One of the problems with the Brazilian Mirages was that, being early RDM aircraft, they were powered by the M53-5, which unlike the M53-P2 is no longer supported by Snecma.

A private company called Procor bought 9 of the 12 ex-Brazilian Mirages (8 single seaters + 1 two seater), hoping to fly them on aggressor duties. But in the end they gave up and apparently sold the aircraft for parts to the Indian Air Force.

So there goes the Brazilian option…

P.S. Someone reminded me that the M2000 has quite some potential as a bomb truck, especially if using stand-off weapons like the AASM. Maybe time to bring some Mirage 2000Ns out of storage to try out the low altitude night penetration mission they were designed for…
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The 2000N are not for sale, because former nuclear strike mission. They would have to be stripped from some sensitive stuff. By this metric, the 2000D would be a far better bargain as they were modernized a separate way as their mission was much less specialized - conventional strike. But the AdA jealously keeps its 2000D just like the 2000-5F, because they are the very last non Rafale fast jets in service - after the F-1 CT/CR retirement in 2014, followed by the 2000N themselves after 2017.
All in all, UAE 2000-9 are a better bargain than either the -N or the -D.

Big difference between the Mirage 2000 and F-16 related to strike variants. In the case of the 2000, two-seat specialized variants were sprung out of the basic 2000B ( = F-16B).
The 2000N came first to replace the Mirage IVP as ASMP nuclear vector.
The 2000D was sprung out of it for conventional strike to replace the Mirage IIIE and VF (which were gone by 1994).
As was the F-1CT: both in the early 1990's.

By the early 2000's the strike wings of the FAF were made of
- Mirage 2000D (with the Apache missile, among others A2G weapons, also LGBs)
- Mirage F-1CT
- Jaguar

Jaguars went away in 2007, F-1CT in 2014. The 2000D soldiers on as the last low end to the Rafale fleet.

The 2000N were nuclear strike only but near the end gained limited conventional strike - to milk them out to the very end. Right from F2 standard the Rafale took on the ASMP and ASMP-A for the nuclear strike role.

Not absolutely sure but unlike the 2000D the 2000N never got laser pods to guide LGBs. It could carry such bombs but needed a 2000D to guide them.
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while on the one hand, I love to see the M2K in Indonesian colors
on the other hand.. Indonesias logistics gonna be a nightmare
F-15s, F-16, Mirage 2000, Rafale, T-50, KF-21, Su-30s
while on the one hand, I love to see the M2K in Indonesian colors
on the other hand.. Indonesias logistics gonna be a nightmare
F-15s, F-16, Mirage 2000, Rafale, T-50, KF-21, Su-30s
Is Indonesia going to buy F-15s ?
12 Qatari M2K-5 allegedly sold and en-route to Jakarta (Indonesia) :

Looking forward for some gorgeous photo ops.

And... here we go again. Heisenberg Mirages, take... 8 ? Nah, seems serious this time. Good sources, it seems. Opex360 is serious stuff.
And... here we go again. Heisenberg Mirages, take... 8 ? Nah, seems serious this time. Good sources, it seems. Opex360 is serious stuff.

Our MoD got a press release. The Mirage is real, no longer in schrodinger cat status. Also turns out French Govt was never against the transfer.

The contract worth some 733 M Euro which covers the following :



  • Siaran Pers Pengadaan Mirage 140623.pdf
    94.2 KB · Views: 13
But France own Davis Monthan -like boneyard in Chateaudun has been shut down in 2016.
The French didn't lease some space at D-M?

And one should always be sceptical of what any “one pilot” says or try to more widely apply or interpret what they say.
Pilots generally love the plane the are flying unless it’s a total dog.
A-10 pilots love their plane, but will tell anyone who asks that they need a lot more thrust.

Especially any A-10 pilots who converted from F-16s!

I think a bit the same ! ;)
It's true that usually the trainers are distorted by the need for the instructor to be higher than the student. With some exceptions !
IMO, the prettiest MiG-29 is the -29KUB, and the Su30MKI is probably the prettiest of all the Sukhoi. And the Su30MKI has the back seater sitting well above the pilot!
Le gouvernement taïwanais aurait payé 4 millions d’euros pour cette étude, qui devrait être achevée en juillet 2026. Bien que les rapports ne soient pas clairs à ce jour, le délai relativement long suggère qu'il pourrait bien s'agir d'un travail assez lourd. Cela peut s’expliquer par l'âge de ces avions, qui ont été livrés entre 1997 et 1998. Même vieillissants, les aéronefs français sont appréciés pour leurs performances, en particulier leur rapidité de montée dans les cieux. Grâce à cet avantage, les Mirage sont basés à Hsinchu, près de la Chine continentale, d'où ils sont le mieux à même d'intercepter rapidement des avions intrus.

The Taiwanese government is said to have paid 4 million euros for this study, which is expected to be completed in July 2026. Although the reports are unclear at this time, the relatively long delay suggests that it could well be a quite heavy work. This can be explained by the age of these planes, which were delivered between 1997 and 1998. Even aging, French aircraft are appreciated for their performance, in particular their speed of climbing in the skies. Thanks to this advantage, the Mirages are based in Hsinchu, near mainland China, from where they are best able to quickly intercept intruding aircraft.

@admins : I am pretty sure that readers won't understand how the low amount of money deposited for this upgrade study can connect to the extend of what is described...
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@admins : I am pretty sure that readers won't understand how the low amount of money deposited for this upgrade study can connect to the extend of what is described...
I certainly don't. $4mil is barely enough to get Lockheed to draw up an analysis of alternatives, not any design work!
Does anyone have an opinion on the (somewhat small) controversary surrounding the DCS model of the Mirage 2000C? Do you guys think it's truly accurate regarding the flight model? How is it that a delta design outperforms most (if not all?) other 4th gens in areas such as sustained turn rate?
They would have had to be upgraded anyway. You can't probably just throw them in with the same configuration they were retired.
2000C (not SCALP capable except if modified) or some of the oldest 2000D (not currently updated to latest standards for the French Air Force)?
Another wild card might be some of the Mirage 2000N still in storage somewhere, even if that would seem unlikely as the optics of giving Ukraine a former nuclear strike aircraft would not be great.
Another wild card might be some of the Mirage 2000N still in storage somewhere, even if that would seem unlikely as the optics of giving Ukraine a former nuclear strike aircraft would not be great.
Excuse me for asking but, AFAIK, Ukraine gave all it's nuclear weapons to Russia on partition or shortly after so, what nuclear weapons can it deploy?
ASMP. But those Mirages are not for sale AFAIK. They have been used as spare parts for the 2000D, still in service.
good for the Indonesians, they got a good deal.
if I remember right, these Qatari models were from a later production block too.
No more Mirage for Indonesia. Despite a 20% increase in defense budget, 800M€ for 12 used jets was deemed unafordable. Upgrade of SU-27 and F-16 instead (notice how the deal went through a company in Czech Republic...) .

No more Mirage for Indonesia. Despite a 20% increase in defense budget, 800M€ for 12 used jets was deemed unafordable. Upgrade of SU-27 and F-16 instead (notice how the deal went through a company in Czech Republic...) .

it might be for the better. upgrading F-16s would be cost efficient and will keep them flying until the Rafale and F-15s arrive.
So what upgrades would Indonesia want for their F-16s? Would they stop short of possible full Block 70+ update? considering that the Rafale F-15 is just around the corner.
No more Mirage for Indonesia. Despite a 20% increase in defense budget, 800M€ for 12 used jets was deemed unafordable. Upgrade of SU-27 and F-16 instead (notice how the deal went through a company in Czech Republic...) .

There might be a European country with a rather pressing need for relatively modern multirole fighters like the Mirage 2000-5... Let's see where these fighters end up.
Will be interesting to see who picks up Qatar’s Mirage 2000s. Apparently they still have 70% of their flight hours remaining so lots of potential.

Personally I’d love to see Taiwan or Ukraine as they could both make good use of these fighters.
Edit: Posted at the same time as @Topi
Taiwan orders spare parts, including M-53 engines components to Safran for 300M€:

Seriously ? The AdA only has 55 left out of 86 procured. And they are badly needed since the 180 Rafale target by 2030 has became 137 then 2035. So the few 2000s left -5F (-30) and 2000D (55 best case) will need to soldier on longer.

So how could France spare 2000Ds against such dismal background ? No idea.
So how could France spare 2000Ds against such dismal background ?
The number of upgraded 2000Ds to be kept in French service was recently cut from 55 to 48. But it appears that 55 aircraft are still being upgraded… so the remaining 7 could well be going to Ukraine.
Ok but in this case that's ridiculous. SEVEN aircraft ? That's peanuts. Half a squadron perhaps.
My understanding is, what really matters in that weird deal is the cruise missile below the Mirage... they want it to destroy that Crimea bridge. Since Germany is totally unable to get serious about those Taurus missiles...


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