cold war

  1. Flyaway

    Buccaneers of the high frontier: Program 989 SIGINT satellites from the ABM hunt to the Falklands War to the space shuttle
  2. P

    Chieftain AVRE with demolition gun.

    I've read that the Chieftain was supposed to have a demolition gun on its AVRE variant before it was cancelled. Does anyone know where I could find design drawings/models of this?
  3. LowObservable

    Mystery drone (?) under F-15 wing

    Confess that this one has me stumped. What is under the port wing? My guess is that it is some kind of a drone, but it is far smaller than the only two-engine drone I can think of (CT41) other than modified Bomarc. The rest of the load-out is pretty eccentric as well - Harpoon, Maverick and is...
  4. KUMA

    KUMA's China Secret Project Artwork

    Hi, I have been studying the details of the cancelled projects in the past and drawing artwork of they. Many projects have not been drawn or drawn incorrectly, and my dream is to complete them. Harbin H-5 Light bomber re-engine project: The feature of this project is that the original...
  5. Graham1973

    A strange tale from the Ukraine

    This is one of several allegedly true tales on the military ghost stories channel 'Wartime Stories', however this one deals with current events and if true raises all kinds of interesting questions, while at the same time defying an easy explanation. Back in the late 1990s, early 2000s I can...
  6. RavenOne

    RIP Frank Robinson - the man, the legend behind Robinson Helicopters

    RIP Frank As it is i fly R44 and 66 …was in Cologne for European Rotors this week so here my pics below All the best
  7. Voltzz

    MBB Anti-Armour Projects

    I just found a very interesting picture on wikipedia, and i dont know where else to post it. All information i have for now is from wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt. i found it on the LRAC F1 article so maybe it was an alternative proposal for that program. In the image the rocket...
  8. TomS

    Rolling Airframe Missile launcher concepts

    Thread for unbuilt RAM launcher concepts (aside from the standard Mk 49 and SeaRAM launchers) This morning, I reminded myself of an unusual concept to mount Rolling Airframe Missile launchers on the sides of a Mark 45 gun turret. The idea was to use the gun drives and gun fire control to point...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Inspiration for the 2004 movie, 'The Terminal', passes away :( RIP.
  10. Voltzz

    late cold war german mine warfare projects

    i just found a pdf in Hungarian with information on two Bundeswehr mine warfare projects. Google translate is mediocre and the images are atrocious, but they seem to be the Skorpion mine laying system mounted on a Bv206 and the area defense mine "TARANTEL" build by Dynamit Nobel. i had never...
  11. A

    Seaplane Striking Force versus Ekranoplans Seriously... Orlyonok versus Seamaster. That would be fully and entirely awesome to watch. Shame Alexeyev and his...
  12. Q

    Soviet targeting pods (Mercuriy LLTV)

    Did the Soviets have any targeting pods? One I know of, for example, the SP-14S Prozhektor And did they have anything else besides that?
  13. T

    MiG 19 -> Soviet F-5 -> Soviet F-20?

    Lets send the MiG company on the path not chosen wrt. their 'budget' fighters. Instead, they make a spin-off of the MiG 19 that has a wing better suited for high speeds (not 8.74% t-t-c at root as on the -19, but under 4.5% as it was case with MiG-21; wing is also of the shorter span), and...
  14. archipeppe

    The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program: Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew (Springer Praxis Books) 1st ed. 2022

    The latest work of my friend Davide Sivolella an aeronautical engineer and a skilled author, who lives in England. If you want to learn about never realized Space Shuttle versions, this is the right book...
  15. Grey Havoc

    The man who tried to fake an element (BobbyBroccoli Youtube channel)

  16. B

    High Adaptability Surface Combatants

    Saw this in an article as I was looking for some information on the Reformers of the 1970s-1980s: "Hart and Lind have long made public their dismay with America's supercarriers, which, they argue at length, are vulnerable, too expensive to deploy in the numbers needed, and carry the wrong kind...
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