cold war

  1. Phantom Fanatic

    Argentine TAM tank replacement programs

    Hello all I was looking around Secret Projects this morning and I realized that there is no thread dedicated to discussion of Argentine efforts to replace the TAM. I see one short post on the “South American Tanks” thread about the TAP, any additional information about this project would be...
  2. E

    US forces with a second JFK term and shorter/no Vietnam war?

    Hi everyone, We have already discussed a shorter/no Vietnam scenario already so I will not ask for changes related to this. However, what I was wondering about is whether having a second JFK term (due to no assassination) instead of a Johnson term would affect 1963-1968 procurement in any way...
  3. Tzoli

    US Missile Launcher Designations

    I've thought I collect here the Guided Missile Launcher Systems or GMLS designations the US Armed forces used, mostly the navy but there seems to be many missing launcher designations and sequences. If anybody knows more designations from the missing sequences feel free to post here or inform me...
  4. C

    5.56×45mm NATO Conversion Kit for MG 42/59 (?)

    According to McNab (2012), the Stabilimento Militare Armi Leggere Terni or SMALT had produced a conversion kit to adapt the MG 42/59 GPMG (Italy's license-produced version of the MG 42 / MG 3) to 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition (p. 25). Uncited entries on Wikipedia claimed that the conversion kit...
  5. Tzoli

    JMSDF 2500-ton Escort Ship

    I've founds this interesting design on the Shipbucket forums and I've thought I share it here as well. During the Fourth Defense Force Development Plan (years 1972 – 1976), the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) planned to introduce...
  6. R

    MARAD PD-133 "Pacer" Austere Cargo Ship

    In 1966, the Maritime Administration began design work on a general purpose cargo-liner to be built in large enough numbers to be useful in national emergencies and replace war-era vessels serving in non-subsidized trade, with the idea that they be designed for minimum cost. As specified in a...
  7. Voltzz

    Low Cost Anti-submarine Weapon (LCAW)

    LCAW was a NATO program for an small torpedo, cheap/expendable enough to be use against unidentified/unverified sonar contacts. It was supposed to have both rocket-launched and helicopter-dropped version. At first it was a trilateral US, German Norwegian project, but some point ~1990 The US...
  8. isayyo2

    Colt-Fairbanks Morse 38A20

    Creating this thread to hopefully uncover more information about the 38A20 family of opposed-piston diesels developed in the late 1960s. What I know so far: Maritime Reporter February 15, 1969 Courtesy of Lufkin Foundry and Machine Company's magazine Lufkin Line, we discover 38A20 started...
  9. TomS

    Spruance-Based AEGIS Destroyer (DD 999)

    Found another interesting document in my files this past weekend – a fairly early (March/April 1975) presentation on the Litton feasibility study for a Spruance-derived AEGIS destroyer that eventually became the DDG 47, then CG 47 Ticonderoga class. At this point, this design was being referred...
  10. Pirate Pete

    GW96A Cruisers British Royal Navy

    The GW96A class Missile Cruiser was cancelled by the Royal Navy in 1957, but, I do not seem able to find any ‘definitive’ statement about who/why the decision was made. I appreciate that in reality they were harking back to a previous era as modern Frigates had an adequate cruising range and...
  11. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    CVR(T) Projects (prototypes, variants)

    Hi everybody, I was looking around on the forums and found that there wasn't a thread about the CVR(T) family, so I thought I would start one. If there is a thread which would be applicable, I kindly ask the moderators to merge this with it. I am currently researching CVR(T) variants and have...
  12. Deltafan

    Book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000.

    Alexis Rocher (aka MIRAGE 4000 on SPF), current editor-in-chief of the French monthly Le fana de l'aviation, informed us a few days ago of the forthcoming release of his book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000. He also informed us that the book will exist in an English version...
  13. uk 75

    Could TSR2 have been made to work?

    Now that TSR2 has been the subject of a conference of current experts on the subject, I am asking the BIG question. Could TSR2 have been made to work? By which I mean could it have been designed and developed in such a way as to let the RAF take delivery of say 50 machines by 1970? All...
  14. archipeppe

    Orbiter Hilton

    In conjuction with the already rumored "Lunar Hilton", tha famous hotel company envisioned also an orbital facility named "Orbiter Hilton" ( With its design clearly derived by the McDonnell-Douglas MORL (Manned...
  15. Phantom Fanatic

    Swiss Panzer 74 info

    Hello all. I have been reading up on Swiss MBT programs and concepts in the last few days and I noticed that Secret Projects does not yet have a thread dedicated to the Panzer 74 proposal. I am aware of the Tank Encyclopedia article on this matter but I thought I'd ask this forum.
  16. StraGen410

    Is there any unbuilt Cold War era Japanese military aircraft project other the domestic twintail FS-X project?

    I am deeply appreciated of the beautiful appearance of domestic twin tailed Mitsubishi FS-X fighter jet (which in turn being replaced by the American design single engine F-16 variant which is now known as F-2 Viper Zero), so I am curious how many other unbuilt cold war era Japanese military...
  17. Z

    Bristol T.188 works properly....?

    What happens if the Bristol T.188 research aircraft doesn't underperform? What happens if it flies upto Mach 2.8 and reaches the thermal limit of the windscreen? We now know that it's underperformance is related to lack of interest and investment in the Gyron Junior engines after the...
  18. F.L.

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    What would have been the impact on the dogfights FAA vs Sea Harriers FRS.1 if Argentina had disposed MiG-21MF/bis & MiG-23MS/MF with R-13M/R-60 during the air war over Falklands. Shar vs MiG-21/ Shar vs MiG-23/ And also with other fighters. The purpose of this thread is not to engage in...
  19. uk 75

    Tactical Nuclear Weapons

    One of the more frightening aspects of the Cold War, especially in Europe was the range and quantity of nuclear weapons deployed for use on the battlefield or against targets involved in the fighting. As NATO developed more effective and accurate alternatives it was able to reduce the range and...
  20. TheKutKu

    French-Brazilian BR-1 and BR-2 Launchers

    In the 70s, Brazil was slowly trying to develop its space technologies, which resulted to the Brazilian Complete Space Mission (MECB) program and the ill-fated VLS-1, but while digging a bit around it, I found that before deciding on the VLS design circa 1980, there was a period of time of a few...
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