Doesn’t NASA still have the B-52H that replaced their early B-52 (A or B) used for the X-15 launches and others? The H model would have just as much payload capability as a J model, and can fly only ~ 8000 miles unrefueled.
They gave it back
With the massive upgrades the B-52s are about to undergo I wonder if these upgrades will include replacing the Hound Dog launch pylons with something modern?
With the massive upgrades the B-52s are about to undergo I wonder if these upgrades will include replacing the Hound Dog launch pylons with something modern?

There is an RFI for giving the AGM-86 pylon type a modern digital interface. I doubt the USAF has anything more ambitious in mind. I think it will adopt 3000# class hypersonics that have a similar weight and volume to AGM-86.

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