Sukhoi PAK FA news and speculation (T-50, I-21) Part I [2006-2008]

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PAK-FA won't be a one engine aircraft.Because of the Russia's large country boundaries.And also India won't take a one engine PAK-FA version because of the funds and agreement.They agreed to join Russian PAK-FA,T-50 model but there can be some avionics changes for Indian version.
PAK-FA won't be a one engine aircraft.Because of the Russia's large country boundaries
Range requirement is hardly an indication of the number of engines on a fighter aircraft. Remember F-15E and F-16XL. Similar range, differrent number of engines. Reliability might be an issue but I think, with modern engines that is no longer the case.

If there is something that really shows how much engines a fighter has, its the performance requirements. Trust to weight ration for once. If PAK-FA is designed to outperform the F-22, it will need two engines. But that's a luxury requirement these days.
I think it's a necessity for Ruaf and PAK-FA will have two engines. It's not my idea it's formally accepted design criteria for PAK-FA.
I have a question that will PAK-FA,F-35 and F-22 be the latest manned aircrafts.Will after these 5th gen. aircrafts the 6th generation combat aircrafts be unmanned aircrafts.
paralay said:
The witness declares, that PAKFA is similar to this picture
Other witness speaks, that the tail part is not similar.
I think, that engines are placed widely, as at Su-27.
Yes I agree with you, any PAK FA version, which if it seem to be Raptorski, won't outperform F-22 any more.
If the PAKFA is not a twin engined design that it would indicate a major doctrine shift. After all, the Mig-29, Mig-AT, YAK-130 are all smaller aircraft and all have two engines! The original LFI specs called for two engines, the Mig-29 replacement proposal called for two engines...

I would also expect that the PAK-FA will outperform the F-22 in some flight regimes. It should have a higher unladen thrust to weight ratio after all and the Russian's are very good with aerodynamics. If you insist on superiority of the F-22, then you should think about it this way: The Mig-25 easily out flies the F-15, doesn't it?

P.S. Impressive dating techniques Paralay... it sets a new bar for PAKFA information... :D
will PAK-FA,F-35 and F-22 be the latest manned aircrafts
First, it in of topic question.

But here is the of topic answer:
I highly doubt that, though they could be the last atmosphere only fighters.
lantinian said:
will PAK-FA,F-35 and F-22 be the latest manned aircrafts
First, it in of topic question.

But here is the of topic answer:
I highly doubt that, though they could be the last atmosphere only fighters.

Well if Sukhoi and science fiction can be believed.

I personally think that an unmanned stealth Pucara is the way of the future...

There is an important news about F-15 and the future of the Usaf.Usa is planning to get 381 f-22 Raptors and 1763 F-35 aircrafts.Do you think can Rusaf get 2144 PAK-FA before it's service life.I read a news today Rusaf will get five su-34 aircrafts in 2008.What do you think the production speed about Russian facilities.I'm sure PAK-FA will be a very advanced aircraft and I'm also waiting to see it but will it get enough funds from the goverment and how many PAK-FA will produce per year?
medal64 said:
Do you think can Rusaf get 2144 PAK-FA before it's service life.

Are you nut? We could hardly afford 24 Su-34s by the end of 2010 (may be), and 70 of them till 2015...And I'm pretty sure that even US can't afford F-22/JSF numbers you are talking about, especially if Dems will come (seems that they will).
The numbers are from the text and these are my impressions about the production speed.I also want to see it flying and I really hope it happens the world's best aircraft.
Do you know how many B-2s wanted USAF to buy? And how many it really afford? The number you stated for JSF purchase is probably the 50th (!) official estimation that I know about. And it has degressive tendency all the time.
This was the first time I wrote about the USA's purchuase amount not the 50th maybe there can be maybe not (big possibility not) and I support the production of the PAK-fA maybe more than you.I'm looking your post for the first time in this treat.But I think the main problem is the Russian facilities production speed.Maybe this problem can surpass but I think before the serial production of the PAK-FA this problem must solve by the company.
...probably the 50th (!) official estimation that...

Not wrote by you - it was not offensive - I was referring to numbers given by official USAF/Lockheed/US Government officials. I am collecting the information about MRF/JAST/JSF programs since the early 90s, so my point is that at the beginning of the JSF program there were very optimistic plans that are continuously reducing. And after the latest troubles I am very skeptic about current production estimation for JSF.

Regarding the production of the PAK FA - there are only two important factors for every country: 1. technology 2. decision to relocate money to production of the weapons If you give some 10 mld EUR to Russia, you will be very surprised how quick they will be able to produce dozens of Su-34 for example.

PS: If you didn't see my posts in this thread before, just go to the beginning of it ;)
27.12.2007 Board of directors " Company " Sukhoi" has approved the budget for 2008

Moscow. On December, 27th has passed session of Board of directors of Open Society " Company " Sukhoi».

The board of directors has considered two questions: « the Statement of the budget of a society for 2008 » and « About a course of works under project ПАК ФА ».

Members of Board of directors the unanimous decision have approved the budget of a society for 2008 developed according to the budgetary instruction of Open Society " ОАК ".

Members of Board of directors have been informed on results of performance of the program and financing of project ПАК ФА in 2007 and problems for 2008.

Does PAK-FA project has financial problems for 2008 or does it mean all problems for you?
PAK FA currently gets all the funding requested. It has just huge management and organizational problems.
Flateric I would like to ask you a few question.Is Russian aviation industry living qualified person problem?And how is the education at universities?Most of them well educated/graduated engineers and technicians or are there bribe problems?The last question is what do you think about the future of the Russian aviation industry?
Is Russian aviation industry has qualified person problem? - Absolutely yes, with some positive signs.
Current salaries at KNAAPO for example (that one in much better condition than other industry centers) 1 USD = 24,5 RUR Qualified workers are such a rare species that often gets much more than an engineer.
At Russian Boeing branch graduated student have a payroll about 14 000 RUR, at Tupolev 13 500...
Average employers age at Boeing 25-30, at Tupolev - 55-60.

FYI, my Moscow apartments rent is 15 000 and it's damn fantastic LOW, because average is around 20 000 - 25 000. Plus you have to eat something - add about 10 000. What about clothing, travelling, hobbies?

Education is still excellent, and it's FREE for those who has passed entry exams. But a few go for professions in aerospace they have learned for. From my year, 1997, just two of my knowledge actually working in industry, all others went to private business. State trying to return it's spendings for FREE education by making graduates work for government at least several years after college.

Bribery problems? Stealing? - Absolutely. Giving company builidings for rent to commercants, selling property, selling hardware and archives. Paying military for winning contests, supply tenders - all in the best traditions of Western aerospace industry and even more.
Thanks Flateric for answers.The main problem is looking like salaries not qualified person.
Hello people,
As far as the Indian numbers are concerned ..... several reports suggest that about 100 PAK-FA units may be inducted in the so called Heavy Combat Aircraft (HCA) category of the IAF ... a slot solely occupied by the Su 30 MKI as of today. Moreover since it is not quite clear whether the PAK-FA is a contemporary of the F-22 or between the F-22 and the JSF in capabilities, it may be a trifle premature to predict VVS numbers. I am aware of certain Russian forums attributing rather impressive capabilities to the PAK-FA and if that is the case then even with possible export orders PAK-FA numbers will probably remain modest.
I am a regular visitor to your site and have seen your various PAK-FA illustrations. I get the feeling that quite a few of these are approximations of the various iterations that the PAK-FA program must have been through. I maybe wrong but the IAF these days seems to be veering towards aircraft that can fly hot and high and have rather large monolithic wings . Be that as it may I remember a Russian expert mentioning in some foreign publication ( from my perspective) that India's former president Abdul Kalam had been shown an "example" of the T-50 which was twin engined. Apparently while impressed by the overall scheme , the Indians were at that point of time veering towards a single engined lighter design possibly from OKB MiG. However we are all aware of what happened in the course of the last year and as my last post suggested the PAK-FA will probably be inducted in the HCA category.
Technologies of the fighter of the fifth generation have high innovation potential for the economy of Russia

Moscow, on January 24. The special feature of program on the creation of the fighter of the fifth generation is the fact that from its frames take root newest science-intensive technologies with the high innovation potential not only for the aircraft industry, but also the economy of Russia as a whole. So count contributors "PAK FA: history, problem, the prospect for creation", published before the last number of log “national defense”, the general director of company “Sukhoi” Mikhail Pogosyan the chairman of military technical advice to military industrial commission with the government RF Vladimir Dmitriev. The confronting in the arsenal VVS of Russia fighters of family “Su” and “MiG”, the authors of material write, they do not completely correspond to up-to-date requirements on the multifunctionality, combat radius, viability before air and to other parameters. Position is complicated by the completion of the periods of the operation of aircraft with the insufficient purchases of the new models of aviation engineering. In connection with this it is necessary to organize in Russia the series production of the fighters of the fifth generation (PAK FA). This aircraft is capable to effectively solve the combat missions independent of of the nature of possible military actions and to execute missions due to the conditions of the active technical counteraction of enemy. Its high combat effectiveness will be specified beyond technical flight characteristics and possibility to use high-precision weapons. On it will be established the most up-to-date engines, aircraft and onboard radio-electronic equipment. Work on creation PAK FA began still at the end the 80th - beginning of the 90's, but they were not to the end realized because of the complex financial and economic conditions. In 2000. government RF published instruction on the refinement of the tactical-technical characteristics of new vehicle. In 2001. such data were given by the leading Russian aircraft construction enterprises. Best was acknowledged the project of company “Sukhoi”. For the successful realization of project, count M. Pogosyan and V. Dmitriev, besides comprehensive state support, creations of favorable conditions for the attraction of extra-budgetary funds, simplification in the procedures of the coordination of permissive documents, the exact forecast of the requirement at the point of the aircraft of the fifth generation and possibility of its satisfaction is necessary. The scientific-technical developments created before the process of its creation can be used in the course of the modernization of the existing motor pool of aviation engineering and creation of another promising aviation complex, the authors conclude. At present company “Sukhoi” approached the manufacture of the first experimental models of the fighter of the fifth generation. The beginning of flight tests is planned in 2009. The series production of aircraft can begin in 2015.
Fifth Generation Fighter to Fly in 2009

The first flight of the Russian fifth generation fighter will take place in 2009, the president of the Unified Aircraft Building Corporation, Aleksey Fedorov, has reported.

He emphasized that the program for creation of the future tactical aviation aircraft complex (PAK FA) is being realized in strict conformance with the timetable. A number of new materials are being mastered in the manufacture of this airplane. All the newest systems will be on it, including navigational and combat.

According to Fedorov, from the point of view of flying and combat qualities it really will be a unique fifth generation airplane.

Source: 25.01.08, Russkaya Sluzhba Novostey
Who will you believe more, vice-premier Sergei Ivanov, a man in charge of military complex and UAC, or Mr.Fyodorov, who will presumably leave his position after President's elections? It reminds me promises from Mr.Perminov about apple trees om Mars in 2035...Phrase 'being realized in strict conformance with the timetable' making me laugh since ca.2005. It's being called 'flowing timetable' - everyone has its own one.
If you remember at first Sergei Ivanov said that first flight date of the fifth gen. aircraft would be in 2008.At the last tv reportage he said it will be in 2010.I think he can be little far from UAC or Sukhoy company.Or at the second reportage, his meaning was we can't fund it fully almost 2010.In my opinion if Sukhoy and UAC gets enough funds from the goverment first flight date of the PAK-FA will be 2009.
And I think this corporations or executives of these corporations don't give like this formal informations at their websites and reportages without taking goverment support.
medal64 said:
I think he can be little far from UAC or Sukhoy company.
He's a ex-SoD, and a man in charge of ALL military programs, and he was an initiator of UAC - don't say that he's *far*. He's reporting current situation to Putin weekly.

medal64 said:
Or at the second reportage, his meaning was we can't fund it fully almost 2010.
He NEVER said that in this interview. Problems with funding ended 2 years ago.

medal64 said:
And I think this corporations or executives of these corporations don't give like this formal informations at their websites and reportages without taking government support.

Should I post here all the story of statements of hi-ranked personages of the PAK-FA first flight date? I've collected about a dozen of them. You seem to live in ideal world of believing to executives and generals - this is not Russian way of doing things. Mikhailov was a champion of promises, and thus was fired, but Zelenin seems to be a good pupil...Pogosyan a little more cautious. If program gets a bust, we are reading the same news of it at least for a half of an year - 'PAK-FA configuration closed' was a hit of the spring, and 'final drawings transferred to the factory' was a headline from August till December. It's like we got New York Times in December 1969 with a headline 'Eagle Has Landed!'
I think Sergei Ivanov can be too much cautious about PAK-FA's first flight date after he announced on 5 May 2007 that the first flight of the new aircraft was expected in late 2008.If we believe that the funding problems were solved for the PA-FA for two years and if everything is going on the way we should believe yesterday's and today's UAC and Sukhoy news for the PAK-FA program.
I think we just should wait and see.
lantinian said:
I was going to ask if there is any recent hard evidence to suggest that PAK-FA has more than one engine.

Pogosyan, beginning of 2007: 'Single-engined fighter is not an option. It's not our business, it's not our RFP'
December 2007

The material the basis of resolution of the future armed conflicts depends on high technologies, which create the objective prerequisites of superiority over the armed forces of the technologically lagging countries.

Vladimir Dmitriev - the chairman of the scientific and technical council military industrial commission with the government of the Russian Federation - the deputy chairman OF [VPK] with the government of the Russian Federation, the corresponding member of RAN [Russian Academy of Science]

Mikhail [Pogosyan] - the Director-General of joint stock company [AKHK] “Sukhoi”, the corresponding member of RAN [Russian Academy of Science]

Before the up-to-date conflicts the increasing role of the tactical, front aviation, which operates with the minimum losses for the personnel with an operational inflicting of high-precision impacts on the key state, military and industrial- energy objects of enemy and the repulsion of the attack of aggressor, is noted.

At present domestic front aviation is equipped for the sake of shock [AK] of the third generation Su-24, Su-24[M], Su-25 and by the fighters of the fourth generation Su-27, MiG-29 and MiG-31, which are in essence special-purpose and are intended for the accomplishment, correspondingly, of the missions either of the defeat of surface (sea) objects, or annihilation of aerial targets. These complexes do not correspond to up-to-date requirements on the multifunctionality, all-weather suitability and [kruglosutochnosti], combat radius and viability before air, to jamming invunerability and functional possibilities [BREO]. Position is complicated by the intensive withdrawal of aircraft on the periods of the operation in the absence of the purchases of the new models of aviation engineering before the necessary capacities assigned.

In the USA the work on the creation of the aviation complexes of the new generation began from the middle of the 80's about the program ATF (Advanced Of tactical Of fighter). The conquered about the results of competition fighter of heavy class F -22, created for replacing F -15, completed the first experiment flight in 1997. The cost of program is evaluated at $63 billion.

Work on the creation “light cheap” of interspecies fighter began before the 90's about the program JSF (Joint Of strike Of fighter) for replacing F -16 in VVS, F -18 in Navy and AV-8 Of harrier before the group of the marines. It is intended also for the mass production at the point of the export for the purpose to destroy the prevailing balance on the market for aviation equipment. That conquered before the competition F -35 completed the first experiment flight in December 2006. The total cost of the programs of R & D is evaluated at $40 billion.

Constantly growing in all countries interest before this equipment as to the factor of the stabilization of intergovermental relations in the regions of the world, ensured stable demand at the point of the competitive aviation complexes (АК), including Russian, which brings billions of dollars down their exporters.

In accordance with the basic trends in the development of military science and military equipment the fifth generation distinguish the fundamentally new for the aircraft of fighter aircraft levels of integration beside the structure of armed forces and global mutual information support with the simultaneous possibility to effectively solve the wide circle of tasks autonomously (without the external information support), and also the properties of its systematization, universality and intellectuality:

- multifunctionality, all-weather suitability and [kruglosutochnost] of application, the circular zone of the control of space, target designation and application of a weapon with the low observability in different wavelength ranges and concealment of application; - broad spectral band, the accuracy of work, multichanneled effect and the jamming invunerability of information systems;

- the endurance of basing, high takeoff and landing and technical flight characteristics before the subsonic and supersonic flight conditions;

- the automation of the activities of pilot and the intellectual support of the processes of pilotage, of conducting of dogfight and accomplishment of shock objectives;

- the improved economic, ergonomic and operational indices, increased aircraft life, maintenance opposite the technical condition.

It is acknowledged, what optimum at the point of the total expenditures of life cycle grouping [AK] of tactical or front aviation consists of two types - multifunctional heavy (twin-engined), capable of solving entire spectrum of tasks against entire depth of the conducted operations, and the cheaper lung (of single-engine) aircraft, capable of solving only the unit of the spectrum of tasks. In the case of the deficiency of the financial means of state operational-strategic requirements lead down the military-political decision of the leadership of the country about giving of priority to multifunctional complex.

Works in the provision of creation of the aviation complex of the fifth generation in our country were from the very beginning on the control [VPK] and it is in proper time expanded at the end the 80th - beginning of the 90's.

Is during this period begun as far as R & D on the creation of multipurpose tactical fighter and aircraft engine AL -41[f] for this aircraft, on building of experimental highly maneuverable aircraft with the sweptforward wing, regarding the configuration and the technical routes of promising light multipurpose fighter and multipurpose interspecies aircraft of short/vertical takeoff and landing, and also on the research before the region of aerodynamics, durability, power plants, onboard REO, complexes of the armament of promising [AK].

Due to the complex financial and economic conditions of that period and deficiency budget fund the plans of the creation of the aviation complex of the fifth generation entirely did not realize. [VPK] approached the search for the new ways of its creation and economical utilization of the created scientific-technical reserve. And the new stage of works on its creation advanced in 2000. in accordance with the special instruction of the government of the Russian Federation on the refinement [TTKH] of the promising combat aviation complexes of the 5th generation (before one- and twin-engined versions) and of the engine AL -41[f], the development with the use of specific-program methods of the diagram of financing works with the attraction of the means of organization concerneds.

They gave out in 2001 taking into account the conceptual sentences of the leading aircraft-construction enterprises of Russia about the configuration and the fundamental characteristics of complex VVS. [TTZ] for the development of alternative preliminary designs. The alternatives of preliminary design developed joint stock company “OKB Sukhoi” and [FGUP] “OF [RSK] “MiG”, and also joint stock company “OKB [im]. A.S. Yakovlev” before the support unit of short takeoff and vertical landing of aircraft in December 2001.

Taking into account the special importance of the execution of this program for the national security, the development of economy and strengthening of the international prestige of the country, President of the Russian Federation charged to take the necessary measures, which ensure transition to practical r there on the creation PAK FA for the armed forces of the Russian Federation and his competitive export modification.

On the initiative [VPK] in the provision of accomplishing this commission:

a) by the decision of the government of the Russian Federation is provided before the interests of creation PAK FA to conduct the complex of the works within the framework of [gosoboronzakaza] and federal special-purpose and address investment programs, to organize coordination and control for the realization of project;

b) the commission of the RF Ministry of Defense examined beyond the competitive basis materials of preliminary designs. Best is acknowledged the preliminary design, developed as far as joint stock company “OKB Sukhoi”. Furthermore, its drawing and designing and production potential on the base joint stock company “[KnAAPO] [im]. OF [YU].[A]. Gagarin”, and also financial and economic conditions are acknowledged more acceptable for the implementation of program PAK FA;

c) the commission of the government of the Russian Federation on military industrial questions approved the resolution of the RF Ministry of Defense as far as the competitive examination of preliminary designs PAK FA, it is charged to give out to the chief implementing agency OF [TTZ] on OKR for creation PAK FA, to estimate its export potential, to present sentences on the attraction of extra-budgetary funds for its creation, and also project of the decision of the government of the Russian Federation on the complex special-purpose program of creation PAK FA.

Before the execution of these commissions [FGUP] “OF [AVPK] “Sukhoi”, joint stock company “OKB Sukhoi” together with Rosaviakosmos (Russian Aviation and Space Agency) and VVS is developed, coordinated and represented beside the government RF the complex special-purpose program (КЦП) of creation PAK FA. By special instruction of government RF in 2002. this [KTSP] is approved, given the corresponding instructions about the organization of development PAK FA and they are determined basic stages and periods of performing work. The developed within the framework AS FAR AS [KTSP] sentences on the organization of the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to the creation PAK FA are coordinated with the President of the Russian Federation.

Providing allocation at the point of the development PAK FA is provided by the state program of armament. The deficiency budget fund about the program of creation PAK FA and its export version is covered, in essence, due to the attraction of the personal means of enterprises and organization- participants in the creation of complex, obtained as far as them based on the export of aviation engineering, and the planned means of potential foreign clients PAK FA.

Complex special-purpose program PAK FA is defined AS FAR AS [VPK] as the pilot project, which realizes new approaches and principles of the creation of the domestic models of weapons and military equipment due to the up-to-date conditions. It has a decisive importance for future VVS and naval aviation of Russia, aircraft industry, its restructuring and consolidation around the decision of the most important practical task, strengthening of the positions of the domestic export of military aviation.

The special feature of the program of creation PAK FA is not only the creation of qualitatively new aviation complex, but also that within the framework this program are created and realize in practice newest science-intensive technologies with the high innovation potential not only for the aircraft industry, but also for the economy of Russia as a whole.

The created scientifically- technological reserve ensures the deployment of the experimental production of systems and aircraft of test batch PAK FA, including the provision of a beginning of flying and carrying out of the stage of preliminary tests.

Problematic, as in the entire world, remain development and assimilation:

- new composite materials in the construction of aircraft with the low observability before the wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation;

- onboard radio-technical system on the base of antennas with the impulse phased cascades;

- the integrated multispectral optical-electronic system for the provision of application of a weapon “air-to-air” and “air-surface” and the omnidirectional detection of the attacking aircraft missiles of enemy;

- the digital complex of communications for the sake of operational provisions before the system of the centralized control besides military operations;

- the single digital calculating nucleus of the complex [BREO], constructed on the principles of the open architecture with the possibility of the growth of required productivity during further modernizations of aircraft.

Besides these typical for all domestic developers of innovation production is number of the base problems, whose solution occurs out of the frames of the direct responsibility of [goszakazchikov] and scope of the main developers of armaments. This of the development of the new technologies of materials and electronic component base, the supply status of the performance of design and technological decisions for the sake of the low parties of new raw material and completing, the development of laboratory- bench base, [tekhperevooruzhenie] of experimental and series production.

To enumerated and other problematic questions of the scientific-technical and technological provision of creation PAK FA and its integrations beside the weapon system of the armed forces of the Russian Federation continuous attention gives [NTS] [VPK]. Its recommendations are introduced for the examination of sessions [VPK]. Furthermore, problematic questions of the creation of the aircraft of the 5th generation are reflected before the wide circle supported by state base and critical industrial and military technologies before the programs of federal level (state program of armament for 2007-2015, federal special-purpose programs “national technological base” during the years 2007-2011, “development of defense- industrial complex during the years 2007-2010 and down the period until 2015”, the project of program “development of electronic component base” during the years 2008-2011). Therefore the realization of the innovations of the wide cooperation of the developers of the first domestic full-scale development of the complex of the fifth generation due to the conditions of the begun output [OPK] based on the system crisis requires the concentration of efforts and means for critical the directions indicated.

PAK FA is necessary at the point of state for the accomplishment of the most important state triune mission - provision of defense capability of the country, maintenance and the development of domestic [OPK], the creation of favorable for Russia international conditions due to the military technical collaboration for the sake of the strategic partners. And precisely now basic responsibility for its timely creation precisely lies beyond the state.

By commission of the government of the Russian Federation on military industrial questions in 2005. is noted a change in the factors, which influence the attraction of extra-budgetary funds and means [FTSP], because of what are corrected the periods of performing work on THE PAK FA, the sources and the capacities of their financing. Of the relying on increasing economic possibilities, began the growth of state enclosures beside this region. However, it is necessary to think over the effective forms of state stimulation and reduction in the risks of activity before its creation.

The creation of favorable conditions for the attraction of extra-budgetary funds here remains reasonable measure. Including due to the active state accompaniment of Russian developers on the International market. Also will be required the exact forecast of the requirements at the point of the aircraft of the fifth generation of strategic [inopartnerov] and allies and possibilities of their satisfaction. Without this not to determine, where intellectual- technological capital accumulated before Russia and tendencies of the World Markets are crossed, in order to us not to be late. Other measures are connected for the sake of overcoming of bureaucratic barriers. This is simplification in the procedures of the coordination of permissive documents and sentences on the mechanisms of interaction in large quantities of the instances of the interested organs of authority, which impede execution of the decision on THE PAK FA, and also the rigid coordination of the activity of the federal organs of executive power and personal responsibility for realization from the established periods of measures [KTSP]. Within the framework decisions on THE PAK FA one must still finish building adequate infrastructure, including the necessary new budgetary, administrative, legal and institutional elements.

Comprehensive state support PAK FA, together with the provision of defense capability of state, is important for the extended generation of high technologies in the country before the interests of its transfer beside the innovation way of development. Russia before this differs from the leading states, where the civil sector supplies advanced technologies to defense economy - Russian [OPK] in many respects remains the most important national source of high technologies for the civil sector of production.

The created scientific-technical reserve in the field of the new construction materials, radar, optical-electronic, navigation, calculating and other systems can and must be used in the course of the modernization of the existing motor pool of aviation engineering and creation of other promising aviation complexes.

As far as this is determined the exclusive significance of the implementation of program PAK FA for the provision of defense of the country, maintenance and development of the aviation and adjacent branches of industry, creation of highly technological competitive aviation equipment and conditions for the conversion of the economy of the country beside the innovation- active route of development, and also favorable foreign policy and economic conditions for collaboration for the sake of the strategic partners.
The first flight of the Russian fifth-generation fighter will be held in 2009 - UAC President

Moscow. 25 January. Interfax-AVN - The drive to develop perspective aviation complex of the frontal Aviation (PAK FA) is implemented in strict accordance with the schedule, said President of the United Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (UAC), Alexey Fedorov. "fifth-generation fighter would be raised in the air, as scheduled in 2009" - said A. Fedorov to "Interfax"

He noted that the PAK FA included in the state arms until 2015. "DoD The first customer will become a " - A. Fedorov said.

According to him, at present, the project is in the active phase of the main production equipment, which will be issued with details of full technological cycle. "

A. Fedorov said that the first vehicle will be prepared "for the assembly fit checks, the second - for the fatigue tests, and one vehicle will be flying.

When asked the agency whether there is a problem with the project, head of the KLA, noted that "there are problems, but they are all solvable." According to A. Fedorov, some difficulties related to the fact that "the first fighter designed to the new, so-called digital divide." "Under these technologies are customizable production is extensive training of scientific and technical personnel and workers" - he said.

Moreover, as said A. Fedorov, in the production of this aircraft developed some new material.

"That is, in terms of technical performance, and the flying qualities of this battle will be truly unique fifth generation aircraft, a completely new step forward" - stressed A. Fedorov.

According to him, this aircraft will be deployed all the latest systems, including navigation and attack.

As reported, Gagarin's Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO), part of holding "Sukhoi" at the end of last year began manufacturing the first prototypes of perspective multifunctional fighter.

To date KnAAPO already received from the Sukhoi OKB technical documentation, which is required for the construction of prototypes PAC FA.

According to the experts, the fifth-generation fighter will be able to deal effectively with military challenges regardless of the nature of possible military action and carry out tasks in the face of strong technical counter enemy. The high effectiveness of the aircraft subject to its performance specifications and the capability to use precision weapons.
Well, this is a fine example of lots of data and very little information.
Sure! Next week we will start uploading CATIA drawings of the PAK-FA, stolen while transferring it to the KnAAPO from Sukhoi via phone modem. We just looking for appropriate ftp server...
Niko, what did you know of ATF in 1987 or 88? It's just the same game...
Sorry, it's made in UGS NX, as JSF was and SuperJet 100. CATIA is used, too, but not a backbone CAD/CAM block.
Did somebody really leaked the PAK-FA drawings flateric.I hope you can get and send us this drawings as early as possible?
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