Boeing Starliner

Four weeks to update the Starliner software to automatic operation? That is a long time for a software update. Better not be Windows based. :eek:
so far the story
the Software that run Starliner has around 1 million command lines.
to make the modification, debug it and testing and transmit to ISS take some time...

I miss the Apollo times, analog computer less powerful as today pocket calculator
but manage its job bring Astronauts to the moon or to Skylab.
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So... where has NASA been thoughout the whole design/build process for Starliner? You'd think they would have staff there looking over Boeing's shoulders, so to speak, making sure it is built to specs and is what they ordered. Or is a case like the FAA and the 737MAX where they let Boeing self inspect (for lack of a better description)?
NASA probably become too optimistic after SpaceX Dragon sucsess, essentially assuming "well, if those newbies were able to do it, then Boeing would surely not be too much behind".
Could they strap a couple of 'Sparrows' to the Ogre and unseal it from iss before remotely firing the missles to slow Ogre one for descent?

Remotely detonate the 'Sparrows' when clear of the station or during the descent perhaps.
Just watched this,
2 hours ago
NASA confirmed at a press conference today that the agency has been working on a contingency plan to bring home Boeing Starliner astronauts on a SpaceX Crew Dragon. Nothing has been decided yet, but how would that rescue plan work, and why is NASA having such difficulty making this decision?

the starliner crew will Stay on ISS for 8 months

From Scott Manley:

Yesterday we had another update on Starliner's extended stay at the ISS, and depending on how things play out we could see the two crew members coming home before the end of the month.... or spending another 6 months in space. Engineers at Boeing and Aerojet may have some idea about the root cause of the thruster failures, but are far from fully understanding the situation and delivering the kind of certainty that NASA decision makers want to see.
No more Stayliner…
…for the moment

The TI team at my work take bets
Wenn the STARLINER crew is recovered by crew Dragon
Dam i won that bet !

mean while at Boeing
Eric Berger on twitter....

There's a government report on the development of a new upper stage for the SLS rocket, and it's got lots of eye-opening stuff. This was pretty striking, however:

"According to Safety and Mission Assurance officials at NASA and DCMA officials at Michoud, Boeing’s quality control issues are largely caused by its workforce having insufficient aerospace production experience."

"The lack of a trained and qualified workforce increases the risk that the contractor will continue to manufacture parts and components that do not adhere to NASA requirements and industry standards."

New Issue for Starliner: Lack of Booster !
Boeing has FAA licence for launch Starline on Atlas V
but last build Atlas V's are now ALL booked by Amazon for Kuiper project,
Boeing has not FAA permission to use Vulcan Booster since it not Manned rated yet !

Amazon need all Atlas V to keep FCC licence, that demand certain numbers of Satellite in orbit at certain date...

...means that Starliner program is dead.
New Issue for Starliner: Lack of Booster !
Boeing has FAA licence for launch Starline on Atlas V
but last build Atlas V's are now ALL booked by Amazon for Kuiper project,
Boeing has not FAA permission to use Vulcan Booster since it not Manned rated yet !

Amazon need all Atlas V to keep FCC licence, that demand certain numbers of Satellite in orbit at certain date...

...means that Starliner program is dead.
There is always Falcon 9 - LOL
Eric Berger on twitter....

There's a government report on the development of a new upper stage for the SLS rocket, and it's got lots of eye-opening stuff. This was pretty striking, however:

"According to Safety and Mission Assurance officials at NASA and DCMA officials at Michoud, Boeing’s quality control issues are largely caused by its workforce having insufficient aerospace production experience."

"The lack of a trained and qualified workforce increases the risk that the contractor will continue to manufacture parts and components that do not adhere to NASA requirements and industry standards."


"lack of a trained and qualified workforce" I thought so.

I also thought I'd make a joke about illegal immigrants but decided against it.

"lack of a trained and qualified workforce" I thought so.

I also thought I'd make a joke about illegal immigrants but decided against it.

I was going to mention DEI, but decided not to.
Kidding aside, I feel sorry for the families of the Starliner astronauts. I bet they were not prepared for the extended stay until 2025.
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The Space Bucket has put a video about NASA debating how they will return the Strainer's crew to Earth:

With an original planned mission duration of around a week, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft has now been in space for over two months. However, based on recent comments from the agency and Boeing, this could end up being just the beginning. In a new media teleconference held earlier today, NASA revealed that the agency is currently having disagreements regarding whether or not Starliner should be used to return Butch and Suni, the crew of two the vehicle launched for the first time in early June.
On one hand, Boeing seems confident the vehicle is fine and capable of the return trip while some at NASA think they should consider using SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft to return the crew instead. Here I will go more in-depth into some of the highlights of the over-hour-long teleconference, what switching to Dragon would mean, upcoming milestones, and more.
0:00 - Intro
0:41 - Internal Disagreements

Elon Musk is no doubt privately rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of a) making some extra money for SpaceX by hiring out another Dragon 2 spacecraft to NASA and b) at the prospect of publicly rubbing Boeing's senior management's collective nose in it;):D.
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so far the story
the Software that run Starliner has around 1 million command lines.
to make the modification, debug it and testing and transmit to ISS take some time...

I miss the Apollo times, analog computer less powerful as today pocket calculator
but manage its job bring Astronauts to the moon or to Skylab.

Back in the days astronauts could calculate angle of reentry with a slide rule if flight computer has failed. How many can do that today?
Not that many that is for sure seigecrossbow, they have been brought up on scientific calculators, but what happens when they run out of battery power? What then.

Welcome to "the future." No power. Computer goes down. Well, now what? This is not a NASA problem, this is a Boeing problem. When you have a workforce that knows very little and threw away the 1969 playbook, this is what you're left with.

"Hey man. I thought we was livin' in the future."

It is the future man. NASA called my grandad yesterday for ideas. They couldn't understand him. So he's driving down there now.
This reminds me of my late father. Worked on the space shuttle from the begining at Rockwell. When Boeing took over, he retired, but was not even allowed to train his replacement. NASA called him within a month after retirement for his expertise.
And he taught me how to use a slide rule.
This reminds me of my late father. Worked on the space shuttle from the begining at Rockwell. When Boeing took over, he retired, but was not even allowed to train his replacement. NASA called him within a month after retirement for his expertise.
And he taught me how to use a slide rule.

Strange. The head floor equipment supervisor at the Campbell's Soup company was asked by his employer if he would agree to do a videotaped problem solving talk so that those coming after him could hear how he solved various problems over the years. He agreed and the archived commentary has to be watched by new hires in the plant.

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