cold war

  1. M

    T95 tank w. nuclear cannon

  2. Owens Z

    Canada's naval strategy?

    [I have taken the liberty of moving this discussion to its own new thread, to avoid stepping on the toes of Oberon_706's Australia-oriented thread.] Dilandu points out that Canada had 2 coasts to defend in the first half of the 20th century, although I believe that was considered in Ottawa to...
  3. hesham

    Egyptian Tu-16 vs American aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy in 1972

    Hi, The photo dates back to 1972, specifically November, when the American aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy approached the Egyptian coast. The Tupolev Tu-16 strategic bomber came out and approached it closely, flying over the aircraft carrier. A Phantom F4 fighter from the carrier was...
  4. M

    Warsaw Pact Britain - naval strategy and other considerations

    It probably is a somewhat strange topic, more of a mental and visual experiment than anything else (feel free to move it to artwork, if it's more appropriate there). In some sense my primary "enemy" in envisioning this setting is the 1966 Defense Review, which I want to circumvent and reverse...
  5. aim9xray

    Superstar engineer John Hart-Smith skewered Boeing’s strategy | Obituary

    embedded links: Hart-Smith paper on Boeing Outsourcing 2003 reaction to Hart-Smith Paper
  6. Dilandu

    Anson-class missile battleships (RN)

    (this ships is from the same AU as Lepanto-class missile battleships) The full description is on my Live Journal, on Russian. The Suez crisis of 1956 became a moment of truth for the Royal Navy. It was impossible to deny anymore, that Great Britain is lagging dangerously behind both United...
  7. Forest Green

    McDonnell Douglas GRM-29A Rocket-Powered Bomber

    View: View:
  8. PreMars

    Which one is the Terrier launcher on Italian missile cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi, Mk 4 or Mk 10?

    The article on the Naval Analyses website refers to it as the Mk 10 GMLS, but some other sources call it the Mk 4, and even some as the Mk 9 mod 1. Judging from the "carrying 72 missiles" and "stored in a vertical position", it seems to be the same as the Boston-class missile cruiser, which is...
  9. R

    WI Medway Trident and VC10 Super 200?

    Both of these airliners were shrunk at the request of their initial customer, the Trident from 111(130?) seat Medway sized to 97 seat Spey sized and the Super 200 from a 212 seat 28' fuselage stretch to a 174 seat 13' stretch for the Super VC10. The Super VC10 was then embroiled in a public...
  10. XP67_Moonbat

    Vintage X-15A-3 Desk Model On eBay

    VINTAGE FACTORY NORTH AMERICAN NASA X-15 X-15A-3 DESK MODEL PROTOTYPE DELTA WING Item description from the seller: This vintage factory desk model of the North American Aviation X-15A-3 Delta wing prototype. This was a proposal to achieve Mach 8, the project was cancelled in 1962. Fairly large...
  11. LogicalEnemyResponse

    Unusual mid 80s armed robotic sentry.

    I’ve been searching quite a lot lately for publications(specifically books and magazines)with information on the so-called “PROWLER” robot designed built and tested by Robot Defense Systems of Thornton Colorado around 1985. Nasty piece of tech with twin M60 machine guns,armor-plated chassis,Mark...
  12. Graham1973

    Nuclear Cow Tipping

  13. Apophenia

    Otto Funk, Peter Funk, & Bücker und Funk Designations

    In the late 1950s, Otto Funk was the director of apprentice-training at the Heinkel plant in Speyer. As an exercise for apprentices, airframes were designed for assembly using a variety of construction techniques. In 1990, Otto's son Peter Funk (along with Dirk Breitkreuz) founded B&F Technik to...
  14. D

    Advanced Tactical Support Aircraft (ATSA) US Navy

    Late 80s (88-90) US Navy Program to replace the E-3C, S-3B and EA-6B carrier-based AEW, ASW and EW aircraft. I believe it evolved into the E-X program to replace the E-2, this is why i’m attaching the image of the Boeing E-X proposal, which is seen here in ASW markings. (VS-24 scouts was an S-3...
  15. T

    The Swedish connection instead of French/'Euro NATO' connection for the UK?

    IOW - earlier & greater cooperation with SAAB and the British companies, while the cooperation between the later and the French and other European NATO is much smaller? Draken was powered by the British engine, Viggen was supposed to be powered by the Medway, while the Gripen should've been just...
  16. Y

    Long Range Airstrikes During Operation Moked on 5 June 1967 (Six-Day War Day 1)

    I recently read Shlomo Aloni's book Six-Day War 1967: Operation Focus and the 12 hours that changed the Middle East. It elaborates the IAF airstrikes from the 5 June 1967 Operation Moked that decapitated Arab air forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq. I am particularly interested in the...
  17. Grey Havoc

    R/P FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform)

    Some good news, along with a bit of background: View:
  18. Dronescapes

    Rocket-Assisted Launches And Other Aviation Oddities

    Rocket-Assisted Launches And Other Aviation Oddities
  19. hesham

    Search Helicopter Towed Rescue Boat,1965

    From Naval Aviation News 1965.
  20. R

    Different British nuclear reactors?

    I keep bumping into this from different angles, its technically very interesting to me so I'll ask the question here and see what happens. In the late 50s Britain was looking for a more commercially oriented nuclear power reactor type to follow on from it's operationally successful but not very...
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