Shadow on The Wall - Work in Progress by Jozef Gatial

When it is that New Year, sample from common work with Avico Press


  • Bartini A-57  Hawker P1134.jpg
    Bartini A-57 Hawker P1134.jpg
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I hate this thread so much. Because it shows us so nicely what amazing machines never were.
more infos here:,2853.msg22837.html#msg22837
thanks, good idea. In this size is surface of fighter too "sweet". I will create bump maps, rerender picture and than I will "fire" rockets, too
Length of project 41.2 m, length of 3D printed model 57.2 cm. Printable


  • Sukhoi T-4MS.jpg
    Sukhoi T-4MS.jpg
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Arrr…stop teasing me with all of these prints and "Will be 3D printed" posts!!! ;)

When are you going to 3D print them and when can we purchase???? I want to buy!!!!
You are true. In Finland is problem with 3D printer. Here in Zilina (Slovakia) they have better technologie (more expensive or more cheap? we will see) but they wait for plastic. In all cases I want to have in my hands improved version of Saab 1418 and then I (or we) will print next model. I want to send this Saab project to modellers with good experiences to check if all is OK from modellers point of view, too. When I will know all checked rules how to do it I'm able extremly fast to create new models. For now I can offer only ( I hope nice ) pictures
This fascinating Lockheed Cl-195 A-13 with lenght 225 feets (68.58 meters) will be never 3D printed in scale 1/72. Only crazy man will want this diamont with name "Sticky fingers" with lenght 95.25 cm in his collection


  • Lockheed CL-195.jpg
    Lockheed CL-195.jpg
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...printable or not, I love your artworks!
Btw.: What prices are we talking about for lets say the M-25?
model for 3D printing is one or more shucks with thickness near to 1 milimeter and a needed stiffeners. And basic 3D printer provider price depends on volume of used material plus some factors for cleaning etc. plus transparency cockpit. I can simple check volume of M-25 in my modeller but I don't know all factors and for now I'm not able to tell you that price. And small secret: CL-195 is printable, too

Fantasic Artwork !
Wow. Captain Scarlet's Angel's bigger brother!!!

Another fantastic image.

More & more exquisite artwork from you, Joesph. Big thanks. (Always love anything Myasishchev.)
Oh wow, yes Jozef! ;D

Does anyone have specs and the science/aerodynamics on
these low-level boomers? Please?
my Google Chrome with long explanation froze when I tried attach files. So only shortly. In Carrara picture some tricks are used. I will create similar real 3d scene in Vue Infinite and I will render it with four possibilities due to motion blur. See pls pictures


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Hi Jozef!
One question: will there be a 3d printed Myasishchev M-19? I love this spaceplane...
Yes, I love mainly this bomber version. But as I wrote for now I will wait for real model. On Monday I will cal to 3D studio and we will se what next


  • M-19_bomber_version.jpg
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Thank you very much. Is it possible for you to post some more M-19 artwork here?
sent picture is small version of picture rendered for AvicoPress. For now M-19 is exported from Carrara in Vue Infinite where I wanted to render some videos. But as older man I'm lazy. Ten years ago I have done for my friend David Myhra more as 600 pictures of Me-262, real planes and projects. I hopped to transform a lot of projects of Me-262 from my private studio for generating scenes in Povray, to Vue - but simple when I see that crazy situation in the world I have to ask WHY? I have done 'more as 3000 pictures of planes and I'm tired. In next months I want to start painting of surreal pictures in oil on canvas and when I will see that pure results I will be glad to return back to work on rendered 3D planes I hope

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