SpaceX (general discussion)

You are all forgetting their some commercial payloads which will never fly on Space X. For example the many, many launches generated by Amazon Kuiper, first operational flight of which is later this year on Atlas 551. None of them will ever be given to Space X.
That would be wrong.
According to what’s been posted on NSF the ISS deorbit vehicle will need to be launched with 15 tons of fuel, will be based on Dragon heritage and is a specialised one off vehicle that though built by Space X will be operated by NASA.
As the search on here doesn’t appear to be working at the moment and therefore I cannot find the Axiom thread I will post this here.

Axiom plans to test orbital-based data center on ISS this year:


Later this year, Axiom Space is set to launch a prototype of the Axiom Data Center Unit (AxDCU) to the International Space Station (ISS). This prototype will be instrumental in laying the foundation for a future orbital data center infrastructure for Axiom Station. Learn more:

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