P4E SD Contract has been signed, laying the foundations for the next major upgrade package.
The System Definition isn't yet a full development contract though. Such a D3Q contract is due when the SD phase is finished, or at least close to be finished.
Key features covered by the SD phase comprise:
- Common Radar Interface compatible with all radar variants
- New task based management operating principle for the sensor suite as a whole
- DASS enhancements (likely new digital ESM receiver and SDS)
- IOC for German EK variant (initial integration of the Arexis and possibly AGM-88E)
- RF Interoperability enhancements to ensure proper RF interoperability between new/upgraded systems
The actual scope might be greater than what is publicly announced, but AMK seems not to be in for the moment.
Service life extension is being investigated as well under the SD contract, but I don't expect it to have an immediate impact.