In a briefing with reporters Tuesday, Air Force B-52 Division Deputy Senior Materiel Leader Brian Knight said the program’s cost has ballooned from $12.5 billion to roughly $15 billion,
The Air Force is [...] bringing in new blood in the form of Shay Assad, the Pentagon’s former longtime director of defense pricing
notorious for tough negotiations with industry. Assad recently played a critical role in
closing a deal with Boeing on the E-7 Wedgetail.
“Well, I don’t want to speak disparagingly against Boeing or anything, but I mean, the government had our own issues too,” Quigley said when asked why Assad was brought on.
“It’s about efficiencies,” he added. “How we do pricing, how we do proposals, how we do contracting […] So we’re just leveraging his experience and expertise on how to become more efficient on both sides.