First modernized Tu-160 makes maiden sortie

Because NNSA's industrial infrastructure has been neglected for so long, it will need an infusion of funding to support the nation's deterrence objectives. This may not be what the president has in mind when he talks about revitalizing U.S. infrastructure, but it is crucial to protecting everything else he hopes to achieve.

When the Cold War ended in 1991, America made an unwise decision. No enemies were in sight, so our leaders — with the strong concurrence of the American people — decided it was safe to dismantle much of the superb nuclear weapons capability that had won that half-century of poised Armageddon.

Ongoing nuclear programs were stopped. Budgets were cut. New nuclear capabilities were prohibited by law. A presidential moratorium denied underground nuclear testing. No research into advanced nuclear technology was allowed. Essentially, America went into an unannounced a nuclear freeze, and we have progressively increased its restrictions and denials for a quarter-century.

As a result we have lost most of our essential nuclear weapons capabilities. All of our nuclear weapons are far beyond the end of their design lives. Not one has been tested for over 25 years to make sure they still work. Designed for the nuclear threat of a past century, our much-reduced nuclear stockpile is unable to deter most of the nuclear threats we face today.
Chinese military paper urges increase in nuclear deterrence capabilities

BEIJING (Reuters) - China must strengthen its nuclear deterrence and counter-strike capabilities to keep pace with the developing nuclear strategies of the United States and Russia, the official paper of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) said on Tuesday.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration may be pursuing the development of new nuclear weaponry and could explicitly leave open the possibility of nuclear retaliation for major non-nuclear attacks, according to a draft of a pending Nuclear Posture Review leaked by the Huffington Post.

This “unprecedented” move by the United States, combined with continuous quality improvements of nuclear arsenals in both the U.S. and Russia, means that both countries place greater importance on deterrence and real combat usability, the commentary in the PLA Daily said.
Cyber Attack Wouldn't Merit Nuclear Strike: Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman

"No matter how ambiguous language in the upcoming Nuclear Posture Review may seem, a cyber attack on U.S. infrastructure would not warrant a nuclear strike on an adversary, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday.

"The idea that we would resort to a nuclear attack based on cyber is actually not supported by the document," Air Force Gen. Paul Selva told reporters during a roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C.

Selva also said the person who released the draft NPR document -- labeled "unclassified" and "for official use only" -- committed a crime given that it was predecisional and not given final approval by top leadership."

Neither Russia nor the United States is abandoning nuclear weapons as each adopts new high-tech weapons capabilities, the paper said, pointing to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of maintenance and modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years costing more than $1.2 trillion.

This spend, the paper said, has led to a corresponding Russian military modernization program, aiming to boost the share of advanced armaments in its nuclear triad to at least 90 percent by 2021.

Trump’s strong embrace of his predecessor President Barack Obama’s nuclear modernization program has led some former senior U.S. government officials, legislators and arms control specialists to warn of risks from the U.S. stoking a new arms race.

Sorry I don't have a subscription.

Lockheed Martin and Rockwell Collins have begun developing functional prototypes of an airborne terminal for sending launch commands to the U.S. Air Force intercontinental ballistic missile fleet in the event of all-out nuclear war
While the NPR is largely a political documents it does disclose the 'wish list' of weapons.

And a link to the actual document

Important to note on this thread political LINKS and NEWS ARE allowed because what is not allowed is follow up commentary/debate on said links/news
bobbymike said:
While the NPR is largely a political documents it does disclose the 'wish list' of weapons.

And a link to the actual document

Important to note on this thread political LINKS and NEWS ARE allowed because what is not allowed is follow up commentary/debate on said links/news
bobbymike said:

Neither Russia nor the United States is abandoning nuclear weapons as each adopts new high-tech weapons capabilities, the paper said, pointing to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of maintenance and modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years costing more than $1.2 trillion.

This spend, the paper said, has led to a corresponding Russian military modernization program, aiming to boost the share of advanced armaments in its nuclear triad to at least 90 percent by 2021.

Totally wrong

Trump’s strong embrace of his predecessor President Barack Obama’s nuclear modernization program has led some former senior U.S. government officials, legislators and arms control specialists to warn of risks from the U.S. stoking a new arms race.


kaiserd said:
bobbymike said:
While the NPR is largely a political documents it does disclose the 'wish list' of weapons.

And a link to the actual document

Important to note on this thread political LINKS and NEWS ARE allowed because what is not allowed is follow up commentary/debate on said links/news
bobbymike said:

Neither Russia nor the United States is abandoning nuclear weapons as each adopts new high-tech weapons capabilities, the paper said, pointing to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of maintenance and modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years costing more than $1.2 trillion.

This spend, the paper said, has led to a corresponding Russian military modernization program, aiming to boost the share of advanced armaments in its nuclear triad to at least 90 percent by 2021.

Totally wrong

Trump’s strong embrace of his predecessor President Barack Obama’s nuclear modernization program has led some former senior U.S. government officials, legislators and arms control specialists to warn of risks from the U.S. stoking a new arms race.


The offending two words and emoji removed. In the future please feel free to message me your concerns im sure we can have a nice chat.

"BEIJING --- China carried out a land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory on Feb. 5, 2018, according to China's Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Tuesday.

The test has achieved the desired objectives, the MND said, adding that it is defensive in nature and not targeted against any country. "

This is strategic defense in the class of GBI.
sferrin said:
"BEIJING --- China carried out a land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory on Feb. 5, 2018, according to China's Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Tuesday.

The test has achieved the desired objectives, the MND said, adding that it is defensive in nature and not targeted against any country. "

This is strategic defense in the class of GBI.

Actually, issued NOTAM zones are similar to previous tests, when HQ-19 was rumored to be tested. If so, this may be another of those tests. Alleged to be endo-atmospheric, so still quite a bit away from GBI category. More like THAAD.
totoro said:
sferrin said:
"BEIJING --- China carried out a land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory on Feb. 5, 2018, according to China's Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Tuesday.

The test has achieved the desired objectives, the MND said, adding that it is defensive in nature and not targeted against any country. "

This is strategic defense in the class of GBI.

Actually, issued NOTAM zones are similar to previous tests, when HQ-19 was rumored to be tested. If so, this may be another of those tests. Alleged to be endo-atmospheric, so still quite a bit away from GBI category. More like THAAD.

"mid-course missile interception "

This is what GBI is. All the rest are terminal phase.
sferrin said:
"mid-course missile interception "

This is what GBI is. All the rest are terminal phase.

But one should not necessarily confuse the US use of the term "mid course" with what was written for the Chinese test. If one intercepts a medium range ballistic missile at its mid-course, that does not mean it can do the same with an ICBM. Yet it is still, technically speaking, a mid course interception. Frankly, we do not know what exactly went on in this test. But it is possible one of the many tests for HQ19 included a try at intercepting a MRBM at its mid course stage, as opposed to interceptions at other stages.

It'd be hard for china to actually test a mid course interception against ICBM, and such launches would have different no fly zones and would be much more noticable.
"Putin ally warns of arms race as Russia considers response to U.S. nuclear stance"

National Defense University Center for the Study off Weapons of Mass Destruction NPR discussion.
Russia releases video of its modernized ballistic missile defense system

Robust Modernization and Sustainment Programs

The 2018 NPR supports a robust modernization program for nuclear delivery systems: bombers, strategic submarines, and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles. These systems, deployed in the 1980s or earlier, provide a mix of attributes like survivability, flexibility, and responsiveness that strengthen deterrence and complicate adversaries’ efforts to attack the U.S. homeland and allies.

With today’s nuclear weapon modernization efforts and plans, as well as recent dangerous changes in nuclear policy, in particular the United States’ Nuclear Posture Review, the goal of a world without nuclear weapons—global zero—seems very far away. Given this peculiar situation, however, efforts to prepare for nuclear disarmament must be redoubled. This includes developing new verification approaches for a future in which sanity prevails and the numbers of nuclear weapons in the world are greatly reduced.

WASHINGTON ― The announcement of two new low-yield nuclear weapons programs in the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review has led to a discussion about the utility of so-called nonstrategic, or tactical, nuclear weapons.

The importance of nonstrategic assets for the U.S. and Russia was examined in detail in a Congressional Research Service report published Feb. 13.

The distinction between a strategic and nonstrategic weapon used to be defined by mission set, observable capabilities and whether the system is covered by existing strategic arms control agreements. Emerging systems, however, strain traditional identification practices, making the distinction somewhat obsolete.

HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Just calm down and read the document. That, in essence, is the administration’s response to critics who call its new nuclear strategy irresponsible and dangerous. In fact, deputy undersecretary for policy David Trachtenberg said over and over here this morning, the Nuclear Posture Review is fundamentally conservative (with a small “c”). The 2018 NPR, he said,

is based on mainstream consensus about deterrence;
adapts deterrence to new threats, especially Russia;
was developed in concert with our allies;
adds only modest “supplements” to Obama’s buildup plans, namely two new low-yield nuclear weapons;
and will require sustained bipartisan support to implement.
DOD: Nuclear Posture Review is a Response to a New Threat Environment

The Pentagon’s Nuclear Posture Review addresses a “much more challenging nuclear threat” that has emerged in recent years and is aimed at tailoring responses to specific emerging threats that have arrived, a senior Pentagon official said Monday. Even as the review calls for more capabilities, such as a low-yield submarine launched missile, and more response options for non-nuclear threats, such as large-scale cyber attacks, David Trachtenberg, the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, pushed back harshly on reporting and analysis that claims the review is a new arms race or that it changes the US calculus in using nukes. The NPR “lays out the path to ensure that the United States’ nuclear deterrent is modern, robust, flexible, resilient, ready, and appropriately tailored to deter 21st century threats and reassure allies,” Trachtenberg said Monday at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. The 2010 Nuclear Posture Review had claimed that if the US “led by example” in reducing its nuclear stockpile and pushed for treaty certification, the rest of the world would follow. However, “the threat environment moved in contrary and much more challenging directions,” such as Russia modernizing its stockpile and deploying an intermediate-range missile, Trachtenberg said. “These new threat realities drove the need to adjust nuclear posture,” he said. —Brian Everstine
Heritage Foundation - DUSD Trachtenberg on the NPR
Vladimir Putin threatens US arms race with new missiles announcement

Russian president says Moscow has developed new line of nuclear-capable weapons that can breach US defences

Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had developed and was testing a new line of strategic, nuclear-capable weapons that would be able to outmanoeuvre US antiballistic missile defences, suggesting a new arms race between Moscow and the west.

Speaking in a nationally televised address to Russia’s political elite, the president showed both video and animation of Russian ICBMs, cruise missiles, and other weapons that he said Russia had developed as a result of the US pulling out of the 1972 antiballistic missile treaty signed with the Soviet Union.

“You didn’t listen to our country then,” Putin said during the speech, where he said that some of the weapons were already being tested. “Listen to us now.”

The remarks came during a state of the union speech heavy on economic promises for the Russian people and sabre-rattling against the US in a presentation widely viewed as Putin’s first stump speech for Russian elections, set for 18 March. He is expected to win a fourth term as president.
This is interesting (from his speech):

"Russia has also began experimental use of a new small air-launched missile system called Kinzhal, or Dagger, that flies at 10 times the speed of sound with an unpredictable trajectory towards its target, Putin said.

This allows it to "overcome all existing and, I think, prospective air and missile defence systems," Putin said."
sferrin said:
This is interesting (from his speech):

"Russia has also began experimental use of a new small air-launched missile system called Kinzhal, or Dagger, that flies at 10 times the speed of sound with an unpredictable trajectory towards its target, Putin said.

This allows it to "overcome all existing and, I think, prospective air and missile defence systems," Putin said."
No worries ::)

STRATCOM: US Nuclear Deterrent Nearly “Zero Percent” Modernized

The US military’s nuclear deterrent is almost “zero percent” modernized, while Russia, who poses the most significant threat to the country, has massively modernized its nuclear infrastructure and weapons over the course of the past 20 years, the head of US Strategic Command said Wednesday. STRATCOM Commander USAF Gen. John Hyten, speaking Wednesday at an Association of the US Army event in Arlington, Va., said the Pentagon’s recently released Nuclear Posture Review shows that nuclear deterrence is the top priority for the department, but that missile defense and the nation’s diplomats are also important in deterring threats. While Russia is the most “significant” threat, and North Korea is the most uncertain foe, China is leading the world in the speed at which it is developing. This includes China’s advances in space and hypersonics. While China is still behind the US in capacity, “holy cow they are moving fast,” Hyten said. The new NPR, which outlines modernization requirements and new capabilities to tailor deterrence to different threats, will help the US “deal with the pace of the threat,” he said. —Brian Everstine

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