20 tonnes of submunitions would delete any ground-level attack.
For which you'll be much better off launching multiple missile for equivalent combined warhead mass. A single missile loaded with 20 tons of submunition is such an ineffective system. NK has much more adequate systems in service for that purpose, a lot of which were newly introduced in recent years.

Same can't be said for bunker busters.

Apples to oranges comparison. Hence there hasn't been any 20t submunition missile.
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Implication that ROK politicians are proud Spartans and want to live less than Kim is questionable, since literally all of them end up in prison for corruption after their terms. They are people, and most people in power enjoy their lives.
Obviously not, but importance of individual leaders/state actors are vastly different between a democracy and a dictatorship regime. They are hence treated wildy differently in IR studies in predicting state actions and consequences.

Moreover, I don't know why this dumb discourse about a possibility of North Korean 20t warhead ballistic missile came out in the first place. This one person in the thread above our posts doesn't really seem to understand what a CONOPS is and is only interested in dick measuring contests, unfortunately.

The keyword here is deterrence. That's what I've mentioned above in one of my comments.

NK already has established and are expanding their strategic deterrence with nuclear deterrence. In grand scheme of things, a 20t warhead conventional ballistic missile barely adds anything, if anything, in terms of NK's deterrence against SK and the US

RoK doesnt have any strategic deterrence apart from US nuclear umrella, at least they haven't possesses any before the advent of Hyunmoo-5. It is still questionable if conventional deterrence through decapitation is an effective strategy against dictatorship (traditional IR studies deem decapitation an inadequate strategy due to risk management issues and escalation threat), but now there at least is the capability.

This is also the reason I've mentioned conventional deterrence and recent Israeli decapitation strike of Hezbollah as a possible role model.

On a sidenote, it seems like you are also making some gross exaggeration on your front with regards to Korean politics.
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Moscow is almost 7,000 km away; and Russia has been increasingly collaborating with North Korea in strategic matters.
Vladivostok and the whole Kamchatka area would utterly cripple Russia in the Pacific.

And Kamchatka is only ~3500km. You can pack a LOT of hate 3500km with a Hyunmoo-5!
RoK foreign relations with Russia aren't even remotely as hostile as what western media wants to depict. Russia has been regularly sending signals that they want to reinstate and improve their relationship with SK, even this year.

Their core national interest doesn't conflict with SK for the most part, but unfortunately they botched their invasion of Ukraine so they need to lend NK's hands because China is not interested in saving their arse. Hence they are forced into this situation where they have to choose between conflicting choices of keeping good relations with SK and paying NK for their arms export.

Currently the priorities lies on replenishing their stockpile so relations with NK is their priority. But that still doesn't mean that SK is feeling the need to strike Russia. There's a reason Russia is denying the fact that they are importing North Korean arms and are putting even more effort in hiding what the return was. Both sides are not interested in directly provoking one another.

Remember, SK had a relatively good relations even with Iran for a long time, despite their much closer relationship with NK.
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RoK foreign relations with Russia aren't even remotely as hostile as what western media wants to depict. Russia has been regularly sending signals that they want to reinstate and improve their relationship with SK, even this year.


Remember, SK had a relatively good relations even with Iran for a long time, despite their much closer relationship with NK.
Fair point. One of the major Russian design bureaus helped out with one of the K-SAM designs, too.

I guess I was thinking more in terms of what RoK could do in the event of WW3, assuming RoK allied with the US.

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