Motocar's Cutaway drawings

Vladimir said:
Just amazing work, Motocar!!! What program(s) did You use to make those great cut-outs?

I use modest paint and a lot of creativity ...! Motocar
Cutaway SNECMA C-450 "Coleoptere", autor Jean Perard and retouched by Motocar


  • Copia de Cutaway SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere.jpg
    Copia de Cutaway SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere.jpg
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Cutaway SAAB 210B "Lill Draken" Prototype designed to evaluate the performance of the Double Delta wing, in its first prototype the air intakes were almost from the nose of the plane, in the model "B" that occupies the same acquired the almost definitive form and were more backward almost to the level of the windshield frame, author Lil Jemalm and retouched by Motocar to recreate this little known


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Cutaway Lockheed A-117 Navy, speculation that could have been the naval version of the stealth aircraft of the US Navy, in fact the initiative existed but not thrived by the existence of the most ambitious plan to take a stealth bomber more advanced the Grumman A-12 Avenger II that was canceled after a spectacular increase in development costs, here I leave my free interpretation of how it would have been built, I take many liberties when it comes to make it due to lack of more data, original author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar


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    Cutaway Lockheed A-117C Navy.jpg
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Cutaway Lockheed A-117, last retouched...! Motocar 25 visits


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Cutaway Tamco Turbo Commuter, as I announce here I leave the modified schematic cut to recreate the old project of the company Tamco to modify the Douglas DC-3 and create a pressurized version and with turboprop engines Rollls Royce Dart, modified by Motocar

P.D. van tres


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Next time...! Shared from:

Repost Cutaway IUPFAN "Mapanare I"


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Cutaway KAI T / A-50 Monoplace, in a speculative free interpretation of how it would be this single-pilot version of the fighter, using the rear seat space for the new radar with a larger antenna and capacities, original author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate this so far unplanned version.


  • Cutaway KAI FA-50 monoplaza4.jpg
    Cutaway KAI FA-50 monoplaza4.jpg
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Cutaway IAI Lavi, author unknow and retouched by Motocar


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I am interested in knowing if any of the friends of the forum will have the Popular Mechanis magazine of June 1981 in its English edition (the edition corresponds to the edition in Spanish and was published in September 1981, page 51) in which it was published This article of what looks like the cone of a V2 rocket with a seat


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    Cohete V-2 tripulado mpc1981-9.jpg
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In the magazine popular Mechanics page 146 and videos:




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SST Business airplane kit...! Next cutaway By Motocar


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Thanks Orionblamblam for the link:

Page # 146


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Vertak named S-221 concept of plane "Kit plane" futuristic short takeoff designed by, I'm looking for more information about it, note appeared in Popular Mechanics of January 1973 page # 102


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Drawing of early concepts for a light Supersonic racing aircraft ....! Recently I placed them among my papers, they had more than 20 years saved ...!


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I search the cutaway drawing this project Orion G-801 big image, thanks


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  • Cutaway Aero Orion G.801  2048 x 1392.jpg
    Cutaway Aero Orion G.801 2048 x 1392.jpg
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Project SST Business Jet, cutaway in progress, concept and artist impression by Motocar


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Motocar said:
Project SST Business Jet, cutaway in progress, concept and artist impression by Motocar

Does that hold enough gas to get the gear up? ;)
sferrin said:
Motocar said:
Project SST Business Jet, cutaway in progress, concept and artist impression by Motocar

Does that hold enough gas to get the gear up? ;)

It's just a concept and if it has landing gear and fuel, just look at these two old French projects ...!


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Cutaway SSR F1 Racing, Speculative concept on an SSR racing aircraft or Super Sonic Racing F1 "Air", a very light aircraft built in composite materials, propelled by a small reactor for takeoff and a "Statoreactor" for aerial competition, very thin wings and complemented by retractable wings for takeoffs and landings, with canard controls and tail surfaces supported by Cutaway SSR F1 Racing, Speculative concept on an SSR racing aircraft or Super Sonic Racing F1 "Air", a very light aircraft built in composite materials, propelled by a small reactor for takeoff and a "Statoreactor" for aerial competition, very thin wings and complemented by retractable wings for takeoffs and landings, with canard controls and tail surfaces supported by thrust-vectoring for quick maneuvers, ballistic parachute for emergencies. Author Motocar


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Now with the infographics in English, Motocar

Edited 05-12-2017

How many of you believe that is possible or impossible? Do you have the technique and the materials to do it? It is an optimistic vision to visulate only one of the several proposals that are now in the minds of some ...! An answer to many questions ...! Two ways of thinking who see impossible and who see possibilities ...!

P.D. viewed 19 times


  • En ingles Cutaway SSR F1 Air Racing Concept.JPG
    En ingles Cutaway SSR F1 Air Racing Concept.JPG
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There are minimal projects that have not passed the concept stage, this is the case of "STAR, the Space Technology and Research Vehicle. Based on a Poseidon missile MIRV (though upscaled), by the 1980s it was a candidate to be a research spaceplane in the mold of the X-15 as well as a cheap, re-usable operational craft for the USAF. Public domain image from the DARPA document Spaceplane Technology and Research (STAR)" Shared from:


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Ranjet Marquart Project, very ambitious and simple concept like many of the firm's designs


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Ranjet General Electric J58, video
Quick retouch to recreate the so-called Yakovlev Yak-110, (without any relation with the Russian firm) a creation by modification and union of two Yak-55 to make a twin fuselage, author drawing unknow and modified by Motocar


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Cutaway Curtiss R2 Wireless. work in progress....! Author Motocar


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Repost Cutaway SSR SuperSonic Racing F1 now in black and Motocar


  • Copia de Copia de En ingles Cutaway SSR F1 Air Racing Concept.JPG
    Copia de Copia de En ingles Cutaway SSR F1 Air Racing Concept.JPG
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Hamzalippischh said:
The SSR concept is really cool! I might model it in 3D if i get some time...

Ahead...! That if you share the credits and let your creativity fly

Between multiple problems a 2017 full of vicissitudes culminates but with the hope and faith placed in God and his blessings in 2018 and we will be more creative and we will share more Cutaways with all the friends that follow this theme ...! Every day we do the story of tomorrow and leave a small legacy of ideas and visions ...! I only wish you the greatest successes in this coming 2018. Motocar.


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Cutaway HESA Saeqeh, the Iranian fighter made starting from the copy of the Norhtrop F-5E by reverse engineering, with changes in the drifts. These are now two but of smaller area, Iran in its propaganda manifests that it is an advanced fighter developed by its technicians and engineers, in the same is exposed with a set of weapons speculatively specs cirscunscripts to which Iran can access after the long blockade, M. Badrocke car and retouched by Motocar.


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Cutaway Dassault Rafale Stealth, Based on speculative render of Buitreaux


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  • Cutaway Dassault Rafale Stealth.jpg
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Cutaway Dassault Rafale Stealth, Based on speculative render of Buitreaux, author M.Badrocke and retouched by Motocar


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