It was an error, now fixed
According to displacement and speed,I think 6000shp is the power of entire ship,not single shaft.
for example,The China's self-built sloop Yat Sen,is 4000shp and 19knots ,displacement 1550tons。
Hum……I see some interesting thing about this post
View attachment 655787View attachment 655788View attachment 655789View attachment 655790View attachment 655791View attachment 655792
interesting,the submarine maybe those two made in germany,and Dreadnought should be the rumored Bethlehem contract ship(base on Delaware class)
but the ship with single maingun·······I have no idea,There is a small German battleship design, but no twin secondary guns
The Ishikawajima Company's Harima Shipyard small destroyer design for China:
If I recall correctly, this set of proposals included rather cute Nelson-esque heavy cruiser, with three all-forward turrets?
Yes 3x2 20cm not sure if the 200mm no.1 or the 203mm no.2. Type forward and 2x2 12cm aft

Just gauging the size of the gunmounts against the size of the cruiser, that seems to be a REALLY small 8" armed warship. How big IS it? 8000, 6000 tons?
The Ishikawajima Company's Harima Shipyard small destroyer design for China:
If I recall correctly, this set of proposals included rather cute Nelson-esque heavy cruiser, with three all-forward turrets?
Yes 3x2 20cm not sure if the 200mm no.1 or the 203mm no.2. Type forward and 2x2 12cm aft

Just gauging the size of the gunmounts against the size of the cruiser, that seems to be a REALLY small 8" armed warship. How big IS it? 8000, 6000 tons?

6000 tons. the full Harima documents from TZoli's document trove are available here:

It's the first ship in that PDF.
Harima Shipyard Design 1006 Varaint A/B:
Dimensions: 149,35 (pp) x 158,5 (wl) x 161,54 (oa) x 15,24 x 4,88 meters
Displacement: 6.000tons (standard)
25mm Deck, around 38mm Belt
Engines: 72.000shp Kampon Steam Turbines, 2 shafts
Speed: 52km/h (28knots)
3x2 20cm/50 Type 90 No.2 Guns, all forward
2x2 14cm/50 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type Guns, Variant A all aft
2x2 12cm/45 Type 11 / 11st Year Type Gun, Variant B all aft
4x1 76mm/40 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type AA Guns,
4x1 13,2 or 12,7mm AA Guns
2x3 533mm Torpedoes
30x Depth Charges
2x Floatplanes
Last edited:
Hum……I see some interesting thing about this post
View attachment 655787View attachment 655788View attachment 655789View attachment 655790View attachment 655791View attachment 655792
I know who's the first ship now
View attachment 656069View attachment 656070
Thank you!
Via Wikipedia, an interesting side note in Chinese naval history from the early 1860s. The so-called "Vampire Fleet":

Lay-Osborn Flotilla[edit]​

During the Taiping Rebellion the Chinese government wished to regain control over Nanjing, which had been captured by the rebel forces in 1853 and declared their capital, but lacked the necessary ships to bring troops down the Yangtze River and to provide fire support. The Chinese government turned to the British for help, who agreed to provide assistance in order to bring stability to their commerce in China.

The Chinese Emperor, exiled to Jehol, agreed to a proposal presented by British ambassador Sir Frederic Bruce in July 1861 to purchase British gunboats. Robert Hart, interpreter of the Imperial Maritime Customs Service is given credit for creating the proposal. Prince Gong, the head of the Zongli Yamen, appointed Horatio Nelson Lay as Inspector General of the new flotilla. Lay left China for England on 14 March 1862 with written instructions from Prince Gong.

Queen Victoria agreed to the proposal on 2 September 1862 and gave permission to equip the vessels and hire crews. Lay appointed Captain Sherard Osborn as commander of the flotilla.

On 13 February 1863 the "Lay-Osborn" flotilla, also known as the Osborn or "Vampire" Fleet, with seven steam cruisers and a supply ship left England, arriving in China in September 1863. Upon reaching China, Osborn refused to take any orders from local Chinese officers, stating that his agreement with Lay stipulated that any Chinese orders must come directly from the Tongzhi Emperor, as transmitted via Lay. The Imperial court refused to ratify this, and Osborn resigned in pique on 9 November 1863, disbanded the flotilla, and sent the ships back to England without them having fired a shot. Lay was fired that same year by the Chinese government and replaced with Sir Robert Hart.[7]
The next drawing the Harima Design 1005 the super Ning Hai:

The design had the following characteristics:
Dimensions: 121,92 (pp) x 128,01 (wl) x 131,06 (oa) x 12,95 x 4,11 meters
Displacement: 3.500tons (standard)
Engines: 30.000shp Kampon Steam Turbines, 2 shafts
Range: 11.100km at 22km/h (6.000nm at 12knots)
Speed: 52km/h (28knots)
Armour: 19mm over Machinery, 13mm over Magazines Deck, 38mm over Machinery, 13mm over Magazines Belt
5x2 14cm/50 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type Guns,
6x1 76mm/40 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type DP-AA Guns,
4x1 12,7mm or 13,2mm AA Guns
2x2 533mm Torpedo Tubes
1x Seaplane, Aichi AB-3
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I really like this drawing. This probably says more about my lack of skills with Springsharp than anything substantive, but I could only get 23.5 knots out of 15,000 hp. 25 knots was going to take about 20,000 hp and 30,000 hp would get you to about 27 knots. B5018230601=0009=771.1=2841=0012=virtual001=0015.jpg
The document does states 15.000 shaft horse power.... shp... but I think they meant 15.000shp per shaft not altogether.
But then again in the later part as you shown it says 2x 7.500shp turbines and 6x 2500shp boilers so.... I don't know...
For example the WW1 Novara class achieved 50km/h on 25.000shp on the same tonnage with only 1m longer and 15cm narrower though with a deeper hull, so I can see this ship requiring 30.000shp for the 28knots speed
Chester class too required 16.000shp for 44km/h with a similar length but much wider, deeper and a bit heavier.
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Wow! Soo many Chinese Aircraft types!!!
But this Harima design plane looks like the fuselage of the Keng Type and the engine of the Chiang Tzu!
Though the last few ones on that page the Chiang Peng, Ying and Wu looks very similar and the year is quite close too!
The next drawing, the 3.600ton cruiser to China, the last of the export designs from Harima:

The design had the following characteristics:
Dimensions: 124,05 (pp) x 128,01 (wl) x 130,45 (oa) x 13,1 x 4,34 meters
Displacement: 3.600tons (standard)
Engines: 16.000shp Kampon Steam Turbines, 2 shafts
Range: 11.100km at 22km/h (6.000nm at 12knots)
Speed: 46km/h (25knots)
Armour: 25mm Deck, 51mm over Machinery, 19mm over Magazines Belt
4x2 14cm/50 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type Guns,
4x1 76mm/40 Type 3 / 3rd Year Type DP-AA Guns,
4x1 12,7mm or 13,2mm AA Guns
2x3 533mm Torpedo Tubes
30x Depth Charges
1x Seaplane, Nakajima E8N
Last edited:
Hey...I'm from China and used to learn about navy in WW2,especially in Asia.
Maybe I could help you something.
First,'Historical Materials of the Republic of China Navy' is a great book.
Then, Ninghai was built in Japan while her sister Pinghai was built in Jiangnan shipyard,like a copy one but a little smaller and poorer.They both participated in ‘Jiangyin defense war’ and were sunk by bombs from Japanese planes.
what you say is right.Nanjing National Government could only keep its surface.For example,its navy-ROCN,also owned different factions!
Chen Shaokuan belongs to 'Fujian Systerm'(闽系).In fact,Chiang Kai Shek didn't like him at all...
Ninghai had another use----Chen might want to use it to versus another faction'Northeast Systerm'(东北系).
Both of them were fished out by the Japs and received refits. 1.PNG 2.PNG 3.PNG 4.PNG 5.PNG 6.PNG 7.PNG
Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
In 1934, ROCN wanted these:
A light cruiser served as a leader ship(flag ship). ---2400 t
16 destroyers ---800 t
21 submarines ---600 t
4 ships to arrange mines ---800 t
8 ships to sweep the mines ---600 t
150 seaplanes as bombers
I thougt all of these couldn't vs IJN at all even they finished the consturction.
More powerful planes in large quantities counts!
Air base first,then coast guns with submarines.
Forming a complete anti-amphibious system rather than buy equipment and throw it to the front!
but Jiang didn't realize it and he was lack of money!
Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
View attachment 658082
I see some alternative history of this ship

Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
View attachment 658082
I see some alternative history of this ship

nice work!
We call such imagination as '架空‘,which means creating a different world line and changing the history.
It's time-consuming but joyful.
It's a folk forum in China,major in battleships.There are many giants in this forum.
Some administrators have experience of studying abroad.
Chat together and achieve more.
Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
View attachment 658082
I see some alternative history of this ship

nice work!
We call such imagination as '架空‘,which means creating a different world line and changing the history.
It's time-consuming but joyful.
the only problem is when people on the other side of a language barrier don't realize what is alt-history and what is real history :p
Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
View attachment 658082
I see some alternative history of this ship

nice work!
We call such imagination as '架空‘,which means creating a different world line and changing the history.
It's time-consuming but joyful.
the only problem is when people on the other side of a language barrier don't realize what is alt-history and what is real history :p
Vickers Design 181 - 1905 (United Kingdom) 12.000tons 6x2 254mm
Vickers Design 325 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 10.000tons 2x2 305mm, 4x1 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 330 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 28x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 331 - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x2 305mm, 16x1 152mm, 2x1 457mm TT
Vickers Design 332A - 1907 (United Kingdom) 2x3 or 3x2 305mm, 16x1 120mm, 2x1 457mm
TT 维克斯设计 335A - 1907 (英国) 2x1 305mm, 4x2 234mm, 12x1 102mm, 2x1 457mm'

I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
10 x 12"/45 14 x 5"/50, 2 x 21" tt. Armor, 11" Belt, 12" Turrets, 3" Decks, 11 1/2" Conning Tower. Machinery, 25,000 SHP; vertical, triple expansion engines, 2 screws. Speed, 21 Knots, Crew 933.
Of course he failed to do it at last.
View attachment 658082
I see some alternative history of this ship

nice work!
We call such imagination as '架空‘,which means creating a different world line and changing the history.
It's time-consuming but joyful.
the only problem is when people on the other side of a language barrier don't realize what is alt-history and what is real history :p
Hey...I'm from China and used to learn about navy in WW2,especially in Asia.
Maybe I could help you something.
First,'Historical Materials of the Republic of China Navy' is a great book.
Then, Ninghai was built in Japan while her sister Pinghai was built in Jiangnan shipyard,like a copy one but a little smaller and poorer.They both participated in ‘Jiangyin defense war’ and were sunk by bombs from Japanese planes.
what you say is right.Nanjing National Government could only keep its surface.For example,its navy-ROCN,also owned different factions!
Chen Shaokuan belongs to 'Fujian Systerm'(闽系).In fact,Chiang Kai Shek didn't like him at all...
Ninghai had another use----Chen might want to use it to versus another faction'Northeast Systerm'(东北系).
Both of them were fished out by the Japs and received refits.View attachment 658073View attachment 658074View attachment 658075View attachment 658076View attachment 658077View attachment 658078View attachment 658079
East Asia?Aha,let us shake hands!
Should I tell the Navweaps site owner TonyD that his old version of the site got copied by the Chinese?
Should I tell the Navweaps site owner TonyD that his old version of the site got copied by the Chinese?
Sorry,I don't know about the origin of Navweaps and I am not familiar with the forum's administers.
But I think it follows the 'Private Use' and isn't using for commercial purpose.The administers use it to chat with youth and it is a kind of education(it should be like this,of course).There is also a link to NavWeaps to show that it copys in law.:oops:

'Contents of this website may be used for personal and/or educational purposes without restriction. A webpage containing any such NavWeaps content is requested to have a link to NavWeaps @ with a note stating the source of the information.'

Maybe you could talk to Tony D about this .If he really feels unacceptable,we do apologize.And you can try to send emails to the administers who copy this old version.
And you really make the acquaintance of Tony D.?Forgive me for being not polite enough).Please pay my respects to him.We all appreciate his efforts.His data really helps us a lot!
I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
Hello from Mother Russia!

Incredibly interesting information! Thank you!
I've never heard about them...sorry,I'm not good at analysing battleships.
But it has been confirmed that in the last few years of Qing dynasty,the regent---Aixinjueluo zaifeng 爱新觉罗·载沣wanted to order battleships from US!
It would be like BB-28 USS DELAWARE,
Hello from Mother Russia!

Incredibly interesting information! Thank you!
:)Nice to meet you!
I've chat with him a few times and I know it's his site I just don't know he knows that his old site is still sorta operational (and not through the wayback machine)
I've chat with him a few times and I know it's his site I just don't know he knows that his old site is still sorta operational (and not through the wayback machine)
Oh,yeah.Waybackmachine is amazing.It can help you see websites in the past years.but I don't know much about website designing and haven't used it.
Hey...I'm from China and used to learn about navy in WW2,especially in Asia.
Maybe I could help you something.
First,'Historical Materials of the Republic of China Navy' is a great book.

Is there any information in that book about the ex-French vessel Inconstant? The following is all I have been able to glean from secondary sources, and I have some doubt as to whether the ship was ever actually bought by the Chinese.



Inconstant had been built for the French Navy in 1916 as an Ardent class anti-submarine gunboat. The French Navy may have converted her into a minesweeper post-World War One. She was deployed to the Far East in 1927,[1] and condemned by the French Navy in 1933.[2] The 1934 edition of Weyer's Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten reported that she had been bought by the Chinese Navy in May 1933, but did not disclose her new name.[3] Wright’s book The Chinese Steam Navy 1862-1945, repeated this claim, citing Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten, but provided no additional information.[4]

[1] Dufeil, Y & Terraillon, M, 2011, Navires de la Grande Guerre – INCONSTANT, . P Franconie, 2007, Canonnière en Chine, Éditions Karthala, Paris, p133.
[2] JL Couhat, 1974, French Warships of World War I, Ian Allen, Shepperton, pp180-184.
[3] A Bredt (ed), 1934, Weyer's Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten, 1934, J.F. Lehmanns, Munich, pp26-27.
[4] RNJ Wright, 2000, The Chinese Steam Navy 1862-1945, Chatham Publishing, London, pp161-162.

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