Sukhoi Su-75?

Seems to have the movable tail of the MFI type doesn't it?
"Гульчатай, открой личико!"

thanks to NoName for photos and good luck to him in Gulag.

Interesting. If you block out the space needed for nosewheel, mainwheels, s-duct, wing root structure and engine then I don't think you have a huge amount of space left for a fuselage bay - roughly from the back of the main-wheel bay, to the leading edge of the wing root, and from bottom of the fuselage to a point below the wing root, and less than the bottom width of the fuselage, which narrows quite significantly below the chine. If we take the chap kneeling at the main-wheel, straighten him out and use him as a 1.75m ruler, then I make it about 3.5(l)x.75(h)x1.5(w)m at max, and you have to take doors and launchers off that. That's not far off estimates for the combined size of the F-35's bays, but there's going to be a fair few weapons, Kh-31 for example, too big to fit, and I'm probably being generous on available size (height especially).

And just what is going on with that wide dark edging on the canopy?
tridents model in the end, looks pretty damn close to the real thing!

this is a very unique looking bird! i like it!

It's not my model, to be clear. If it was, I would have made the intake look more like the one LMFS created and given it smaller tails, though ironically it seems I may be wrong about the intake not extending outboard to the apex of the LERX after all. So what I criticized that model for could in fact be the correct configuration (though the DSI bump and flatter nose profile I expected do appear to be confirmed)!
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And just what is going on with that wide dark edging on the canopy?

I can only conclude that it's a black anti-glare panel (as seen on many recent Sukhoi fighters) that has only just been painted on, with the canopy still masked?
Where is the gun?!!

Seems there is some canoe too. But I don't understand the meaning of the front side door (bay?) that interfaces on its aft edge with the main landing gear door...
What the heck is that?
My 2c-

This footage appears to be of a nonflying mockup-

Appears to have the Su-50s cockpit transparencies...

From what I can see here the design is aesthetically quite cool looking!

Appears to be quite small weapons bays mounted pretty far forward of the cg, I'd bet they're for small AAMs only- otherwise looks to have room for very little internal capacity...
I see a missile behind it, so that's a good sign to know what kind of weapons go inside it. 6:00pm in Russia so 6 more hours for more details.
Kh-59MK/AS-18 Kazoo - with an almost 6m length, and a height of about a metre I'd be incredibly surprised if it fits in an internal bay.

OTOH the presence of an ASM means I won't be surprised by more coverage targetting the RN.

In all probabilities they have side front weapons bays and a ventral one in the central position?
I see a missile behind it, so that's a good sign to know what kind of weapons go inside it. 6:00pm in Russia so 6 more hours for more details.
Kh-59MK/AS-18 Kazoo - with an almost 6m length, and a height of about a metre I'd be incredibly surprised if it fits in an internal bay.

OTOH the presence of an ASM means I won't be surprised by more coverage targetting the RN.

I agree.

I suppose those are missile bays in front of the landing-gear bays? Could they carry an R-77 class missile or are they limited to shorter missiles?

Also, is there any chance that there is room for a central/spinal weapons bay (e.g. a single bay for one or possibly two 700 kg class missiles like on the Su-57)?

Given the length of the engine and the inlet arrangement - I'm not sure there is room. However, that would mean that all long range missiles and air-to-ground missiles would have to be mounted in external pods.
I agree.

I suppose those are missile bays in front of the landing-gear bays? Could they carry an R-77 class missile or are they limited to shorter missiles?

Also, is there any chance that there is room for a central/spinal weapons bay (e.g. a single bay for one or possibly two 700 kg class missiles like on the Su-57)?

Given the length of the engine and the inlet arrangement - I'm not sure there is room. However, that would mean that all long range missiles and air-to-ground missiles would have to be mounted in external pods.
This aircraft I hear has a more lengthy fuselage than another certain aircraft in comparison that I know of is considered 5th gen that I am sure could house an R-77 itself, so probably yeah?
I suppose those are missile bays in front of the landing-gear bays? Could they carry an R-77 class missile or are they limited to shorter missiles?
R-77 is 3.6m long, that bay is over 2m, but I don't think it's over 3.6m, and you'll need more than 3.6m because of clearance.

Also, is there any chance that there is room for a central/spinal weapons bay (e.g. a single bay for one or possibly two 700 kg class missiles like on the Su-57)?

I presume there is a central bay, but I'm not sure it will have the depth for larger weapons, certainly not the 1.5m depth needed for the Kazoo on the ground behind it. I expect some Russian ASMs will fit, but a lot of them are definitely too large. R-77 might well determine its length - I estimated 3.5m, I'll happily boost that to 3.7 or 3.8m to fit R-77M, but length and depth are going to be limiting factors for ASMs rather than AAMs.

Also, is there any chance that there is room for a central/spinal weapons bay (e.g. a single bay for one or possibly two 700 kg class missiles like on the Su-57)?

I presume there is a central bay, but I'm not sure it will have the depth for larger weapons, certainly not the 1.5m depth needed for the Kazoo on the ground behind it. I expect some Russian ASMs will fit, but a lot of them are definitely too large. R-77 might well determine its length - I estimated 3.5m, I'll happily boost that to 3.7 or 3.8m to fit R-77M, but length and depth are going to be limiting factors for ASMs rather than AAMs.

Well that Rostec poster depicting IRST targeting the daring class seems to indicate the central bay. the MK wont fit but im expecting Kh-69 will be its main standoff armament.

Probably something like this in arrangement (pardon the crude drawing)
Well that Rostec poster depicting IRST targeting the daring class seems to indicate the central bay. the MK wont fit but im expecting Kh-69 will be its main standoff armament.

It'll definitely be interesting to see the bay dimensions. I see X-69 is 4.2m, so you would probably need a minimum of a 4.4m bay length. 0.4m height and width shouldn't be an issue.
There is no reasons otherwise to have those surface hungry main landing gear bays.

Regarding the air duct past the inlet, it S duct starting upward past the inlet bump before canting down to the engine in a flattened section (similar to Neuron uCaV but upside down).


There is certainly room below the up going section to put a fuel tank like Sukhoi is used to do in the forward portion of the fuselage, two side bays for IR short range missiles and a flat wb in a center position b/w the landing gear well that should fit under the air duct (fully enclosed or semi-recessed).
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no specs available but I am wondering why articles are throwing around 550km ranges on that missile.
Probably something like this in arrangement (pardon the crude drawing)
View attachment 660947

What's also going to have to fit in that space is the wing centre-section for the mid-mounted wing, probably with the engine duct running through it. That's going to limit the available vertical height for the dorsal weapons bay.

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