This is the simplest way ( copy/paste) to present this some kind of 'Technical Doc.' about the Project 'Scale'. As mentioned before ,this presentation is about decimetric L-band PESA/AESA N036L radars. I've lost my complete tranls of this doc. ,sorry....
Or you can just call it metal layer/ metal mesh since it is literally just a thin layer metal
Well, maybe so that you can jam and perform IFF fucntion at once?. Or maybe simply so that you can cover both side since Su-57 wing has very big swept angle and ESA aren’t exactly known for high boresight capability
This is that document. No ,it is not FM for the Su-57. It is about Project 'The Scale' ,about developing those decimetric L-band N036L PESA/AESA radars for the Su-57. If I may ....
Well, maybe so that you can jam and perform IFF fucntion at once?. Or maybe simply so that you can cover both side since Su-57 wing has very big swept angle and ESA aren’t exactly known for high boresight capability
Hi ! Su-57E for the export will be certainly much downgraded when we talk about avionics in comparison with the Su-57(S) for RuA&SF. When we look on the technological demonstrator of Su-57E Bort number 057 blue, we can see that there is even no N036B as SLAR-X band AESA. So Su-57E will have four instead of eight radars.
We will definitely be waiting for pictures of the Algerian Su-57Es when they are produced, so we can see how many radars and optoelectronic modules they will have.
Indiaâs HAL aerospace and defense company has produced already more than 220 Su-30MKI fighter jets at its production capacities, Rosoboronexport stressed
Cameras ??? Three ball-like cameras one to the each other, hm. I first saw those 'balls' in one reportage from Russia 1HD TV on May 2018 several days before Victory Parade. Famous reporter Nayla Asker-Zade interviewed Sukhoi test pilot Taras Artsebarsky. I have some sequences from that video but video itself, I could not find.
Героем программы "Действующие лица" стал президент Объединенной авиастроительной корпорации Юрий Слюсарь. Автору и ведущей Наиле Аскер-заде он рассказал о том, чем уникальны наши истребители и когда наши гражданские самолеты смогут заменить Boeing и Airbus.
Indiaâs HAL aerospace and defense company has produced already more than 220 Su-30MKI fighter jets at its production capacities, Rosoboronexport stressed
Indiaâs HAL aerospace and defense company has produced already more than 220 Su-30MKI fighter jets at its production capacities, Rosoboronexport stressed
It looks like India is finally starting to move back into the Su-57 interest. It also looks like Russia might be caving more to demands to the configuration, though I agree with @stealthflanker that no changes will take place that would change the base Su-57.
Героем программы "Действующие лица" стал президент Объединенной авиастроительной корпорации Юрий Слюсарь. Автору и ведущей Наиле Аскер-заде он рассказал о том, чем уникальны наши истребители и когда наши гражданские самолеты смогут заменить Boeing и Airbus.
I'm now 100% sure that video is from May 2018 ( made before V.P.) and in that video ,Taras A. after the interview was in the cockpit with his thumb up.
That's right, Let's see the latest news. So the Indians were even offered license serial production of the Su-57E (maybe with limited transfer of technologies), which is fantastic because who else offered to produce the 5th generation fighter under license? Let's keep in mind that the Russians recently made it known that the Su-57 could very easily get a two-seat version, which was one of the requirements in the FGFA program.Personally, I think it's the best possible offer.
''Юрий Иванович, что нового планируете показать на авиасалоне МАКС-2015?
-На предыдущих выставках МАКС мы уже демонстрировали экспериментальные и опытные образцы АФАР для ПАК ФА — в 2009 г. мы впервые показали АФАР переднего обзора (ПО) Х-диапазона, в 2013 г. — АФАР бокового обзора (БО), а ранее — и крыльевые АФАР L-диапазона.''
Transl: He was asked what they plan to show on MAKS 2015. He said that the main X-band AESA( test model) for the front hemisphere search was shown on MAKS 2009,then that N036B X-band AESA as SLAR was shown on MAKS 2013 and N036L L-band radars (PESA/AESA) was shown even earlier, on MAKS 2007.
This modified ( I added some white lines) photo has description : ''Слева направо: Крыльевая АФАР L-диапазона, АФАР бокового обзора Х-диапазона, АФАР переднего обзора Х-диапазона. '' From left to right: L-band AESA in wingslats and of course LEVCON's, X-band AESA as SLAR and X-band AESA for the front hemisphere.
When we mentioned those L-band radars it is interesting to note this .Let us see this next photo.
Первый экспериментальный образец АФАР ПО на испытаниях в радио безэховой камере НИИП им. В.В. Тихомирова, ноябрь 2008 г.
So as we can see, the test model of the main X-band AESA was on static tests during 2008.As we know now ,L-band AESA was on static tests much earlier. But this is not the point of the story. In the meantime I tried to find that interview with Yuri Beliy in National Defence (detail about L-band radars wavelength) and I 've found some additional articles:
Point of the story is this .What was going on with that X-band AESA inside of the tailboom for the rear hemisphere search (rear-looking )? The story about that radar is even more interesting.This X-band AESA was shown ever earlier than any other,he was shown on MAKS 2005. Citations:
''At the MAKS-2005 air show in August, Russia's NIIP (the prime contractor for the PAK FA radar), demonstrated a working model of its Epolet-A active phased-array radar for the first time. The antenna uses domestically produced key components. According to its designers, the radiated power on each of its 68 elements reaches 10 Watts, compared to 5-8 Watts for foreign radars. The small-sized Epolet-A is considered to be an auxiliary antenna but it employs serial technologies developed by the key Russian electronics manufacturers: the St. Petersburg's Svetlana and Fryazino-based Istok companies. NIIP Deputy General Director Anatoly Sinani hopes flight test radar will be built in late 2006 or early 2007, as called for by a government program.''
''В развитие технологий фазированной антенной решетки "Эполет", ОАО "Научно-исследовательский институт приборостроения имени В.В. Тихомирова" впервые на МАКС-2005 представил образец передовых технологий АФАР - действующую станцию "Эполет-А".
Данная разработка скорее всего не является окончательным продуктом (показанный образец проходит ряд лабораторных испытаний по отработке технологий), но может стать ключевым элементом многофункционального РЭК перспективного самолета 5-го поколения (ПАК ФА), в создании которого предприятие принимает активное участие.
АФАР выполнена на отечественной элементной базе и технологии, что соответствует основному требованию к программе ПАК ФА, состоит из 8 многоканальных приемо-передающих модулей, обеспечивающих излучение и приема радиосигналов в X диапазоне волн. Максимальная мощность излучения в каждом канале 10 Вт, сектор электронного сканирования 110 град.
Как известно для обеспечения серийного производства перспективной АФАР, стоимость одного приемно-передающего модуля не должна превышать1000$ (по некоторым данным 500$). Согласно информации, полученной от представителя НИИП, технология, заложенная в АФАР "Эполет-А", позволяет достигнуть приемлемого ценового уровня.''
''К вопросу создания бортовых РЛС с АФАР в России удалось вернуться только в 2001 г., когда в «ОКБ Сухого» развернулись работы по проектированию истребителя пятого поколения – Перспективного авиационного комплекса фронтовой авиации ПАК ФА. В 2002 г. по итогам тендера ВВС России «Сухой» был определен головным исполнителем работ по ПАК ФА.
Ведущим разработчиком многофункциональной интегрированной радиоэлектроной системы (МИРЭС) для нового самолета, основным информационным каналом которой станет РЛС с АФАР, по итогам тендера определен НИИП им. В.В. Тихомирова. Работы ведутся в кооперации с НПО
«Исток» (разработчик приемо-передающих модулей), Государственным Рязанским приборным заводом и рядом других предприятий промышленности. Участвовал в них и санктпетербургский холдинговый концерн «Ленинец», также довольно давно занимавшийся исследованиями в области создания АФАР. Разработка МИРЭС с АФАР для ПАК ФА ведется в рамках государственного оборонного заказа, в 2006 г. успешно завершен ее технический проект. Первый образец РЛС для стендовых испытаний может быть построен к концу этого года.
Первые практические результаты экспериментальных работ НИИП по РЛС с АФАР были представлены в августе 2005 г. на МАКС-2005, на котором предприятие продемонстрировало уже испытанный на стенде действующий экспериментальный образец малоразмерной АФАР, состоящей из 68 ППМ – «Эполет-А» (подробнее об этом – см. «Взлёт» №10/2005, с. 11). Его можно рассматривать не только как автономную систему целеуказания и наведения ракет «воздух–воздух», но и как своего рода демонстратор технических решений, которые будут использоваться в МИРЭС будущего ПАК ФА.''
Practically, this X-band rear-looking AESA 'Epolet-A' was the first one to be developed and tested for the N036 Byelka dual-band radar system as part of the Sh121 MIRES. Some photos:
When we talk about EW (ELINT/ECM) AESA-stations of the L402 Himalay system ,those stations/antennas are positioned in the wingtips.Btw, L402 uses all other AESA radars with their centimetric and decimetric interference signals.
''Бортовой комплекс обороны Л402 «Гималаи» разработки АО «Калужский научно-исследовательский радиотехнический институт» и производства ставропольского ПАО «Сигнал» имеет собственные антенны, но поскольку он работает на тех же волнах, что и РЛС, он использует антенны Н036.''
''The L402 Himalaya airborne defense system, developed by JSC Kaluga Research Radiotechnical Institute and manufactured by Stavropol-based PJSC Signal, has its own antennas, but since it operates on the same wavelengths as the radar, it uses N036 antennas.''
Illustration made by Piotr Butowski several years ago.There is some corrections and adds.
It is interesting to note that even many Russian sources do not mention that rear looking X-band AESA called 'Epolet-A' and they mention only two from four L-band AESA.
''Важно отметить, что Су-57 оснащается не просто РЛС в классическом понимании, а комплексом антенн, которые распределены по самолету и составляют так называемую "умную обшивку". В комплекс входит сразу несколько активных фазированных антенных решеток: АФАР X-диапазона в носовом отсеке и две бокового обзора, а также две АФАР L-диапазона в кромках крыльев. "Белка" создана полностью на российской компонентной базе на основе наногетероструктур арсенида галлия (GaAs) и передовых технологий антенных систем с электронным управлением лучом. Характеристики новой БРЛС пока держатся в секрете. ''
More details about those centimetric X-band AESA ....
Development started in 2001/2003 in NIIP named after V.V. Tikhomirov ( Zhukovsky-Moscow).First static tests of the first developed X-band AESA called 'Epolet-A' started in 2005 , then of the main/forward looking/ AESA N036 started in 2008.First flight trials with N036 and SLAR N036B started from 2012 ( prototypes 053 and 054 then 055 blue).Serial production of all X-band AESA's is held by GRPZ-Ryazan. TRM's are developed and are serial produced in NPP ''Istok'' named after Shokyn ( Fryazino).
These are some additional data about those centimetric super high-frequency /short-wave AESA radars which I collected through the time from the 'open /especially Russian/ sources'. Open sources or as I use to call them ,''civilian sources of info/data''.
Those X-band /f=8.5-11.5 GHz, λ≈3cm/ AESA 3D-radars are : the main one N036 in the front position (15° angled upward), with 1526 four-channeled GaAs based TRM's and with 900x700mm( width/height) antenna dimension .Then two AESA as SLAR designated as N036B (15° angled downward) ,with 358 TRM's each in the sides of the front part of the fuselage .Fourth X-band AESA is in fact called ''Epolet-A'' , radar with 68 TRM's which is positioned in the tailboom for the rear looking. Three of them have 120° (+/-60°) radar envelope in azimuth/elevation and the Epolet-A has 110° of envelope. With a total of 2242 TRM's in these three X band AESA ,total radar coverage in azimuth is 270° (+/-135°). This is by far the largest constant FoV and for comparison all other fighters have 120°/140° FoV. FoV 270° x 120° can be practically instantly monitored. In that FoV, three AESA are capable of automatically track 60 aircraft?
The main AESA for the front looking and the one for the rear looking have vertical polarisation and those two SLAR/AESA have horizontal polarisation.Dimensions of the TRM : 150x53.5x8mm,weight is 150gr, area 90-100cm2. Two different current are used for supplying : AC 115/200V,f=50Hz and DC 27V. The average output pulse power at 1dB gain compression is 5W in the operating frequency range 8.5 GHz -11.5 GHz. The maximum output pulse power on HPRF mode is 8W-10W for the each channel. The signal gain is 35dB. All of them can be used for radar searching,detecting/tracking and lock-on. Then for IFF/ID, comm,nav ,ESM ,ECM and RWR modes. AESA radars, if I understand well, can simultaneously work in HPRF and MPRF working modes and can simultaneously work in search ( detect/track) modes and lock-on mode in A2A/A2G/A2S combat modes.Max detection range of the main,frontal N036 antenna in HPRF mode is 400km.
Are these presented data precise,I can not tell/write. These are data from many comments/citations.
Now if you don't mind I will ask some questions about those X-band AESA radars as part of the N036 Byelka dual-band radar system.I hope members like 'stealthflanker','paralay','flateric' and many others will help,tnx.
First question is, why they used the same technical solution for the reflector of the antenna as used for the PESA radar N035 Irbis on Su-35S ( slotted antenna array)?
Second q.... is, besides the Titanium Alloy used for plating ,which material is used for the reflector of the antenna with their waveguides? Probably some heat-conductive material 'cause some of the radar energy is being converted to the heat energy?
Then the 3rd q.... , is N036 Byelka pulse-Doppler radar like N007AM Zaslon-AM and N011M Bars-M or monopulse radar like N035 Irbis?
Next question will be about PRT and PRF.Has anyone data what is the PRT and PRF in HPRF/MPRF mode? About radar beam width e.g. or frequency agility? I suppose that many of data are hidden from the public which is to be expected.
On the photo we can see cassette with 4 four-channel GaAS based TRMs...
The main AESA with its cassettes of TRM's
''Cheek mounted X-Band AESA radars for better angular coverage as well as GMTT/GMTI functions.''
What about this comment?
''The side looking N036B X-band AESA radars of the Su-57 with 358 T/R modules embedded in the cheeks of the forward fuselage for increased angular coverage.They could enable the Su-57 to employ extreme beaming tactics (fighter turns 90 degrees away / perpendicular to an enemy's pulse doppler radar array, so that the enemy's radar would not detect / misinterpret it as a non-moving object).They can be used to guide a BVRAAM missile in it's initial phase while turning away from the enemy fighter. This turning away decreases the chances of getting hit by enemy's missile while the enemy would still have pretty good chances of getting hit by your BVRAAM.''
P.S. There is some videos where we can see that Su-35S after launch of R-77-1 did just as explained thanks to the antenna reflector with its electro-hydraulic gimball of N035 Irbis radar.
Monopulse and Pulse-doppler are totally different things. Pretty much every radar since 1960s uses monopulse tracking techniques, whether pulse or pulse doppler.
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