Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and Su-35 News thread, pictures and discussion


I really should change my personal text
22 March 2019
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Su-35 fighters in the 6th PLA Air Force Brigade (former 6th Aviation Regiment of the 2nd Aviation Division) at the Suizi airfield near Zhanjiang (Guangdong Province).

China ordered 24 Su-35 fighters under a contract with Rosoboronexport JSC concluded in November 2015. The first four Su-35 fighters under this contract were built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Sukhoi Company PJSC in 2016 and were transferred to the PRC on December 25, 2016, the next five Su-35s were transferred to the PRC on July 3, 2017, five more were transferred to the PRC on November 30, 2017, and five more in June 2018. Deliveries of 5 more fighters were made in November 2018.
@pegasus You could include the SU-34 in the title of this thread... Or maybe make it a 30-series thread?
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@pegasus You could include the SU-34 in the title of this thread... Or maybe make it a 30-series thread?
we can make it like that if all of you want






Group "Russian Knights" received four Su-35S fighters

November 10th, 1:34
Reportedly, the Russian Knights aeronautical aeronautical team of the Russian Aerospace Forces received four new single-seat multi-functional Su-35C fighters of the new construction of the Komsomolsky-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarina (KnAAZ) - a branch of Sukhoi Company PJSC. On November 9, 2019, four transferred Su-35S fighters, painted in the “company colors” of the group and having blue tail numbers from “50” to “53”, flew from Komsomolsk-on -Amure to the place of permanent residence of “Russian Knights” at the Kubinka airfield near Moscow, making an intermediate landing on the way in Novosibirsk, where these planes were captured by spotters.

One of the four Russian Vityazi aeronautical aerobatics group received by the Russian Knights “Su-35C” fighters of the new construction of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant named after Yu.A. Gagarina (KnAAZ) - a branch of Sukhoi Company PJSC (tail number 50 blue) - during an intermediate landing at Tolmachevo Airport (Novosibirsk), 11/09/2019 (c) Svetlana Balaeva /

So far, the Russian Vityazi group air fleet, which is part of the Center for the Display of Aviation Engineering of the 4th Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Center for Military Testing and Training of Air Force Staff named after V.P. Chkalov, consisted of eight two-seat Su-30SM fighters delivered to the group new in October-November 2016 (blue tail numbers from "30" to "37"). Su-30SM fighters were replaced in the group by Su-27 fighters, on which the Russian Knights have been flying since the formation in April 1991.

With the transfer to the Russian Knights group of four Su-35S fighters, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarina completed the implementation of the plan for the supply of these aircraft under the State Defense Order of 2019, transferring a total of ten Su-35S fighters to the Russian Air Force for a year. Earlier this year, KnAAZ transferred six Su-35S fighters to the 790th fighter aviation regiment of the 105th mixed aviation division of the 6th Leningrad Red Banner Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Western Military District, deployed at the Khotilovo airfield in the Tver Region - in July 2019 This regiment received three fighters with tail numbers "18", "19" and "21", and in October 2019 three more aircraft.

Earlier, at the end-December of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, the Sukhoi S-35S fighters manufactured by KnAAZ according to the State Defense Order of 2018 were delivered to the 790th Regiment — airplanes with red tail numbers "11", "12" and from "14" to " 17 ". Thus, now in the 790th regiment there are 12 Su-35S fighters — one manned squadron.

Ten Su-35S fighters built under the 2019 program were manufactured by KnAAZ within the framework of the five-year contract for the supply of 50 Su-35S fighters signed by the Russian Ministry of Defense with JSC Sukhoi Company in December 2015.

The first ten Su-35S aircraft under this contract were built by KnAAZ in 2016, another ten in 2017, and ten more in 2018. Taking into account the first contract of 2009 for 48 Su-35S fighters, the Russian Aerospace Forces have thus obtained 88 serial Su-35S aircraft since the end of 2012 to date. Taking into account 24 Su-35 export modification fighters built in 2016-2018 and delivered to China under the 2015 contract, this gives 112 built Su-35 serial fighters.

On November 8, 2019, during a visit to KnAAZ, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexey Krivoruchko stated that “KnAAZ fully complied with the state defense order of 2019, putting ten Su-35S fighters ahead of schedule. The last ten cars stipulated by the current contract are expected to be received in 2020. " A. Krivoruchko also emphasized that four out of ten Su-35S shipped this year will be delivered to the Kubinka Russian aerobatic team. According to him, in the future the company plans to sign an additional contract for these machines.

Thus, the 159th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 105th Combined Aviation Division of the 6th Leningrad Red Banner Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Air Defense Forces (Besovets, Karelia) and the 23rd fighter are now fully armed with Su-35S fighters as part of the Russian Air Force Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Guards Combined Aviation Division of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Eastern Military District (Dzemgi, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Khrai) - both two squadrons - as well as one squadron as part of the 790th fighter aviation leg Regiment of the 105th Combined Aviation Division (Khotilovo) and the 22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Guards Combined Aviation Division of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Eastern Military District (Central Corner, Primorsky Territory).
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@pegasus You could include the SU-34 in the title of this thread... Or maybe make it a 30-series thread?

No, please not ... and therefore as in the J-20 thread:

We do not need to post any random found image of that type - the same in the Su-35 thread - since this is NOT a picture collection file. For this, please post at the Key-forum or whatever.

Again, "news" is what matters in this Aerospace section.

So If there is something new to debate; a new development, deployment, a new observation and discussion on that matter, then it's fine, but we do not need to post each and every image found in the www.
@pegasus You could include the SU-34 in the title of this thread... Or maybe make it a 30-series thread?

No, please not ... and therefore as in the J-20 thread:

We do not need to post any random found image of that type - the same in the Su-35 thread - since this is NOT a picture collection file. For this, please post at the Key-forum or whatever.

Again, "news" is what matters in this Aerospace section.

So If there is something new to debate; a new development, deployment, a new observation and discussion on that matter, then it's fine, but we do not need to post each and every image found in the www.
the pictures were accompanied by news did you read them?
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the pictures were accompanied by news did you read them?

Indeed, exactly as in post #4 ... there is 'de facto' No text and news at all.

So please, do not again start twisting words.
Belarus received the first two Su-30SM fighters

November 14th, 2:19

According to the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, on November 13, 2019, the first pair of 12 Su-30CM multi-functional fighter jets ordered by the Belarusian side under the contract for 2017 - planes with red tail numbers “01” arrived at the 61st fighter aviation base of the Belorussian Air Force and Air Defense Forces in Baranovichi "and" 02 ", built at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant of PJSC" Corporation "Irkut".

Arrived at the 61st fighter aviation base of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus, one of the first two Su-30SM fighters (tail number 02 red, serial number 10MK5 1608) built at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant of Irkut Corporation for Belarus under a contract 2017. Baranavichy, 11/13/2019 (c) the Ministry of Defense of Belarus

According to a press release from the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, the renewal of the fleet of military equipment of the Armed Forces is the result of many years of military-technical cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

In June 2017, Belarus and Russia agreed to purchase 12 of the latest Su-30 SM fighters manufactured by Irkut Corporation. The final outline of the three-year agreement was agreed upon during the 9th MILEX-2019 International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment, held in Minsk in May of this year. During each year, our Air Force and Air Defense Forces will be replenished with one aviation unit of four aircraft.

The decision to adopt this type of aircraft was preceded by a series of research projects on shaping the appearance of the Belarusian army in the medium term, carried out by scientists of the Armed Forces Research Institute at the request of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus.

The choice of Russian weapons systems is not accidental. Earlier, the allies delivered S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to our country, then the latest Tor-M2 air defense system, and the land component of the Belarusian army was replenished with modernized T-72BZ tanks.

Of great importance for determining the type of promising fighter was the training system for the flight crew. Belarus has already purchased 12 Yak-130 combat training aircraft produced by the same Irkutsk Aviation Plant. This aircraft is a training complex for the development of Su-30 family fighters. In aviation units, experience has been gained in operating the Su-27 aircraft, the prototype of the Su-30. In addition, the double Su-30SM can be used both for combat missions and for training pilots.

Comment by bmpd. According to the web resource, the Su-30SM fighter with serial number 10MK5 1607, which is the first aircraft of this type built for the Belorussian Air Force and Air Defense Forces (tail number 01 red), made its first flight at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAZ ) March 3, 2019, and the second fighter with the serial number 10MK5 1608 (tail number "02 red") - March 13.

It is also reported that two more Su-30SM fighters built for Belarus should fly to Baranavichy before the end of November.

The first two Su-30SM fighters (tail numbers "01 red" and "02 red", serial numbers, respectively, 10MK5 1607 and 10MK5 1608), built at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, arrived at the 61st fighter aviation base of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus PJSC "Corporation" Irkut "for Belarus under the contract of 2017. Baranovichi, 11/13/2019 (c) the Ministry of Defense of Belarus


Hey overscan can you edit it so the title to say Su-30/Su-34. Su-35 series news, pictures and discussion thread
Free Market News:
US threatens Egypt with sanctions over buying Su-35 from Russia

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Pentagon chief Mark Esper warned Egypt of possible sanctions in connection with Cairo’s decision to continue the purchase of Russian Su-35 fighters.

According to The Wall Street Journal, a statement was sent to Egyptian Minister of Defense Mohammed Ahmed Zaki.

It notes that the Egyptian deal to buy Russian Su-35s will complicate the provision of military assistance to the country by the United States, in connection with which Pompeo and Esper called on the Egyptian minister to cancel it.

At the end of June, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced Russia's readiness to assist Egypt in strengthening security and maintaining stability in the region.

Igor Gerasimov, professor at the Faculty of Economics at St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, in an interview with FBA Economics Today, praised Shoigu’s statement, recalling Russia's serious role in strengthening Egypt’s position in the Middle East.
In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the state defense order for the Su-35S was completed ahead of schedule

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexei Krivoruchko said that the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant (KNAAZ) has fully fulfilled the state defense order for 2019 for Su-35S fighters, ahead of schedule transferring a batch of 10 aircraft to the airborne forces. The last 10 fighters ordered from the plant are planned to be received next year.

He also noted that 4 out of 10 prematurely delivered Su-35Ss will be transferred to the Russian Knights aerobatics group. Also, according to Krivoruchko, the Ministry of Defense plans to conclude an additional contract with KNAAZ for another batch of Su-35S fighters.

J-11B - the Chinese analogue of the Su-27 received a new radar with AESA

PLA air forces carry out deep modernization of the 4th generation fighter fleet
China Central Television (CCTV) has shown a variant of the J-11B fighter (Jian-11 Bi, according to NATO classification - Flanker-L) with a new type of radar, according to the Chinese online publication China military. An open air show in preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Air Force of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) indicates that an advanced combat aircraft began to enter the troops. Fighters of this class will be operated by the PLA Air Force and Air Force.

According to experts, this is a new type of radar with an active phased antenna array (AFAR), which has improved detection and targeting capabilities, and which allows the use of new types of long-range air-to-air missiles, and to perform a wider range of tasks, including conducting air reconnaissance of the sky, sea and land.

J-11B was developed by the Chinese military industry on the basis of the Su-27 multipurpose all-weather supersonic heavy fighter created by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. The Shenyang Aircraft Building Plant was converted for the production of Russian aircraft, and the basis for their improvement also appeared. China received a license to manufacture Su-27 from Russian car kits under the designation J-11 in the mid-90s of the last century, and in the early 2000s many "native" components were replaced with analogues, 70% of the parts were replaced with components made in China, but problems with replacing the engine in those years could not be solved. However, the J-11B was a further development of the multi-purpose J-11 and Su-27. The J-11B fighter has a wingspan of 14.7 m. The length is 21.9 m, height - 5.92 m. The maximum take-off weight is 33,000 kg, while the combat load is 6,000 kg.

According to media reports, the development of an airborne radar station (AFB) with AFAR for installation on J-11B, J-15, J-16 and others belonging to the Su-27 family began in 2004 and its advantage was reduced compared to Russian counterparts, the mass of radar, however, the comparison was carried out according to open official information that existed only on some Russian radar with AFAR.

The 110-year development of aviation in China was marked by many achievements, and in 1949 the PLA Air Force was created. In honor of the celebration of their 70th birthday, performances by aerobatic teams and parachutist shows were held in the Celestial Empire, and the military power of the country's best aircraft equipment was demonstrated. A total of 35 aircraft of 10 types performed aerobatics, including the J-20 invisible fighter, the Y-20 heavy military transport aircraft and the J-16 fighter. Commemorative envelopes, which depict 100 photographs and reproductions of paintings on the history of Chinese aviation, were released on November 3, Xinhua reports.

Oct 29, 2019 at 10:10 pm
Belgian F-16 fighters deployed near NATO’s northeastern border intercepted the Russian Su-35, the Belgian Air Force’s official Twitter account says.

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DUBAI (Sputnik) - Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are continuing talks on the delivery of SU-35 fighter jets to the Middle Eastern country and the joint development of a 5th generation light combat fighter for UAE, Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation said Sunday.
"Talks on the delivery of SU-35 fighter jets and the development of a 5th generation light combat fighter in the interest of the UAE are continuing," the agency's head, Dmitry Shugaev, said.
Russia and the UAE agreed in 2017 to jointly develop a 5th generation light combat fighter jet based on the MiG-29 aircraft. At the time, Sergey Chemezov, the head of the Russian defence giant Rostec, which is developing the project with the UAE Defence Ministry, said it would take seven years to build the jet.

NATO needs it: new air divisions will cover the skies over the Baltic and Crimea
Unions will strengthen the regions on the borders of which the Alliance is growing

In Crimea, according to Izvestia sources in the military department, it was decided to revive the formation, which will become the assignee
2nd Guards Marine Missile-Carrying Sevastopol Aviation Division. ON. Tokarev. It was formed 80 years ago as part of the BSF Air Force and ceased to exist in 1996. Connection pilots for courage and courage in 1944 earned the title of guard.
The new division will include the 43rd separate naval assault aviation regiment. It is armed with tactical front-line bombers Su-24 and multi-purpose fighters of generation 4 ++ Su-30SM. The place of basing is the Novofedorovka airdrome. Also, the divisions will transfer the 318th mixed air regiment. It consists of An-26 military transport aircraft, Be-12 anti-submarine amphibious aircraft, Ka-27 naval anti-submarine helicopters and Ka-29 transport and combat helicopters

In the Kaliningrad region, according to Izvestia sources in the Ministry of Defense, the formation of the 132nd mixed aviation division began.
It will include the 4th Guards Naval Assault Air Regiment, armed with front-line Su-24 bombers and Su-30SM fighters. And also - the recently formed 689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, which is due to receive the modernized Su-27SM and Su-35S in the near future.
Finally, the 396th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter squadron, 125th separate helicopter and 398th separate transport will join the division. The location of the compound was the city of Chernyakhovsk.

Promo clip of JSC “558 Aircraft Repair Plant”.

558 ARZ OJSC is the only one in the Republic of Belarus and one of the few enterprises in the CIS that provides a wide range of repair and modernization services for various types of aircraft.

The main activities of JSC “558 ARZ”:
• repair of aircraft Su-22, Su-25, Su-27 (Su-30), MiG-29, An-2, helicopters Mi-8 (Mi-17) and Mi-24 (Mi-35);
• modernization of the Su-22, Su-25, Su-27 (Su-30), MiG-29 aircraft, Mi-8 (Mi-17) and Mi-24 (Mi-35) helicopters;
• production of parts and components of aircraft: aircraft hydraulic system products, hatches, brackets, fittings, staples, glider elements such as ribs, frames; products from composite materials; and etc.;
• production of new types of weapons and military equipment: aircraft radio-technical protection systems, Grif-K, Berkut-1, Berkut-2, Condor, Shershhen unmanned aerial systems;
• development and manufacture of bench equipment and CPA;
• Creation of logistic support centers;
• training of specialists in the repair, maintenance and operation of aircraft.
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Russia put forward to Turkey the condition for the purchase of Su-35

Russia will sell Turkey a fourth-generation fighter Su-35, provided the country purchases a fifth-generation fighter Su-57, Viktor Kladov, director of international cooperation at Rostec, told Defense News at the Dubai Airshow 2019 exhibition.

"Turkey is very focused on acquiring modern aerospace technologies. They are working on their own aircraft. They want to develop their aircraft, and we have preliminary negotiations regarding the Su-35, provided that Turkey plans to acquire the Su-57. Why not? And immediate interest arose after the United States announced the cancellation of plans for the supply of [Turkey fifth-generation American fighter] F-35, "the manager said.

Kladov noted that Russia and Turkey have never had negotiations affecting exclusively the issue of selling the Su-57.

Answering a question about assisting Ankara in creating its own fifth-generation fighter TF-X, the manager pointed out that Moscow could help with the propulsion system or become a full-fledged partner. According to Kladov, for this it is necessary to know the specific characteristics presented by Turkey to the aircraft, and the "size of the market."

In November, at the Dubai Airshow 2019 exhibition, Russia presented the Repellent, Sapsan-Bekas, Rubezh-Avtomatika, Kupol, Luch and Pishchal complexes, designed to counter small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Dubai Airshow 2019 takes place from November 17 to 21 in Dubai (UAE).
Russia received the first foreign applications for the supply of Su-34


DUBAI, Nov 18 - RIA News. Russia received the first foreign applications for the supply of Su-32 front-line bombers to journalists at an exhibition in Dubai on Monday at Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev.
"Work is being carried out with us. Several partners even flew on these airplanes. So we are waiting for decisions, we are conducting marketing work. There are applications," Mikheev said, without specifying which countries in question.
What WOULD make more sense is to offer tech transfer and help with development of Turkish own future plane with Su-57 purchase. So to tie those two together. Instead of tieing in Su-35 with Su-57 purchase. As the very technologies coming with Su-57 would play a role in the future Turkish plane program.
What WOULD make more sense is to offer tech transfer and help with development of Turkish own future plane with Su-57 purchase. So to tie those two together. Instead of tieing in Su-35 with Su-57 purchase. As the very technologies coming with Su-57 would play a role in the future Turkish plane program.

But potentially apart from the engine technology would Turkey actually want or place that high a premium on the technology coming from the Su-57 re: their own combat aircraft development, unless no other partners are available.
Two more Su-34 bombers handed over to Russian military

The Russian Defense Ministry received the next two Su-34 bombers, an informed source told Interfax on Tuesday.
"Two Su-34 bombers manufactured at the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant were handed over to the customer," the agency’s source said.
According to him, the planes have already departed to the place of permanent deployment.

It was previously reported that in 2019, six such aircraft were handed over to the military. It was planned that this year the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant (a Sukhoi branch, part of the UAC) will complete the supply of the Su-34 under the current contract, which the plant is fulfilling ahead of schedule.

In November, an Interfax source reported that the Russian Defense Ministry and Sukhoi would sign a new contract for the supply of Su-34 bombers by the end of the year.

Serial production of the Su-34 began in April 2005. In 2008, a five-year contract was signed for the supply of 32 Su-34 aircraft to the Russian Aerospace Forces. In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed another contract for the purchase of 92 vehicles of this type. Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans to purchase about 200 front-line bombers of the Su-34, which proved themselves well during the Syrian campaign.

The Su-34 bomber developed at Sukhoi is designed to destroy both ground and surface targets of the enemy; it is capable of hitting moving targets, even small ones. Also, the aircraft has the ability to destroy air targets at any time of the day or night under any weather conditions.

The Su-34 uses guided air-to-surface and long-range air-to-air weapons with multi-channel use. It is equipped with a highly intelligent radar counteraction and defense system.

The features of the Su-34, in particular, are a long flight range - up to 4000 km, high flight speed - up to 1900 km / h. The combat load of the aircraft can be 8 tons.
Should this really be here? They are making more than dozen per year, putting all news like that one here would be quite excessive.
Quick question.

So as we know. KNAAPO does make a twin seater sukhoi for export namely the Su-30MKK,MK2,MK2V,MKV etc. These appears to be popular. One thing however is that they are getting obsolete. One aspect is the N001 Radar, it's as good as it is but there are many things better others are like compatibility with latest equipment (e.g the T-220 Targeting pod).

I wonder however if VVS Or maybe UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) in general have any plans for the aircraft's future. Experience from our (Indonesian) Su-30's, there are Mid-life update and some "enhancements" like Byelorussian ECM installed. However there seems to be not much of a "package plan" or promotion at all for increased capability such as better Radar or maybe integration of newer munitions. Compared to US offers like "Viper program" which have a clear outline on what to install and basically clear on what need to be done and how much to be paid. According to my discussion with some friends that close to our Air force, the Russians appears to not really accustomed for a non VVS client for upgrade. So Does this means that we might better off retire the aircraft when its useful life finally ends and replace them with more modern Su-30SM ?
Quick question.

So as we know. KNAAPO does make a twin seater sukhoi for export namely the Su-30MKK,MK2,MK2V,MKV etc. These appears to be popular. One thing however is that they are getting obsolete. One aspect is the N001 Radar, it's as good as it is but there are many things better others are like compatibility with latest equipment (e.g the T-220 Targeting pod).

I wonder however if VVS Or maybe UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) in general have any plans for the aircraft's future. Experience from our (Indonesian) Su-30's, there are Mid-life update and some "enhancements" like Byelorussian ECM installed. However there seems to be not much of a "package plan" or promotion at all for increased capability such as better Radar or maybe integration of newer munitions. Compared to US offers like "Viper program" which have a clear outline on what to install and basically clear on what need to be done and how much to be paid. According to my discussion with some friends that close to our Air force, the Russians appears to not really accustomed for a non VVS client for upgrade. So Does this means that we might better off retire the aircraft when its useful life finally ends and replace them with more modern Su-30SM ?
It's all up to customer to get N001 or N011M. No big problem in upgrading existing airframes either. Integration of new fancy toys is a bit if a bigger bugger because of big number of subvariants and need of work with each of them.
Quick question.

So as we know. KNAAPO does make a twin seater sukhoi for export namely the Su-30MKK,MK2,MK2V,MKV etc. These appears to be popular. One thing however is that they are getting obsolete. One aspect is the N001 Radar, it's as good as it is but there are many things better others are like compatibility with latest equipment (e.g the T-220 Targeting pod).

I wonder however if VVS Or maybe UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) in general have any plans for the aircraft's future. Experience from our (Indonesian) Su-30's, there are Mid-life update and some "enhancements" like Byelorussian ECM installed. However there seems to be not much of a "package plan" or promotion at all for increased capability such as better Radar or maybe integration of newer munitions. Compared to US offers like "Viper program" which have a clear outline on what to install and basically clear on what need to be done and how much to be paid. According to my discussion with some friends that close to our Air force, the Russians appears to not really accustomed for a non VVS client for upgrade. So Does this means that we might better off retire the aircraft when its useful life finally ends and replace them with more modern Su-30SM ?
Maybe something along the lines of Malaysia regarding their MiG-29 and Su-30MKM? That is, exchange them with Su-35 or Su-30SM and pay only the difference. Seems quite a bargain to me.

Nevertheless, I guess the ongoing modernisation program for the SM should yield some workable upgrade concept for export customers, Sukhoi is acutely aware of the business opportunities abroad. That upgrade should include the radar and engines of the -35, among others, so it would be indeed a massive improvement for those planes.

"Sources: the first prototype of the modernized Su-34 will be created by 2022

Currently under development

MOSCOW, December 22. / TASS /. A modernized version of the Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber will be created by 2022, in particular, a radar station will be replaced on a plane. This was reported by TASS two sources in the military-industrial complex.

"Currently, development work is underway to create a modernized version of the Su-34. The first prototype of the aircraft should be released by 2022," said one of the agency’s interlocutors.

Another source confirmed that the development of the aircraft should be completed within about two years. According to him, "another airborne radar will be put on the bomber, its navigation system will be updated and the information display systems in the cockpit will be improved."

The interlocutor added that the avionics on the upgraded Su-34 will receive an open architecture, which will provide the ability to install systems developed on other aircraft.

In August 2019, the Russian Defense Ministry and Sukhoi signed a contract to modernize the Su-34, taking into account the experience of using the aircraft in Syria."
Does anyone know how many Chobham 754 refueling buddy stores has Indian air force procured for its Su-30MKIs?
Allegedly Su-30SMD.


Not going to lie, for longer than I care to admit, I was looking for the dual AAM pylons. Was looking at the wings wondering where they were.

Then I read "centerline".

Evidently I am just as illiterate as I am blind.

Finally though, was wondering what the hang up for them was.
Imagine... 6x R-37 and still space for 4x R-77-1.
Are R73s able to launch from such a position?

It is my understanding that due to the fact that R73s launch straight off the rail, the ingestion of rocket exhaust would preclude such a load out.
Imagine... 6x R-37 and still space for 4x R-77-1.
Are R73s able to launch from such a position?

It is my understanding that due to the fact that R73s launch straight off the rail, the ingestion of rocket exhaust would preclude such a load out.
There shouldn't be. R-27 under wing are also launched by rails, and they have much bigger engine. Plus there is auto engine control that changes thrust in order to avoid turbine stalling during launch.

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