150 Su-30 fighter jets discard their outdated 80s BARS radar

Seems indea's su-30 are going to get new aesa radars.
150 Su-30 fighter jets discard their outdated 80s BARS radar
Seems indea's su-30 are going to get new aesa radars.
150 Su-30 fighter jets discard their outdated 80s BARS radar
Seems indea's su-30 are going to get new aesa radars.
and that program has been going for like decade now with apparently still no AESA delivered yet.
sn't it two separate programs?
the first being a Russian update with Russian radars (that seemingly got nowhere)
and this one being with Indian radars?
Look at the nozzles design and on the wing-tips, with something resebmling the wreckage of ECM containers. Unforunately, it looks like a Su-35.Of course, I might be wrong, I haven't found any decisive proof that the wreckage is a su35.
Don't su30sms carry the same ECM podLook at the nozzles design and on the wing-tips, with something resebmling the wreckage of ECM containers. Unforunately, it looks like a Su-35.Of course, I might be wrong, I haven't found any decisive proof that the wreckage is a su35.
No, they don't.Don't su30sms carry the same ECM pod
Yes, it's a Su-35, shot down by friendly firesu35 or not?
Right next to the border - and reasonably close to the location of the recent disaster.Hell of a thing if they've been reduced to low altitude flying over their own territory.
The official explanation is a technical malfunction.Looks like a G-loc
IIRC, there is no low-drag variant of FAB-1500. Only M54 hi-drag.Daym, M54. I think M62 would do better but who knows.
They said they started using it months ago though, didn't they?
1500 one IIRC was "soon".They said they started using it months ago though, didn't they?
Coefficient of fullness?
Wow! Never seen these before! Interesting, thx for the info.
Where did you get that picture my good man, and do you have the full VVS ordnance catalogue by any chance?