cold war

  1. Foo Fighter

    Unknown seat, aircraft from the 50's perhaps?

    G'day folks, looking to identify and get information on the seat in the pic attached. I am guessing a Korean war vintage helicopter but it could be from anything of the time. Is there anyuone who can identify it please?
  2. bercr

    AJ SAVAGE IN ACTION - David Doyle
  3. K

    Divergence on the Runway: An Alternate History of Military Aviation (1956-1982)

    Quick background: I like building what-if scale model aircraft, especially cold-war timeframe and I have a collection of kits that I wanted to weave into a comprehensive story. To that end as a thought experiment I did a little alternative history. The timeline basically starts in the late 50s...
  4. M

    McDonnell Model T196-4

    Good Day All - From last week's visit to Gerry Balzer to pick up the remainder of his personal library and collection, we came across a sealed box of small rolled drawings out in the garage. Covered in dust and grime, sure glad it was sealed. This drawing was in the box and is a new design to...
  5. E

    Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space

    Available now.
  6. R

    WI more Canberra's replaced by Valiants?

    In 1960 some 64 Canberra B2 & B6 in 4 sqns based in Britain and assigned to SACEUR were replaced by 24 Valiants in 3 sqns. Despite the significant decrease in numbers this was considered a net benefit because of the Valiant's all weather capabilities. By 1964 the RAF still had 9 sqns of Canberra...
  7. flateric

    Space Models Ltd Story From Space Models Ltd was located in Feltham Greater London. The company was founded in 1964 and was recognized as one of the UK's two leading companies in the production of...
  8. Dronescapes

    The Invention Of The Jet Engine: Hans Von Ohain. The lost interviews.

    The Invention Of The Jet Engine: Hans Von Ohain, One Of The Fathers Of the Turbojet
  9. Arjen

    GPS location and mapping errors compared to the real world

    Found on Anastasia Bizyayeva's More at the link.
  10. Grey Havoc

    Ethiopian Navy (, registration or subscription may be required)
  11. R

    WI 'Dogfight' Red Top and/or Matra R530?

    In response to the demands of the Vietnam War RoE forcing 'dogfights' the US developed the AIM9E version of the Sidewinder and the AIM7E-2 version of the Sparrow, while the AIM9D had started production in 1965. WI if the British and/or French found themselves in a similar situation as the US in...
  12. uk 75

    1984 vs 2024 how bad are things?

    Back in 1984 the Reagan administration had faced up to the Soviet threat and produced a report for the public called "Soviet Military Power" which set out the Soviet arsenal and the US forces lined up against it. In 2024 the Biden administration has produced nothing similar setting out the...
  13. flateric

    ex-Skunk Works chief Sherman 'Sherm' Mullin RIP

    as I understand went mostly unnoticed, did happen back in April It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Sherman Mullin, retired president of LMCO's Skunk Works and a valued member on our Board of Trustees Sherman "Sherm" Mullin had an illustrious 56-year career in aerospace...
  14. L

    Harrier Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor

    The British B.A.E. Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor is the only aircraftdesign that was really an X-Wing version. It was designed by Hawker Design Team at Kingston in the late 70's for RAF as Advanced-Short-Tak-Off / Vertical Landing Fighter.. The aircraft had 3 adjustable thrusters...
  15. Y

    CH-113 Labrador helicopter HF set question

    I'd like to ask for help in identification of the High Frequency (HF) radio set from ca. 1963 used on the Canadian CH-113 Labrador helicopter (a version of the CH-46 Sea Knight). The control unit of the HF set is visible on the image below under #8. Notably it has separate controls for the...
  16. T

    Bud Anderson, legendary fighter ace of the 357th FG, dies at 102 Bud´s Old Crow aircraft RiP
  17. Z

    Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC - Mr SHAR RIP.

    Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition. Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
  18. LoveFromRussia

    The Russian Sputnik 2 in an interpretation of the French magazine Science et Vie 1957.

    Science et Vie - Science and Life - 1957. The cover and pages 38-39 depict our first Soviet Sputnik 2.
  19. J

    Fake Soviet Fighter

    In 1948 y 1951 two illustrations of a new unknown jet fighter, with pointed nose and belly mounted turbojet, were published by L'Ala D'Italia. In November 1949 Flying published a different illustration of the same aircraft as “Undesignated fighter”. And in 1951 Air Trails published three views...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Venus probes

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