united states air force

  1. J

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)
  2. S

    Space Board Game Liftoff! 2.0

    Hi I really love this web site it has so much fantastic info on the hidden or forgotten space projects. Sadly, I don’t visit this website enough due to my projects. In 1989 I had my old boardgame Liftoff! Race to the Moon published; a simulation for four players with alternate proposed ways of...
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Unbuilt XB-70 projects and variants

    Here you go you, folks! Looking for art of the Convair shuttle for Orion and I found this. It's a good imagining of many uses for the XB-70 IF it hadn't stayed a prototype. Enjoy! ;D http://www.edwardsflighttest.com/b70.html
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis

    https://media.defense.gov/2020/Nov/23/2002540204/-1/-1/1/B-70%20VARIANTS.PDF This is nice :)
  5. J

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)
  6. Flyaway


    It looks like the KC-Y is back on the table & likely will be contested between the KC-46 & A330. https://www.airforcemag.com/after-kc-46-usaf-looks-ahead-to-bridge-tanker/
  7. A

    Alternate Manned Orbiting Laboratory, 1966: NASA, USAF, and the Lew Allen solution

    See attached, from a declassified history of spysats. NASA and the military as of 1966 were quite unhappy at each others. - The military was encroaching on NASA manned spaceflight area, with MOL. - NASA was greatly bothering the military and spooks (NRO, USAF, CIA) by "hijacking" NRO...
  8. G

    Flywheels to power laser systems? (Also: ICBM plug blocking systems)

    Guys, I am not certain exactly as to where to place this news item, but the actual article is about the plugs that block the top parts of the Minuteman 3 siloes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2020/09/16/us-enhances-last-line-of-nuclear-missile-silo-defense/#70b81576f568 But...
  9. Maveric

    Thieblot Aircraft Engineering Company

    Armond J. Thieblot, a former chief engineer at Fairchild, started his own company, Thieblot Aircraft Engineering Company, in West Virginia. The book American Secret Projects 2 - US Airlifters 1941 to 1961 shows the Project Thieblot T.A. 13, a very interesting three-engine transport aircraft...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Exosonic low-boom SSBJ project

    There appears to be a 'merely' supersonic rival, from a company called Exosonic, though I suspect that it may be being funded as more of a back-up option. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/2/pentagon-takes-first-step-toward-building-superson/ (This thread originally began as part...
  11. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Texas Instruments AGM-45 Shrike

  12. nivek626

    X-15 ejection seat

    I need help I have been unable to find any pictures of the rear view of the X-15 ejection seat cane anyone help with this? thanks
  13. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Cancelled AGM-65 Maverick projects

    The dual mode AGM-65D Maverick anti-radar guided missile Hughes Aircraft Corporation in the United States has built three unites of the Maverick anti-radar guided missile equipped with a dual mode passive radar/television target seeking head. It was designed especially to strike at radar...
  14. Grey Havoc

    USAF OC-135Bs to be retired without replacement?

    Well, unless Biden gets into the Oval Office that is. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2020/07/16/the-air-force-cancels-its-open-skies-recapitalization-program-after-us-pulls-out-from-treaty/
  15. A

    Armed to the teeth: B-70 with underwing Skybolts and SRAM internally

    As said in the thread title. There were talks about combining the (equally doomed) Skybolt and Valkyrie. Except it ran into a very stupid issue: Skybolt had been build for subsonic release. Ok then, the B-70 would fly subsonically, launch the Skybolts and get ride of the pylons. And then it...
  16. Grey Havoc

    Chameleon Constellation

  17. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  18. 7

    Boeing / North American Rockwell Windjammer SSTO

    The other day I was looking at some space proposals from the past and I stumbled upon this beautiful SSTO. I have only been able to find one source that gave some details about it and I'm very much hoping that you guys can help get more details/drawings on this proposal. "The ”Windjammer”...
  19. B

    Panavia Tornado

    Hi all, A thread to discuss Tornado (Panavia) stories etc. Mods if you feel this should be in the bar instead please move.
  20. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Boeing AGM-130 air-to-ground guided missile

    disposal AGM-130s by USAF personnel, circa 2012 More:
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