I tried to do some amateur sleuthing, and immediately got confusing info. I found this article on the J-10CEs radar, which claims"Concrete source" is the operative word phrase here.
The information that is from would not be something that would be accepted by a thinktank publication or deemed a worthy citation for a wikipedia article, either because the prerequisite assumptions and knowledge base just doesn't exist in "formal literature" or "established media" or because some information is simply too recent (think only existing within the last 5 or so years) and being RF data would not be shared publicly to begin with.
The flip side of the question also exists -- beyond the brochures and marketing, we generally don't know accurate details of the important metrics for contemporary US or European or Russian subsystems and electronics either.
an 50km improvement over the F-16 Block 52's radar, the AN/APG-83 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/APG-83), which has an alleged 370km range (no mention of probability of intercept or target RCS).

Pakistan’s J-10CE fighter brings new radar and long-range missiles
Pakistan’s J-10CE fighter brings new radar and long-range missiles

AN/APG-82(V) - Radartutorial
If I assume the J-16 radar has a similar tech level to the J-10CE's, I could extrapolate its performance, by roughly doubling its radiating power, and accounting for the difference in antenna size.
I downloaded a blueprint for the J-10 and Su-35(used as a proxy for the J-16), and was suprised to see these 2 have approximately similar diameter radomes. So with a doubling in engine power, it's reasonable to assume we get a 19% increase in range, compared to the J-10.
Here's the site I used for blueprints.
Once again I was surprised to find the F-15's radome is not bigger than the F-16, but both are bigger than the Chinese ones by appx 10cm in diameter (might be measurement error). Again considering the F-15 has two of the same engines as the F-16, we can apply this 19% bonus
However according to this
AN/APG-82(V) - Radartutorial
The F-15EX radar is apparently the AN/APG-82(V), which has a stated range of just 185km (again circumstances are not stated), which is baffling to me, I'd be suprised if they indeed have less range than a late block F-16 radar.
However #2:
On other source(https://www.deagel.com/Components/ANAPG-68/a001560), it was stated the the F-16 has the AN/APG-68 radar, which has just 85km range (https://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/08.airborne/karte024.en.html).
So my conclusion is that there's no conclusion, internet sources suck
So if we assume the Block 52, used as a basis of comparison has the APG-83, that means the Chinese radars are on par or slightly better than US ones.
If we assume the stated (85km range +50km)*1.19=160km against the F-15s AN/APG-82 s 185km range, it means Chinese radars are slightly worse in this metric.
But I think it's reasonable to assume Chinese and US radars are +-15% of within each other, with my added assumption being that US radars benefit from better jam resistance, and more useful operating modes, due the US's lead in experience in this field.
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