Shadow on The Wall - Work in Progress by Jozef Gatial

Thank you PlanesPictures, that is just beautiful. What a magnificent aircraft.
we forgot for a huge of the beasts M-25-5. With length 93 meters it is really killer of collection allowed with your wife. Some years I have in my head scene of M-25-5 - "Vivat Imperator". For now only start for that mission


  • Myasishchev M-25-05.jpg
    Myasishchev M-25-05.jpg
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I have less information on these projects as I would like!!! They were more as 40 years secret and some infos were on, for now closed. Maybe projects with similar purpose were solved in other DB, too. But it is problem with declassification because all contractors have to do it. What a pitty a lot of nice designs will be lost for a history. I was quite near. Oh those Russians
sferrin said:
What book did you get the M25-X info from?

I've found myself in two minds over these projects - admiration for the sheer audacity and scale of the designs offset against a feeling of revulsion against the way they were intended to work. I picked up a brief description, probably from avicopress, a while ago. A tweaked Google translation gives this;

"... As such an aircraft passed, as a result of the (supersonic?) shock wave, any living organism would incur rupturing of blood vessels causing instant death. This is self-explanatory."

I know that every weapon is as terrible as it's effective but these aircraft would have brought a new dimension into combat. No reservations, though, over Jozef's skill in illustrating the designs - they've been a unique and maybe salutary addition to what we know of aviation history.

Just my twopence-worth.
Merv_P said:
I know that every weapon is as terrible as it's effective but these aircraft would have brought a new dimension into combat. No reservations, though, over Jozef's skill in illustrating the designs - they've been a unique and maybe salutary addition to what we know of aviation history.

Just my twopence-worth.

Project Pluto was suppose to do the same thing after it had dropped it weapons. Just tool around smashing things with it's shock wave until it crashed it's nuclear reactor onto it's last target. B)
I didn't want to write the same: It will be 3D printed. But yes I want to do it. That man of 3D printer here in Zilina was ill but next week he will print my improved Saab Project 1418. Tiikki's 3D printer in Finland is working, too so I need consult solution of sharp edges on real model and if it will be OK I will fix sharp edges on next ready 3D model VA 559. Then we will wait for reviews of some modellers and we can start. Do you know beautiful bird CL-1000? All five known version will be in 3D printed world, too. Small sample of noted planes are attached


  • Lockheed CL-1000-47.jpg
    Lockheed CL-1000-47.jpg
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  • Vickers VA-559.jpg
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  • Saab Project 1418.jpg
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CL-1000 is excellent beast. From for me known sources I don't know if this design was done under direction of Clarence Leonard "Kelly" Johnson. Do you know more?


  • Lockheed CL-1000-47b.jpg
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Josef, did you know you could set up your own shop at Shapeways if you want to print 3D models and sell them?


is this FB-23 speculative project or it will be good candidate for 3d printing, too?


  • Northrop FB-23.jpg
    Northrop FB-23.jpg
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athpilot said:
Excellent! Which airplane is this?
Saunders-Roe P.187
Very nicely done, too.
pls, try download this old not finished video
Really nice models, thanks for sharing.

from my old rediscoveried archives


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I've never realised how large the propellers on the XF5U were, how long were its undercarriage legs.

P.S. Love your rendering of the SARO P187, your efforts always bring projects which are generally only seen as line drawings to life.

I assume Project 1404 is one of the A36 design studies, correct?
A-36 was project from 1300 projects line. Project 1404 is from September 1956, A-36 (1300-76) is from Januar 1956. I'm not able to find original Sweden .pdf file for more infos.


  • Saab Projekt 1300-76  _  A-36.jpg
    Saab Projekt 1300-76 _ A-36.jpg
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Just one question regarding that CG !

Is this Viking head on the tail just some sort of imagination or was it indeed used in connection to Saab projects. It reminds me simply too much on the VS-21 "Fighting Redtails" in their early years !

You are absolutely true. That Viking head is copy from S-3 color scheme. I will use it and this very simple color scheme on all 1400's projects.
Any chance of the A-36 being added to the list of those to be 3D printed?
No problem. I like these Sweden projects. Ten years I was employed by the Sweden IT company in Slovakia and provided that all these projects were as good as Absolut Vodka

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