Hi! Il-46.
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"SV Ilyushin received a task to develop a medium-range high-speed jet bomber (with twice the maximum combat load and range of flight, as compared to Il-28).
Then they made an unusual decision: when creating the IL-46 (as it was called) to build for a full-scale complex comparative evaluation, two different experienced ones: one with a layout close to Il-28, with a straight wing, and the second with a swept one. Indeed, the aerodynamic and structural layout of the IL-28 has proven itself in the process of operation. This scheme did not allow to reach the preset maximum speed of flight (1000 km / h), but it ensured the achievement of a long flight range with minimum geometric dimensions and mass of the aircraft, and therefore a much lower cost of its manufacture and operation. The development of the preliminary design project was completed in October 1951.
The second prototype Il-46S ("C" - with a speed of flight of 1000 km / h should have a wing with a sweep of 35degree. Its main feature was a thickened root part for strength and rigidity and placing a significant part of the fuel. On Il-28, all the fuel was placed in the fuselage.The swept wing has several worse load-bearing properties than the straight wing, so its area and mass for Il-46C were increased.The draft design was approved by Ilyushin in December 1951.
The first prototype of the Il-46 was a Twin-motor All-metal midplane with a straight wing and a swept plumage.Externally very similar to the IL-28, the "forty-sixth" was significantly larger and twice as heavy as it was. The turbojet engines with an axial compressor AL-5 (another designation TR-3A) with take-off thrust of 5000 kgs , Developed under the leadership of AM Ljulka.They were located under the wing in the front parts of the nacelle, far removed also beyond the front edge of the plane to balance the mass of the heavy two-gun movable stern And the mass of the cab of the radio arrowhead with its heavy armor. Hot gases were thrown at the rear edge of the wing through the long, five-meter tailpipes. The outer contour of the motor gondolas on the wing section was made taking into account the "area rule" for reducing the interference resistance at the junction of the wing and the gondola. "
"During the factory flight tests, the maximum speed of horizontal flight was reached - 928 km / h at an altitude of 5000 m and the maximum flight range - 4845 km with a combat cargo of 5,000 kg dropped on the half way. State tests conducted in the summer of 1952 confirmed the compliance of the flight-technical data with the specified ones. IL-46 was created as an alternative to the Tu-16 bomber. In the same year of 1952 it was decided to launch the second production in series production, and the IL-46 program stopped work, including the construction of the second pilot IL-46S with a swept wing. "
Wingspan, M 29.00
Length, M 24.50
Height, M 4.78
Area of wing, M2 105.00
Mass, kg ; Empty aircraft 26300, Normal Flight 41840, Maximum Flight 52425
Type of Engine 2 turbojet al-5, Traction, CSC 2 x 5000
Speed, km/h ; Maximum 928, Cruising 700
Flight range, km 4970
Practical Ceiling, M 12700
Crew, person 3
4 x 23 mm HP-23: For the protection of the front hemisphere, two stationary front cannons mounted near the left board of the fuselage under the cabin of the navigator; In the tail of the fuselage, the stern cannons the installation of the Il-K8 with a remote hydraulic drive of two mobile cannons (2 x 320 rounds).
Internal suspension bombing: normal-3000 kg, maximum-6000 kg.