the five orbiters launching numerous...
  19. TheKutKu

    Euclid ULLV SSTO

    I stumbled upon this while reading Edward Hujsak's 1994 The Future of U.S. Rocketry. ULLV stands for "Ultra Large Launch Vehicle" This is a concept by the "Perigee West Company of La Jolla, California", which Edward Hujsak happened to be the president of, the company got several hundred...
  20. R

    MOTS Phantom for the RN?

    I'm putting this here because the premise is alternate reality. Its a world where the RN focuses on its big carriers, Eagle rebuilt as per normal, Ark Royal getting its 'Phantom' refit starting in 1964 and CVA01 & 02 getting started as soon as the Fearless class are off their slips at JB and...
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