united states air force

  1. M

    Douglas - Very Large Cargo Concepts

    Hi All - I have had some communications with Dave Beigle (Douglas Artist - see: http://www.dave-beigle-art-enterprises.com/aviation-artwork-memorabilia/ ) and ordered some of his artwork. Looks like the prints are done on a home PC printer but the subject more than makes up for the quality...
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    AGM-64 Hornet

  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    YF-17 ADEN vectored nozzle demonstrator with canards

    http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19790018955.pdf 1979 Northrop / GE study for conversion of a YF-17 into a demonstrator for GE's ADEN vectoring and thrust reversing nozzle.
  4. H

    Convair Model 48 Charger

    There seem to be several posts on this aircraft scattered amongst half a dozen threads, but no dedicated thread, so. . .
  5. C

    Space scooter??

    What is exatly this? An alternative type of MMU for Skylab or Shuttle? Is in a lot of space publications of 70s. P.S- (A Apollo docking probe on the nose)?? :o
  6. bobbymike

    USAF Blue Devil Sensor Fusion Program

    From Insidedefense Newsstand; USAF Winds Down Blue Devil Program While Preparing Response To Hill Posted: Jan. 22, 2014 The Air Force's recent experiment in intelligence sensor fusion known as the Blue Devil program is in the process of winding down -- but congressional interest in the...
  7. Stargazer

    Martin Marietta Laser Guided Seeker

    Bill Gunston was right. According to this USAF card, the laser-guided Seeker was indeed a Martin Marietta product: TEST PLAN, SLED TEST OF CLOSE AIR SUPPORT MISSILE LASER GUIDED SEEKER, AUG 72 TEST PLAN, TEST OF CLOSE AIR SUPPORT MISSILE TASK 02 LASER GUIDED SEEKER, JUL 73 FINAL REPORT FOR...
  8. C

    General Electric Direct-Air-Cycle Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program

    The General Electric AC110-2 Nuclear Turbojet was selected by Convair in 1956 to power their Models 23A and 23B nuclear seaplane bombers / mine layers. Layout of the AC110-2 is very similar to the GE XMA-1A, with a single reactor for each pair of turbojets (one pair in the 23A, two pairs in the...
  9. Triton

    Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II

    Does this mean that the A-10 Thunderbolt II has been saved from the budget cutting block? "Northrop Grumman Awarded U.S. Air Force A-10 TLPS Task Orders" Published November 19, 2013 | By Marcel van Leeuwen Source...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Boeing KC-46 Pegasus

  11. hesham

    Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Development and Derivatives

    Hi, I found this strange drawing to F 102,may be,they meant Convair F-102, but please look to its air intakes !,I think this a French imagine to F-102 before it appeared...
  12. F

    B-52 avionics

    Hello, I am air-enthusiast from Russia. Sorry for my bad English! Probably B-52 is the best strategic aircraft of the XX century. I especially interested in B-52 early variants and I have questions about the oldest "Buff"`s avionics. All the books I had read (Boyne, Davis & Tornborough...
  13. fightingirish

    Textron AirLand (Cessna) Scorpion - a light attack, reconnaissance jet project

    Textron and AirLand Enterprises will be unveiling its self-funded project, the two-seat, twin-engine Scorpion, on September 16th at the annual Air Force Association Air & Space Conference outside Washington. Officials gave already Aviation Leak, ehh, I mean Aviation Week & Space Technology, an...
  14. N

    Single seat T-38?

    Hi fellows, it's really a pity that now the crisis is really biting and we had to work harder than ever to earn the dollars or the euros requested by the insatiable fiscocracy. Nothwithstanding that, we have to survive, mantain our mind sanity and at least sometime breathe the pure air of our...
  15. Triton

    Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy

    "Air Force Upgrades C-5 Galaxy " By Kris Osborn Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 5:51 pm Source: http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/07/31/air-force-upgrades-c-5-galaxy-planes/
  16. R

    ATF Statement of Operational Need performance requirements

    I was scrolling through yf-23.net when I saw this page. http://www.yf-23.net/ATFprogramme.html I was looking at the performance requirements given by the ATF Statement of Operational Need, and I noticed this. the ability to accelerate from Mach 0.6 to Mach 1 in 20 seconds the ability to...
  17. Grey Havoc

    AIRLAND BATTLE 2000 (1982)

  18. hesham

    NASA Oblique-Wing Missiles Launcher Aircraft

    From "A Summary Of A Half-Century of Oblique Wing Research" by Mike Hirschberg, David M. Hart and Thomas J. Beutner
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