Motocar's Cutaway drawings

Cutaway Voltjet 585, a more modern proposal of the concepts presented by the British in the early fifties of the rotor driven by small burners on the tip of the blades as the design submitted by the firm Farey Ultralight Helicopter firms, this new project belonging to US firm Voltjet International Corp. Voltjet also used a turboshaft light to move a small compressor and fuel burners tips of the blades, the advantages is that the torque of the rotor is removed, but did not use a small rotor control yaw but a flap controlling the exhaust of the engine at Pratt & Whitney PT-6 c-30, this in theory favored use on oil rigs in the North Sea where were diriguidos their marketing efforts and where helicopters convecionales have difficulty landing in stormy or rough water conditions, the project has not advanced beyond the proposal and published an article in Popular Mechanics magazine february 1987 and April 1987 in its edition in spanish, the illustrator was the artist Jeff Mangiat and retouched by Motocar to clean and unite the two images, was taken from the web


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Like many of Motocar's other cut-aways, I missed out on the Super Foxbat. However, from what I remember of the original artwork, the main difference between it and a standard Foxbat was 6 underwing missiles rather than 4. Is that right? Are these now unavailable cut-aways available elsewhere?
frank said:
Like many of Motocar's other cut-aways, I missed out on the Super Foxbat. However, from what I remember of the original artwork, the main difference between it and a standard Foxbat was 6 underwing missiles rather than 4. Is that right? Are these now unavailable cut-aways available elsewhere?

Friend Frank few years make retouching the image published in Popular Mechanics 1978 in which they talked about the Super Foxbat and the same author interpreted that had 6 missiles AA-6 Acrid under its wings, is a beautiful illustration that retouching to unite and replenish lost areas in the original scanning process, while respecting the name of the original author. Let me check my records to see if repost in this space ...!
Here I leave before touching up the work of illustrator and artist Jeff Mangiat Popular Mechanics magazine in February 1987 "Voltjet 485" areas without replenishing lost


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Greetings Frank just locate the cutaway aparecidoen the magazine Popular Mechanics, 1978, and the article on the "Super Foxbat" which will perform a touch to attach the image unfortunately still not I place the highest resolution but for now you share that locate in my files ...!


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Cutaway FMA IA-36 "Condor" author Motocar


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Greetings friends'm sharing them this the Douglas Skyrocket D-558 image, not I place if there is already a topic where to locate for now I share it around here but they can use and place where appropriate or have a good share


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Cutaway Savoia Marchetti SM-92


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Cutaway Grumman F4F Wildcat "Civil" then I share a rarity at which the estimated known on Facebook referred and comment on a topic there developed the "Civil" Wildcat best of all with Venezuelan registration YV-T-0T0, for a while its owner flew him for some years in the country, only to be again brought to the US and rematriculado in that country, tells the story that it crashed after falling into Lake Michigan, was subsequently repaired and put back in airworthy with the original colors, I wanted to recreate that unknown version and share many around here ...! Author WEAL and modified by Motocar. I hope you enjoy.



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Cutaway North American F.T.B. "Mustang Griffon", a study was conducted to mockup pair a version of the Mustang driven by a powerful engine Rolls Royce Griffon located behind the pilots without becoming so delayed as in the Bell P-39 Air Cobra, made a free interpretation of motocar modifying an already known schematic cut P-51D artist WEAL


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    Cutaway Mustang F.T.B. Griffon engine.jpg
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Motocar said:
Cutaway Grumman F4F Wildcat "Civil" then I share a rarity at which the estimated known on Facebook referred and comment on a topic there developed the "Civil" Wildcat best of all with Venezuelan registration YV-T-0T0, for a while its owner flew him for some years in the country, only to be again brought to the US and rematriculado in that country, tells the story that it crashed after falling into Lake Michigan, was subsequently repaired and put back in airworthy with the original colors, I wanted to recreate that unknown version and share many around here ...! Author WEAL and modified by Motocar. I hope you enjoy.



Neat way to add a passenger compartment to an old single-engined fighter.
AFAIK that was only a production standard on wide-body Douglas AD1 Skyraiders that were used for ASW or electronic warfare.
Many currently-flying warbirds (e.g. Hellcat and Corsair) have similar "mechanics' compartments"
hidden in the aft fuselage. Access hatches look original at first glance and windows are so dark they blend in with the dark blue overall paint scheme.
Furthermore many P-51 Mustangs and P-40 Warhawks have an extra seat squeezed in behind the pilot. Non-standard seat pans complicate work for parachute riggers. Only a few TF-51 conversions have a second set of controls.
Project for a new plane that would be smaller than the Starr Bumble Bee, I lost some time images of the same, it only vaguely remember, was a biplane delta, and had no engine, would have that configuration, I know more details about it, here I share a drawing hand on the same


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After much trying to locate the source and the biplane small name delta Which I drew a picture today by chance browsing online Achieve relocate the forum and the image That reason my comment-question, here now I leave the image and link Of the same;


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That is the WSA-1 Tiny Trotter registration N34517 formerly on display at the Pearson Air Museum.
Cutaway Northrop F-15, author unknow and modified by Motocar


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Cutaway Novi Avion Project Yugoslavian fighter canceled by war, in its design the clear resemblance is seen with the Dassault Rafale, showing the collaboration of the French firm in the design of this small single-engined fighter, the cutaway is a free interpretation by Motocar on a work of artist Mike Badrocke


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Cutaway North American NR-349 A5 Fighter tri-engine concept, author WEAL and retouched by Motocar


P.D. Please I need more information on this project , and if there is a theme dedicated to it to share only the link ... ?


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I think that this was a proposed, low-cost entry in the long-running USAF Improved Manned Interceptor competition. The idea was to replace the F-106 in the continental air defense role. Other contenders included the Lockheed YF-12.

For the interceptor role, North American proposed installing a third J-79 engine in the A-5's linear bomb bay. The weapons, AIM-47 Falcon missiles, would have been carried semi-conformally under the fuselage, as your drawing shows.

There was never a real need for a new interceptor, given the lack of Soviet bombers. So the F-106 was simply upgraded and then finally replaced by standard fighters, first F-4s and later F-16s.
Cutaway Foundation FIA "Pelicano" WIG, a project developed to create a plane that flies in ground effect but without the limitations of flight typical height of aircraft / ships "WIG" the Colombian Foundation FIA has dedicated efforts to advance this proposal. in which they work with this schematic court, which lacks some details to define their creators, yet allows clearly appreciate the ideas implemented for its development, lower hull aluminum upper surfaces of fiberglass cabin, 4 people, hang in middle position with negative and flotadoes slight dihedral on wingtips before changing the dihedral, horizontal stabilizer in "T", the engines offered are of various types both AIRBUS type Lycoming and also suitably modified automotive models for use aeronautico as 6-cylinder Subaru boxer, its controls are the most advanced according to its creators will make use of new technologies with electric servo motors to control all flight surfaces and now with full infographics, author Motocar


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Cutaway Yakovlev Yak-17, the little fighter that evolved from primitive Yak-15, now with an engine with more power RD-3 1,000 kg of thrust, a different drift and tricycle landing gear, made up for the deficiency of fuel with two small auxiliary tanks in the marginal edges of their wings. Utor WEAL and retouched by Motocar to recreate this version.


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Cutaway Yakovlev Yak-17U, a small modification to recreate the little-known coach of Soviet fighter first series, this was designed and built based on the model Yak-17 to provide the possibility of an airplane that would allow train pilots in new motor characteristics of these fighters. WEAL author and retouched by Motocar


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Cutaway Stewart Aircraft Corp. "Puffin", Without being of my authorship I share a short review published in the edition of Popular Mechanics April 1981, it showed the Stewart Aircraft Corp "Puffin" uncurioso project ultralight shaped "egg with wings" that only I know very little information published in this article, author unidentified and retouched by Motocar to condense the image.


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Cutaway RLMarketing "Gustav", conceptual design Auto Volador, in the same combine a set of ideas and technologies available that make feasible this concept, the most remarkable is its short wingspan but not so lacks good stall as it is complemented by a wing canard completed under the nose, both wings have deployable flaps and the main wing also has slats to improve the curvature of the profile in flight at low speeds, yaw control is provided by two small spoiler in the main wing, it has three vertical surfaces but only those located at the ends of the fairings wheels provide yaw control, the drive unit is a combined type engine "Thermoreactor" which has an automotive engine Honda 1.6 DOHC 160 hp and 7600 rpm with automatic transmission 4 speed, combined with a compressor centrifugal belt and planetary to increase the rpm, this feeds compressed air to a burner having a capacity 360 Kgs thrust, with the air intake to starboard under the door (not visible in the drawings ), the advantage of this combined system is that it allows using only motor car for normal use on roads while passing combined cycle for air operation, the fuselage frame and wings are composite core honeycomb, with zones crumple to the front under the nose has the air intake for the radiator cooling electric fans with access at the top of this contributes to the performance of sustentante fuselage, two batteries allows greater security and balnce CG two chambers digital frontal vision plus two on the roof to look back, instruments and avionics navigation are digital with two screens tactile data that allows turn improve the vision of the exterior, the wheel works with a classic "Yugo" (leaves free legroom) it is allowing both ground operation as aerea, disconnecting the direction of the wheels to air operation like the dual type pedals, seats offset to decrease the front aerea, fuel tank on the wings and the underside of fuselage, the main structure composed of a double "H", has a ballistic parachute emergency after the compressor, thin wheels ciclísticas type and suspension are in respective fairings which in turn makes great features "fences" to maintain channeled air flow to the underside without the losses associated with the wings of low elongation, its transmission to the wheels by chains driven by long shafts and constant velocity joints. This concept aims to create a comprehensive vehicle that does not have the limitations of having to go through a conversion process with the installation of the wing surfaces or the problem of a propeller exposed by vias something already seen in most attempts of flying cars above. Author, design and conception Motocar for RLMarketing


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Cutaway Curtiss P-40Q, version with the cover of the "bubble" type cab for better visibility (What made this the P-40 more graceful) model that only three copies were built, also had a new propeller 4 blades, also had an air inlet under the much smaller nose and radiators positioned on the right wing next to the main landing gear, their armament was reduced to just 4 guns 50 caliber, had a radio antenna of a different type the originally seen in previous models, their wingtips were clipped showing a profile much more square plant, author Pilot Press and retouched by Motocar to recreate this version of the Curtiss fighter


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Cutaway North American A3J-1 / A5-A Vigilante, in its original version as fast Strategic Bomber US Navy, was a great bomber with two crew, pilot, navigator / bombardier sat in tandem, its most remarkable feature was its nuclear weapons launched from a warehouse of weapons between the two engines and the same was released after slide rails in a short tunnel, it was actually a weapon consisting of two fuel tanks occupying the rear space while the nuclear weapon was in front, compound MK.28 a nuclear bomb, the rear fairing of the container is expelled and four flaps were deployed to control attached to the two disposable tanks descent, his line was lower profile without the rear bulge "hunchback" model A5 -A in which his role was changed to that of aircraft reconnaissance, installing under the fuselage a long container with cameras and ELINT equipment to increase its radius of action was equipped with four low auxiliary tanks wings, also he expressed in version conventional bomber displaying a wide array of weapons, both freefall bombs, unguided rockets or air-to-surface missile Bullpub of two types, author WEAL and modified by Motocar in this free interpretation


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Cutaway SAAB JAS-39B / D Gripen, free interpretation of the two-seater fighter Swedish author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate this version

Key cutaway unedited


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Someone knows the name and history of this plane


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It is probably a cartoon airplane by artist Bruce McCall:
Cutaway DeHavilland T.Mk 11 "Vampire" in its training version, Venezuela was a user of this anecdote coach and my first real contact with the military aviation hand of my late father and was sub-official professional career, 4 years during a children's party took us to the hangar proud montrarnos his "Office" precious that work and immaculate specimen, introduced us to his cabin and my eyes scanned those instruments and commands with some fear because the cabin was black color and can imagine the things you would think any child of that time, author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motorcar to recreate the exemplary two-seater who served in the Air Force Venezuelan FAV.


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    Copia (11) de Cutaway DeHavilland Vampire T11.jpg
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Cutaway Zambrano "Bocono I" first plane completely handmade construction, designed and built by the popular tecnologo Vicente Zambrano, Quie without any preparation in aeronautical engineering undertook the almost impossible task of building a plane with his own hands over there in 1964 although before He had tried but without success with a previous model little known, then rashly decides to take flight in it without pilot, his shock was greater than seen in the air, luck accompanied him and that adventure came out unscathed after colliding with a tree when he decided to descend without knowing how to land this machine, was a self-taught man, mechanic able to repair any machinery with scarce resources that had there in a small village section called "the Marshes". To motorized becomes a engine Volskwagen 1948, the same will makes the following modifications put to work the crankshaft on bearings and the original Delco electrical system and adapts the magnets of a tractor Allis Chalmers, tubular structure made of tubes galvanized, coated fabric satin painted silver and in the words of its creator "it was the best results gave" had wings braced cables, lacked a windshield as such for what use transparent plastic roof of a old Jeep Willys so it was very light, ideo, design and build all controls flight control, its landing gear was classic tailwheel, ungainly appearance and must have been very hot since they lacked ventilation in his little cabin. serve this modest schematic cut as a tribute to the almost unknown entrepreneur who already flies highest in eternity. in 1966 he donated his "Bocono I" to Aeronautical Museum FAV, only years later after damaged by the bad conditions to which it was exposed was rejected of the institution who as most do not appreciate the scope of that modest tecnologo and creator. Author Motocar 10/11/2016



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Now the cutaway key aircraft Zambrano "BOCONO I" author Motocar


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  • Copia de Cutaway avión Zambrano Bocono  final.jpg
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Cutaway Norhtrop F-5 Super Wing "Super Tiger" version with wing larger and repositioned halfway up the now shorter fuselage, now the landing gear was placed in the fuselage with retraction forward leaving space for a new hard point , being increased to six the total number of hard points in the same author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate this interesting proposal Northrop light fighter


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Cutaway Junkers Ju-87 V1 "Stuka", the first model made famous and emblematic bomber Nazi ground, which struck terror first in the Civil War of Spain then in Poland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark and France contributing to supporting the advancement of ground units Panzer and his war "Blitzkrieg", this particular model will not go into service but served as a prototype for the development of the same, most visual difference was the train covered landing with large fairings type "pants", their stems no visible double and Rolls-Royce Kestrel engine only 600 Cv, author WEAL and modified by Motocar to recreate the Ju-87 V1 prototype.


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Cutaway Gov. Ikarus 452M, the small yugoslavian twin jet, author Motocar in free interpretation


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Repost Cutaway RLMarketing "Gustav" Auto Volador


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I need to know the name and more information about this project fighter. for cutaway drawing Thank you


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Big drawing Cutaway McDonnell XF-85 "Goblin" is very rare....!


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